Knygos politikos analizei

Politikos analizės bibliotekos

leidinių sąrašas

|Eil. Nr. |Leidinio pavadinimas |Autorius |Leidykla |Leidimo metai |

| |10 traits of highly effective principals: From good to great performance |E. K. McEwan |Corwin Press |2003 |

| |104 Activities that build: self-esteem, teamwork, communication, anger management, |Jones A. |Rec Room Publishing |1998 |

| |self-discovery and coping skills | | | |

| |176 Ways to Involve Parents (Practical Strategies for Partnering With Families) – 2nd |Boult B. |Corwin Press |2006 |

| |Edition | | | |

| |250 pasirenkamų atsakymų į klausimus apie Europą ir Europos politiką |Jos Despont |Eugrimas |2003 |

| |50 Content Area Strategies for Adolescent Literacy |Fisher D., Brozo W. G., Frey N., Ivey G. |Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall |2006 |

| |80/20 principas (kaip mažesnėmis pastangomis daugiau pasiekti) |Richard Koch |Smaltijos leidykla |2003 |

| |80/20 revoliucija (kaip susitelkus ties keliom veiklom padidinti pajamas ir pelną) |Richard Koch |Smaltijos leidykla |2003 |

| |A companion qualitative research |U. Flick, E. von Kardorff, I. Steinke |SAGE publications |2004 |

| |A Crash Course in SPSS for Windows – 3rd Edition |Colman A. |Blackwell Publishing |2006 |

| |A dictionary of human rights (2nd edition) |R. Robertson |Europe Publications |2005 |

| |A dictionary of the European Union (first edition) |D. Phinnemore, L. McGowan |Europe Publications |2002 |

| |A fair test? Assessment, achievement and equity |Gipps C., Murphy P. |Open university press |1999 |

| |A history of Western Educational ideas |D. Lawton, P. Gordon |Woburn press |2002 |

| |A philosophy of music education: advancing the vision |Reimer B. |Prentice Hall |2003 |

| |A practical guide for policy anglysis: the eightfold path to more effective problem |Bardach E. |Chatham House publishers of Seven |2000 |

| |solving | |Bridges press | |

| |A short history of writing instruction: from ancient Greece to modern America |Murphy J. J. |Lawrence Erlbaum Associates |2001 |

| |A teacher‘s guide to classroom research |Hopkins D. |Open University Press |2003 |

| |A teacher’s guide to cognitive type theory & learning style |Carolyn Mamchur |ASCD |1996 |

| |A technology for test-item writing |Roid G. H. |Academic Press |1982 |

| |A toolkit for the effective teaching assistant |R. Tyrer, S. Gunn, Ch. Lee, M. Parker, M. |Paul Chapman publishing |2004 |

| | |Pittman, M. Townsend | | |

| |Able, Gifted and Talented Underachievers, 2nd Edition |Diane Montgomery (Editor) |Wiley-Blackwell |2009 |

| |Academic and educational development: research, evaluation and changing practice in |R. Macdonald, J. Wisdom |Kogan Page |2002 |

| |higher education | | | |

| |Achievement testing: recent advances |Bejar I. I. |Sage Publications |1983 |

| |Action research and postmodernism: congruence and critique |Brown T., Jones L. |Open University Press |2001 |

| |Active learning: 101 strategies to teach any subject |Silberman M. |Allyn and Bacon |1996 |

| |Activities handbook for the teaching of psychology. Vol. 1 |Benjamin I., Ludy T. |American Pychological Association |2001 |

| |Activities handbook for the teaching of psychology. Vol. 2 |Eds. Makosky V. P., Whittemore L. G., |Americal Psychological Association |2001 |

| | |Rogers A. M. | | |

| |Activities handbook for the teaching of psychology. Vol. 3 |Ed. Makosky V. P.,Sileo et al. |American Pychological Association |2001 |

| |Acts of meaning |Bruner J. |Harvard University Press |2000 |

| |Actual minds, possible worlds |Bruner J. |Harvard University Press |1986 |

| |Adequate education law for modern Russia |Groof J. D., Lauwers G., Filippov V. M. |Garant |2001 |

| | |(Eds.) | | |

| |Administravimas teorija ir praktika |Henri Fayol |Eugrimas |2005 |

| |Adults learning (4 edition) |J. Rogers |Open university press |2001 |

| |Advanced quantitative data analysis |D. Cramer |Open University press |2003 |

| |Advances in Decision Analysis: |Ward Edwards, Ralph F. Miles Jr., Detlof |Cambrigde University Press |2007 |

| |From Foundations to Applications |von Winterfeldt | | |

| |Advances in measurement in educational research and assessment |Ed. G. N. Masters and J. P. Keeves |Pergamon |1999 |

| |Agendas, alternatives and public policies (second edition) |J. W. Kingdon |Longman |2003 |

| |Akademinis jaunimas permainų metais (1 tomas) |Sud. A. Čiužas |VPU leidykla |2005 |

| |Aligning for Learning: Strategies for Teaching Effectiveness |Donald H. Wulff |Wiley |2007 |

| | |Wayne H. Jacobson | | |

| | |Karen Freisem | | |

| | |Deborah H. Hatch | | |

| | |Margaret Lawrence | | |

| | |Lana Rae Lenz | | |

| |An approach to test development |Clausen-May T. |National Foundation for Educational |2001 |

| | | |Research | |

| |An elusive science (the troubling history of education research) |Lagemann E. C. |The university of Chicago press |2000 |

| |An introduction to Childhood studies |M. J. Kehily |Open university press |2004 |

| |An introduction to Theories of learning (7 edition) |B. R. Hergenhahn, M. H. Olson |Prentice Hall |2005 |

| |Analyzing social science data: 50 Key problems in Data Analysis |D. de Vaus |SAGE publications |2004 |

| |Anglų-lietuvių kalbų žodynas |Parengė E. Weis |Šviesa |2004 |

| |Anti-discriminatory practice (A guide for workers in childcare and education) |Millam R. |Continuum |2002 |

| |Applied regression: an introduction |Lewis-Beck M. S. |Sage publications |1980 |

| |Applied Social Psychology |Ed. Linda Steg, Abraham P. Buunk, Talib |Cambridge university press |2008 |

| |Understanding and Managing Social Problems |Rothengatter | | |

| |Applied Statistics |R. M. Warner |SAGE publications, Inc |2008 |

| |Applying educational research: a practical guide |Gall J. P., Gall M. D., Borg W. R. |Longman; Addison Wesley Longman |1999 |

| |Art meets law in education: yearbook of the European Association for education law and |Ed. J. De Groof, Ch. De Smet and H. |KluwerLaw International |2001 |

| |policy |Penneman | | |

| |Arts and learning: an integrated approach to teaching and learning in multicultural and |Goldberg M. |Addison Wesley Longman |2001 |

| |multilingual settings | | | |

| |Arts with the brain in mind |Eric Jensen |ASCD |2001 |

| |Asking the right questions: Techniques for Collaboration and school change |E. L. Holcomb |Corwin Press |2001 |

| |Assessing & reporting habits of mind |Ed. A. L. Costa |ASCD |2000 |

| |Assessing and correcting reading and writing difficulties (third edition) |Th. G. Gunning |Pearson |2006 |

| |Assessing children‘s mathematical knowlege: social class, sex and problem-solving |Cooper B., M. Dunne |Open University Press |2000 |

| |Assessing educational leaders: Evaluating performance for improved individual and |D. B. Reeves |Corwin Press |2004 |

| |organizational results | | | |

| |Assessing Organizational Performance in Higher Education |Barbara A. Miller |Wiley |2006 |

| |Assessing scientific, reading and mathematical literacy. A framework for PISA 2006 | |OECD Publishing |2006 |

| |Assessing student performance: exploring the purpose and limits of testing |Wiggins G. P. |Jossey-Bass Publishers |1999 |

| |Assessing teacher effectiveness: Developing a differentiated model |J. Campbell, L. Kyriakides, D. Muijs, W. |RoutledgeFalmer |2005 |

| | |Robinson | | |

| |Assessing technology: international trends in curriculum and assessment UK, Germany, USA,|Kimbell R. |Open University Press |1997 |

| |Taiwan, Australia | | | |

| |Assessment and learning in the secondary school |Wragg E. C. |RoutledgeFalmer |2001 |

| |Assessment in action in the primary school | | | |

| |Assessment in educational reform: both means and ends |Lissitz R. W., Schafer W. D. |Allyn and Bacon |2002 |

| |Assessment in secondary schools: the new teacher‘s guide to monitoring, assessment, |Brooks V. |Open University Press |2002 |

| |recording, reporting and accountability | | | |

| |Assessment of student achievement |Gronlund N. E. |Allyn and Bacon |2003 |

| |Assessment: social practice and social product |Edited by A. Filer |RoutledgeFalmer |2000 |

| |Atviroji visuomenė ir jos priešai |Popper K. R. |Pradai |1998 |

| |Aukštojo mokslo demokratiškumo pagrindai |Kraujutaitytė L. |LTU |2002 |

| |Bail me out! (handling difficult data and tough questions about public schools) |Gerald W. Bracey |Corwin press |2000 |

| |Becoming a teacher (issues in secondary teaching) 2nd edition |Ed. J. Dillon, |Open university press |2003 |

| | |M. Maguire | | |

| |Bendrieji Europos Bendrijos teisės principai |Usher J. A. |Naujoji Rosma |2001 |

| |Bendrieji vadybos aspektai |Stasys Stoškus |ŠŪ |2002 |

| |Bendrosios didaktikos pagrindai |L. Šiaučiukėnienė, N. Stankevičienė |KTU: Technologija |2003 |

| |Beyond testing |Gripps C. V. | | |

| |Boys and girls learn differently. A guide for teachers and parents |M. Gurian |Wiley |2001 |

| |Brooking papers on education policy 2001 |Ed. D. Ravitch |Brookings Institution Press |2001 |

| |Brooking papers on education policy 2002 |Ed. D. Ravitch |Brookings Institution Press |2002 |

| |Building background knowledge for academic achievement (research on what works in |Robert J. Marzano |ASCD |2004 |

| |schools) | | | |

| |Building evaluation capacity. 72 activities for Teaching and Training |H. Preskill, D. Russ-Eft |SAGE publications |2005 |

| |Case study research methods |Gillham B. |Continuum |2003 |

| |Case Study Research: Design and Methods (Applied Social Research Methods) – 3rd Edition |Yin R. K. |SAGE Publications |2003 |

| |Change forces in post-communist eastern Europe: education in transition |Ed. Polyzoi E., Fullan M., Anchan J. P. |RoutledgeFalmer |2003 |

| |Change forces with a vengeance |Fullan M. |RoutledgeFalmer |2003 |

| |Change forces: probing the depths of educational reform |Fullan M. |The Falmer Press |2000 |

| |Change forces: the sequel |Fullan M. |The Falmer Press |2001 |

| |Changing education for diversity |Corson D. |Open University Press |1998 |

| |Changing leadership for changing times |K. Leithwood, D. Jantzi, R. Steinbach |Open university press |2003 |

| |Changing literacies |Lankshear C. et al. |Open University Press |2002 |

| |Changing our schools: linking school effectiveness and school improvement |Stoll L., Fink D. |Open University press |2002 |

| |Changing school subjects: power, gender and curriculum |Paechter C. |Open University Press |2000 |

| |Changing teachers work: the ‘reform‘ of secondary shooling |Helsby G. |Open University Press |1999 |

| |Changing the subject (Innovations in science, mathematics and technology education) |Ed. P. Black, J. M. Atkin |Routledge |1998 |

| |Charter Schools: Hope Or Hype? |Jack Buckley, Mark Schneider |Princeton University Press, |2007 |

| |Child development (seventh edition) |L. E. Berk |Pearson |2006 |

| |Child-centred education and its critics |Darling J. |Paul Chapman |1994 |

| |Children’s thinking |Siegler R. S. |Prentice Hall |1998 |

| |Cities and the creative class |R. Florida |Routledge |2005 |

| |Classroom assessment (concepts and applications) 5th ed. |Peter W. Airasian |Mc Grow Hill |2005 |

| |Classroom discipline and management (4 edition) |Clifford H. Edwards |John Wiley & Sons |2004 |

| |Classroom discource analysis: a functional perspective |Christie F. |Continuum |2002 |

| |Coaching skills (a handbook) |J. Rogers |Open university press |2005 |

| |Cognition (third edition) |J. G. Benjafield |OXFORD university press |2007 |

| |Cognitive psychology |N. Braisby, A. Gellatly |OXFORD university press |2005 |

| |Cognitive psychology and instruction |Bruning R. H…[et al.] |Pearson and Merrill Prentice Hall |2004 |

| |Cognitive psychology of school learning |Bruning R. H., Schraw G. J., Norby M. M., |Pearson and Merrill Prentice Hall |2004 |

| | |Ronning R. R. | | |

| |Collecting and interpreting qualitative materials (2 edition) |Ed. N. K. Denzin, Y. S. Lincoln |SAGE publications |2003 |

| |Combining methods in Educational and Social research |S. Gorard, Ch. Taylor |Open university press |2004 |

| |Communication in interpersonal relationships |Cushman D. P., Cahn D. D. |State University of New York Press |1985 |

