Canadian Tenpin Federation, Inc

National Scholarship Application PolicyThe Applicant must be a registered participant in good standing of a Canadian Tenpin Federation youth league in his/her respective tenpin association. Participation in at least 75% of the scheduled season for two consecutive seasons is required for consideration.The Application Form must be completed in its entirety, signed by the Applicant and returned to the Canadian Tenpin Federation Scholarship Committee by June 1st.Applicants must currently be enrolled in high school grades 11 or 12; in a secondary school or college; or be 18 years of age or more.Applicants must have unimpaired amateur standing in all athletics.No money will be issued to the Applicant. Upon proof of acceptance in an approved course of study, which will lead to a recognized degree or diploma at an accredited academic institution, the money will be sent to the said institute in the Applicant’s name. If the Applicant does not apply for the scholarship funds within two years of the award, the funds will be returned to the Scholarship FundScholarships will be awarded only to those applicants who meet all requirements according to the Scholarship Application. Only completed applications (3 parts) will be accepted. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure completion of all parts of the application.Scholarships will be awarded at the discretion of the Canadian Tenpin Federation Scholarship Committee, and the criteria used will consist of merit, validity of application and Scholarship Fund revenues.The Applicant waives his or her rights for the Canadian Tenpin Federation to use his or her name and/or likeness for advertising or promotional purposes.All applications become the sole property of the Canadian Tenpin Federation Scholarship Committee and are held in strict confidence.National Scholarship Application InstructionsFill out the application form in its entirety.Write and attach an essay of at least 150 words explaining how CTF’s youth bowling program has affected your personal development.Ask your bowling coach to complete and sign the Coach’s Evaluation Form.Check the Application and Coach’s Evaluation Form to make sure that they are complete. Mail the Application, essay and Coach’s Evaluation Form to:Canadian Tenpin Federation, Inc.National Scholarship Programc/o Blaine Boyle87 Ambassador VillageEstevan, SK S4A 2R5email: bboyle@There will only be one (1) scholarship issued to a female youth bowler and one (1) scholarship issued to a male youth bowler.This scholarship will be issued on a once in a lifetime basis.Please direct any questions regarding the CTF National Scholarship to Blaine Boyle at the email address noted above.Deadline for applications is September 1st.National Scholarship ApplicationPersonal InformationApplicant’s Name: FORMTEXT ?????Address: FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Telephone #: FORMTEXT ?????Email Address: FORMTEXT ?????Date of Birth: FORMTEXT ?????Parent/Guardian Name: FORMTEXT ?????Telephone #: FORMTEXT ?????Academic HistoryName & city of current high school, college or university: FORMTEXT ?????Honours/Prizes/Awards received: FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Proposed course of study: FORMTEXT ?????Other interests: FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Bowling HistoryCTF ID #: FORMTEXT ?????How long have you been bowling? FORMTEXT ?????Current Average: FORMTEXT ?????# of games bowled this season: FORMTEXT ?????High Game: FORMTEXT ?????High 3-Game Series: FORMTEXT ?????List any tournaments in which you have competed at the Local, Provincial, National and/or International levels. Attach an additional sheet, if necessary. Please note that this is not a required field. FORMTEXT ?????MiscellaneousWhat activities, other than bowling, did you participate in while participating in a CTF youth league (i.e. coaching, assisting with tournaments, etc.)? Attach additional sheets, if necessary. FORMTEXT ?????What activities were you involved in outside of youth bowling (i.e. youth groups, volunteer work, etc.)? Attach additional sheets, if necessary. FORMTEXT ?????To my knowledge, the above information is correct. FORMTEXT ?????DateSignature of Applicant FORMTEXT ?????DateSignature of Parent/Guardian(if Applicant is under 18 years of age)Coach’s Evaluation FormApplicant’s Name: FORMTEXT ?????Coach’s Name: FORMTEXT ?????Coach’s Phone #: FORMTEXT ?????Coach’s Email Address: FORMTEXT ?????Has the applicant held any office in the youth, local or provincial program(s) or organization(s)? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX NoIf yes, please list the title and number of years the office(s) were held. Attach a separate page, if necessary. FORMTEXT ?????Number of league sessions the Applicant was absent this season: FORMTEXT ?????Please check the appropriate answer:Does the Applicant willingly take part in activities that help improve his/her bowling skills as well as the skills of others? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX NoDoes the Applicant observe proper etiquette and sportsmanship? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX NoDoes the Applicant observe league and establishment rules? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX NoDoes the Applicant set a good example for other bowlers? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX NoPlease feel free to add any additional comments: FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????DateCoach’s Signature ................

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