FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHYERASMUS+ Faculty Coordinator: Prof. Sonya Karabelyova, sonyakarabeliova@, DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCEERASMUS+ Coordinator at the Department of Political Science: Assist Prof. Boris Kostov, boriskostov2@Bachelor Program of POLITICAL SCIENCECourse (in the foreign language)LanguageSemester(winter/summer)ECTS(credits)Number of hoursProfessor (name and e-mail)LecturesExercises/ SeminarsPractical workCONTEMPORARY ANGLO-SAXON POLITICAL THEORY(ПРОБЛЕМИ В СЪВРЕМЕННАТА ПОЛИТИЧЕСКА ТЕОРИЯ)EnglishWinter430Assist. Prof. Ruzha SmilovaThe aim of this course is to familiarize students in political science with the main currents within the rapidly developing field of political philosophy in the Anglo-Saxon analytic tradition. The advantages of this style of conceptualizing political problems are: conceptual clarity and rigor combined with acute sensitivity to current political practice (examples from everyday politics are the starting point and the constant point of reference for many of the presented theories), accessible style of theorizing, and, not least, a critical dialogue with the main traditions of political thought.The course builds upon the series of comprehensive courses on the history of political ideas, offered in the Political Science department of Sofia University. However, background in history of political ideas is not a prerequisite for taking this course, since there will be a comprehensive introduction of each of the topics covered. The course does bring new light on the traditional debates, by focusing on topics, concepts and debates, some of which originally re-conceptualize traditional theoretical problems (the duty to obey the law, distributive justice, political authority, the equality-liberty nexus), while others (multiculturalism, some forms of egalitarianism, feminist theory) are altogether unique to the contemporary development of the field.Intercultural mediation(ИНЕРКУЛТУРНО ПОСРЕДНИЧЕСТВО)EnglishWinter41515Prof. Tatyana DronzinaThe main purposes of this course are to contribute to the improvement of the conflict resolution and especially mediation skills. It is concentrated on the features of the mediation process carried out between parties to the conflict having different cultural background. The course is bases on interactive methods as simulation games, case studies, role playing, implementation of multimedia, etc.INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND US FOREIGN POLICY(МЕЖДУНАРОДНИ ОТНОШЕНИЯ И ВЪНШНА ПОЛИТИКА НА САЩ)EnglishWinter430Assist. Prof. Iskren IvanovThe main objective of the course is to analyze the process and content of US Foreign Policy. The course is divided into three main modules. The first one examines the theoretical framework of US Foreign Policy. It is intended to familiarize you with the specific ideas, on which the American political process is bases. The second one examines the historical development of US Foreign Policy. It aims to analyze the American foreign policy doctrinesINTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION AND MEDIA(МЕЖДУНАРОДНА КОМУНИКАЦИЯ И МЕДИИ В РЕГИОНАЛНИТЕ И МЕЖДУНАРОДНИ ОТНОШЕНИЯ)EnglishWinter430Assist. Prof. Strahil DeliyskiThe course give students a reference point for more effective knowledge and understanding of international communications and media functioning. The “compass” points are the role, the meaning and the results of communication intercession in the international and regional relations. It not realistic to present this problematic entirely, that’s why our goal will be focus on two discussing problems:- International communication (theoretical field);- Balkan region (field of practical problems).The construction of European public sphere can be heurishcly analyzed trough specific cross of the two fields.INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY(МЕЖДУНАРОДНА ПОЛИТИЧЕСКА ИКОНОМИЯ)EnglishSummer430Prof. Alexander TomovThe course " International political economy " is intended for students who specialize in the field of international relations. It covers the following topics: the structure of the world economy in a globalized world ; international financial organizations; international investment banks; global stock and commodity exchanges; multinational companies; major world currencies and the "war " between them.Students master will be introduced to analytical approaches for solving complex issues of international policy, related to economic decisions : price and currency wars ; regional and local crises, etc. BULGARIAN PARTY SYSTEM(ПАРТИЙНА СИСТЕМА В БЪЛГАРИЯ)EnglishSummer430Prof. Georgi KarasimeonovThis course aims to introduce to students the emergence and evolution of the Bulgarian party system after 1989, the stages of development of the party system in the country and the factors that structure it. The emphasis is on Party organizations, party programs, electoral competition. The course will examine the reasons for the weak institutionalization of political parties and party system in Bulgaria. This will be discussed in the broader context of the crisis of representative functions of parties and strengthening of populism in Bulgaria.NON-PUBLIC POLICY(НЕПУБЛИЧНА ПОЛИТИКА)EnglishSummer430Prof. Nikolay NaydenovThe course "Non-public policy" analyzes the space for private interests, which leads to the game between formal and substantive aspect of publicity in politics. The main object of analysis is politics, whose motives and objectives falls out of the public domain. The idea of ??non-public policy, however, is not limited to secretive political deals and actions that remain invisible to the public. Selfish policy objectives can be achieved also with seemingly public action, mobilizing the efforts of politicians, parties, institutions and even large groups of citizens.This is the essential difference of non-public policy from the wide spread ideas about "backroom", "sidelines", "invisible" or "informal" politics. Therefore, the course is not concerned with conspiracy theories in politics, but rather focuses on the macro-conditions, that make possible political conspiracy. Therefore, non-public political action is not regarded as accidental deviation from the norm, but as a phenomenon with deep social roots, powered by a fundamental contradiction between the public and the private in politics.POLITICAL ANTHROPOLOGY(АНТРОПОЛОГИЯ НА ПУБЛИЧНОТО