| |Communication Research Statistics |Reinard J. C. |SAGE Publications |2006 |

| |Comparative and international research in education: globalization, context and |Crossley M., Watson K. |RoutledgeFalmer |2004 |

| |difference | | | |

| |Comparative Inquiry and Educational Policy Making |David Phillips |Routledge |2007 |

| |Comparative Inquiry and Educational Policy Making |David Phillips |Routledge |2008 |

| |Comparative politics today. A word view (ninth edition) |G. A. Almond, G. B. Powell, R. J. Dalton, |Pearson Longman |2008 |

| | |K. Strom | | |

| |Comparing curriculum-making processes |Rosenmund M., Fries A.-V., Heller W. |Peter Lang |2002 |

| |Comparing learning outcomes (International assessment and education policy) |Ed. J. H. Moskowitz, M. Stephens |RoutledgeFalmer |2004 |

| |Competence-based assessment |Wolf A. |Open university press |2000 |

| |Complex cognition. The psychology of human thought |R. J. Sternberg, T. Ben-Zeev |Oxford university press |2001 |

| |Comprehensive handbook of multicultural school psychology |Ed. Craig L. Frisby, |John Wiley & Sons |2005 |

| | |Cecil R. Reynolds | | |

| |Computers, curriculum, and cultural change (an introduction for teachers) |Eugene F. Provenzo, Jr., Arlene Brett |Lawrence Erlbaum Associates |2005 |

| |Conflict, contradiction, and contrarian elements in moral development and education |Ed. Larry Nucci |Lawrence Erlbaum associates |2005 |

| |Conformism and Critique in Liberal Society |Ed. Heyting F., Winch Ch. |Blackwell Publishing |2005 |

| |Confornting future challenges: educational information, research and decision-making |Reimers F., McGinn N., Wild K. |UNESCO: International bureau of |1995 |

| | | |education | |

| |Constructing measures (an item response modeling approach) |Mark Wilson |Lawrence Erlbaum associates |2005 |

| |Contemporary employment relations. A critical introduction |St. Williams, D. Adam-Smith |OXFORD university press |2006 |

| |Contemporary issues in curriculum |Edited by A. C. Ornstein, L. S. |Allyn and Bacon |2003 |

| | |Behar-Horenstein, E. F. Pajak | | |

| |Contemporary political philosophy. An introduction (second edition) |W. Kymlicka |Oxford university press |2002 |

| |Co-operative learning (the social and intellectual outcomes of learning in groups) |Gillies R. M., Ashman A. F. |RoutledgeFalmer |2003 |

| |Cost analysis of educational inclusion of marginalized populations |Tsang M. C. |UNESCO |1994 |

| |Creating successful school systems (voices from the university, the field, and the |ed. Duffy F. M., Dale J. D. |Christopher-Gordon publishers, Inc. |2001 |

| |community) | | | |

| |Creating the conditions for teaching and learning (A handbook of staff development |D. Hopkins, A. Harris |David Fulton publishers |2002 |

| |activities) | | | |

| |Creative drama for the classroom teacher |Heinig R. B. |Prentice Hall |1993 |

| |Creativity and development |R. K. Sawyer, V. J. Steiner, S. Moran, R. |Oxford university press |2003 |

| | |J. Sternberg, D. H. Feldman, J. Nakamura, | | |

| | |M. Csikszentmihalyi | | |

| |Creativity in context |T. M. Amarile |Westview press |1996 |

| |Creativity in education |Edited by A. Craft, B. Jeffrey and M. |Continuum |2001 |

| | |Leibling | | |

| |Creativity. Flow and the psychology of discovery and invention |M. Csikszentmihalyi |Harper Perennial |1996 |

| |Criteria for competence: controversies in the conceptualization and assessment of |Edited by M. Chandler, M. Chapman |Lawrence Erlbaum Associates |1991 |

| |children‘s abilities | | | |

| |Cultural strategies of agenda denial. Avoidance, attack and redefinition |R. W. Cobb, M. H. Ross |University press of Kansas |1997 |

| |Current issues and trends in education |Aldridge J. |Allyn and Bacon |2002 |

| |Current issues in school leadership |Ed. Larry W. Hughes |Lawrence Erlbaum associates |2005 |

| |Curriculum Theory: Conflicting Visions and Enduring Concerns |Michael Stephen Schiro |Sage Publications, Inc |2007 |

| |Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos žodynas |Vyr. red. Keinys S. |Mokslo ir enciklopedijų leidybos inst.|2000 |

| |Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos žodynas CD |Keinys St. |Lietuvių k. inst. |2003 |

| |Dalykinė komunikacija organizacijoje |V. Chreptavičienė |Technologija |2004 |

| |Darbas grupėse |A. Savanevičienė, V. Šilingienė |Technologija |2005 |

| |Darbo jėga, užimtumas ir nedarbas 1999–2004 | |Statistikos departamentas |2005 |

| |Darbo jėga, užimtumas ir nedarbas 2005/ I | |Statistikos departamentas |2005 |

| |Darbo jėga, užimtumas ir nedarbas 2005/ II | |Statistikos departamentas |2005 |

| |Darbo užmokestis 2005/ I | |Statistikos departamentas |2005 |

| |Darbo užmokestis 2005/ II | |Statistikos departamentas |2005 |

| |Data driven differentiation in the Standards-Based classroom |G. H. Gregory, L. Kuzmich |Corwin Press |2004 |

| |Debating Organization (Point-Counterpoint in Organization studies) |Westwood R., Clegg S. |Blackwell Publishing |2003 |

| |Decentralization of education: why, when, what and how? |Welsh T., McGinn N. F. |UNESCO: International Institute for |1999 |

| | | |Educational planning | |

| |Deconstructing special education and constructing inclusion |G. Thomas, A. Loxley |Open university press |2001 |

| |Democracies in Flux: The Evolution of Social Capital in Contemporary Society |Putnam R. D. |Oxford university press |2002 |

| |Democracy, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society: Active Citizenship in a Late |Peter Jarvis |Routledge |2008 |

| |Modern Age | | | |

| |Democratic Education |Gutmann A. |Princeton university press |1999 |

| |Democratic education in a conservative age (Official knowledge) |Michael W. Apple |Routledge |2000 |

| |Democratic learning: The challenge to school effectiveness |J. Macbeath, L. Moos |RoutledgeFalmer |2004 |

| |Democratic schools |M. W. Apple and J. A. Beane |Open University Press, Buckingham |1999 |

| |Demografijos metraštis = Demographic Yearbook: 2002 | |Statistikos departamentas |2003 |

| |Demografijos metraštis 2003 | |Statistikos departamentas |2004 |

| |Demografinė situacija Lietuvoje = Dempgraphic situation in Lithuania: 1990–2002 | |Statistikos departamentas |2003 |

| |Demokratijos modeliai |Held D. |Eugrimas |2002 |

| |Designing and Constructing Instruments for Social Research and Evaluation |David Colton, Robert W. Covert |Jossey-Bass |2007 |

| |Designing Brain-Compatible Learning – 3rd Edition |Gregory G. H., Parry T. |Corwin Press |2006 |

| |Developing a questionnaire |Gillham B. |Continuum |2002 |

| |Developing grading and reporting systems for student learning |Guskey T. R., Bailey J. M. |Corwin press |2001 |

| |Developing minds (a resource book for teaching thinking) |Ed. Arthur L. Costa |ASCD |2001 |

| |Developing teaching and learning in higher education |G. Nicholls |RoutledgeFalmer |2002 |

| |Developing teaching style in adult education |J. E. Heimlich, E. Borland |Jossey-Bass |1994 |

| |Development of Mental Processing: Efficiency, Working Memory and Thinking |Demetriou A....[et al.] |Blackwell Publishing |2002 |

| |Developmental Research Methods |Scott A. Miller |Sage Publications, Inc |2007 |

| |Developmental science and the holistic approach |Ed. L. R. Bergman |Lawrence Erlbaum associates |2000 |

| |Differentiated Instructional Strategies (One Size Doesn't Fit All) – 2nd Edition |Gregory G. H., Chapman C. |Corwin Press |2002 |

| |Differentiation for gifted and talented students |C. A. Tomlinson |Corwin Press |2004 |

| |Dimensions of adult learning (adult education and training in a global era) |Ed. G. Foley |Open university press |2004 |

| |Diplomatija |Kissinger H. |Pradai |2003 |

| |Discovering statistics using SPSS (2 edition) |A. Field |SAGE publications |2005 |

| |Documentary research: in education, history and the social science |G. McCulloch |RoutledgeFalmer |2004 |

| |Doing educatonal administration: theory of administrative practice |Evers C. W., Lakomski G. |Pergamon |2000 |

| |Doing qualitative educational research (A personal guide to the research process) |Walford G. |Continnum |2004 |

| |Doing quantitative research in education with SPSS |Muijs D. |SAGE Publications |2004 |

| |Doing research with children and young people |ed. S. Fraser, |SAGE publications |2004 |

| | |V. Lewis, | | |

| |Drukerio mokymo pagrindai |P. Druker |Rgrupė |2009 |

| |Dvasinis kapitalas |Danah Zohar, Ian Marshall |Tyto Alba |2006 |

| |Dynamic testing : The nature and measurement of learning potential |R. J. Sternberg, E. L. Grigorenko |Cambridge university press |2002 |

| |Early childhood services: theory, policy and practice |H. Penn |Open university press |2000 |

| |Economic Analysis, Moral Philosophy and Public Policy – 2nd Edition |Hausman D. M. |Cambridge university press |2006 |

| |Economy, culture and society |Barry Smart |Open university press |2003 |

| |Educating all students together: How school leaders create unified systems |L. C. Burrello, C. Lashley, E. E. Beatty |Corwin press |2001 |

| |Educating Immigrant Students in the 21st Century |Xue Lan Rong, Judith Preissle |Corwin Press |2008 |

| |What Educators Need to Know | | | |

| |Education across borders. Politics, policy and legislative action |J. Fegam, M. H. Field |Springer |2009 |

| |Education and mind in the knowledge age |Bereiter C. |Lawrence erlbaum associates, |2002 |

| | | |publishers | |

| |Education and social change |Amanda Coffey |Open university press |2001 |

| |Education and society: issues and explanations in the sociology of education |R. Moore |Polity |2004 |

| |Education and the good society |F. Inglis |Palgrave macmillan |2004 |

| |Education and the rise of the global economy |Spring J. |Lawrence Erlbaum Associates |1998 |

| |Education and training in Europe |G. Brunello, P. Garibaldi, E. Wasmer |Oxford |2007 |

| |Education and training Policy. Qualifications systems. Bridges to lifelong learning | |OECD Publishing |2007 |

| |Educational assessment in the 21st century: connecting theory and practice |C. Wayatt-Smith, J. Cumming |Springer |2009 |

| |Education at a Glance 2007 | |OECD Publishing |2007 |

| |OECD Indicators | | | |

| |Education at a Glance. OECD indicators 2006 | |OECD Publishing |2006 |

| |Education at a glance: OECD indicators | |OECD |2002 |

| |Education between state, markets, and civil society: comparative perspectives |Edited by H.-D. Meyer, W. L. Boyd |Lawrence Erlbaum Associates |2001 |

| |Education documentation research and decision - making |Edited by W. Rokicka |UNESCO |1999 |

| |Education finance for school leaders: Strategic planning and administration |C. W. Garner |Prentice Hall |2004 |

| |Education for a change: transforming the way we teach our children |T. Alexander, J. Potter |RoutledgeFalmer |2005 |

| |Education for all: an expanded vision. Vol. 2. |P. Fordham |UNESCO |1992 |

| |Education For All: Critical Issues in the Education of Children and Youth with |Terese C. Jiménez |Wiley |2008 |

| |Disabilities |Victoria L. Graf | | |

| |Education for all: purpose and context. Vol. 1. |S. M. Haggis |UNESCO |1991 |

| |Education for all: the requirements. Vol. 3. |D. M. Windham |UNESCO |1992 |

| |Education for the twenty-first century: issues and prospects |J. Delors |UNESCO |1998 |

| |Education for Thinking |Kuhn D. |Harvard university press |2005 |

| |Education in a global society: a comparative perspective |Mazurek K., Winzer M. A., Majorek C. |Allyn and Bacon |2000 |

| |Education in a new era |Ed. Ronal S. Brandt |ASCD |2000 |

| |Education in a post – welfare society |S. Tomlinson |Open university press |2001 |

| |Education in Europe: policies and politics |Edited by J. A. Ibanez-Martin and G. Jover|Kluwer Academic Publishers |2002 |

| |Education in the moral domain |Nucci L. P. |Cambridge University Press |2001 |

| |Education policy |Trowler P. |Routledge |2003 |

| |Education policy |Ed. J. Marshall and M. Peters |Edward Elgar publishing |1999 |

| |Education policy (globalization, citizenship & democracy) |Olssen M., Codd J., O‘Neill A. |SAGE publications |2004 |

| |Education policy analysis | |OECD |2002 |

| |Education policy analysis. Focus on higher education. 2005 – 2006 | |OECD publishing |2006 |

