Answer the questions as you read the chapters.

Chapter 1

1. How would you describe Billy Ray and Willard?

2. What is the setting of the story? How do you know that? (time, place)

3. What is the central conflict?

4. What is the inciting incident? Describe the crime that has taken place.

5. Why was Tonya out by herself and where was she going?

Chapter 2

1. Ozzie, the black sheriff, tolerated the honky tonks for what reason?

2. Who is Bumpous and what was his role?

3. How did Billy Ray react to Ozzie arresting him?

Chapter 3

1. Describe what Jake Brigiance does for a living?

2. Who is the mentor whom Jake goes to discuss the Hailey trial with?

3. Who is Lucien?

Chapter 4

1. Describe the hearing. What happens and who attends?

2. What did Carl Lee’s lawyer Jake discuss with him?

Chapter 5

1. How does Jake react to Carl’s intentions to kill Billy Ray and Willard?

2. Why did Carl Lee hide in the courthouse before the trial?

Chapter 6

1. What is Cat Bruster’s connection to Carl Lee?

2. What did Carl Lee ask for from Cat?

3. How did Jake and Ozzie feel about the killers and their punishment?

Chapter 7

1. How much bail is set for Cobb and Willard?

2. Why did Carl Lee hide in the courthouse before their trial?

3. Whom did Carl accidently shoot in his quest for vengeance?

4. How did Ozzie arrest Carl Lee and what was Carl’s response?

Chapter 8

1. What is Jake’s attitude toward the trial?

2. What threat is made toward Jake?

Chapter 9

1. Describe the preliminary hearing.

2. Describe the funeral for Cobb’s and Willard.

Chapter 10

1. Who is the mentor that Jake goes to discuss the Hailey trial with?

2. What problem does the Hailey family run into that will affect Jake?

3. What risks does Jake encounter by handling the trial?

4. Why doesn’t Lester get enough money for Jake?

Chapter 11

1. How did Jake receive McKittrick from the New York Times?

2. Why was Jake’s mother irked with Jake over /Sunday brunch?

3. How does Ozzie treat Carl Lee while he’s in jail?

4. What privileges did Carl have while he was in jail?

Chapter 12

1. How did the jurors react to indicting Carl?

2. The grand jury scene was extremely important. State what almost happened.

Chapter 13

1. Why did the Klan meet?

2. Freddie Cobb has a plan of his own. What has he been doing to gain revenge for his brother’s death?

Chapter 14

1. Describe Harry Rex Vonner.

2. How long does Jake need to prepare for the trial?

3. What does Carl Lee request of Jake?

Chapter 15

1. What is the rule about eating at Claude’s diner?

2. Dell, the waitress at the diner, is questioned by Jake. Why?

3. Why is bail denied?

4. How did the press conference go?

Chapter 16

1. Why does Lester, Carl’s brother and first visitor of the day, go home to Chicago?

2. What does the second visitor, Jake, tell Carl he needs to continue the trial effectively?

3. Why does Cat Bruster from Memphis, his third visitor, visit Carl?

4. How did Jake find out about Carl’s new lawyer?

5. How did Carla, Jake’s wife, respond to Jake being fired from the case?

Chapter 17

1. Reverend Agee called a special meeting of the council of minister’s for what reason?

2. Why did Marshal Prather come to Jake’s house?

3. Why did Bo Marsharfsky call Jake? How did Jake respond?

Chapter 18

1. Why is Jake upset when Ethel tells him Buckley is sitting in his office?

2. Why did Jake call Lester?

Chapter 19

1. When Jake confides in Leroy about Carl’s lawyer, what are his intentions?

2. What made Carl Lee change his mind about lawyers?

3. Who besides Lester convinces Carl Lee to rehire Jake?

Chapter 20

1. What are Carla and Jake’s feelings about the trial?

2. What was the conversation Jake had with Marsharfsky?

3. How would you describe the psychiatrist Lucien found for Jake?


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