Functional Skills in English (Level 2)

Functional Skills in English

Preparation for Passing Level 2

Teaching Resource Pack

Lesson 1 - Starter: Audience, Purpose and Genre Card Sort

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|4-4-2 Magazine |teenage Girls |TO INSTRUCT |

|(football magazine) | | |

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|football fans |an article, ‘The Guide to Lip Gloss’ in Cosmopolitan |TO INFORM |

| |Magazine | |

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|TO ENTERTAIN |customers, visitors |a recipe for king prawn Madras |

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|prospective customers |a ‘no smoking’ sign |TO PERSUADE |

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|an advert for a Vauxhall Insignia (car) |climbing enthusiasts |TO INFORM |

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|TO INFORM |the school newsletter |cooks / chefs |

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|parents, teachers, students |TO ADVISE |a guide to climbing Everest |

Lesson 1 - Development: Mini-Texts

Mini-Text 1:

|The Best Player on the Planet? |What about Maradona himself? Messi’s fellow Argentine was a hero to|

| |his legion of fans during the 80s and early 90s. However, his drug |

|His class is undeniable and his skill unquestioned, but is Lionel |fuelled binges and erratic behaviour mean, for many, his reputation |

|Messi really the greatest player ever to set foot on a football |will always be blackened. |

|pitch? | |

| | |

|Ever since his emergence in the colours of Barcelona, Messi has |So, what about more contemporary rivals? How about Messi’s fellow |

|mesmerised fans and terrorised his fellow professionals. Where some|magician from Real Madrid, Cristiano Ronaldo? Bought from Sporting |

|players run tirelessly for ninety minutes, scrapping for every touch|Lisbon by Manchester United for £12.6m in 2004, Ronaldo showed |

|of the ball that they can, Messi glides effortlessly, almost like a |exactly why Fergie has such an eye for talent: he’s electric-fast, |

|ballerina. Watching Messi, is quite honestly, like a religious |is physically imposing at over six-feet tall, and scores for fun! |

|experience; not since Maradona has a player picked up the ball, and |And so, when Ronaldo joined Real Madrid for £80 m, the stage was set|

|guided it to the goal with such craft and vision. |for one of the greatest confrontations in football. Ever since, El |

|However, is that all there is to Messi? And, if it is, can he |Clasico – the nickname given to the epic battles between Barcelona |

|really be the greatest ever player? |and Real Madrid each season – has never been better as the two |

| |geniuses of the modern game compete for greatness. |

| |However, the question of who really is the greatest player on Earth |

| |remains to be answered. |

Mini-Text 2:

How to Make the Perfect Roast Potatoes

There is no finer accompaniment to any Sunday roast than the roast potato. When cooked with skill and care, they are the perfect balance of textures: crunchy on the outside and creamy and soft on the inside. Perfect. My recipe is intended to give you that perfect satisfaction of biting into the most amazing roast potatoes which will give you and your guests the complete Sunday roast experience!


2kg Maris Piper potatoes

70g Clarified Butter

Pinch of sea salt


1. Pre-heat an oven tray at Gas Mark 6 for approximately 20 minutes

2. Par boil your Maris Piper potatoes for 10 minutes until they are starting to soften.

3. Drain away the water and rattle the potatoes in the pan to roughen the edges (this helps to crispen the edges when cooking.)

4. Remove the tray from the oven.

5. Coat the tray in some generous spoonfuls of clarified butter.

6. Place the potatoes into the tray and turn in the butter so that they are evenly covered.

7. Evenly sprinkle the sea salt.

8. Place into the oven, and do not touch again, for 30-35 minutes.

Mini-Text 3:

Smoking Cessation Leaflet

Quit Smoking and Save Your Life

Latest government research shows that three quarters of smokers would quit if they could. But they can’t and that’s because they are addicted. That means that little signals are sent from their brain each time they want a cigarette telling them to have one. There’s nothing smokers can do about this it’s just what happens when you become addicted to cigarettes.