| |Education policy and practice (Bridging the divide) |Ed. S. Plaut, N. S. Sharkey |Harvard Education publishing group |2003 |

| |Education Policy and Realist Social Theory |Robert Wilmott |Routledge |2007 |

| |Primary Teachers, Child-Centred Philosophy and the New Managerialism | | | |

| |Education Policy Process, Themes and Impact |Les Bell, Howard Stevenson |Routledge |2006 |

| |Education policy-planning process: an applied framework |Haddad W. D. |UNESCO; International Institute for |1995 |

| | | |Educational Planning | |

| |Education psychology. Reflection for action |A. M. O‘Donnell, J. Reeve, J. K. Smith |Wiley |2007 |

| |Education studies (essntial issues) |Ed. Bartlett S. |SAGE Publications |2003 |

| |Education studies a students guide |Ed. Stephen Ward |RoutledgeFalmer |2004 |

| |Education, Equality and Social Cohesion |Andy Green , John Preston and Jan Germen |Palgrave Macmillan |2008 |

| | |Janmaat | | |

| |Education, policy and ethics |Bottery M. |Continuum |2000 |

| |Education, social justice and inter-agency working (joined-up or fractured policy?) |Ed. Riddell S., Tett L. |Routledge/Taylor & francis group |2001 |

| |Education. Culture, economy, society |A. H. Halsey, H. Lauder, P. Brown, A. S. |Oxford university press |2007 |

| | |Wells | | |

| |Educational assessment of students |Nitko A. J. |Pearson; Merrill Prentice Hall |2004 |

| |Educational Assessment: Tests and Measurements in the Age of Accountability  |Robert J. Wright |Sage Publications, Inc |2007 |

| |Educational documentation, research and decision-making: national case studies |Edited by W. Rokicka |UNESCO; International Bureau of |1999 |

| | | |Education | |

| |Educational equity and accontability: paradigms, policies and politics |Ed. Skrla L., Scheurich J. J. |RoutledgeFalmer |2004 |

| |Educational evaluation, assessment, and monitoring: A systemic approach |J. Scheerens, C. Glas, S. M. Thomas |Sweets&Zeitlinger Publishers |2003 |

| |Educational issues in the learning age |Edited by C. Matheson and D. Matheson |Continuum |2000 |

| |Educational mangement (strategy quality, and resources) |Ed. Preedy M., Glatter R., Levacic R. |Open university press |2001 |

| |Educational objectives and national assessment |Butterfield S. |Open University press |1995 |

| |Educational psychology: a contemporary approach |Borich G. D., Tombari M. L. |Longman |1997 |

| |Educational Psychology: Developing Learners – 5th Edition |Ormind J. E. |Pearson/ Merrill Prentice Hall |2006 |

| |Educational psychology: theory and practice (eighth edition) |R. E. Slavin |Pearson |2006 |

| |Educational Research (an Introduction) – 8th Edition |Gall M., Borg W. |Pearson/ Allyn and Bacon |2003 |

| |Educational Research and Policy-Making: Exploring the Border Country Between Research and|Lesley Saunders |Routledge |2007 |

| |Policy | | | |

| |Educational research: policymaking and practice |Hammersley M. |Paul Chapman Publishing |2002 |

| |Educational strategies for small island states |Atchoarena D. |UNESCO: International Institute for |1993 |

| | | |Educational Planning | |

| |Educational strategies for small island states |Atchoarena D. |UNESCO |1993 |

| |Edukacinės inovacijos ir jų diegimas |B. Janiūnaitė |Technologija |2004 |

| |Edukacinių pokyčių ir novacijų valdymas |B. Janiūnaitė |Technologija |2003 |

| |Effective educational leadership (leading and managing for effective education) |Ed. N. Bennett, M. Crawford |Open university press |2004 |

| |Effective Leadership and school improvement |A. Haris, Ch.Day, D. Hopkins, M. Hadfield,|RoutledgeFalmer |2005 |

| | |A. Hargreaves, Ch. Chapman | | |

| |Ekonomikos ir vadybos studijų įvadas |Sud. B. Neverauskas, A. Guzavičius, V. |Technologija |2006 |

| | |Misevičius, R. Čiutienė | | |

| |Ekonominė analizė |V. Gronskas |Technologija |2005 |

| |Ekonominė statistika |V. Bartosevičienė |Technologija |2005 |

| |Elementary science teacher education (international perspectives on contemporary issues |Ed. Ken Appleton |Lawrence Erlbaum associates |2005 |

| |and practice) | | | |

| |Emocinis intelektas |Daniel Goleman |Presvika |2003 |

| |Empirical Political Analysis: Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods, 7/E |Manheim, Rich, Willnat & Brians |Longman   |2008 |

| |Enciklopedinis edukologijos žodynas |L. Jovaiša |Gimtasis žodis |2007 |

| |Encyclopedia of evaluation |S. Mathison |SAGE publications |2005 |

| |Encyclopedia of School Psychology |Lee. S.W. |SAGE Publications |2005 |

| |Encyclopedia of Special Education, A Reference for the Education of Children, |Elaine Fletcher-Janzen, |Wiley |2007 |

| |Adolescents, and Adults with Disabilities and Other Exceptional Individuals |Cecil R. Reynolds | | |

| |Encyclopedia of Special Education, A Reference for the Education of Children, |Elaine Fletcher-Janzen (Editor), Cecil R. |Wiley-Blackwell |2007 |

| |Adolescents, and Adults with Disabilities and Other Exceptional Individuals. Volume 1, |Reynolds (Editor) | | |

| |3rd Edition | | | |

| |Encyclopedia of Special Education, A Reference for the Education of Children, |Elaine Fletcher-Janzen (Editor), Cecil R. |Wiley-Blackwell |2007 |

| |Adolescents, and Adults with Disabilities and Other Exceptional Individuals , Volume 2, |Reynolds (Editor) | | |

| |3rd Edition | | | |

| |Enhancing Adult Motivation to Learn: A Comprehensive Guide for Teaching All Adults |Raymond J. Wlodkowski |Wiley |2008 |

| |Envisioning information |Tufte E. R. |Graphics press |2001 |

| |EQ+IQ=best leadership practices for caring and successful schools |Ed. M. J. Elias, H. Arnold, C. S. Hussey |Corwin press |2003 |

| |Essential microeconomics for public policy analysis |J. M. Levy |Praeger |1995 |

| |Essential motivation in the classroom |Gilbert I. |RoutledgeFalmer |2004 |

| |Essential statistics |J. H. Wilson |Prentice Hall |2005 |

| |Essential websites for educational leaders in the 21st century |James Lerman |Scarecrow education |2004 |

| |Ethics in Public Relations (Responsible Advocacy) |Ed. Fitzpatrick K. R., Bronstein C. |SAGE Publications |2006 |

| |Europa: istorija |Norman Davies |Vaga |2002 |

| |Europe (an unfinished adventure) |Zygmunt Bauman |Polity press |2004 |

| |Europos Sąjunga enciklopedinis žodynas |Sud. Gediminas Vitkus |Eugrimas |2002 |

| |Evaluator Competencies: Standards for the Practice of Evaluation in Organizations |Darlene F. Russ-Eft, Marcie J. Bober, |Jossey-Bass |2008 |

| | |Ileana de la Teja, Marguerite Foxon, | | |

| | |Tiffany A. Koszalka | | |

| |Evaluating psychological information: Sharpening your critical thinking skills (4 |J. Bell |PEARSON and AB |2005 |

| |edition) | | | |

| |Evaluation |Weiss C. H. |Prentice Hall |1998 |

| |Evaluation and social research (Introducing small-scale practice) |I. Hall, D. Hall |Palgrave Macmilan |2004 |

| |Evaluation Essentials: Methods For Conducting Sound Research |Beth Osborne Daponte |Jossey-Bass |2008 |

| |Evaluation practice |Elizabeth DePoy, Stephen Gilson |Routledge |2008 |

| |Evaluation Theory, Models, and Applications |Daniel L. Stufflebeam, Anthony J. |Wiley |2007 |

| | |Shinkfield | | |

| |Evidence and Decision Making |Pamela Moss |Wiley-Blackwell |2007 |

| |Evidence-Based Education Policy: What Evidence? What Basis? Whose Policy? |David Bridges (Editor), Paul Smeyers |Wiley-Blackwell |2009 |

| | |(Editor), Richard Smith (Editor) | | |

| |Evolutionary psychology. An introduction |L. Workman, W. Reader |Cambridge university press |2006 |

| |Executive Leadership for Effective Administration |M. Scott Norton |PEARSON and AB |2005 |

| |Explaining creativity. The science of human innovation |R. K. Sawyer |Oxford university press |2006 |

| |Extended schools manual |S. Blandford |Pearson Education |2007 |

| |Family-school links: how do they affect educational outcomes? |Edited by A. Booth, J. F. Dunn |Lawrence Erlbaum Associates |1996 |

| |Filosofija šiuolaikiškai |E. Džežulskis-Duonys |Technologija |2004 |

| |Filosofijos žodynas |Halder A. |Alma Littera |2002 |

| |Financial management & control: In higher education |M. Prowle, E. Morgan |RoutledgeFalmer |2005 |

| |Financing education in a climate of change |Brimley V. Jr., Garfield R. R. |Allyn and Bacon |2002 |

| |Financing higher education: Answer from the UK |N. Barr, I. Crawford |Routledge |2005 |

| |Finansų analizė |E. Buškevičiūtė, I. Mačerinskienė |KTU: Technologija |2004 |

| |Finding the right balance: freedom, autonomy and accountability in education. Vol. 1 |Glenn Ch., Groof J. de |LEMMA |2002 |

| |Finding the right balance: freedom, autonomy and accountability in education. Vol. 2 | |LEMMA |2002 |

| |Flexibility and Lifelong Learning |Katherine Nicoll |Routledge |2008 |

| |Policy, Discourse, Politics | | | |

| |Foundations of Qualitative Research: Interpretive and Critical Approaches |Jerry W. Willis |Sage Publications, Inc |2007 |

| |Frames of mind: the theory of multiple intelligences |Gardner H. |BasicBooks |1993 |

| |Framing questions, contructing answers: linking research with education policy for |McGinn N. F, Borden A. M. |Harvard University press |1995 |

| |developing countries | | | |

| |From data to action: information systems in educational plannig | |UNESCO |1993 |

| |From initial education to working life: making transitions work | |OECD |2000 |

| |From teaching to mentoring: Principle and practice, dialogue and life in adult education |L. Herman, A. Mandell |RoutledgeFalmer |2004 |

| |Fundamentals of educational research (2nd edition) |G. Anderson, N. Arsenault |RoutledgeFalmer |2004 |

| |Fundamentals of statistical reasoning in education |T. Coladarci, C. D. Cobb, |Jossey-Bass / A Wiley imprint |2004 |

| |Games that teach teams; 21 – activities to super-charge your group |Steve Sugar, George Takacs |Jossey-Bass / A Wiley imprint |2000 |

| |Gender in education |The Jossey-Bass education series |Jossey-Bass / A Wiley imprint |2002 |

| |Getting excited about data: how to combine people, passion, and proof |Holcomb E. L. |Corwin press |1999 |

| |Global covenant: the social democratic alternative to the Washington consensus |D. Held |Polity |2004 |

| |Globaliniai pokyčiai: politika, ekonomika ir kultūra |Held D., McGrew A., Goldblatt D., Perraton|Margi raštai |2002 |

| | |J. | | |

| |Globalizacija |Sud. J. Morkūniene |LTU |2003 |

| |Globalizacija ir kultūra |J. Tomlinson | Mintis |2002 |

| |Globalizacija: pasekmės žmogui |Bauman Z. |Strofa |2002 |

| |Globalization and educational reform: what planners need to know |Martin Carnoy |UNESCO |1999 |

| |Globalization and the Poor |J. R. Mandle |Cambridge university press |2003 |

| |Good school bad school (evaluating performance and encouraging improvement) |Gray J., Wilcox B. |Open university press |1998 |

| |Governance in the 21st century | |OECD |2001 |

| |Governing globalization: Power, authority and global governance |D. Held, A. McGrew |Polity |2004 |

| |Graph theory |Diestel R. |Springer |2000 |

| |Graphing statistics and data: creating better charts |Wallgren A., Wallgren B., Persson R. et |Sage publications |1996 |

| | |al. | | |

| |Growing Together Personal Relationships Across the Lifespan |Ed. Lang F. R., Fingerman K. L. |Cambridge university press |2004 |

| |Grupių valdymas |R. Heller |Alma Littera |2000 |

| |Grynoji teisės teorija |Kelsen H. |Eugrimas |2002 |

| |Gyvenamieji namai ir būstai = Buildings and dwellings | |Statistikos departamentas |2003 |

| |Gyvenimo lygis ir skurdas 2004 |– |Statistikos departamentas |2005 |

| |Gyventojų skaičius apskrityse = Population by county: 1995–2003 | |Statistikos departamentas |2003 |

| |Gyventojų skaičius apskrityse = Population by county: 2003 01 01 | |Statistikos departamentas |2003 |

| |Gyventojų skaičius apskrityse = Population by county: 2003 07 01 | |Statistikos departamentas |2003 |

