New Spain

Why did Spain form colonies? to protect the land and govern the people.

How did Spanish colonists get workers to support their cities? made Native Americans slaves.

What is a buffer zone and why was it needed? an area of land that serves as a barrier; to protect colonies from other European countries.

What is a hacienda? A self-sufficient estate where ranchers produce most of what they need to live.

Why did Spain establish missions? to spread Christianity throughout the new lands.

New France

Where did the French make claims? Canada and Northeastern United States

What were French traders trying to get from the Native Americans? Furs from animal pelts

What settlement was built by the French on the St. Lawrence River? Quebec

What region was called Louisiana in the 1600s? the Appalachians to the Rockies and from the Gulf of Mexico to the Great Lakes.

What happened as a result of the French trading with the Hurons? The Indians helped France explore new territory; co-existed peacefully

The English in the Americas

Why did the English come to the Americas? rich fishing

Who was Francis Drake? english pirate or sea dog who led a crew in sailing around the world.

Why did Queen Elizabeth protect the pirates? They shared their wealth with the government.

What is an armada? fleet of warships.

The Jamestown Colony

What was Jamestown? 1st permanent English settlement in the Americas.

Who was the leader of Jamestown and what was his rule? John Smith; no work, no eat.

What was the Powhatan Confederacy and why did they fight the English settlers? Confederation of Eastern Woodland Indians; the English took their crops for food.

What was the House of Burgesses? The first legislature in English Colonies

The Plymouth Colonies

Who were the separatists and why did they leave England? people who left the Church of England; to be able to follow their own religion freely.

What was the Mayflower Compact? An agreement among the men on the Mayflower to have just and equal laws (government)

Where did the Mayflower land and what was the name of the settlement started? Near Cape Cod; Plymouth

How did living in peace with the Wampanoag help the colonists? The Wampanoag showed the colonists where to fish and how to plant squash, corn, and pumpkins.


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