Study in Australia - Amazon Web Services




a guide for

International Students

Study in Australia!

Australia is a modern, fascinating country with a high standard of living and an excellent education system. Students benefit not only from the academic integrity of Australia's schools and universities ? they are also able to travel and experience this great and diverse country, from the Red Deserts and Tropics in the north to the sunny beaches of the Gold Coast. Australia is well-known for its unique native wild life, beautiful beaches, friendly people, and classic barbecues, or "barbies." Come to Australia to experience the best of this incredible country ? everything you've already heard of and so much more!

In This Study Guide

1. About Australia/p.1 1.1 About Australia/p.1 1.2 Australia in Short Facts & Figures/p.2 1.3 In this Study in Australia guide/p.2 2. Education in Australia/p.3 2.1 Education System in Australia/p.3 2.2 Australian Universities/p.4 2.3 Vocational Training in Australia/p.4 2.4 English Language Courses in Australia/p.5 2.5 Entry Requirements for Schools in Australia/p.6 3. Practicalities when you Study in Australia/p.7 3.1 Visa & Residence Permit for Australia/p.7 3.2 Student Housing in Australia/p.8 3.3 Cost of Study in Australia/p.9 4. City/State Guides in Australia/p.10 4.1 City Guide: Sydney/p.10 4.2 City Guide: Melbourne/p.11 4.3 City Guide: Perth/p.13 4.4 City Guide: Brisbane/p.14 4.5 State Guide: Queensland/p.16

5. About p.18

1. About Australia

1.1 About Australia 1.2 Australia in Short Facts & Figures 1.3 In this Study in Australia guide

1.1 About Australia

Australia is a beautiful country located in the Southern Hemisphere and makes up the entire Australian continent. As the 6th largest country in area, Australia stretches about 7.6 million square kilometers from Sydney on the east coast to Perth on the west.

The land of Australia was originally inhabited about 40,000 years ago by indigenous peoples. Europeans arrived much later, first in the 1600s and then more permanently in the 1700 and 1800s. The Commonwealth of Australia was formed in 1901 as a constitutional monarchy whose population has since expanded greatly to its current number of 22.7 million people. Once a penal colony established to dispose of society's misfits, Australia is now a very popular place both to visit and live.

Today Australia is a thriving, exciting country with a successful economy and healthy standard of living. With this comes a high academic standard, which is maintained from the beginning years through to highest levels of education at the 38 universities and beyond.

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1.2 Australia in Short Facts & Figures

Capital: Canberra Official Language: English Government: Constitutional monarchy Area: 7,682,300 sq km (world's 6th largest country) Population: 22.7 million Currency: Australian dollar Calling Code: +61

1.3 In this Study in Australia Guide

Over 280,000 international students from 195 countries study in Australia every year. Australia is in fact an international leader in support services for international students. And there are many more reasons to pursue an education in this incredible country. Students who decide to study in Australia quickly come to appreciate the broad spectrum of educational opportunities offered at schools in Australia. Read more about the different types of higher educational institutes available and a few practical details to consider during preparations for studying in Australia.

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2. Education in Australia

2.1 Education System in Australia 2.2 Australian Universities 2.3 Vocational Training in Australia 2.4 English Language Courses in Australia 2.5 Entry Requirements for Schools in Australia

2.1 Education System in Australia

An Australian education provides both an international education and the opportunity to form a global network. Focus is placed on practical learning in order to gain a thorough understanding of topics. Australian educational institutions have nurtured the needs of international students for many years; most have departments with competent staff whose job it is to help international students in Australia.

The week before the start of the semester, higher education schools in Australia usually arrange an Orientation Week to help international students get to know the campus and student life in Australia. Different student organizations provide information about their activities and recruit new members. Orientation Week also includes social activities ? the perfect opportunity to make new friends.

The Australian education system has three main sectors of higher education: universities, vocational institutions, and English language institutions. Continue reading for more information on these three types of education.

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2.2 Australian Universities

Australian universities offer many different education courses in various fields for both undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs. Classes are a combination of lectures and tutorials; lectures are given to large groups of students, perhaps a few hundred, and then discussed in small groups within tutorials.

Universities in Australia are linked to other educational institutions in over 100 countries, creating a true international dynamic. Grades in Australia are determined by a combination of exams, assignments, attendence, and class participation.

The most common type of education degree at universities in Australia is a bachelors degree. Upon completion of a bachelors degree, students may choose to specialize in research training or professional development through masters or doctoral degrees. The research of postgraduate students in Australia is at the forefront of development and application of new technologies. Other types of education degrees in Australia are Graduate Certificates, Graduate Diplomas and Associate Degrees.

2.3 Vocational Training in Australia

Within Australia's vocational and technical education (VET) facilities, students gain valuable, career-focused skills that are sought by employers. Vocational and technical education institutions offer practical courses in both real and simulated work environments in subjects such as business, tourism, marketing, computing, and hospitality.

Vocational training is offered by Technical and Further Education (TAFE) Institutes, private colleges, and many other schools and universities. The educational curriculum of this training is developed by the government and industry together, and combines lectures and tutorials in small classes.

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Grades are determined through assignments, exams, attendance, and class participation.

Upon completion of vocational training in Australia, students are awarded a Certificate or Diploma. Students who complete a vocational education may choose to either enroll in a university education program or search for a job.

2.4 English Language Courses in Australia

Quality English language courses in Australia are available to students of any level, year-round, and range in duration from 4 to 48 weeks. The English language skills which students gain in their schooling are put to use in everyday life outside of the classroom through English conversation. There are 5 main types of English language courses taught in Australia:

? General English ? develop communication skills, specifically speaking and listening

? English for Academic Purposes ? preparation for study at an English speaking institute of higher education

? English for Specific Purposes ? English for specific courses such as Business or Tourism

? Secondary School Preparation ? practical English for entry into secondary school

? Examination Preparation ? focus on knowledge of English for proficiency examinations such as the IELTS or TOEFL

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2.5 Entry Requirements for Schools in Australia

Entry requirements for schools in Australia vary, depending on the educational institution and program. Considerations include the level and content of study already completed, whether in Australia or in another country. Minimum academic requirements in Australia almost always include a sufficient level of English language proficiency. English language skills are required in order to receive a student visa, and the only test accepted by the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship is the IELTS. Students must not only consider the Australian government's entry requirements for a student visa, but also the specific educational institution's requirements for enrollment. Students who do not meet a school's entry requirements may enroll in either a secondary school or a Foundation Studies education course to prepare for further study in Australia. A number of English language courses are also offered with starting dates throughout the year. Consult the admissions office of the educational institution at which you would like to study for more details.

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