| |Gyventojų skaičius apskrityse 2005 01 01 |– |STD |2005 |

| |Handbook of communication and social interaction skills |Edited by J. O. Greene and B. R. Burleson |Lawrence Erlbaum Associates |2003 |

| |Handbook of data analysis |M. Hardy, A. Bryman |SAGE publications |2004 |

| |Handbook of data-based decision making in education |Teodore Kowalski, Thomas J. Lasley |Routledge |2008 |

| |Handbook of education policy research |G. Sykes, B. Schneider, D. N. Plank |Routledge |2009 |

| |Handbook of Education Politics and Policy |Bruce Cooper, James Cibulka, Lance |Lawrence Erlbaum Associates |2008 |

| | |Fusarelli | | |

| |Handbook of educational policy |Edited by G. J. Cizek |Academic press |1999 |

| |Handbook of interview research: Context & Method |J. F. Gubrium, J. A. Holstein |SAGE publications |2001 |

| |Handbook of Mixed methods in social and behavioral research |A. Tashakkori, Ch. Teddlie |SAGE publications |2003 |

| |Handbook of Political theory |G. F. Gaus, CH. Kukathas |SAGE publications |2004 |

| |Handbook of psychological & educational assessment of children: Intelligence, Aptitude, |C.R. Reynolds, R. W. Kamphaus |The Guilford Press |2003 |

| |and Achievement (second edition) | | | |

| |Handbook of research design in mathematics and science education |Edited by A. E. Kelly, R. A. Lesh |Lawrence Erlbaum Associates |2000 |

| |Handbook of research on educational administration: a project of the American |N. J. Boyan (Ed.) |Longman |1988 |

| |Educational Research Association | | | |

| |Historical thinking and other unnatural acts: charting the future of teaching the past |Wineburg S. |Temple University Press |2001 |

| |Hope and education (the role of the utopian imagination) |Halpin D. |RoutledgeFalmer |2003 |

| |How the Brain Learns – 3rd Edition |Sousa D. A. |Corwin Press |2006 |

| |How to integrate the Curricula (Third edition) |Robin J. Fogarty, Brian M. Pete |SAGE Publications |2009 |

| |How to lie with statistics |Huff D. |W. W. Norton and Company |1993 |

| |Human Capital |B. Keeley |OECD |2007 |

| |Human capital investment: an international comparison | |OECD |1999 |

| |Human communication: the basic course |DeVito J. A. |Allyn and Bacon |2003 |

| |Human Development across Lives and Generations The Potential for Change |Ed. Chase-Lansdale P. L., Kiernan K., |Cambridge university press |2004 |

| | |Friedman R. J. | | |

| |Human learning |Ormrod J. E. |Merrill and Prentice Hall |1999 |

| |Human motivation |R. E. Franken |Wadsworth. Thomson learning |2002 |

| |Human Resources Administration for Educational Leaders |M. Scott Norton |Sage Publications, Inc |2008 |

| |Human resources administration in education. A management approach (eighth edition) |R. W. Rebore |Pearson |2007 |

| |ICT, pedagogy and the curriculum (subject to change) |Ed. Loveless A., Ellis V. |RoutledgeFalmer |2003 |

| |Images of educational change |Ed. H. Altrichter, |Open university press |2003 |

| | |J. Elliott | | |

| |Imagination and play in the electronic age |D. G. Singer, J. L. Singer |Harvard university press |2007 |

| |Implicit Learning and Consciousness (An Empirical, Philosophical and Computational |Ed. French R. M., Cleeremans A. |Psychology press |2002 |

| |Consensus in the Making) | | | |

| |Improving Achievement in Lost-Performing Schools: Key results for school leaders |R. E. Ward, M. A. Burke |Corwin Press |2004 |

| |Improving Learning, Skills and Inclusion |Frank Coffield, Sheila Edward, Ian Finlay,|Routledge |2008 |

| |The Impact of Policy on Post-Compulsory Education |Ann Hodgson, Ken Spours, Richard Steer | | |

| |Improving school effectiveness |Edited by J. MacBeath and P. Mortimore |Open University Press |2001 |

| |Improving schools and inspection: the self-inspecting school |Ferguson N., Earley P., Fidler B., Ouston |Paul Chapman |2000 |

| | |J. | | |

| |Improving schools in difficulty |P. Clarke |Continuum |2005 |

| |Improving schools through collaborative enquiry |H. Street, J. Temerley |Continuum |2005 |

| |Improving Schools through external intervention |Ch. Chapman |Continuum |2005 |

| |Improving science education: the contribution of research |Edited by R. Millar, J. Leach and J. |Open University Press |2000 |

| | |Osborne | | |

| |Inclusion (the dynamic of school development |David Skidmore |Open university press |2004 |

| |Inclusive education readings and reflections |G. Thomas, |Open university press |2005 |

| | |M. Vaughan | | |

| |Innovating schools | |OECD |1999 |

| |Intelligence reframed: Multiple intelligences for the 21st century |H. Gardner |Basic Books |1999 |

| |Interactive qualitative analysis: A systems method for qualitative research |N. Northcutt, D. McCoy |SAGE publications |2004 |

| |Interesų grupės ir lobizmas |R. Geleževičius |MRU/LTU |2004 |

| |International and national trends in local governance of education |McGinn N. F. |UNESCO and IICBA |2002 |

| |International encyclopedia of adult education |L. M. English |Palgrave Macmillan |2005 |

| |International hanbook of educational evaluation (part I) Perspectives |ed. Kellaghan T., Stufflebeam D. L., |Kluwer academic publishers |2003 |

| | |Wingate L. A. | | |

| |International hanbook of educational evaluation (part II) Practice |ed. Kellaghan T., Stufflebeam D. L., |Kluwer academic publishers |2003 |

| | |Wingate L. A. | | |

| |International Handbook of Intelligence |Ed. Sternberg R. J. |Cambridge university press |2004 |

| |International handbook on the economics of education |G. Johnes, J. Johnes |Edward Elgar Publishing |2004 |

| |International human resource management (theory and practice) |Mustafa Ozbilgin |Palgrave Macmillan |2005 |

| |Interpreting international comparisons of student achievement |Goldstein H. |UNESCO |1995 |

| |Interpreting Standardized Test Scores |Craig A. Mertler |Sage Publications, Inc |2007 |

| |Strategies for Data-Driven Instructional Decision Making | | | |

| |Introduction to Education studies |S. Bartlett, D. Burton, N. Peim |Paul Chapman publishing |2004 |

| |Inventing Intelligence (Social History of Smart) |Privateer P. M. |Blackwell Publishing |2006 |

| |Investigating formative assessment: teaching, learning and assessment in the classroom |Torrance H., Pryor J. |Open University Press |2002 |

| |Įvadas į refleksyviąją sociologiją |P. Bourdieu ir kt. |Baltos lankos |2003 |

| |Joining Society Social Interaction and Learning in Adolescence and Youth |Ed. Perret-Clermont A. N., Pontecorvo C., |Cambridge university press |2004 |

| | |Resnick L. B. | | |

| |Joining together. Group theory and group skills (ninth edition) |D. W. Johnson, F. P. Johnson |Pearson education |2006 |

| |Kaip parengti mokyklos plėtros planą | |Presvika |1998 |

| |Kalbėjimas vėjams: komunikacijos idėjos istorija |J. D. Peters |Lietuvos rašytojų sąjungos leidykla |2004 |

| |Kas yra mokslas? |Alan F. Chalmers |Apostrofa |2005 |

| |Key competencies Defining and selecting |Ed. Rychen D. S. |Hogrefe & Huber Publishers |2001 |

| |Key Concepts in Political Communication |Lilleker D. G. |SAGE Publications |2006 |

| |Key data on education in Europe – 2000 | |European Commission |2002 |

| |Key debates in education |Davies I., Gregory I., McGuinn N. |Continuum |2002 |

| |Key issues in secondary education: introductory readings |Edited by J. Beck and M. Earl |Continuum |2003 |

| |Key issues in sustainable development and learning: A critical review |W. Scott, S. Gough |RoutledgeFalmer |2004 |

| |Killing thinking: the death of the universities |M. Evans |Continuum |2004 |

| |Knowledge management Evidence in Education Linking Research and Policy | |OECD Publishing |2007 |

| |Knowledge management in organisations. A critical introduction |D. Hislop |Oxford university press |2005 |

| |Kompetenciją plėtojančių studijų programų lygio nustatymo metodologija: monografija |Lepaitė D. |Technologija |2003 |

| |Kompiuterinis tarptautinių žodžių žodynas „Interleksis“ CD |Kinderys A. |Alma Littera |2003 |

| |Komunikacija: teorija ir praktika |V. Baršauskienė |Technologija |2005 |

| |Krizių valdymas ir sprendimų priėmimas |A. Valackienė |Technologija |2006 |

| |Kultūrų dialogas – dialogo kultūra (tolerancija vietoj nureikšminimo) |Johannes Rau |Dialogo kultūros institutas |2005 |

| |Kūrybiškumo ugdymas mokant |A. Petrulytė |Presvika |2001 |

| |Language learnability and language development: with new commentary by the author |Pinker S. |Harvard University Press |1996 |

| |Large- scale assessment: dimensions, dilemmas, and policy |Kifer E. |Corwin press |2001 |

| |Leadership & sustainability (system thinkers in action) |M. Fullan |Corwin press |2005 |

| |Leadership (What’s in it for schools?) |Thomas J. Sergiovanni |RoutledgeFalmer |2005 |

| |Leadership and management in education: cultures, change and context |M. Coleman, P. Earley |OXFORD university press |2005 |

| |Leadership for Quality schooling. International perspectives |Kam-cheung Wong, Colin W. Evers |RoutledgeFalmer |2001 |

| |Leadership Mindsets |Linda Kaser, Judy Halbert |Routledge |2009 |

| |Innovation and Learning in the Transformation of Schools | | | |

| |Leading and Managing Extended Schools. Ensuring every child matters |David Middlewood; |SAGE Publications Ltd  |2009 |

| | |Richard Parker | | |

| |Leading Change in Multiple Contexts. Concepts and practices in organizational, community,|Gill Robinson Hickman |SAGE Publications, Inc   |2009 |

| |political, social and global change settings | | | |

| |Leading in a culture of change (personal action guide and work book) |Fullan M. |Jossey Bass |2004 |

| |Leading learning |Lingard B., Hayes D., Mills M., Christie |Open university press |2003 |

| | |P. | | |

| |Leading schools in times of change |Ch. Day, A. Harris, M. Hadfield, H. |Open university press |2000 |

| | |Tolley, J. Beresford | | |

| |Leading Strategic Change |Eric Flamholtz |Cambrigde University Press |2008 |

| |Bridging Theory and Practice |Yvonne Randle | | |

| |Learning a living. First result of the adult literacy and life skills survey | |OECD publishing |2005 |

| |Learning and instruction (second edition) |R. E. Mayer |Pearson Prentice Hall |2003 |

| |Learning in Adulthood: A Comprehensive Guide |Sharan B. Merriam, Rosemary S. Caffarella,|Wiley |2006 |

| | |Lisa M. Baumgartner | | |

| |Learning policy: when state education reform works |Cohen D. K., Hill H. C. |Yale university press |2001 |

| |Learning throughout life: challenges for the twenty-first century | |UNESCO Publishing |2002 |

| |Legislative program evaluation: utilization-driven research for decision makers |Kirk Jonas R. |Jossey-Bass Publishers |1999 |

| |Lessons in leadership (meeting the challenges of public services management) |E. Milner, P. Joyce |Routledge |2005 |

| |Lietuvos apskritys – ekonominė ir socialinė raida 2003 | |STD |2004 |

| |Lietuvos apskritys = Counties of Lithuania: ekonominė ir socialinė raida: economic and | |Statistikos departamentas |2002 |

| |social development: 2001 | | | |

| |Lietuvos ekonomikos apžvalga 2005/ I | |STD |2005 |

| |Lietuvos ekonomikos apžvalga: 2003 | |Statistikos departamentas |2003 |

| |Lietuvos finansų sistema |Bukiūnienė O., Meidūnas V., Puzinauskas P.|Teisinės informacijos centras |2003 |

| |Lietuvos gyventojai pagal amžių 2005 | |STD |2005 |

| |Lietuvos gyventojai pagal amžių: 2001–2003 | |Statistikos departamentas |2003 |

| |Lietuvos gyventojų nuolatinis mokymasis: Statistinio tyrimo rezultatai | |Statistikos departamentas |2005 |

| |Lietuvos gyventojų skaičiaus prognozės 2005 – 2030 m. | |Statistikos departamentas |2004 |

| |Lietuvos gyventojų užimtumo ekonominiai aspektai |B. Martinkus, D. Beržinskienė |Technologija |2005 |

| |Lietuvos politinė sistema: sąranga ir raida |A. Krupavičius, A. Luošaitis |Poligrafija ir informatika |2004 |

| |Lietuvos Respublikos gyventojų ir būstų 2001 m. visuotinio surašymo rezultatai | |Statistikos departamentas |2001 |

| |Lietuvos savivaldybių raida ir veiklos finansavimas |R. Stačiokas, J. Rimas |Technologija |2002 |