ПРОСТРАНСТВО)EnglishSummer430Prof. Nikolay NaydenovThis course consists of two parts:The First examines the development of political anthropology since its founding. This includes the period of its emergence from the more general discipline of social anthropology in mid XX century. We will examine its development in light with the paradigm shifts and changing preferences in line with the general trends in related social sciences – sociology, history, and linguistics. The current state of the discipline is interpreted as an intersection of the historical trends and internal logics of the scientific enquiry.The second part of the course focus on the interpretation of contemporary political reality, based on a number of key anthropological categories such as: symbols, rituals, language, public, space, time etc. Both parts of the course make references to the interaction of pre-modern and contemporary political institutions in the process of modernization.Political participation(ПОЛИТИЧЕСКО ПОВЕДЕНИЕ)EnglishSummer41515Assist. Prof. ?Dimitar DimitrovThe course includes introduction into modern election systems and the practice and standards of administrating elections. The regional dimensions of election systems and practice are specified by comparative analysis of South-East European states. The recent history of Bulgarian competitive elections since 1990 is followed. A particular attention is paid to two specific features: /1/ the learning effects for elites and voters; /2/ stability of election rules applied.The dynamic of the structure of voters’ preferences is analyzed in terms of classic social cleavages approach versus less static short-term attachments.Bulgarian party system transformation is discussed in terms of adaptation of elite strategies to rapidly changing preferences. Master Program of INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND SECURITYCourse (in the foreign language)LanguageSemester(winter/summer)ECTS(credits)Number of hoursProfessor (name and e-mail)LecturesExercises/ SeminarsPractical workSecurity issues(ПРОБЛЕМИ НА СИГУРНОСТТА)EnglishWinter41515Assist. Prof. Boris KostovThe goal is to introduce students to the main theoretical concepts and practical policy issues in contemporary Security Studies. The course will review the traditional theoretical schools as well as the recent theoretical developments – Peace studies, Critical security studies, Human security, etc. The course will employ a broader definition of security, with an emphasis on the economic, environmental, social and cultural dimensions of security. The different levels of analysis will be introduced with an emphasis on the Regional security complexes. The course will include a part devoted to the ?New security threats” – it will comprise of topics such as: technology and security, international terrorism, WMD proliferation, trans-national crime etc. A brief introduction and practical exercises in Political risk analysis will be included.TRENDS IN FEMALE SUICIDE TERRORISM(ТЕНДЕНЦИИ В ЖЕНСКИЯ САМПУБИЙСТВЕН ТЕРОРИЗЪМ)EnglishSummer430Prof. Tatyana DronzinaThis course studies terrorism as one of the major new security challenges. The suicide terrorism is viewed not just as a means to achieve specific political goals, but also as an efficient tool to prevail in the consolidation of political loyalty. The course will concentrate on the gender aspects of this phenomenon and will study the motivation for such acts at societal, organizational and individual level. Different interpretative frameworks will be applied, including the Rational choice theory, theories of social identification, etc.ECONOMIC METHODS OF ANALYSIS IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS(ИКОНОМИЧЕСКИ МЕТОДИ В АНАЛИЗА НА МЕЖДУНАРОДНИТЕ ОТНОШЕНИЯ)EnglishSummer430Assist. Prof. Ruzha SmilovaThis course is an introduction to rational choice theory and its application as a method for analyzing political behavior, and for explaining political phenomena and processes more generally. It is intended for advanced, MA level students in political science. It offers an in-depth analysis of such already covered in their prior studies areas of politics as theory of the state, power and constitutional politics, political parties’ and voters’ behavior, conflict resolution, party competition, the characteristic features of bureaucracies and hierarchies, of fiscal and re-distributive policies, etc., which utilizes formal assumptions about political actors as rational utility-maximizers, and based on these assumptions builds explanatory models. GAMES WITHOUT FRONTIERS – CINTROLLING FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE SERVICES IN A DEMOCRACY(ИГРИ ОТВЪД ГРАНИЦИ - КОНТРОЛИРАНЕ НА ЧУЖДИ РАЗУЗНАВАТЕЛНИ СЛУЖБИ В УСЛОВИЯТА НА ДЕМОКРАЦИЯ)EnglishSummer330Prof. Amit SteinhartThe course objective is to review the subject of operating foreign intelligence services within the framework of democratic states. The course will review the technological, geopolitical and strategic changes that influence concepts of intelligence in the past and present. Students will learn to recognize practical methodologies and concepts in modern intelligence organizations and the instruments and techniques which support the process of civic control and supervision over the intelligence services. During the course we will examine the interaction between political decision-makers and intelligence services in order to identify patterns of decision-making and possible models of cooperation between the states’ political elites and foreign intelligence services.THE ROLE OF INTELLIGENCE IN THE CYBER WARFARE(КИБЕРВОЙНИ, ДЪРЖАВЕН СУВЕРЕНИТЕТ И РАЗУЗНАВАНЕ)EnglishSummer330Prof. Amit SteinhartThis course will engage in a thorough analysis of cyber capabilities and trends in the global community with focus on five critical areas: theory and practice of cyber security and cyber warfare; cyber capabilities of nation states as well as non-state actors; trends in cyber-related strategies, applications, policies and doctrine; cyber-related challenges facing government and private sector entities; and critical infrastructure protection.Cyber warfare and information warfare are often conducted for political motives, and can be used for sabotage and espionage. This subject overlaps with criminal espionage, cyber crime and cyber terrorism. There is also overlap with information security, as the protection of assets and information from cyber attack plays a