Or is it?

If you want to take control of your life again, keep reading, you don’t have to be a slave to cigarettes forever.

Why should you stop smoking? - Jessica’s Story

I remember when I was little and my dad used to take me to the shop everyday. He would buy cigarettes in a green and white packet which he said were better because they were minty and didn’t smell as bad! He used to buy me candy cigarettes in little tiny boxes for ten pence. All the way home I copied what he was doing with his cigarette and I was just like my dad.

Except I wasn’t. When my dad’s fingers started to turn yellow mine didn’t. And when his breath began to smell like an ash tray, mine didn’t. Then when he started to cough really violently every morning, I didn’t. And one day, when he coughed and there was blood on his tissue, there wasn’t on mine. Suddenly, I wasn’t like my dad at all. Everything was different.

But the biggest difference of all is the worst. I’m here talking to you; my dad is dead.

Lesson 1 - Development: Mini Texts Chart

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| |TEXT 1 |TEXT 2 |TEXT 3 |

| |The Best Player on the Planet |How to Make the Perfect Roast Potatoes |Smoking Cessation Leaflet |

|How do you | | | |

|know? Give | | | |

|quotation &| | | |

|explain | | | |

|effect. | | | |

|Purpose | | | |

|How do you | | | |

|know? Give | | | |

|quotation &| | | |

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|effect. | | | |

|Audience | | | |

Lesson 1 - Plenary: Audience, Purpose and Genre Cards

Lesson 2 - Starter: Text Purposes Card Sort

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|a recipe |TO INSTRUCT |

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|a car maintenance manual |TO INFORM |

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|an anti smoking leaflet |TO PERSUADE |

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|a price list for a hotel |TO ENTERTAIN |

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|a leaflet on healthy eating |TO INSTRUCT |

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|a guide to surviving extreme terrain |TO INFORM |

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|a newspaper article called |TO ADVISE |

|‘The 100 Funniest Jokes’ | |

Lesson 2 - Development: ‘Purposes of Writing’

The Purposes of Writing

← Look at each of the purposes on the card and then define what each one means.


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|to inform | |

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|to instruct | |

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Lesson 2 - Development

|“Pack it in before it packs you in!” - One teenager’s advice to |on her pillow. |

|teenagers everywhere | |

| |‘I went running into my mum waving this pillow, I didn’t know what |

|Samantha Jones is 17 years old. She is also a survivor of cancer. |had happened!’ Soon after that, Samantha was referred to the local |

|Yes, that’s right. A 17 year old survivor of cancer; the cause: |hospital for tests. |

|smoking. | |

| |‘We went back on a Tuesday lunchtime, I remember it so well. I’d |

|This is the harrowing story of a teenager girl who came face to face|never felt so sick walking to that appointment.’ And Samantha had |

|with the terror of a deadly disease and then found out it was all |every reason to be concerned at things turned out. |

|self-inflicted. | |

| |With her mother clasping her hand tightly, the Consultant broke the |

|‘If I had listened to the adverts, taken notice of the posters, it |news, ‘there is a tumour growing on one of your lungs’. Sam |

|wouldn’t have happened to me’ she reflects. |remembers the feeling of devastation clearly. |

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|Where did it all start? Sam grew up in a family of smokers: her mum|‘Cancer? I’m too young, I though! The Consultant said anyone can |

|and dad both smoked over thirty a day and her two elder brothers |develop a cancer.’ Indeed, one of the great myths surrounding |

|developed the habit at the age of 11. Sam began smoking at 12; she |diseases like lung cancer is that they are suffered only by |

|found a packet of her brothers Marlboros sitting in a drawer in the |life-long, ageing smokers. |