| |Lietuvos statistikos metraštis = Statistical Yearbook of Lithuania: 2003 | |Statistikos departamentas |2003 |

| |Lietuvos vaikai | |Statistikos departamentas |2003 |

| |Lietuvos vaikai = Children of Lithuania: 2002 | |Statistikos departamentas |2002 |

| |Lietuvos, Latvijos, Estijos ekonominė ir socialinė raida = economic and social | |Statistikos departamentas |2003 |

| |development in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia: 2003/11 | | | |

| |Lifelong learning in action: Transforming education in the 21st century |N. Longworth |RoutledgeFalmer |2004 |

| |Lifelong learning: which ways forward? |Colardyn D. (Ed.) |Lemma Publishers |2002 |

| |Lithuania in Europe | |Statistics Lithuania |2004 |

| |Lithuania in Europe | |Statistics Lithuania |2005 |

| |Living narrative: creating lives in everyday storytelling |Ochs E., Capps L. |Harvard University Press |2001 |

| |Logics of Critical Explanation in Social and Political Theory |Jason Glynos, David Howarth |Routledge |2007 |

| |Looking in classrooms |Good T. L., Brophy J. E. |Allyn and Bacon |2003 |

| |Making Democracy Work (Civic Traditions in Modern Italy) |Putnam R. D. |Princeton university press |1994 |

| |Making Inclusion Work (Effective Practices for All Teachers) |Beattie J. R., Jordan L., Algozzine B. |Corwin Press |2006 |

| |Making public policy |M. Considine |Polity |2005 |

| |Making Sense of Data: A Practical Guide to Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Mining |Glenn J. Myatt |Wiley-Blackwell |2006 |

| |Making Sense of Data II: A Practical Guide to Data Visualization, Advanced Data Mining |Glenn J. Myatt, Wayne P. Johnson |Wiley-Blackwell |2009 |

| |Methods, and Applications | | | |

| |Making sense of education policy |Whitty G. |Paul chaman publishing |2003 |

| |Making sense of research: What’s good, what’s not, and how to tell the difference |E. K. McEwan, P. J. McEwan, M. Levin |Corwin Press |2003 |

| | |(foreword) | | |

| |Management and organizational behavior (eighth edition) |L. J. Mullins |Prentice Hall |2007 |

| |Management of education in the information age 9the role of ITC |Ed. Ian D. Selwood, |Kluwer academic publishers |2003 |

| | |Alex C. W. Fung | | |

| |Management theories for educational change |Morrison K. |Paul Chapman Publishing Ltd |2003 |

| |Managing complex educational change: Large-scale reorganization of schools |M. Wallace, K. Pocklington |RoutledgeFalmer |2002 |

| |Managing culture |Anthony P. |Open university press |1994 |

| |Managing educational development projects: Effective management for maximum impact |C. Baume, P. Martin, M. Yorke |Kogan Page |2002 |

| |Managing learning in organizations |Casey D. |Open university press |1993 |

| |Manifesto for learning |Collins J., Harkin J. |Continuum |2002 |

| |Mapping the big picture (integrating curriculum & assessment K–12 |Heidi Hayes Jacobs |ASCD |1997 |

| |Mąstymo psichologija |R. Koffemanas |ŠU |2001 |

| |Matematiniai metodai vadyboje |Stasys Puškorius |TEV |2001 |

| |Max Weber ir racionalus pasirinkimas |Zenonas Norkus |Margi raštai |2003 |

| |Measuring Intelligence (Facts and Fallacies) |Bartholomew D. J. |Cambridge university press |2004 |

| |Measuring student knowledge and skills: a new framework for assessment | |OECD |1999 |

| |Measuring up. What educational testing really tells us |D. Koretz |Harvard university press |2008 |

| |Meeting standards through integrated curriculum |Susan M. Drake, Rebecca C. Burns |ASCD |2004 |

| |Memory 101 for Educators |Sprenger M. |Corwin Press |2006 |

| |Methodological advances in cross-national surveys of educational achievement |Ed. Porte A. C., Gamoran A. |National Academy Press |2002 |

| |Methods in educational research: from theory to practice |M. G. Lodico, D. T. Spaulding, K. H. |Wiley |2006 |

| | |Voegtle | | |

| |Middle leadership in schools. Harmonising leadership and learning (second edition) |S. Blandford |Pearson education |2006 |

| |Migration, education and change |S. Luchtenberg |Routledge |2004 |

| |Mindful learning: 101 proven strategies for student and teacher success |Campbell L. |Corwin press |2003 |

| |Models of learning – tools for teaching |Joyce B., Calhoun E., Hopkins D. |Open University Press |2002 |

| |Models of teaching. Connecting student learning with standards |J. M. Dell‘Olio, T. Donk |SAGE publications |2007 |

| |Modern database management (eighth edition) |J. A. Hoffer, M. B. Prescott, F. R. |Pearson |2007 |

| | |McFadden | | |

| |Modern social theory. An introduction |A. Harrington |OXFORD university press |2005 |

| |Moksliniai valdymo principai |F. W. Taylor |Eugrimas |2005 |

| |Mokslinių tyrimų metodologija ir metodai |Kęstutis Kardelis |Lucijus |2005 |

| |Mokslo darbuotojai ir jų veikla 2004 |– |STD |2005 |

| |Mokykla – besimokanti organizacija: monografija |Simonaitienė B. |Technologija |2004 |

| |Mokyklos kultūros kaita |P. Dalin, H. G. Rolff |Tyto Alba |1999 |

| |Mokymas žinių visuomenėje: švietimas nesaugumo amžiuje |A. Hargreaves |Homo liber |2008 |

| |Mokymasis bendradarbiaujant |B. Bennet ir k t. |Garnelis |2000 |

| |Mokymasis grupėse ir asmenybės kaita |M. Teresevičienė, G. Gedvilienė |VDU |2003 |

| |Mokymosi paradoksai |P. Jarvis |VDU leidybos centras |2001 |

| |Monitoring education: indicators, quality and effectiveness |Fitz-Gibbon C. T. |Continuum |2000 |

| |Monitoring learning achievement: towards capacity building |Chinapah V. |UNESCO |1997 |

| |Monitoring the learning outcomes of education systems |Greaney V., Kellaghan T. |The World Bank |1996 |

| |Moral psychology |Lapsley D. K. |Westview Press |1996 |

| |Moterys ir vyrai Lietuvoje 2003 | |Statistikos departamentas |2004 |

| |Motivating students for lifelong learning | |OECD |2000 |

| |Motivation: Biological, Psychological, and Environmental – 2nd Edition |Deckers L. |Pearson |2005 |

| |Multicultural education |Ed. G. Ladson-Billings, D. Gillborn |RoutledgeFalmer |2004 |

| |Multiple intelligences: Best ideas from researches and practice |M. Kornhaber, E. Fierros, Sh. Veenema |PEARSON and AB |2004 |

| |Namų ūkio pajamos ir išlaidos | |Statistikos departamentas |2004 |

| |Namų ūkių pajamos ir išlaidos = Household income and expediture: 2002 | |Statistikos departamentas |2003 |

| |National book policy: a guide for users in the field |Garzón A. |UNESCO publishing |1997 |

| |Neatrasta galia. Lietuvos pilietinės visuomenės žemėlapis |R. Žiliukaitė, A. Ramonaitė, L. |Versus Aureus |2006 |

| | |Nevinskaitė, V. Beresnevičiūtė, I. | | |

| | |Vinogradnaitė | | |

| |Neformaliojo vertinimo strategijos. Kaip formuluoti klausimus, stebėti mokinius ir |B. C. Charlton |Tyto alba |2007 |

| |planuoti pamokas, kad jos skatintų tinkamai suvokti tekstą | | | |

| |Negotiation analysis. The science and art of collaborative decision making |H. Raiffa, J. Richardson, D. Metcalfe |Harvard university press |2007 |

| |Neįgalieji | |Statistikos departamentas |2003 |

| |Nenoras mokytis (Socialinis pedagoginis reiškinys) |L. Rupšienė |KU leidykla |2000 |

| |New directions for evaluation, legislative program evaluation |Kirk Jonas R. |Jossey-Bass Publishers |1999 |

| |New Foundations for Knowledge in Educational Administration, Policy, and Politics: |Douglas E. Mitchell |Lawrence Erlbaum Associates |2006 |

| |Science and Sensationalism | | | |

| |New Learning |Mary Kalantzis |Cambridge university press |2008 |

| |Elements of a Science of Education |Bill Cope | | |

| |New school management approaches | |OECD |2001 |

| |Next: maža knygelė apie globalizaciją ir būsimąjį pasaulį |A. Baricco |Alma litera |2002 |

| |Nuo Europos Bendrijos iki Europos Sąjungos (istorinė, politinė apžvalga) |Richard Mc Allister |Eugrimas |2000 |

| |Nuotolinių studijų organizavimas: strategijos ir technologijos |L. Kraujutaitytė, J. S. Pečkaitis |LTU |2003 |

| |OECD reviews of national policines for education: Latvia | |OECD |2001 |

| |On knowing: essays for the left hand |Bruner J. S. |The Belknap Press of Harvard |1997 |

| | | |UniversityPress | |

| |One step ahead (Presenting numbers, tables, and charts) |Bigwood S., Spore M |Oxford university press |2003 |

| |Organizacijų sociologija |J. Guščinskienė |Technologija |2004 |

| |Organizacinės elgsenos pagrindai |S. P. Robbins |Poligrafija ir informatika |2003 |

| |Organization theory. Modern, symbolic, and postmodern perspectives (second edition) |M. Jo Hatch, A. L. Cunliffe |Oxford university press |2006 |

| |Organizational behavior in education |Owens R. G. |Allyn and Bacon |2004 |

| |Organizational effectiveness: the role of psychology |I. T. Robertson, M. Callinan, D. Bartram |John Wiley&Sons |2002 |

| |Overcoming failure at school | |OECD |1998 |

| |Oxford dictionary of psychology |Ed. A. M. Colman |Oxford university press |2003 |

| |Pathways to institutional improvement with information technology in educational |Ed. C. J. Patric Nolan, Alex C. W. Fung |Kluwer academic publishers |2001 |

| |management | | | |

| |Pedagogika 48: mokslo darbai | |VPU leidykla |2001 |

| |Pedagogika 49: mokslo darbai | |VPU leidykla |2001 |

| |Pedagogika 53: mokslo darbai | |VPU leidykla |2001 |

| |Pedagogika 55: mokslo darbai | |VPU leidykla |2001 |

| |Pedagogika 57: mokslo darbai | |VPU leidykla |2002 |

| |Pedagogika 58 : mokslo darbai | |VPU leidykla |2002 |

| |Pedagogika 59: mokslo darbai | |VPU leidykla |2002 |

| |Pedagogika 60: mokslo darbai | |VPU leidykla |2002 |

| |Performance Management for School improvement. A practical guide for secondary schools |J. Jones |David Fulton Publishers |2001 |

| |Personality traits (second edition) |G. Matthews, I. J. Deary, M. C. Whiteman |Cambridge university press |2006 |

| |Personalo vadyba |Algimantas Sakalas |Margi raštai |2003 |

| |Persuasion (Psychological Insights and Perspectives) – 2nd Edition |Ed. Brock T. C., Green M. C. |SAGE Publications |2005 |

| |Philosophy & Educational Policy: A critical introduction |Ch. Winch, J. Gingell |RoutledgeFalmer |2004 |

| |Philosophy of educational research |Pring R. |Continuum |2000 |

| |Philosophy of social science (the philosophical foundations of social thought) |T. Benton, I. Craib |Palgrave |2001 |

| |Pilietinė visuomenė ir jos priešai |L. Donskis |Versus Aureus |2004 |

| |Pilietinės visuomenės idėja |A. B. Selingman | LRSL |2004 |

| |PISA 2000. Technical report |Edited by R. Adams and M. Wu |OECD |2002 |

| |Planning Classroom Management (A Five-Step Process to Creating a Positive Learning |Bosch K. |Corwin Press |2006 |

| |Environment) – 2nd Edition | | | |

| |Play and educational theory and practice |Edited by D. E. Lytle |Praeger |2003 |

| |Pokyčių valdymas |Stasys Stoškus |ŠŪ |2005 |

| |Pokyčių visuomenėje sąsajų su švietimo kaita paieška |E. Gečienė |Klaipėdos verslo ir technologijų |2003 |

| | | |kolegija | |

| |Policy analysis (concepsts and practice) |Weimer D. L., Vining A. R. |Pearson education |2004 |

| |Policy and politics in education |Walford G. |Ashgate |2000 |

| |Policy design for democracy |A. L. Schneider, H. Ingram |University press of Kansas |1997 |

| |Policy for open and distance learning (volume 4) |Perraton H., Lentell H. |RoutledgeFalmer |2004 |

| |Policy paradox (the art of political decision making) |Stone D. |W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. |2002 |

| |Policy research in educational settings |Jenny Ozga |Open university press |2000 |

| |Policy studies for educational leaders |Fowler F. C. |Merrill |2000 |

| |Political Approaches to Educational Administration and Leadership |Eugenie A. Samier, |Routledge |2008 |

| | |Adam G. Stanley | | |

| |Political philosophy for the global age |Monica Judith Sanchez Flores |Palgrave Macmillan |2005 |