large part in cyber warfare. DEPARTMENT OF EUROPEAN STUDIESERASMUS+ Coordinator at the Department of European Studies: Assist. Prof. Daniela Decheva, daniela.decheva@Bachelor Program of EUROPEAN STUDIESForeign languages – first and second languageSemesterECTS creditsLecturesSeminarsVocabulary and grammar, translation, conversation, writing - Englishwinter51545Vocabulary and grammar, translation, conversation - Spanishwinter51545Vocabulary and grammar, translation, conversation - Germanwinter51545Vocabulary and grammar, translation, conversation - Frenchwinter51545Vocabulary and grammar, translation, conversation, writing - English 2 partsummer51545Vocabulary and grammar, translation, conversation - Spanish 2 partsummer51545Vocabulary and grammar, translation, conversation - German 2 partsummer51545Vocabulary and grammar, translation, conversation - French 2 partsummer51545Specialized vocabulary, translation, conversation, writing - Englishwinter51545Specialized vocabulary, translation, conversation, writing - Spanishwinter51545Specialized vocabulary, translation, conversation, writing - Germanwinter51545Specialized vocabulary, translation, conversation, writing - Frenchwinter51545Specialized vocabulary, translation, conversation, writing - Spanish 2 partsummer51545Specialized vocabulary, translation, conversation, writing - English 2 partsummer51545Specialized vocabulary, translation, conversation, writing - German 2 partsummer51545Specialized vocabulary, translation, conversation, writing - French 2 partsummer51545Terminology - Englishwinter53030Terminology - Spanishwinter53030Terminology - Germanwinter53030Terminology - Frenchwinter53030Terminology - English 2 partsummer53030Terminology - Spanish 2 partsummer53030Terminology - German 2 partsummer53030Terminology - French 2 partsummer53030Civilization - Englishwinter53030Civilization - Spanishwinter53030Civilization - Germanwinter53030Civilization - Frenchwinter53030Civilization - English 2 partsummer33015Civilization - Spanish 2 partsummer33015Civilization - German 2 partsummer33015Civilization - French 2 partsummer33015Vocabulary and grammar, translation, conversation, writing – English (second language)winter73060Vocabulary and grammar, translation, conversation – Spanish (second language)winter73060Vocabulary and grammar, translation, conversation – German (second language)winter73060Vocabulary and grammar, translation, conversation – Russian (second language)winter73060Vocabulary and grammar, translation, conversation - French (second language)winter73060Vocabulary and grammar, translation, conversation, writing – English (second language) 2 partsummer73060Vocabulary and grammar, translation, conversation – Spanish (second language) 2 partsummer73060Vocabulary and grammar, translation, conversation – German (second language) 2 partsummer73060Vocabulary and grammar, translation, conversation – Russian (second language) 2 partsummer73060Vocabulary and grammar, translation, conversation - French (second language) 2 partsummer73060Specialized vocabulary, translation, conversation, writing – English (second language)winter73060Specialized vocabulary, translation, conversation, writing – Spanish (second language)winter73060Specialized vocabulary, translation, conversation, writing – German (second language)winter73060Specialized vocabulary, translation, conversation, writing – Russian (second language)winter73060Specialized vocabulary, translation, conversation, writing – French (second language)winter73060Specialized vocabulary, translation, conversation, writing – English (second language) 2 partsummer73060Specialized vocabulary, translation, conversation, writing – Spanish (second language) 2 partsummer73060Specialized vocabulary, translation, conversation, writing – German (second language) 2 partsummer73060Specialized vocabulary, translation, conversation, writing – Russian (second language) 2 partsummer73060Specialized vocabulary, translation, conversation, writing – French (second language) 2 partsummer73060Terminology - Englishwinter53030Terminology - Spanishwinter53030Terminology - Germanwinter53030Terminology - Russian (second language)winter53030Terminology - French (second language)winter53030Terminology - English (second language) 2 partsummer53030Terminology – Spanish (second language) 2 partsummer53030Terminology – German (second language) 2 partsummer53030Terminology - Russian (second language) 2 partsummer53030Terminology – French (second language) 2 partsummer53030Civilization – English (second language)winter53030Civilization – Spanish (second language)winter53030Civilization – German (second language)winter53030Civilization – Russian (second language)winter53030Civilization - French (second language)winter53030Civilization – English (second language) 2 partsummer33015Civilization – Spanish (second language) 2 partsummer33015Civilization – German (second language) 2 partsummer33015Civilization – Russian (second language) 2 part summer33015Civilization - French (second language) 2 partsummer33015Master Program of EUROPEAN PROJECTSCourse (in the foreign language)LanguageSemester(winter/summer)ECTS(credits)Number of hoursProfessor LecturesExercises/SeminarsPractical workPROJECT MANAGEMENTEnglishwinter31515Prof. Maria Stoicheva This course is a general introduction to the European project management topic. It is divided in three main parts:First, it examines the “project topic” and the “project approach” in the context of the implementation of policies within the framework of the European Union. It emphasis on the social policies, the policies of education and training and the employment policies.Second, it introduces the basic principles of the project approach, the integrated approach, the phases of the project cycle management and the logical framework as an instrument for planning, management and delivery of the project results.Third, the main principles, instruments and methods of evaluation, monitoring and auditing of European projects are presented. The project risk management is also considered. The main institutions and bodies, which have a role in the selection, financing, reporting and monitoring of projects interventions are presented.FACULTY OF CLASSICAL AND MODERN PHILOLOGYERASMUS+ Faculty Coordinator: Assoc.?Prof. Yana Andreeva, Course (in the foreign language)LanguageSemester(winter/summer)ECTS(credits)Number of hoursProfessor (name and e-mail)LecturesExercises/ SeminarsPractical