The Gospel of LUKE - Grace Notes

a Grace Notes publication

The Gospel of Luke

an expositional Bible study by

Dr. Daniel Hill, Pastor

Southwood Bible Church

Tulsa, Oklahoma

Edited by Warren Doud

Grace Notes 1705 Aggie Lane, Austin, Texas 78757

The Gospel of Luke

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 ....................................................................................................................................... 4

Chapter 2 ..................................................................................................................................... 17

Chapter 3 ..................................................................................................................................... 27

Chapter 4 ..................................................................................................................................... 33

Chapter 5 ..................................................................................................................................... 49

Chapter 6 ..................................................................................................................................... 66

Chapter 7 ..................................................................................................................................... 90

Chapter 8 ................................................................................................................................... 107

Chapter 9 ................................................................................................................................... 125

Chapter 10 ................................................................................................................................. 147

Chapter 11 ................................................................................................................................. 158

Chapter 12 ................................................................................................................................. 171

Chapter 13 ................................................................................................................................. 183

Chapter 14 ................................................................................................................................. 194

Chapter 15 ................................................................................................................................. 201

Chapter 16 ................................................................................................................................. 211

Chapter 17 ................................................................................................................................. 222

Chapter 18 ................................................................................................................................. 232

Chapter 19 ................................................................................................................................. 248

Chapter 20 ................................................................................................................................. 262

Chapter 21 ................................................................................................................................. 281

Chapter 22 ................................................................................................................................. 291

Chapter 23 ................................................................................................................................. 325

Chapter 24 ................................................................................................................................. 336


These studies in the Gospel of Luke have been compiled and written by Rev. Daniel Hill, PhD, pastor of

Southwood Bible Church of Tulsa, Oklahoma. He has graciously provided his notes so that they can be

made available by E-mail and on the World Wide Web.

After graduating from high school in Scottsdale, Arizona, Dan Hill served in the United States Navy.

Upon receiving his honorable discharge in 1965 he attended Arizona State University where he received

a degree in Speech and History. Dan and his wife Patricia were married in 1970. Pat is also a graduate of

Arizona State University and is the Executive Administrator for Village Missions International, which

has its headquarters in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Following three years of teaching in the public schools, Dr. Hill enrolled at Dallas Theological Seminary

where he received his Masters degree in Theology in 1976. During that time he also was working on

research that earned him a Doctorate from the California Graduate School of Theology in 1977.

Dr. Hill pastored Grace Bible Church in Prescott, Arizona for three years, then returned to Phoenix where

he was the Bible editor for Alpha Omega Publications and assistant pastor of West Side Bible Church. In

1987, the Hills moved to Hope, Arkansas where Dr. Hill served as pastor of Hope Community Church. In

1990, Dr. Hill accepted his present pastorate at Southwood Bible Church in Tulsa.

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4 The Gospel of Luke

Chapter 1

wife nor children, and at the age of 84 he fell asleep in

Boeotia, full of the Holy Spirit.

Let¡¯s begin our study of the Gospel of Luke by

looking at the introduction to the Gospel of Luke.

He is a Gentile, a Greek, his name is Latin

showing some Roman influence.

Luke 1:1-4

As a medical physician he was well educated and

his training and profession resulted in very

detailed writing in both Luke and Acts.

Inasmuch as many have undertaken to

compile an account of the things

accomplished among us,

About Theophilus.

just as those who from the beginning were

eyewitnesses and servants of the word have

handed them down to us,

His name means friend of God.

it seemed fitting for me as well, having

investigated everything carefully from the

beginning, to write it out for you in

consecutive order, most excellent


However, his exact identity is unknown.

Speculation has ranged from the generic friend of

God intended to all Christians.

so that you might know the exact truth about

the things you have been taught.

Now let¡¯s quickly turn to Acts chapter one.

Acts 1:1, The first account I composed,

Theophilus, about all that Jesus began to do

and teach,

2 until the day when He was taken up, after

He had by the Holy Spirit given orders to the

apostles whom He had chosen.

3 To these He also presented Himself alive,

after His suffering, by many convincing

proofs, appearing to them over a period of

forty days, and speaking of the things

concerning the kingdom of God.

From these two introductions we can see that

these two New Testament books were written by

the same person and written to the same person.

About Luke.