| |Political thinkers. From Socrates to the Present |D. Boucher, P. Kelly |Oxford university press |2006 |

| |Politikos formavimo procesas |Ch. Lindblom |Algarvė |1999 |

| |Politinio spektaklio konstravimas |Edelman M. |Eugrimas |2002 |

| |Politinių teorijų istorija |George H. Sabine, Thomas L. Thorson |Margi raštai |2008 |

| |Positive Classroom Management (A Step-by-Step Guide to Successfully Running the Show |DiGiulio R. |Corwin Press |2000 |

| |Without Destroying Student Dignity) – 2nd Edition | | | |

| |Postconventional moral thinking: a neo-Kohlbergian approach |Rest j., Narvaez D., Bebeau M. J., Thoma |Lawrence Erlbaum Associates |1999 |

| | |S. J. | | |

| |Postmodernism and social research |Mats Alvesson |Open university press |2002 |

| |Practical research. Planning and design |P. D. Lebedy, J. E. Ormrod |Pearson |2005 |

| |Prelude to music eduducation |Erwin J. H., Edwards K. L., Kerchner J. |Prentice Hall |2003 |

| | |L., Knight J. W. | | |

| |Preparing educators to communicate and connect with families and communities |Ed. Schmidt P. R. |Information age publishing |2005 |

| |Principal: the creative leadership for effectiv |Ubben G. C., Hughes L. W., Norris C. J. |Pearson : Allyn and Bacon |2004 |

| |Principles of organizational behavior |R. Fincham, P. Rhodes |Oxford university press |2005 |

| |Problemos apibrėžimas politikos analizėje |Ž. Martinaitis |VU leidykla |2007 |

| |Profesinio tobulinimosi vertinimas |T. R. Guskey |Garnelis |2004 |

| |Professional development for educational management |Ed. L. Kydd, M. Crawford, C. Riches |Open university press |2000 |

| |Programme for international student assessment: Pisa: 2000 technical report |Edited by R. Adams, M. Wu |OECD |2002 |

| |Providing quality in the public sector (a practical approach to improving public |L. Gaster, A. Squires |Open University press |2003 |

| |services) | | | |

| |Psychology for Inclusive Education |Edited by Peter Hick, Ruth Kershner, Peter|Routledge |2008 |

| |New Directions in Theory and Practice |Farrell | | |

| |Public Policy (Preferences and Outcomes) |Simon Ch. A. |Pearson Longman |2006 |

| |Public policy analysis (an introduction) |Dunn W. N. |Pearson education |2004 |

| |Public policy in gifted education |ed. Gallagher J.J. |Corwin press A Sage publications |2004 |

| | | |company | |

| |Qualifications systems. Bridges to lifelong learning | |OECD |2007 |

| | | |Publishing | |

| |Qualitative data analysis (explorations with NVivo) |Graham R. Gibbs |Open university press |2002 |

| |Qualitative research in education (interaction and practice) |Freebody P. |SAGE publications |2004 |

| |Qualitative research in psychology (expanding perspectives in methodology and design) |ed. Camic P. M., Rhodes J. E. |American psychological association |2003 |

| |Qualitative research practice |C. Seale, G. Gobo, J. F. Gubrium, D. |SAGE publications |2004 |

| | |Silverman | | |

| |Qualitative research: Theory, Method and Practice (2 edition) |D. Silverman |SAGE publications |2004 |

| |Quantitative methods in educational research (the role of numbers made easy) |Gorard S. |Continuum |2001 |

| |Quantitative methods in social science (the role of nubers made easy) |Gorard S. |Continuum |2004 |

| |Rational choice and politics: A critical introduction |St. Parson |Continuum |2005 |

| |Reading and understanding more multivariate statistics |ed. Grimm L. G. |American Psychological Association |2002 |

| |Reading and understanding research (2 edition) |L. F. Locke, S. J. Silverman, W. W. |SAGE publications |2004 |

| | |Spirduso | | |

| |Reading educational research and policy |Scott D. |RoutledgeFalmer |2000 |

| |Reading statistics and research (fifth edition) |S. W. Huck |Pearson |2008 |

| |Reading statistics and research (fourth edition) |Schuyler W. Huck |Pearson Education |2004 |

| |Reading-writing connections: from theory to practice |Heller M. F. |Lawrence Erlbaum Associates |1999 |

| |Reaching Higher. The power of expectations in schooling |Rhona S. Weinstein |Harvard University Press |2002 |

| |Reasoning with statistics: how to read quantitative research |Williams F., Monge P. |Harcourt college publishers |2001 |

| |Reclaiming education |Tooley J. |Cassell |2000 |

| |Recruiting and retaining teachers: Understanding why teachers teach |A. D. Cockburn, T. Haydn |RoutledgeFalmer |2004 |

| |Redesigning accountability systems for education |Ed. S. H. Fuhrman, R. F. Elmore |Teachers College press |2004 |

| |Reflective practice in educational research: developing advanced skills |Evans L. |Continuum |2002 |

| |Reflective teaching (effective and evidence-informed professional practice) |Pollard A. |Continuum |2003 |

| |Reforming schools |Kinsler K., Gamble M. |Continuum |2001 |

| |Regionų ekonomika, politika ir valdymas Lietuvoje |G. Mačys |MRU/LTU |2005 |

| |Remodeling schools manual |S. Blandford |Pearson Education |2006 |

| |Research and Evaluation methods in special education |Donna M. Mertens, John A. McLaughlin |Corwin press |2004 |

| |Research designs |Spector P. E. |Sage Publications |1981 |

| |Research methodology: a step-by-step guide for beginners |Kumar R. |Sage Publications |1999 |

| |Research methods and society. Foundations of social inquiry |L. E. Dorsten, L. Hotchkiss |Prentice Hall |2005 |

| |Research Methods in Education – 5th Edition |Cohen L., Manion L., Morrison K. |RoutledgeFalmer |2005 |

| |Research methods in educational leadership and management (second edition) |A. R. J. Briggs, M. Coleman |SAGE publications |2007 |

| |Research Methods in Politics |Roger Pierce |Sage Publications Ltd |April 2008 |

| |Research Methods in Politics, 2nd Edition |Peter Burnham , Karin Gilland Lutz , Wyn |Palgrave Macmillan |2008 |

| | |Grant and Zig Layton-Henry | | |

| |Research questions |Andrews R. |Continuum |2003 |

| |Research Skills for Policy and Development. How to find out fast. |Alan Thomas; |SAGE Publications Ltd   |2007 |

| | |Giles Mohan | | |

| |Researching learning difficulties: A guide for practitioners |J. Porter, P. Lacey |Paul Chapman publishing |2005 |

| |Rethinking multiculturalism: Cultural diversity and political theory |B. Parekh |Palgrave |2000 |

| |Rethinking the school curriculum: Values, Aims and Purposes |J. White |RoutledgeFalmer |2004 |

| |Rethinking Universities |S. Baker, B.J. Brown |Continuum |2007 |

| |Reviewing quantitative research to inform edcational policy processes |Hite S. J. |UNESCO: International Institute for |2001 |

| | | |Educational Plannnig | |

| |Reviews of national policies for education: Latvia | |OECD |2001 |

| |Sample tasks from the PISA 2000 assessment: reading, mathematical and scientific literacy| |OECD |2002 |

| |Sampling of populations: methods and applications |Levy P. S., Lemeshow S. |John Willey and Sons |1999 |

| |Savivaldos institucijų socialinis politinis veiksmingumas | |Mykolo Romerio universitetas |2006 |

| |School development: Theories and strategies |P. Dalin |Continuum |2005 |

| |School effectiveness and school improvement: alternative perspectives |Edited by A. Harris and N. Bennett |Continuum |2001 |

| |School finance (a policy perspective) 3 rd edition |Allan R. Odden, Lawrence O. Picus |McGraw-Hill |2004 |

| |School improvement through performance feedback |A. J. Visscher, R. Coe |Sweets&Zeitlinger Publishers |2002 |

| |School inspection and Self-evaluation: working with the new relationship |J. MacBeath |Routledge |2006 |

| |School management in transition: Schooling on the edge |D. E. Shuttleworth |RoutledgeFalmer |2003 |

| |School-based evaluation: an international perspective |Edited by D. Nevo |JAI; Elsevier Science |2002 |

| |School-based evaluation: an international perspective |Ed. D. Nevo |JAI; Elsevier Science |2002 |

| |Schooling for life (reclaiming the essence of learning) |J. Grennon Brooks |ASCD |2002 |

| |Schools and Data (The Educator's Guide for Using Data to Improve Decision Making) – 2nd |Creighton T. B. |Corwin Press |2001 |

| |Edition | | | |

| |Schools and Society: A Sociological Approach to Education |Jeanne H. Ballantine, Joan Z. Spade |Pine Forge Press |207 |

| |Schools of quality (3rd edition) |J. J. Bonstingl |Corwin press |2001 |

| |Schools that learn |Senge P. |Currency Doubleday |2000 |

| |Schools, markets and choice policies |St. Gorard, Ch. Taylor, J. Fitz |RoutledgeFalmer |2003 |

| |Science education and development: planning and policy issues at secondary level |Caillods F., Göttelmamm-Duret G., Lewin K.|UNESCO et al. |1997 |

| |Self-evaluation in European schools. A story of change |J. Macbeath, M. Schratz, D. Meuret, L. |RoutledgeFalmer |2000 |

| | |Jakobsen | | |

| |Seven Constructivist methods for the Secondary Classroom |Gabler I. C., Schroeder M. |Allyn and Bacon |2003 |

| |Shakespeare, Einstein, and the Bottom Line (The Marketing of Higher Education) |Kirp D. L. |Harvard university press |2003 |

| |Shools that learn |Senge P.... et al. |Currency Doubleday |2000 |

| |Show me the numbers (designing tables and graphs to enlighten) |Few S. |Analytics press |2004 |

| |Šiuolaikinė filosofija: globalizacijos amžius |Sud. J. Morkūnienė |LTU |2004 |

| |Šiuolaikinis mokymas (Praktinis vadovas) |Petty G. |Tyto Alba |2006 |

| |Smart thinking (Skills for critical understanding and writing) – 2nd Edition |Allen M |Oxford university press |2004 |

| |So each may learn (integrating learning styles and multiple intelligences |Harvey F. Silver, Richard W. Strong |ASCD |2000 |

| |Social and behavioral statistics: A user-friendly approach (second edition) |St. P. Schacht, J. E. Aspelmeier |Westview Press |2005 |

| |Social and political philosophy (contemporary perspectives) |Ed. Sterba J. P. |Routledge/Taylor & francis group |2001 |

| |Social exclusion (2 edition) |D. Byrne |Open university press |2005 |

| |Social Experimentation, Program Evaluation, and Public Policy |Maureen Pirog (Editor) |Wiley-Blackwell |2009 |

| |Social problems (2 edition) |J. J. Macionis |Prentice Hall |2005 |

| |Socialinė parama neįgaliesiems įsidarbinimo situacijoje |Sud. I. Baranauskienė |ŠPU |2004 |

| |Socialinė pedagogika |I. Leliūgienė |KTU: Technologija |2002 |

| |Socialinė psichologija (Teisėtvarkos darbuotojams) |A. Suslavičius, G. Valickas |LTU |1999 |

| |Socialinė statistika |V. Rudzkienė |MRU |2005 |

| |Socialinė statistika (3 dalis. Darbai) |E. Bagdonas, D. Kunigėlienė, I. Patašienė,|Technologija |2005 |

| | |V. Skvernys | | |

| |Socialinė statistika. I dalis |Eugenijus Bagdonas |Technologija |2005 |

| |Socialinės stratifikacijos skaitiniai |R. Brazienė |Technologija |2005 |

| |Socialinis darbas švietimo sistemoje |V. Kučinskas, R. Kučinskienė |KU leidykla |2000 |

| |Sociologija |A. Giddens |Poligrafija ir informatika |2005 |

| |Sociologinis tyrimas |Asta Valackienė |Technologija |2005 |

| |Sociologinių tyrimų metodika |I. Luobikienė |Technologija |2007 |

| |Sociology – diversity, conflict, and change |Kenneth J. Neubeck, |Mc Grow Hill |2005 |

| | |Davita S. Glasberg | | |

| |Sociology A Global Introduction – 3rd Edition |Macionis J., Plummer K. |Pearson/ Prentice Hall |2005 |

| |Special Education in Contemporary Society |Richard M. Gargiulo |Sage Publications, Inc |2008 |

| |An Introduction to Exceptionality | | | |

| |Spirituality, Philosophy and Education |D. Carr, J. Haldane |RoutledgeFalmer |2003 |

| |Sprendimų valdymas |J. Frank Yates |Smaltija |2004 |

| |SPSS Essentials: Managing and Analyzing Social Sciences Data |John T. Kulas |Jossey-Bass |2008 |

| |SPSS programų paketo taikymas statistiniuose tyrimuose |T. Leonavičienė |VPU leidykla |2006 |

| |Standards deviation. How schools misunderstand education policy |J. P. Spillane |Harvard university press |2004 |