workCompulsory Course CULTURAL IDENTITY AND POLITICAL ETHICS. DIVERSITY AND IDENTIFICATION WITH EUROPE Задължителна дисциплина КУЛТУРНА ИДЕНТИЧНОСТ И ПОЛИТИЧЕСКА ЕТИКА. МНОГООБРАЗИЕ И ЕВРОПЕЙСКА ИДЕНТИЧНОСТEnglishSummer445--Prof. M. Stoicheva, PhDstojchevap@phls.uni-sofia.bgThe course elaborates on the topic of cultural identity and its increasing application for political purposes. The main topics include defining and understanding of the concept of ‘cultural identity’ and its links with national and political identity. The course includes topics concerning deliberative democracy and freedom of choice, citizenship and pluralism, communitarian and multicultural theses concerning citizenship and ethics of politics. A main perspective of the course is its contextualization in the European integration process, the policies of the EU and the foreign relations of the Union.Upon successful completion of the course the students will be able to:explain the meaning of the concepts of cultural identity national identity and their political implications; take part in discussions on topics within the context of EU policies, policy of identity, of difference, multiculturalism and communitarianism;contextualize the issues of cultural identity in the process of European integration and the foreign relations of the Union.The assessment is based on two course assignments (presentations on a topic in class, discussion and attendance) and a final course assignment (5000 words).Course (in the foreign language)LanguageSemester(winter/summer)ECTS(credits)Number of hoursProfessor (name and e-mail)LecturesExercises/ SeminarsPractical workCompulsory Course DIPLOMATIC, ETHNIC AND CULTURAL DIMENSIONS OF THE EU INTEGRATION PROCESS IN THE BALKANS Задължителна дисциплина ДИПЛОМАТИЧЕСКИ, ЕТНИЧЕСКИ И КУЛТУРНИ ИЗМЕРЕНИЯ НА ЕВРОПЕЙСКАТА ИНТЕГРАЦИЯ НА БАЛКАНИТЕEnglishSummer445--Assoc. Prof. Rumyana Christidi, PhDrumy7@abv.bgAssoc. Prof. Yorgos Christidis, PhDThe EU has a long record of involvement in the Balkan region. Ιn 1961, the then European Communities (EC) signed an association agreement with Greece. By the end of the 1980s, the EC had signed another association agreement with Turkey (1963), had initiated trade relations with the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, while in 1981 Greece joined the EC. The end of Europe’s bipolar division and the beginning of the democratization process in Eastern European societies, brought into the fore an array of common values and policy aims everywhere in the former Eastern Europe: the introduction of a liberal democratic system, with respect for human rights, the implementation of a market economy and, in the foreign policy agenda, joining Euro-Atlantic institutions. At the same time, in the 1990s, the European Union (EU) would become progressively more and more involved in the Balkan region: exercising diplomatic efforts to manage Yugoslavia’s violent disintegration, providing valuable economic assistance and guidance to a reform process affecting crucial areas, such as rule of law and minority rights, and promoting regional cooperation. The EU’s involvement in the region intensified following the Helsinki Summit, in December 1999: by 2007 Bulgaria and Romania had joined the EU, while Turkey had, in 2005, began negotiations for joining the EU. Six years on the EU has developed comprehensive relations with all states of the so-called Western Balkans that aspire to join the Union, while Croatia is expected in July 2013 to become the newest member of the EU. There is little doubt then that the EU’s involvement in the Balkan region to date has been substantial and multi-faceted, having serious implications for the region’s development. The purpose of the course is to examine a series of EU policies and their effect upon the region. More specifically, the course seeks to analyze EU diplomatic efforts to resolve some of the most serious conflicts that have affected the Balkan region since 1991, and to promote minority rights, regional co-operation and good-neighbourhood. Furthermore, the course considers the attraction that the EU has enjoyed among the Balkan elites and the population at large as a “cultural project”, with the EU integration project seen by many as advancing effectively the so-called “Europeanization process” of their societies, providing, at the same time, a definite answer to the question whether their societies are European or not. Last, but not least, the debate over Turkey’s accession is being re-evaluated, and in particular on how Islam, as the religion shared by most Turks, is affecting the whole debate and perceptions on both sides.Course (in the foreign language)LanguageSemester(winter/summer)ECTS(credits)Number of hoursProfessor (name and e-mail)LecturesExercises/ SeminarsPractical workElective CourseEU GEOPOLITICS AND THE FAR EASTИзбираема дисциплина ГЕОПОЛИТИКАТА НА ЕВРОПЕЙСКИЯ СЪЮЗ И ДАЛЕЧНИЯ ИЗТОКEnglishSummer330Prof. Dr. Habil. Alexander Fedotoff This course is aiming at acquaintance of students with global politics of EU towards one of the most prosperous regions in the world – East Asia. EU countries have unified strategy as to their relations with the Peoples Republic of China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong. EU has important relations with the above-mentioned countries and territories in the field of commerce and foreign affairs.EU plays important role in the democratization of the regime in the Peoples Republic of China, in the process of unification of two Koreas and in solving of Chinese-Taiwanese problem.Course (in the foreign language)LanguageSemester(winter/summer)ECTS(credits)Number of hoursProfessor (name and e-mail)LecturesExercises/ SeminarsPractical workCompulsory Course INSTITUTIONAL ECONOMICS Задължителна дисциплина ИНСТИТУЦИОНАЛНА ИКОНОМИКАEnglishSummer445--Prof. Georgi Chobanov,Doctor of Sciencesgeorgech@feb.uni-sofia.bgThe Institutional Economics course is based on ideas developed by Nobel Price Winner Douglas North in his famous book “Understanding the Process of Economic Change”. Some topics:Understanding and description of the process of economic change. The role of belief.Driving forces of human endeavor to reduce uncertainties of environment.Rules, behavioral norms and institutions. The theoretical framework for understanding the process of economic change. Uncertainty and risk.Ergodic and non-ergodic processes.Homo oeconomicus and the rational economic behavior.Seeking