Julie of the Wolves BookFiles Guide (PDF)

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Julie of the Wolves

by Jean Craighead George

Danielle Denega

Copyright ? 2004 by Scholastic Inc. Interview ? 2004 by Jean Craighead George

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Scholastic BookFiles: A reading guide to Julie of the wolves by Jean Craighead George/Danielle Denega. p. cm.

Summary: Discusses the writing, characters, plot, and themes of this 1972 novel. Includes discussion questions and activities.

Includes bibliographical references (p. ).

1. George, Jean Craighead, 1919? . Julie of the Wolves-- Juvenile literature. 2. Arctic regions--In literature--Juvenile

literature. 3. Eskimos in literature--Juvenile literature. 4. Wolves in literature--Juvenile literature [1. George, Jean Craighead, 1919? . Julie of the Wolves. 2. American literature--

History and criticism.] I. Title. II. Series.

PS3557.E485J854 2004




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Composition by Brad Walrod/High Text Graphics, Inc. Cover and interior design by Red Herring Design

Printed in the U.S.A. 23 First printing, March 2004


About Jean Craighead George


How Julie of the Wolves Came About


An Interview with Jean Craighead George


Chapter Charter: Questions to Guide Your Reading 17

Plot: What's Happening?


Setting/Place and Time: Where in the World Are We? 28

Themes/Layers of Meaning: Is That What It

Really Means?


Characters: Who Are These People, Anyway?


Opinion: What Have Other People Thought About

Julie of the Wolves?




Jean Craighead George on Writing


You Be the Author!




Related Reading




About Jean Craighead George

"I had much to paint and write about."

--Jean Craighead George

From a very early age, Jean Craighead George was very ambitious. She remembers being six years old and deciding that she would be not only a writer, but also an illustrator, a dancer, a poet, and a mother. Did she follow all of these dreams? She did--and then some! She began writing in the third grade, and hasn't stopped since. She has written more than one hundred books.

Jean Craighead was born on July 2, 1919, in Washington, D.C. Her dad, Frank C. Craighead, was an entomologist (a scientist who studies insects) and a botanist (a scientist who studies plants). Her mother, Mary, and her brothers, aunts, and uncles were also students of nature. Jean and her older twin brothers, John and Frank, grew up spending their summers in the wilderness along the Potomac River.

It was during these summers that Jean says her father taught her about trees, flowers, birds, and insects, and even how to find and harvest wild foods. Jean was always drawn to the outdoors. She liked to fish, play softball, swim, catch frogs, and ride



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