| |Standards-based school mathematics curricula: What are they? What do students learn? |Edited by S. L. Senk, D. R. Thompson |Lawrence Erlbaum Associates |2003 |

| |State-Building (Governance and World Order in the 21st Century) |Fukuyama F. |Profile books |2005 |

| |Statistical Analysis Quick Reference Guidebook: with SPSS examples |Alan C. Elliott; |SAGE Publications, Inc  |2007 |

| | |Wayne A. Woodward | | |

| |Statistical yearbook = Annuaire statistique = Anuario estadístico: 1999: education et al.|UNESCO |UNESCO |1999 |

| |Statistical yearbook on candidate and south-east European countries: data 1996–2000 | |Eurostat |2002 |

| |Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics |Neil J. Salkind |Sage Publications, Inc |2007 |

| |Statistics for the behavioral and social sciences. A brief course (fourth edition) |A. Aron, E. N. Aron, E. J. Coups |Prentice hall |2008 (2005) |

| |Statistics without math for psychology. Using SPSS for WindowsTM (third edition) |Ch. P. Dancey, J. Reidy |Prentice hall |2004 |

| |Statistics; concepts and controversies |Moore D. S. |W. H. Freeman and Company |2001 |

| |Statistika ir jos taikymai. I dalis. |Vydas Čekanavičius |TEV |2000 |

| |Statistika ir jos taikymai. II dalis. |Vydas Čekanavičius |TEV |2002 |

| |Statistika su SPSS psichologiniuose tyrimuose |R. Vaitkevičius, A. Saudargienė |VDU leidykla |2006 |

| |Statistiniai kokybės valdymo metodai |Vidmantas Adomėnas |Technologija |2000 |

| |Strategic direction and development of the school; key frame |Davies B., Ellison L. |RoutledgeFalmer |2003 |

| |Strategic management for school development: leading your school’s improvement strategy |Fidler B. |Paul Chapman Publishing |2002 |

| |Strateginis valdymas |A. Vasiliauskas |Technologija |2006 |

| |Strategy as Practice |Gerry Johnson, Ann Langley, Leif Melin, |Cambrigde University Press |2008 |

| |Research Directions and Resources |Richard Whittington | | |

| |Students Who Drive You Crazy |Jeffrey A. Kottler, Ellen Kottler |Corwin Press |2008 |

| |Succeeding With Resistant, Unmotivated, and Otherwise Difficult Young People | | | |

| |Studentų socialinės padėties kaita ir jos priežastys |J. Leonavičius |Technologija |2004 |

| |Suaugusiojo raida |B. H. Lemme |Poligrafija ir informatika |2003 |

| |Suaugusiųjų mokymasis |M.Teresevičienė, P.Oldroys, G.Gedvilienė |VDU |2004 |

| |Succeeding with standards (linking curriculum, assessment, and action planning) |Judy F. Carr, Douglas E. Harris |ASCD |2001 |

| |Supervision for Today's Schools |Peter F. Oliva, |Wiley |2007 |

| | |George Pawlas | | |

| |Supervision today! |Robbins S. P., DeCenzo D. A. |Pearson; Prentice Hall |2004 |

| |Supervision: a guide to practice |Wiles J., Bondi J. |Merrill; Prentice Hall |2000 |

| |Supervisory leadership: focus on instruction |Beach D. M., Reinhartz J. |Allyn and Bacon |2000 |

| |Suporting life learning: making policy work (volume 3) |Ed. Edwards R., Miller N., Small N. |RoutledgeFalmer; The open university |2002 |

| |Suporting life learning: perspectives on learning (volume 1) |Ed. Harrison R., Reeve F., Hanson A. |RoutledgeFalmer; The open university |2002 |

| |Supporting lifelong learning: organizing learning (volume 2) |Ed. Reeve F., Cartwright M. |Open university press |2002 |

| |Sustainable development and learning: Framing the issues |W. Scott, S. Gough |RoutledgeFalmer |2003 |

| |Švietimas = Education: 2002 | |Statistikos departamentas |2003 |

| |Švietimas 2004 | |Statistikos departamentas |2005 |

| |Švietimas 2007 | |Statistikos departamentas |2008 |

| |Švietimas pereinamuoju laikotarpiu |P. Rado |Garnelis |2001 |

| |Švietimo monitoringo įvadas: mokomoji knyga |Lamanauskas V. |Lucilijus |2004 |

| |Švietimo studijos 6 (Lietuvos švietimo kaita) |R. Bruzgelevičienė |Garnelis |2001 |

| |Švietimo vadyba reformos erdvėje (II) | |VPU leidykla |2005 |

| |Systems of education: theories, policies and implicit values |Edited by M. Leicester, C. Modgil and S. |Falmer press |2000 |

| | |Modgil | | |

| |Taikomoji sociologija |J. Guščinskienė |Technologija |2006 |

| |Tarptautinių ekonominių santykių pagrindai |V. Kvainauskaitė |Technologija |2005 |

| |Tarptautinių žodžių žodynas |Vaitkevičiūtė V. |Žodynas |2004 |

| |Tarptautinių žodžių žodynas |Sud. A. Bendorienė |Alma littera |2003 |

| |Teacher learning for educational change |Hoban G. F. |Open University Press |2002 |

| |Teacher Supervision and Evaluation: Theory into Practice |James Nolan, Jr., Linda A. Hoover |Wiley |2007 |

| |Teacher‘s guide to classroom research |Hopkins D. |Open University Press |2003 |

| |Teaching adults |A. Rogers |Open university press |2003 |

| |Teaching adults (3 edition) |A. Rogers |Open university press |2004 |

| |Teaching and learning with technology |Lever-Duffy J., McDonald J. B., Mizell Al |Allyn and Bacon |2003 |

| | |P. | | |

| |Teaching communication: theory, research, and methods |Edited by A. L. Vangelisti, J. A. Daly |Lawrence Erlbaum Associates |1999 |

| |Teaching design and technology |Eggleston J. |Open University Press |2001 |

| |Teaching in further education. An outline of principles and practice |L. B. Curzon |Continuum |2004 |

| |Teaching in the knowledge society: education in the age of insecurity |A. Hargreaves |Open University Press |2003 |

| |Teaching multiliteracies across the curriculum: changing contexts of text and image in |Unsworth L. |Open University Press |2001 |

| |classroom practice | | | |

| |Teaching strategies for active learning. Five Essentials for your teaching plan |D. W. Tileston |Cornwin Press |2007 |

| |Teaching the new basic skills (Principles for educating children to thrive in a changing |Murnane R. J., Levy F. |The free press |2000 |

| |economy) | | | |

| |Teaching to the brain’s natural learning systems |Barbara K. Given |ASCD |2002 |

| |Teaching values (Critical perspectives on education, politics and culture |R. Scapp |RoutledgeFalmer |2003 |

| |Teisingumo teorijos: socialinio teisingumo traktatas T. 1 |Barry B. |Eugrimas |2002 |

| |Ten steps to a results-based monitoring and evaluation system (a handbook for development|J. Z. Kusek, R. C. Rist |The World bank | |

| |practitioners) | | | |

| |Test better, teach better (the instructional role of assessment) |W. James Popham |ASCD |2003 |

| |Testing: friend or foe?: the theory and practice of assessment and testing |Black P. J. |RoutledgeFalmer |1999 |

| |Tests and examinations: measuring abilities and performance |Aiken, L. R. |John Wiley and Sons |1998 |

| |The 250 job interview questions |Peter Veruki |F+W Publications |1999 |

| |The academic quality handbook: Enhancing higher education in universities and further |P. McGhee |Kogan Page |2003 |

| |education colleges | | | |

| |The action research guidebook (a four-step process for educators and school teams) |Richard Sagor |Corwin press |2005 |

| |The active teacher. Practical strategies for maximizing teacher effectiveness |Ron Nash |Corwin press |2009 |

| |The age of migration: International population movements in the modern world (third |St. Castles, M. J. Milller |Palgrave Macmillan |2003 |

| |edition) | | | |

| |The Art of Educational Leadership: Balancing Performance and Accountability |Fenwick W. English |Sage Publications, Inc |2007 |

| |The assessment bridge: Positive ways to link tests to learning, standards, and curriculum|P. G. Solomon |Corwin Press |2002 |

| |improvement | | | |

| |The blackboard and the bottom line. Why schools can‘t be businesses |L. Cuban |Harvard university press |2004 |

| |The Blackwell Dictionary of Modern Social Thought – 2nd Edition |Ed. Outhwaite W. |Blackwell Publishing |2006 |

| |The brain-compatible classroom (using what we know about learning to improve teaching) |Laura Erlauer |ASCD |2003 |

| |The Cambridge handbook of Acculturation Psychology |D. L. Sam, J. W. Berry |Cambridge university press |2006 |

| |The Cambridge handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance |K. Anders Ericsson, N. Charness, P. J. |Cambridge university press |2006 |

| | |Feltovich, R. R. Hoffman | | |

| |The Cambridge handbook of the Learning Sciences |R. Keith Sawyer |Cambridge university press |2006 |

| |The Cambridge history of twentieth century political thought |T. Ball, R. Bellamy |Cambridge university press |2003 |

| |The Changing Distribution of Earnings in OECD Countries |A B Atkinson |Oxford University Press |1 May 2008 |

| |The child‘s mind |White J. |RoutledgeFalmer |2002 |

| |The class size debate is small better? |P. Blatchford |Open university press |2003 |

| |The classroom of choice (giving students what they need and getting what you want) |Jonathan C. Erwin |ASCD |2004 |

| |The cognitive psychology of school learning |Gagné E. D., Yekovich C. W., Yekovich F. |Longman |1993 |

| | |R. | | |

| |The competent organization |Hodgkinson G. P., Sparrow P.R. |Open university press |2002 |

| |The competitive ethos and democratic education |Nicholls J. G. |Harvard University Press |1989 |

| |The content analysis guidebook |Kimberly A. Neuendorf |SAGE publications |2002 |

| |The creative cognition approach |St. M. Smith, T. B. Ward, R. A. Finke |The MIT press |1997 |

| |The creative society of the 21st century | |OECD |2000 |

| |The critical thinking about research (psychology and related fields) |J. Meltzoff |American psychological association |2004 |

| |The cultural origins of human cognition |Tomasello M. |Harvard University Press |2000 |

| |The culture of education |Bruner J. |Harvard University Press |2001 |

| |The curriculum of the future (from the ‘new sociology of education’ to a critical theory |Michael F. D. Young |RoutledgeFalmer |2003 |

| |of learning) | | | |

| |The curriculum: theory and practice |Kelly A. V. | | |

| |The Development and Education of Mind (The Selected Works of Howard Gardner) |Gardner H. |Routledge |2006 |

| |The development of language |Gleason J. B. |Allyn and Bacon |2001 |

| |The development of mental processing: efficiency, working memory, and thinking |Demetriuo A., Christou C., Spanoudis G., |Blackwell publishing |2002 |

| | |Platsidu M. | | |

| |The digital revolution and the coming of the postmodern university |C. A. Raschke |RoutledgeFalmer |2003 |

| |The Dynamics of Educational Effectiveness: A Contribution to Policy, Practice and Theory |Bert P.M. Creemers, Leonidas Kyriakides |Routledge |2007 |

| |in Contemporary Schools | | | |

| |The Education Gospel (The Economic Power of Schooling) |Grubb W. N., Lazerson M. |Harvard university press |2004 |

| |The 8th Habit: From effectiveness to greatness   |Stephen R. Covey |Simon&Schuster |2004 |

| |The empowered school: the management and practice of development planning |D. H. Hargreaves, D. Hopkins |Continuum |2005 |

| |The end of history and the last man |Francis Fukuyama |Penguin books |1992 |

| |The essential guide to teaching |S. Davies |Pearson |2006 |

| |The essential guide to writing research papers |Lester J. D., Lester J. D. |Longman |1999 |

| |The European dream (how Europe’s vision of the future is quietly eclipsing the American |Jeremy Rifkin |Polity press |2004 |

| |dream) | | | |

| |The Failed Century of the Child: Governing America’s Young in the Twentieth Century |J. Sealander |Cambridge university press |2003 |

| | The fifth discipline (the art & practice of the learning organization) |Senge P. M. |Random house business books |1999 |

| |The fifth discipline fieldbook (strategies and tools for building a learning |Senge P. M. |Nicholas Brealey publishing |2003 |

| |organization) | | | |

| |The Future of Society |Outhwaite W. |Blackwell Publishing |2006 |

| |The global transformations reader: An introduction to the globalization debate (second |D. Held, A. McGrew |Polity |2005 |

| |edition) | | | |

| |The handbook of Cognition |K. Lamberts, R. L. Goldstone |SAGE publications |2005 |

| |The handbook of human resource management policies and practice in Asia-Pacific |M. Zanko |Edward Elgar Publishing |2002 |

| |economies: volume1 | | | |

| |The Handbook of Public Affairs |P. Harris, G. S. Fleisher |SAGE publications |2005 |

| |The Intelligent School (2 edition) |B. MacGilchrist, K. Myers, J. Reed |SAGE publications |2004 |

| |The international handbook of creativity |J. C. Kaufman, R. J. Sternberg |Cambridge university press |2006 |