a better grasp of the complex between cognitive process, belief formation and institutions.The process of human learning as cognitive process. Pattern recognition in the face of uncertainty.Shapes of cultures as contrast between genetic architecture and environmental conditioningHow does the mind work and what are the basic “operating mechanisms” of the mind and how are they accomplished by the brain?Beliefs as constructions human mind and the role of culture, and environment in the process of cognition and learning. Consciousness and Human Intentionality.The Scaffolds Humans Erect. Taking Stock The Evolving Human EnvironmentThe Sources of Order and Disorder. Getting It Right and Getting It WrongThe Rise of the Western WorldThe Rise and Fall of the Soviet UnionImproving Economic PerformanceWhere Are We Going?Bibliography: Douglass C. North. Understanding the Process of Economic Change. Princeton University Press, 2005Course (in the foreign language)LanguageSemester(winter/summer)ECTS(credits)Number of hoursProfessor (name and e-mail)LecturesExercises/ SeminarsPractical workElective CourseINTER-, MULTI- AND TRANSCULTURALITY IN CONTEMPORARY EUROPE Избираема дисциплина ИНТЕР-, МУЛТИ- И ТРАНСКУЛТУРНОСТ В СЪВРЕМЕННА ЕВРОПАEnglishSummer330--Assoc. Prof. Daniela Koleva, PhDkoleva@phls.uni-sofia.bgThe course aims to 1) introduce students to topical issues related to cultural diversity and intercultural interaction; 2) develop their awareness of the heterogeneity of national cultures and of cultural diversity as a value; 3) develop their skills for work with various types of data to argument their own theses.Course (in the foreign language)LanguageSemester(winter/summer)ECTS(credits)Number of hoursProfessor (name and e-mail)LecturesExercises/ SeminarsPractical workCompulsory Course INTERCULTURAL ASPECTS OF MARKETING COMMUNICATION Задължителна дисциплина ИНТЕРКУЛТУРНИ АСПЕКТИ НА МАРКЕТИНГОВИТЕ КОМУНИКАЦИИEnglishSummer445--Prof. Christo Kaftandzhiev, PhDchristokaftandjiev@The course is based on the following structure:1. Effective intercultural marketing communications depending on the basic elements of the communication scheme - addressant (empathy), addressee, communication channels, codes, sign systems, communication strategies, etc.2. Effective intercultural marketing communications according to the theory of Hofshtede3. Effective intercultural marketing communications depending on the theory Hall - temporal and spatial dimensions of cultures4. Effective intercultural marketing communication depending on relations hetero/homosexuality; nature/culture; history/future; young/old; open/closed; optimistic/pessimistic; rich/poor; patriotism/cosmopolitanism, etc.5. Ineffective intercultural marketing communications depending on typical communication errors6. Effective intercultural marketing communications according to our positive attitude to other cultures - the expression of different points of view; communications, based on the basis of appeals to humor, knowledge, love, etc.7. Universal schemes for marketing communications in different cultures based on mythological archetypes:Physical and Spatial ArchetypesBiological ArchetypesPsychological and Social ArchetypesCultural ArchetypesCourse (in the foreign language)LanguageSemester(winter/summer)ECTS(credits)Number of hoursProfessor (name and e-mail)LecturesExercises/ SeminarsPractical workElective CourseLEADERSHIP AND EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATIONИзбираема дисциплинаЛИДЕРСТВО И КОМУНИКАЦИЯEnglishSummer3-30-Assoc. Prof. Danail Danov, PhDdanail.danov@The course sheds light upon the concepts of leadership, management, effective communication and their mutual interdependence. It tackles issues such as organizational analysis, strategizing, action plans’ design, project work, team spirit maintenance, and effective communication.Course (in the foreign language)LanguageSemester(winter/summer)ECTS(credits)Number of hoursProfessor (name and e-mail)LecturesExercises/ SeminarsPractical workCompulsory Course POWER IN MODERN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Задължителна дисциплина СИЛАТА В СЪВРЕМЕННИТЕ МЕЖДУНАРОДНИ ОТНОШЕНИЯEnglishSummer445--Mira Kaneva, PhDmirakaneva@The course of lectures follows two directions: first of all, it outlines a theoretical overview of the role of power in international relations (IR), and, next, it provides illustrations of instances or occurrences of power on a practical level. It is based on a research of power as a phenomenon in IR theory, which besides being a primary one, is far from being a monolithic category since it is made up of different concepts – from the classical geopolitical notion of dominance to the modern idea of the social power of influence. The course, therefore, highlights both the static dimension of power (regulative structural relations such as military, economic, normative and institutional power, e. g. the balance or transition of power in a multipolar world), and, the dynamic dimension of power interactions (the constructive power of IR discourse, e.g. power as resistance in the protests worldwide). The course aims at the contextualization of abstract terms through the study of EU policies.Course (in the foreign language)LanguageSemester(winter/summer)ECTS(credits)Number of hoursProfessor (name and e-mail)LecturesExercises/ SeminarsPractical workCompulsory CourseENGLISH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE:ECONOMIC TEXTS IN ENGLISHЗадължителна дисциплинаАНГЛИЙСКИ ЕЗИК И КУЛТУРА:ИКОНОМИЧЕСКИ ТЕКСТОВЕ НА АНГЛИЙСКИ ЕЗИКEnglishSummer2-30-Asst. Prof. Albena Nikolovabenny6bg@The students broaden their knowledge of economic terms by studying various topics, such as company formation, trade, employment, work ethics, innovations, etc. and improve their speaking skills through case studies, discussions and presentations.Course (in the foreign language)LanguageSemester(winter/summer)ECTS(credits)Number of hoursProfessor (name and e-mail)LecturesExercises/ SeminarsPractical workElective CourseEU ENLARGЕMENT POLICYИзбираема дисциплинаПОЛИТИКА НА РАЗШИРЯВАНЕ НА ЕСEnglishSummer43015-Assoc. Prof. Kaloyan Simeonov, Dr Habilkaloos.simeonov@The EU Enlargement Policy is one of the most important and successful policies of the EU. The deepening and enlargement of the EU are two simultaneous process of the European Integration process. The EU Enlargement Policy affects also the other reforms of the EU. The course analysis the history