Luke is called by Paul in Colossians 4:14 the

beloved physician.

He was a close friend and missionary companion

to Paul.

The circumstances of his conversion are not


He spent time in Antioch and later ministered in


An ancient epitaph of Luke stated that he had: He

served the Lord without distraction, having neither

He was the recipient of both the books of Luke

and Acts

Or he could be a specific benefactor to the early

church, perhaps in high social or political


If the that is true, the name may be a pseudonym

to protect the individual from persecution.

Another possibility is that Theophilus was

unsaved and that Luke wrote the letters to

persuade him to put his faith in Christ.

When and from where was the Gospel of Luke


Of all the ideas about when this Gospel was

written the early date of early AD 60¡¯s seems to fit

the context of both the Gospel and the books of

Acts the best.

Luke would have then written this during the

time of Paul¡¯s first imprisonment in Rome where

both Paul and Luke had the time to write and


He is mentioned as being with Paul at this time in

Philippians 1:24 and then in II Timothy 4:11 we

find that he is one of the very few who stuck with

Paul during his second and most difficult


In considering when it was written we must also

consider the relationship of this Gospel to others.

Mark is the first written Gospel and John in the


Matthew¡¯s Gospel and Luke¡¯s Gospel seem to be

written about the same time.

Who drew upon whom?

The Gospel of Luke 5

There was oral tradition that developed regarding

the earthly ministry of Christ.

Theophilus; so that you might know the

exact truth about the things you have been


These developed into written tradition that

predated the writing of the Gospels.

Outline of Luke

One of the best theories is that there were four

written traditions.

The Infancy Narratives (John and Jesus): Chapters


Mark¡¯s Gospel (inspired), then the Q document

which developed in Antioch, the M document

which developed in Jerusalem, and the L

document which developed in Caesarea.

The Ministry of John the Baptist: 3:1-20

These along with oral traditions became the

sources for the Gospels.

Jesus in Jerusalem: 19:45 ¨C 21:38

Mark used the oral traditions and Q, along with

his eyewitness account

The Resurrection: Chapter 24

Matthew used Mark, Q, and M, along with his

eyewitness account

Whereas Luke used Mark, Q, and L

John seemed to have relied on Luke along with his

own eyewitness account

One very interesting theory that clears up some

internal problems with the language used in Luke

is that he wrote a Gospel account using the Q and

L documents.

But then, came upon Mark¡¯s Gospel and edited his

original work using this new influence.

Notice what he says in Luke 1:1-2

Jesus in Galilee: 3:21 ¨C 9:50

From Galilee to Jerusalem: 9:51 ¨C 19:44

The Crucifixion: 22:1 ¨C 23:46

Major Themes

What emphasis do we find in this Gospel? Why

was it written?

Well, it was written as a defense of the faith, to

prove the earthly ministry of Christ, His death,

His resurrection.

But in doing this we see a number of major themes

of doctrine dealt with.

It is the Gospel for the Gentiles, written by a


Of all the books of the Bible, only two are written

by a Gentile and that Gentile is Luke.

Inasmuch as many have undertaken to

compile an account of the things

accomplished among us,

He was the man from the wrong side of the tracks

(non-Jewish) so to speak, but God used him in a

mighty way.

just as those who from the beginning were

eyewitnesses and servants of the word have

handed them down to us -

Even his quotations of the Old Testament are

taken from the Septuagint, the Greek translation

of the Hebrew Bible.

To say the least, I am thankful to the scholars who

spend a lot of time looking into these matters to

show us the not only the relationship between the

Gospel writers but also the validity of these

accounts about our Savior.

It is a Gospel of Women. In the Jewish culture the

place for women was very low but with the

Greeks and even more so the Romans, the

woman¡¯s place in family and in society was


Luke has been thought of as a historian but his

Gospel is much more theological than historical.

Luke writes much of Mary the mother of Jesus,

Mary and Martha of Bethany, Mary Magdalene.

And in his introduction he states a theological


Some suppose that Luke may have grown up in

Macedonia where women were more emancipated

than anyplace else in the empire.

It seemed fitting for me as well, having

investigated everything carefully from the

beginning, to write it out for you in

consecutive order, most excellent

It is a Gospel of Praise.

In Luke¡¯s writings the phrase praising God appears

more than in all rest of the NY put together.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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