Chapter 15 Study Guide - PC\|MAC

Chapter 15 Study Guide

Answer Key


1. missionary—person who travels to carry the ideas of a religion to others

2. vassal—a person who served a lord and in return was given protection

3. fief—the land a lord grants to a vassal in exchange for military service and loyalty

4. knight—in the Middle Ages, a noble warrior who fought on horseback

5. clergy—religious official

6. vernacular—everyday language used in a country or region

7. heresy—belief that differs from or contradicts the accepted teachings of a religion

8. Inquisition—a church court tried people for heresy

9. anti-Semitism—hatred of Jews

10. plague—disease that spreads quickly and kills many people

11. Reconquista—Christian struggle to take back the Iberian Peninsula from the Muslims

12. excommunicate—to declare that a person or group no longer belongs to a church

13. guild—medieval business group formed by craftspeople and merchants

14. feudalism—political system based on bonds of loyalty between lords and vassals

15. chivalry—code of law for knights

16. serf—peasant labor bound by law to the lands of a noble. Serfs could not leave the manor, own property, or marry without the Lord’s approval. Serfs were not slaves and could not be bought or sold.

17. scholastism—medieval way of thinking that tried to bring together reason and faith in studies of religion. Thomas Aquinas was scholasticism’s great champion. He is best known for combining church teachings with the ideas of Aristotle.

18. theology—the study of religion and God. Earning a doctor’s degree could take 10 years or more

19. mass—the Catholic worship service celebrated on Sundays and holy days. Mass included the most important sacrament of communion in which people took bread and wine to remind them of Jesus’ death on the cross for their sins.

20. concordat—and agreement between the pope and the ruler of a country

21. grand jury—decided whether people should be accused of a crime

22. trial jury—decided whether an accused person was innocent or guilty


1. Charlemagne

2. limited the emperor’s power

3. Romans pulled out of Britain

4. Charlemagne

5. they provided safety and opportunity for trade

6. Muslims came from the south, Magyar from the east (Hungary), Vikings from Scandinavia; Viking terrified all of Europe.

7. geography and Germanic invaders

8. monks

9. Otto I

10. Franks

11. high ranking church officials

12. dirty, smelly, and polluted; fire—buildings were made of wood and closely spaced.

13. horse collar, wheeled plow

14. taxes

15. a surplus of goods and safe travel

16. Estates-General

17. Muslims were driven out of Jerusalem

18. It limited the power of the monarch and gave rights to freemen in England

19. Catholics

20. William the Conqueror

21. Henry II; law that is the same throughout the kingdom

22. Ivan III; Grand Duke of Moscow

23. Saladin

24. Doomsday Book

25. King John

26. it was a trade center

27. stained glass windows, flying buttresses, and ribbed vaulted ceilings

28. A famous educated medieval woman and nun who wrote music.

29. priests

30. the late Middle Ages

31. Cathedrals

32. scholars

33. Francis of Assisi

34. England and France; dispute over country borders

35. Wages rose and trade declined

36. Europe and Asia; fleas; the Silk Road

37. rise in a middle

38. A young French peasant that led the French in the Hundred Years War. She was made a saint by the Roman Catholic Church in 1920.

39. Muslims


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