Week 1, Genesis 1 Discussion Questions

[Pages:1]Week 1, Genesis 1 Discussion Questions

LEADERS ? please remember you don't need to use every question! Determine in advance or as you go which questions will be good for your group.

You may like to begin by reading Genesis 1. 1. Evolution or creation? Science or Bible? Chaos or purpose? Accident or plan? Share with the

group what your take on Genesis 1 and the creation account has been. Or if you have never given it a lot of thought ? share that with the group and what light the sermon has shed for you!

2. Did you understand what is meant by referring to this chapter as `pre-history'? Did you understand that this chapter was never meant to explain the details of how creation happened, rather, just who was responsible and the purpose? Spend some time discussing the nature of the chapter. And remember also as you chat, that this is God's word to us, not just an ancient text.

In the beginning God 3. What strikes you as significant about the way the Bible begins? What did the sermon suggest are

some of the implications? How does this critique the way most people around us live?

Order 4. In contrast to other ancient creation stories which centre around chaos between gods in the

universe, the Bible's creation story centres around order. From a watery beginning, God brings order to the sky and land and seas and then fills each of these with living beings with a mandate to multiply. What a contrast! Creation is not the outcome of warring gods fighting, nor are we humans some sort of afterthought, created to serve the gods. What is the chapter then saying to people who had such ideas about how creation came about? What is it saying to our modern context?

5. And what did Christians with an interest in exploring God's world make of this in terms of science. What is the irony of people nowadays driving a wedge between the Bible and science?

Authority and purpose 6. God speaks and things spring into being and into life. And everything is now held together by his

authority and for his glory. How does this help us understand John 1:1-3? Or how does John 1:1-3 help us to understand Genesis 1?

Humankind as pinnacle 7. Why does the text say "Let us make man in our own image"? Why the plural?

8. What does it mean that we are made in God's image? What does it mean that we are to rule over the earth, under God's rule and on his behalf?

9. Read Psalm 8 and explore our place in God's creation and purposes.

10. Is there anything new you've learned/seen this week? Is this great God in total charge of you?

The Anglican Church of Noosa


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