of the enlargement of the EU, from 6 Member States of the European Communities to 28 EU Member States. A special focus is dedicated to the last enlargements (2004, 2007, 2013) when the EU expanded from 15 to 28 EU Member States. The stages of EU accession as well as the enlargement criteria are also discussed during the course. The course also analysis the current EU enlargement policy towards the Western Balkans and Turkey. It explains the prospects and challenges for those countries to become EU Member States. It also presents the history and the current stage of preparations for those countries in relation to the EU accession process. Other topics that are relevant for the course are also discussed. Such topics are: Difference between EU Enlargement and EU Neighbourhood Policy; Why countries like Norway, Iceland and Switzerland currently are not part of the EU; How Brexit may affect the EU Enlargement process, etc. During the course there are simulation exercises and debates that are organised. The simulation exercise is related to the preparation of accession negotiating position. The debates are similar to official debates and the topics for debates are chosen at the beginning of the course depending on the current priority topics in the EU Enlargement process. Course (in the foreign language)LanguageSemester(winter/summer)ECTS(credits)Number of hoursProfessor (name and e-mail)LecturesExercises/ SeminarsPractical workElective CourseEU LANGUAGE POLICYИзбираема дисциплинаЕЗИКОВА ПОЛИТИКА НА ЕСEnglishSummer43015-Prof. Maria Stoicheva, PhDstojchevap@phls.uni-sofia.bgThe course presents an overview on the topic of language policies in the context of the EU. It is divided into two parts. The first dealing with issues related to the issue of language policies in general covering the themes of language origins, language families, languages of wider communication (lingua franca) and languages in Europe. Language policy is considered from the perspective of planning of language status, language corpus, language education as well as discourses about language, language ideologies and attitudes towards language. The specific national and European context constitutes the second part of the course. It covers topics concerning language and nation building, language and culture, respect for linguistic diversity, language rights, EU institutional multilingualism and plurilingualism of individuals. The Council of Europe and the EU policy of multilingualism are presented through policy documents, academic papers, language and language competence survey (Eurobarometer, Special surveys) sand EU programmes and projects in the area of languages and culture.Upon completion of the course the students will demonstrate understanding on multilingualism and language policy and will be able to conduct their own small scale survey on the issues of language policy in European context. Assessment includes 2 course assignments, presentation in class on small scale online survey and a final course assignment (3000 – 5000 words).Course (in the foreign language)LanguageSemester(winter/summer)ECTS(credits)Number of hoursProfessor (name and e-mail)LecturesExercises/ SeminarsPractical workCompulsory CourseINTERNATIONAL NEGOTIATION THEORYЗадължителна дисциплинаТЕОРИЯ НА МЕЖДУНАРОДНИТЕ ПРЕГОВОРИEnglishSummer44515-Prof. Plamen Pantev, PhDplamen.pantev@abv.bgNegotiation is a major instrument for realizing international relations. The course in International Negotiations Theory (INT) deals with the process of bringing to agreement often antagonistic interests make a connection among different achievements in this area with the objective of arranging them in a coherent system and models. The students get to know the basic theoretic questions, the body of knowledge that provides the skills of negotiating. The knowledge of the general and the concrete aspects of international relations is a major requirement of these skills.Course (in the foreign language)LanguageSemester(winter/summer)ECTS(credits)Number of hoursProfessor (name and e-mail)LecturesExercises/ SeminarsPractical workCompulsory CourseMONEY, BANKING AND FINANCIAL MARKETSЗадължителна дисциплинаПАРИ, БАНКИ И ФИНАНСОВИ ПАЗАРИEnglishSummer44515-Assoc. Prof. Mariela Nenova-Amar, PhDNenova@The Money, Banking and Financial Markets course introduces students to the central themes of the monetary analysis and monetary policy. Main topics covered in depth are money and their importance for the modern economy, financial system, monetary policy, financial instruments, and their usage. This course builds on generalized models to illustrate the workings of the economy and to analyse modern theories of money and monetary policy. The rich practical examples are based on the experience and data from the Bulgarian, American and European banking systems and economies.Course (in the foreign language)LanguageSemester(winter/summer)ECTS(credits)Number of hoursProfessor (name and e-mail)LecturesExercises/ SeminarsPractical workCompulsory CoursePUBLIC OPINION AND IMAGE MAKINGЗадължителна дисциплинаОБЩЕСТВЕНО МНЕНИЕ И ИЗГРАЖДАНЕ НА ИМИДЖEnglishSummer43030-Prof. Milko Petrov, Doctor of Sciencesmilko_petrov@The course examines the process of formation of personal, party, political and corporate image in the public opinion. By analyzing the media practice it reveals the forms, signs and manifestations of prestige in the media. The course also is tracing the process of modeling step by step the personal, the corporate, the political image of persons, playing a significant role in the social life. It also measures by qualitative and quantitative exercises in the field of the content analysis the various manifestations of positive and negative image, the style of personal and political advertising through the journalistic practice. Course (in the foreign language)LanguageSemester(winter/summer)ECTS(credits)Number of hoursProfessor (name and e-mail)LecturesExercises/ SeminarsPractical workCompulsory CourseENGLISH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE:TEXT AND CONTEXTЗадължителна дисциплинаАНГЛИЙСКИ ЕЗИК И КУЛТУРА:ТЕКСТ И КОНТЕКСТEnglishSummer230--Asst. Prof. Vesselin Budakov, PhDvescobudakov@The aim of English Language and Culture: Text and Context is to familiarize students with the specificity of the types of texts, the practices of textual analysis, and the interpretation of different types of texts. The lecture course undertakes to make an in-depth discussion