| |The international handbook on the sociology of education: An international assessment of |Ed. Torres C. A., Antikainen A. |Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. |2003 |

| |new research and theory  | | | |

| |The keys to effective schools: Educational reform as continuous improvement |ed. W. D. Hawley, D. L. Rollie |Corwin press |2002 |

| |The lighter side of educational leadership |Aaron Bacall |Corwin Press |2002 |

| |The Microeconomics of Public Policy Analysis |Friedman L. S. |Princeton university press |2002 |

| |The moral imperative of school leadership |M. Fullan, J. I. Goodlad (foreword) |Corwin Press |2003 |

| |The new accountability: High schools and high-stakes testing |M. Carnoy, R. Elmore, L. S. Siskin |RoutledgeFalmer |2003 |

| |The new meaning of educational change |Fullan M. |Teachers College Press |2001 |

| |The new strategic direction and development of the school: key frameworks for school |Davies B., Ellison L. |RoutledgeFalmer |2003 |

| |improvement planning | | | |

| |The OECD, globalization and education policy |Henry M., Lingard B., Rizvi F., Taylor S. |Pergamon |2001 |

| |The open world and closed societies (essays on higher education policies “in transition”)|Voldemar Tomusk |Palgrave Macmillan |2004 |

| |The Oxford Handbook of Contextual Political Analysis |Ed. Goodin R. E., Tilly Ch. |Oxford university press |2006 |

| |The path of least resistance for managers (Designing organizations to succeed) |Fritz R. |Berett-Koehler Publishers |1999 |

| |The political system of the European Union (2nd edition) |Simon Hix |Palgrave Macmillan |2005 |

| |The Politics of Structural Education Reform |Keith A. Nitta |Routledge |2008 |

| |The pover of experiential learning: a handbook for trainers and educators |Beard C., Wilson J. P. |Kogan Page |2002 |

| |The principal: creative leadership for excellence in schools |Ubben G. C., Hughes L. W., Norris C. J. |Pearson; Allyn and Bacon |2004 |

| |The process of education |Bruner J. S. |Harvard University Press |2002 |

| |The psychology of language |Jay T. B. |Prentice Hall |2003 |

| |The Public Policy Process – 4th Edition |Hill M. |Pearson Longman |2005 |

| |The quick reference guide to educational innovations (practices, programs, policies, and |Carolyn Orange |Corwin press |2002 |

| |philosophies) | | | |

| |The research interview |Gillham B. |Continuum |2003 |

| |The researcher’s toolkit: the complete guide to practitioner research |D. Wilkinson |RoutledgeFalmer |2004 |

| |The rise of the creative class. ... and how it‘s transforming work, leisure, community, |R. Florida |Basic Books |2002 |

| |and everyday life | | | |

| |The role of measurement and evaluation in education policy |Edited by F. M. Ottobre |UNESCO |1999 |

| |The sage dictionary of Statistics |D. Cramer, D. Howitt |SAGE publications |2004 |

| |The sage handbook of Qualitative Research (3 edition) |N. K. Denzin, Y. S. Lincoln |SAGE publications |2005 |

| |The sage handbook of Quantitative Methodology for the Social Sciences |D. Kaplan |SAGE publications |2004 |

| |The SAGE international Handbook of Educational evaluation |K. E. Ryan, J. Bradley Cousins |SAGE |2009 |

| |The school and community relations |Bagin D., Gallagher D. R. |Allyn and Bacon |2001 |

| |The science of personality (second edition) |L. A. Pervin |OXFORD university press |2003 |

| |The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Powerful lessons in personal change |Stephen R. Covey. |Simon&Schuster |1989 |

| |The shaping school culture fieldbook (second edition) |K. D. Peterson, T. E. Deal |Wiley |2009 |

| |The Six secrets of change. What the best Leaderss do to help their organizations survive |M. Fullan |Wiley |2008 |

| |and thrive | | | |

| |The Social Construction of Intellectual Disability |Rapley M. |Cambridge university press |2004 |

| |The social science encyclopedia (2nd edition) |A. Kuper, J. Kuper |Routledge |2003 |

| |The sociology of education; A systematic analysis |Ballantine J. H. |Prentice Hall |2001 |

| |The State of Education Policy Research |Susan H. Fuhrman, David K. Cohen, Fritz |Lawrence Erlbaum Associates |2007 |

| | |Mosher | | |

| |The states and public higher education policy (Affordability, access, and accountability |Ed. D. E. Heller |The Johns Hopkins University Press |2001 |

| |The truth about testing (an educator’s call to action) |W. James Popham |ASCD |2001 |

| |The ultimate FE lecturer‘s handbook |R. Clow, T. Dawn |Continuum |2007 |

| |The unfinished revolution (learning, human behaviour, community, and political paradox) |J. Abbott, T. Ryan |ASCD |2001 |

| |The visual display of quantitative information |Tufte E. R. |Graphics press |2002 |

| |The well-being of nations: the role of human and social capital | |OECD |2001 |

| |Theories of Educational leadership and management (3 edition) |T. Bush |SAGE publications |2005 |

| |Theories of the policy process (second edition) |P. A. Sabatier |Westview Press |2007 |

| |Thinker toys. A handbook of creative-thinking techniques (second edition) |M. Michalko |Ten speed press |2006 |

| |Thinking again: education after postmodernism |Blake N., Smeyers P., Smith R., Standish |Bergin and Garvey |1998 |

| | |P. | | |

| |Total quality management in the public sector |C. Morgan, S. Murgatroyd |Open university press |1999 |

| |Toward a theory of instruction |Bruner J. S. |The Belknap press |1966 |

| |Transition to the knowledge society (policies and strategies for individual participation|Ed. Kjell Rubenson |UBC Institute for European studies |2000 |

| |and learning) | | | |

| |Understanding and managing children‘s classroom behavior. Creating sustainable, resilient|S. Goldstein, R. B. Brooks |Wiley |2007 |

| |classrooms (second edition) | | | |

| |Understanding assessment: purposes, perceptions, practice |Lambert D, Lines D. |Routledge Falmer |2000 |

| |Understanding creativity. The interplay of biological, psychological, and social factor. |J. S. Dacey, K. H. Lennon |Jossey - Bass |1998 |

| |Understanding critical social psychology |K. Tuffin |SAGE publications |2005 |

| |Understanding Institutional Diversity |Ostrom E. |Princeton university press |2005 |

| |Understanding mass higher education: Comparative perspectives on access |T. Tapper, D. Palfreyman |RoutledgeFalmer |2005 |

| |Understanding multivariate research (a primer for beginning social scientists) |William D. Berry, |Westview press |2000 |

| | |Mitchell S. Sanders | | |

| |Understanding public policy (11 edition) |T. R. Dye |Prentice Hall |2005 |

| |Understanding the political world (A comparative introduction to political science) |J. N. Danziger |Longman publishers |2003 |

| |Understanding, designing and conducting quality: framing the project |Schostak J. F. |Open University Press |2002 |

| |Undoing democracy: The politics of electoral caudillismo |D. Close, K. Deonandan |Lexington Books |2004 |

| |Uses and Misuses of Data for Educational Accountability and Improvement |Joan L. Herman (Editor), Edward H. Haertel|Wiley-Blackwell |2005 |

| | |(Editor) | | |

| |Using data to close the achievement gap: How to measure equity in our school (2 edition) |R. S. Johnson, A. Wheelock (foreword) |Corwin Press |2002 |

| |Using Equity audits to Create Equitable and Excellent schools |L. Skrla, K. Bell McKenzie, J. J. |Corwin |2009 |

| | |Scheurich | | |

| |Using focus groups in research |Litosseliti L. |Continuum |2003 |

| |Using research instruments: A guide for researcher |D. Wilkinson, P. Birmingham |RoutledgeFalmer |2003 |

| |Utilizing education and human resource sector analyses |Kemmerer F. |UNESCO; International Institute for |1994 |

| | | |Educational Planning | |

| |Vadovavimo psichologija |J. Kasiulis, V. Barvydienė |Technologija |2004 |

| |Vadyba |S. Stoškus, D. Beržinskienė |Technologija |2005 |

| |Vadyba: organizacijos veiklos operatyvaus valdymo pagrindai |F. S. Butkus |Eugrimas |2003 |

| |Vadybos sociologijos aspektai |J. Nagdanavičius, R. grigas, V. Senkus |VPU leidykla |2006 |

| |Valdymo pagrindai |V.Damašienė |Šiaurės Lietuva |2002 |

| |Valdymo sprendimai |E. S. Švelienė |Technologija |2006 |

| |Valstybės ekonominė politika |O. G. Rakauskienė |Mykolo Romerio universitetas |2006 |

| |Valstybės finansai |V. Naraškevičiūtė, A. Makštutienė |Technologija |2006 |

| |Valstybės tarnautojų etika |Sud. G. Gulyas | Margi raštai |2002 |

| |Valstybės teorijos (Liberaliosios demokratijos politika) |P. Dunleavy, B. O‘Leary |Eugrimas |1999 |

| |Viešasis administravimas |Red. A. Raipa |KTU: Technologija |2002 |

| |Viešasis sektorius (sąvokos, modeliai ir požiūriai) |J. E. Lane |Margi raštai |2001 |

| |Viešieji finansai |E. Buškevičiūtė |Technologija |2006 |

| |Viešoji politika |W. Parsons |Eugrimas |2001 |

| |Viešoji vadyba |N. Thom A. Ritz |LTU |2004 |

| |Viešojo administravimo efektyvumas |Red. A. Raipa |KTU: Technologija |2001 |

| |Viešojo administravimo etika |J. Palidauskaitė |Technologija |2003 |

| |Viešojo sektoriaus institucijų strateginis valdymas |M. Arimavičiūtė |Mykolo Romerio universitetas |2005 |

| |Viešojo valdymo reforma |Pollitt Ch., Bouckaert G. |Algarvė |2003 |

| |Viešojo valdymo reforma (lyginamoji analizė) |Ch. Pollitt, G. Bouckaert | Algarvė |2003 |

| |Viešosios politikos paradoksai: sprendimų priėmimo menas politikoje |D.Stone |Eugrimas |2004 |

| |Viešųjų organizacijų teorijos |R.B.Denhardt |Algarvė |2001 |

| |Visual Research Methods |Gregory C. Stanczak |Sage Publications, Inc |2007 |

| |Image, Society, and Representation | | | |

| |Visuomenė, valdžia ir žiniasklaida: prieštaringa komunikacinė simbiozė |Lauras Bielinis |Eugrimas |2005 |

| |Visuomeninis intelektas |Daniel Goleman |Presvika |2008 |

| |Visuotinės kokybės vadyba |A. Burkauskas |Technologija |2006 |

| |Visuotinės kokybės vadyba |P. Vanagas |Technologija |2004 |

| |Visuotinės kokybės vadybos metodų taikymas organizacijoje |E. R. Stancikas, D. Bagdonienė |Technologija |2004 |

| |What Counts as Credible Evidence in Applied Research and Evaluation Practice? |Stewart I. Donaldson; |SAGE Publications, Inc  |2009 |

| | |Christina A. Christie; | | |

| | |Melvin M. Mark | | |

| |What is Intelligence? |James R. Flynn |University of Otago, New Zealand |2007 |

| |Beyond the Flynn Effect | |Cambridge university press | |

| |What’s worth fighting for in education? |Andy Hargreaves, Michael Fullan |Open university press |1998 |

| |Why Johnny can‘t tell right from wrong: and what we can do about it |Kilpatrick W. K. |Touchstone |1993 |

| |Why life speeds up as you get older. How memory shapes our past |D. Draaisma |Cambridge university press |2006 |

| |Widening participation in post-compulsory education |Thomas L. |Continuum |2001 |

| |Winners and losers of the information revolution (psychosocial change and its |Bernard Carl Rosen |Praeger publishers |1998 |

| |discontents) | | | |

| |With More Deliberate Speed: Achieving Equity and Excellence in Education. Part II |Arnetha F. Ball (Editor) |Wiley-Blackwell |2006 |

| |Work psychology. Understanding human behavior in the workplace |J. Arnold, J. Silvestre, F. Patterson, I. |Prentice hall |2005 |

| | |Robertson, C. Cooper, B. Burnes | | |

| |Workshops: designing and facilitating experiential learning |Brooks-Harris J. E., Stock-Ward S. R. |Sage Publications |1999 |

| |World data on education: a guide to the structure of national education systems |M. Amadio |UNESCO |2000 |

| |Writing Logically, Thinking Critically – 5th Edition |Cooper Sh., Patton R. |Pearson Longman |2006 |

| |Writing test items to evaluate higher order thinking |Haladyna T. M. |Allyn and Bacon |1997 |

| |Writing the Winning Thesis or Dissertation (A Step-by-Step Guide) – 2nd Edition |Glatthorn A. A., Joyner R. L. |Corwin Press |2005 |

| |Writing, Reading, and Research – 7th Edition |Veit R., Gould Ch. |Pearson Longman |2006 |

| |Young minds in social worlds. Experience, meaning and memory |K. Nelson |Harvard university press |2007 |

| |Žiniomis grįstos ekonomikos link: žinių raiška ir skvarba |K. Kriščiūnas, R. Daugėlienė |Technologija |2006 |


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