StudySync Correlation to the Virginia English Standards of ...

StudySync Correlation to the Virginia English Standards of Learning Curriculum Framework 2017 Grade 8



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Publisher: McGraw-Hill School Education Program Name: StudySync? Components: StudySync? digital teacher edition

Standard 8

Studysync Citations

8.1 The student will participate in, collaborate in, and report on small-group learning activities.

a) Assume responsibility for specific group tasks and share responsibility for collaborative work within diverse teams.

Speaking & Listening Handbook "Collaborative Discussions" pg. 2-3, 6, 10

Thematic Unit 2: In Time of War Instructional Path Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat First Read: Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat Student:

3. Think -- Questions 6, 7 Teacher:

2. Read --Discuss

3. SyncTV 4. Think

--SyncTV Style Discussion

b) Exhibit willingness to make necessary compromises to accomplish a goal.

Thematic Unit 4: The Civil War Research Conduct the Research

2. Break Students Into Small Groups 3. Assemble the Research

Speaking & Listening Handbook "Collaborative Discussions"

pg. 2, 6

Thematic Unit 2: In Time of War Extended Writing Project Extended Writing Project: Argumentative Writing Teacher:

2. Read --Discuss

Thematic Unit 2: In Time of War Research

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Publisher: McGraw-Hill School Education Program Name: StudySync? Components: StudySync? digital teacher edition

c) Collaborate with others to exchange ideas, develop new understandings, make decisions, and solve problems.

Conduct the Research 2. Break Students Into Small Groups -- Review and Discuss

Speaking & Listening Handbook "Collaborative Discussions" pg. 2-3, 6, 10

Thematic Unit 1: Suspense! Instructional Path Cujo Blast: Are You a Smart Consumer? Teacher:

Title/Driving Question Background QuikPoll Number Crunch Create Your Blast --Review

Thematic Unit 2: In Time of War Instructional Path Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat First Read: Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat Student:

2. Read 3. SyncTV 4. Think

-- Questions 6, 7 Teacher:

2. Read --Discuss

3. SyncTV 4. Think

--SyncTV Style Discussion

Thematic Unit 4: The Civil War Research Conduct the Research

2. Break Students Into Small Groups 3. Assemble the Research

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Publisher: McGraw-Hill School Education Program Name: StudySync? Components: StudySync? digital teacher edition

d) Include all group members, and value individual contributions made by each group member.

Present the Research 4. Group Multimedia Presentations

Speaking & Listening Handbook "Collaborative Discussions"

pg. 2-3, 6, 10

e) Make statements to communicate agreement or tactful disagreement with others' ideas.

Thematic Unit 1: Suspense! Research Review and Discuss

1. Revisit the Unit Blast and Unit Trailer Conduct the Research

2. Break Students Into Small Groups 3. Assemble the Research in Each Group


Thematic Unit 2: In Time of War Instructional Path The Diary of Anne Frank: A Play First Read: The Diary of Anne Frank: A Play Teacher:

1. Intro --Build Background

Thematic Unit 3: A Moral Compass Research Conduct the Research

2. Break Students Into Small Groups -- Review and Discuss

Speaking & Listening Handbook "Collaborative Discussions" pg. 2, 6, 10

Thematic Unit 1: Suspense Research

Extension: Respond to and Post the Presentations 5. Write

Thematic Unit 2: In Time of War Extended Writing Project Skill: Research and Note-Taking

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Publisher: McGraw-Hill School Education Program Name: StudySync? Components: StudySync? digital teacher edition

f) Use a variety of strategies to listen actively and speak using appropriate discussion rules with awareness of verbal and nonverbal cues.

Student: 2. Model

Teacher: 2. Model

Speaking & Listening Handbook "Collaborative Discussions" pg. 2, 9, 11

Speaking & Listening Handbook "Critical Listening" pg. 13-20

Thematic Unit 1: Suspense Research Present the Research

4. Group Multimedia Presentations

g) Use self-reflection to evaluate one's own role in preparation and participation in small-group activities.

Thematic Unit 3: A Moral Compass Research Present the Research

4. Group Multimedia Presentations

Speaking & Listening Handbook "Collaborative Discussions" pg. 10-12

Thematic Unit 3: A Moral Compass Instructional Path Born Worker Blast: The Trickster's Classroom Teacher:

Create Your Blast --Review

Thematic Unit 4: The Civil War Research Extension: Respond to and Post the Presentations

5. Write

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Publisher: McGraw-Hill School Education Program Name: StudySync? Components: StudySync? digital teacher edition

8.2 The student will develop and deliver multimodal, interactive presentations collaboratively and individually.

a) Select, organize, and create multimodal content that encompasses opposing points of view.

Speaking & Listening Handbook "Presentation Skills" pg. 48-52

Thematic Unit 3: A Moral Compass Research Conducting the Research

2. Break Students Into Small Groups 3. Assemble the Research in Each Group

b) Choose vocabulary and tone appropriate to the audience, topic, and purpose.

Thematic Unit 4: The Civil War Research Conducting the Research

2. Break Students Into Small Groups 3. Assemble the Research in Each Group

Speaking & Listening Handbook "Collaborative Discussions" pg. 9, 16

Thematic Unit 1: Suspense Research Present the Research

4. Group Multimedia Presentations

Thematic Unit 2: In Time of War Research Present the Research

4. Group Multimedia Presentations

Thematic Unit 3: A Moral Compass Research Present the Research

4. Group Multimedia Presentations

Thematic Unit 4: The Civil War Research Present the Research

4. Group Multimedia Presentations

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Publisher: McGraw-Hill School Education Program Name: StudySync? Components: StudySync? digital teacher edition

c) Use effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills to deliver multimodal presentations.

d) Cite information sources.

Speaking & Listening Handbook "Presentation Skills" pg. 48-52

Thematic Unit 1: Suspense Research Present the Research

4. Group Multimedia Presentations

Thematic Unit 2: In Time of War Research Present the Research

4. Group Multimedia Presentations

Thematic Unit 3: A Moral Compass Research Present the Research

4. Group Multimedia Presentations

Thematic Unit 4: The Civil War Research Present the Research

4. Group Multimedia Presentations Thematic Unit 1: Suspense Research Present the Research

4. Group Multimedia Presentations

Thematic Unit 2: In Time of War Extended Writing Project Skill: Sources and Citations Student:

1. Define 2. Model 3. Your Turn Teacher: 1. Define 2. Model 3. Your Turn

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Publisher: McGraw-Hill School Education Program Name: StudySync? Components: StudySync? digital teacher edition

e) Respond to audience questions and comments.

f) Differentiate between Standard English and informal language.

Thematic Unit 3: A Moral Compass Research Present the Research

4. Group Multimedia Presentations

Thematic Unit 4: The Civil War Extended Writing Project Skill: Sources and Citations Student:

1. Define 2. Model 3. Your Turn Teacher: 1. Define 2. Model 3. Your Turn Thematic Unit 1: Suspense Research Present the Research 4. Group Multimedia Presentations


Thematic Unit 2: In Time of War Research Present the Research

4. Group Multimedia Presentations --Questions

Thematic Unit 3: A Moral Compass Research Present the Research

4. Group Multimedia Presentations --Questions

Thematic Unit 4: The Civil War Research Present the Research

4. Group Multimedia Presentations --Questions

Speaking & Listening Handbook

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