of discourse analysis, the text and its contexts, and the role of intertextuality in postmodern culture. It also deals with the aspects of representation of individuality and gender and problematizes concepts such as history, metahistory and metafiction in contemporary print and visual cultures. Against this background, the illustrations in this course come from diverse sources such as?modern and postmodern American and British?novels, pop song?s?, advertisements, commercials, and films.Course (in the foreign language)LanguageSemester(winter/summer)ECTS(credits)Number of hoursProfessor (name and e-mail)LecturesExercises/ SeminarsPractical workCompulsory CourseTHEORIES AND STRATEGIES OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATIONЗадължителна дисциплинаТЕОРИИ И СТРАТЕГИИ НА ЕВРОПЕЙСКАТА ИНТЕГРАЦИЯEnglishSummer44515-Assоc. Prof. Daniel Smilov, PhDdaniel@cls-The course aims to introduce third year students to the theoretical approaches to the study of European integration. The EU is a sui generis political entity, which is a hybrid between a classical state and international organisation. This hybrid status raises conceptual questions such as the nature of sovereignty, the alleged deficit of democracy, the difference between confederation and federation and many others. The course explores systematically such theoretical issues against the background of concrete case studies. In this way specific theoretical claims are tested against empirical evidence.More concretely, the course explores the three main theoretical approaches to EU integration.: federalism, neo-functionalism and intergovernmentalism. Then it goes on to introduce the students to approaches, which have been elaborated since the 1980s: new governance, new institutionalism, and policy networks. Finally the course covers the variety of constructivist theories.The students are required to work throughout the course on a personal research project. They are asked to choose a specific theory and to apply it to a concrete empirical problem of particular relevance, such as the crisis in the Eurozone, immigration, etc. On the basis of this research they write a paper, which is the main factor for their final evaluation ( together with in-class participation).Classes:Introduction to theories of EU integration;Federalism;Functionalism;Intergovernmentalism;Governance approaches;Policy Networks;New Institutionalism;Constructivism;Discursive approaches;Law and European Integration;The Alleged Democratic Deficit;Prospects for the Future.Ben Rosamond (2000), Theories of European Integration, (London: Macmillan)Wiener and Diez (eds) (2004), European Integration Theory, (OUP)Wallace and Wallace (2000 4th edn), Policy-making in the European Union, (OUP)Michelle Cini (ed) (2003), European Union Politics, (OUP)Sadurski, Ziller, Zurek (eds.) (2006), Apres Enlargement: Legal and Political Responses in Central and Eastern Europe, RSCAS, EUI, Florence.Sadurski, Wojciech; Czarnota, Adam; Krygier, Martin (Eds.) 2005, Spreading Democracy and the Rule of Law?The Impact of EU Enlargemente for the Rule of Law, Democracy and Constitutionalism in Post-Communist Legal Orders, Springer.Course (in the foreign language)LanguageSemester(winter/summer)ECTS(credits)Number of hoursProfessor (name and e-mail)LecturesExercises/ SeminarsPractical workCompulsory CourseENGLISH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE:ENGLISH SYNTAXЗадължителна дисциплинаАНГЛИЙСКИ ЕЗИК И КУЛТУРА: СИНТАКСИСEnglishSummer3-30-Assoc. Prof. Ekaterina Sofronieva, PhDekaterina_sofronieva@This is a practical course in English syntax. Course aims: to raise the overall language awareness of the studentsto build up on students’ knowledge of English grammar with focus on English consolidate discourse use of different syntactic structures to enrich students’ communicative and writing skills and appropriate employment of various syntactic structuresCourse (in the foreign language)LanguageSemester(winter/summer)ECTS(credits)Number of hoursProfessor (name and e-mail)LecturesExercises/ SeminarsPractical workCompulsory CourseHISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY OF BULGARIAЗадължителна дисциплинаИСТОРИЯ И ГЕОГРАФИЯ НА БЪЛГАРИЯEnglishSummer445--Assoc. Prof. Rumyana Christidi, PhDrumy7@abv.bgAsst. Prof. Dessislava Poleganovadpoleganova@History moduleThe course “History and Geography of Bulgaria” has as its purpose to introduce students to the most important events and trends in Bulgarian history. It follows a chronological principle and covers the period from the 7th Century AD until the end of 20th century; from the establishment of the Bulgarian state in 681 AD until the end of Socialism in 1989. The most important themes included in the course are:History of Medieval Bulgaria (7th – 14th centuries); establishment and development of the Bulgarian state; First and Second Bulgarian Kingdoms.Bulgarian lands during the Ottoman rule (15th – 17th centuries).History of the Bulgarian Renaissance (18th – 19th centuries). Reestablishment of the Bulgarian state and its development until the beginning of the Second World War (1878-1939).Contemporary Bulgarian History; from the Second World War until the end of the socialist period (1939-1989).Geography moduleThe course “Geography of Bulgaria” has as its purpose to introduce students to the most important theories, facts and trends in Bulgarian geography. It is based on the chorological principle and consequently covers the following themes:Introduction in geography – key concepts and terms. Assessment of geographical location and borders of Bulgaria using systematic approach.Natural resources of Bulgaria.Population of Bulgaria – recent trends and factors for deepening the demographic crisis. Development of settlement network.Problems in contemporary social and economic development in Bulgaria. Regional geography of Bulgaria.Course (in the foreign language)LanguageSemester(winter/summer)ECTS(credits)Number of hoursProfessor (name and e-mail)LecturesExercises/ SeminarsPractical workCompulsory CourseHISTORY AND THEORY OF CULTUREЗадължителна дисциплинаИСТОРИЯ И ТЕОРИЯ НА КУЛТУРАТАEnglishSummer445--Assoc. Prof. Daniela Koleva, PhDkoleva@phls.uni-sofia.bgThe course aims to introduce basic concepts, core problems and theories in the field of cultural studies. Students will develop their skills for critical reading, summarizing and interpretation of scholarly texts. The discussions in class and the essays will contribute to their awareness of cultural diversity, their understanding of recognition and tolerance as well as of the uses of culture as a political argument.Course (in the foreign language)LanguageSemester(winter/summer)ECTS(credits)Number of hoursProfessor (name and e-mail)LecturesExercises/ SeminarsPractical workINTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION(УВОД В СТОПАНСКОТО УПРАВЛЕНИЕ И ПУБЛИЧНАТА АДМИНИСТРАЦИЯ)EnglishSummer43015-Assоc. Prof. Todor Yalamov, PhDyalamov@feb.uni-sofia.bgThe course introduces students to basic management concepts, tools and theories by looking in the history of business and public administration and current international practice as monitored by Bain & Company (including basic knowledge of CRM, ERP, knowledge management). Students develop various soft skills, such as teamwork, presentational skills, matched with experience gained through a project implementation (research or entrepreneurial) in a multicultural environment. We start by conceptualising its own management experience, going through major landmarks in management thought as Taylor, Fayol and Weber at the beginning and Drucker, Kaplan and Norton (Balanced Scorecards), Mauborgne and Kim (Blue Ocean Strategy) lately. The course presents and discusses e-government, not just as electronic service provision but rather as a transformational tool for public administration reform. Issues of corruption are considered as a proxy for corporate and public governance inefficiency. Course (in the foreign language)LanguageSemester(winter/summer)ECTS(credits)Number of hoursProfessor (name and e-mail)LecturesExercises/ SeminarsPractical workCompulsory CourseINTRODUCTION IN THE THEORY OF STATE AND LAW Задължителна дисциплинаУВОД В ТЕОРИЯТА НА ДЪРЖАВАТА И ПРАВОТОEnglishSummer54515-Asst. Prof. Martin Belov, PhDmartinbelov@This course is devoted to the presentation of the fundamental concepts in the theory of state and law. It aims at explaining both the classical theoretical achievements and their actual topical dimension, problematizing the effects of globalization and postmodernity on the state, the law and the society. The course starts with analysis of the authority, legitimacy and legality. The emergence and the development of the modern state and law will be presented in historical, philosophical and sociological context. The main theories on the origin, essence and functions of state and law are going to be outlined. Furthermore central concepts of modern and postmodern constitutionalism as well as of the emerging supranational and European constitutionalism are going to be explained. The course will combine analytical with comparative, historical and critical legal methods. It will try to demonstrate the current status and achievements of the theory of state and law. For example, the traditional concept of sovereignty will be presented both with regard to its classical theoretical and historical aspects and in the light of the sovereignty and constitutional identity debate in the EU. The last part of the course is devoted to the structure of the legal system, the sources of law, the distinction between the legal norms and legal principles and the legal argumentation.Course (in the foreign language)LanguageSemester(winter/summer)ECTS(credits)Number of hoursProfessor (name and e-mail)LecturesExercises/ SeminarsPractical workCompulsory CourseBULGARIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE:MODERN BULGARIAN – Part IIЗадължителна дисциплинаБЪЛГАРСКИ ЕЗИК И КУЛТУРА:СЪВРЕМЕНЕН БЪЛГАРСКИ ЕЗИК ?? ч.EnglishSummer5-60-Assоc. Prof. Vladislav Milanov, PhDvladimi@abv.bgThe second part of the course in Contemporary Bulgarian language and culture expands grammatical and lexical knowledge of students. On the other hand it introduces them to the history and cultural attractions of Bulgaria. Strongly represented are models of colloquial communication in Bulgarian presenting the trends in Contemporary Bulgarian language to various influences. Emphasis is on developing the communication skills of students and their ability to talk in Bulgarian in different situations.Course (in the foreign language)LanguageSemester(winter/summer)ECTS(credits)Number of hoursProfessor (name and e-mail)LecturesExercises/ SeminarsPractical workElective CourseSECOND LANGUAGE: FRENCH Part IIИзбираема дисциплинаВТОРИ ЕЗИК: ФРЕНСКИ ?? ч.EnglishSummer2-30-Asst. Prof. Jeanna Kristeva, PhDjeanna_kristeva@French course is for beginners, 30 hours after introduction in the 1st semester. The course is aimed at mastering basic knowledge of vocabulary and grammar and initial skills in oral and written communication relevant to Level A1.Course (in the foreign language)LanguageSemester(winter/summer)ECTS(credits)Number of hoursProfessor (name and e-mail)LecturesExercises/ SeminarsPractical workCompulsory CourseENGLISH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE:WRITING IN ENGLISH FOR PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION Задължителна дисциплина АНГЛИЙСКИ ЕЗИК И КУЛТУРА: ПИСАНЕ ЗА ПРОФЕСИОНАЛНА КОМУНИКАЦИЯEnglishSummer3-30-Assoc. Prof. Danail Danov, PhDdanail.danov@This is a practical course in writing in English for professional communication. Course aims: to enrich students’ writing skills to increase students’ awareness and appropriate employment of formal and informal stylesto enhance students’ communicative abilities in written EnglishCourse (in the foreign language)LanguageSemester(winter/summer)ECTS(credits)Number of hoursProfessor (name and e-mail)LecturesExercises/ SeminarsPractical workCompulsory CourseEU INSTITUTIONSЗадължителна дисциплинаИНСТИТУЦИИ НА ЕСEnglishSummer44515-Prof. Georgi Bliznashki, PhDgeorgi_bliznashki@This course of lectures investigates the key political institutions of the European Union: The European Council, the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission. Every institution is studied by its own taking into account its functions, structures and competences. The relations between those political institutions form the institutional architecture of the union. This institutional architecture is the core of the EU’s complex constitutional order, which has evolved in the last twenty years. In the last decades a profound institutional change is taking place in the EU constitutional order. Nevertheless, the process of constitutionalization is still an ongoing process. ................

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