|dining room and helped herself. | |

| |As Samantha discovered, this was untrue. |

|‘That was it. I never knew what it was like not to be a smoker | |

|after that. One way or another I managed to get the money from | |

|somewhere to buy cigarettes.’ | |

| | |

|However, when Samantha was 15 she noticed she had developed a heavy | |

|cough. She thought nothing of it until one morning she noticed | |

|blood | |

|‘My mind went blank. I didn’t even hear my mum crying beside me. I|describes that period as like having ‘the worst jet lag you could |

|could see her hand clenching mine but I couldn’t feel anything. I |ever have plus agonising pain!’ |

|was just numb. | |

| |Samantha was lucky. Tests shows that her treatment had been |

|What did this mean? |successful and the cancer had receded. |

|What was happening to me?’ | |

| |Samantha remembers the day she was given the all clear, ‘I felt like|

|Over the next six months, Samantha endured a gruelling course of |my life had been saved and I’d been given another chance’. |

|treatment to combat the cancer. | |

| |Indeed she had and she also made one key change, ‘I gave up the |

|‘I had chemotherapy, radiotherapy, everything they could possibly |cigarettes for good! I knew I had to pack them in before they |

|give me to make this thing go away. It was the most painful and |packed me in!’ |

|horrifying six months of my life.’ | |

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|Samantha’s hair fell out, she endured prolonged bouts of vomiting | |

|and now | |


Lesson 2 - Development: ‘Understanding the Text’

Understanding the Text

Look at the text ‘Pack it in before it packs you in!’

1. Highlight the key information in the leaflet.

2. In YOUR OWN WORDS write a very brief summary of what the leaflet is about.

3. Who is the audience for the text?

4. What is the purpose?

5. Highlight key words/phrases that are in the article that give us some clues about the audience for the text.

6. Copy and complete the table below in your exercise book; an example has been done for you.

|Words / Phrases |What does this tell you about the audience? |

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7. Explain, in your own words, how the writer makes this text achieve its purpose.

You should write about:

• The content of the text

• The words / phrases that the writer uses

• The use of images

You should aim to write one paragraph for each bullet point & give quotations to support your ideas.

Lesson 2 – Plenary: Text and Purpose Bingo









Lesson 2 – Plenary: ‘What have I learnt? Postcards

|What have I learnt this lesson? |

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Lesson 3 – Starter: James’ School Report

Lesson 3 – Starter: ‘Introduction to Audience Chart’

Analysing James’ School Report

1. Who is the audience for the school report?

2. What is the main purpose of the school report?

3. Copy and complete the chart below in your exercise book

|Audience |Choose quotations that show who the |Why does this quotation show you who the audience is? |

| |audience for the text is | |

| | | |

4. In your exercise book – rewrite James’ report as if it were intended to be written directly to him.

5. Highlight the key words and phrases that you have used in your report because your audience was James.

6. Now copy and complete the chart below:

|Specific words that I chose: |Why these would suit the audience (James): |

| | |

Lesson 3 – Development: ‘Understanding Audience Mini-Texts’

Lesson 3 – Development: ‘Audience Profile’

|Text |Who is this aimed at? |Evidence & Explanation |

|The Fastest Man on Earth | | |

|The Perfect Steak | | |

|Amy Winehouse | | |

Lesson 3 – Plenary: ‘How to make your text suit your audience’ task.

Lesson 3 – Plenary: ‘What have I learnt? Postcards

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Lesson 4 – Starter: ‘The Most Boring Writing Ever!’

Lesson 4 – Starter: Comparing the Texts

Version 1

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Version 2

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|Who wants to be a reality TV star? Well the easier question to |job at the bank. However, you’d actually be best advised to wear as|

|answer is: who doesn’t? Each year the new series of X Factor or |few clothes as you can. You see part of being a Reality TV Star is |

|Britain’s Got Talent kicks off telling us how ‘tens of thousands |about turning up, in the middle of the night, outside of some of |

|queued to audition’ for their chance at fame and fortune! |Britain’s most notorious night-clubs, wearing absolutely nothing. |

| | |

|However, of those tens of thousands, only very few have what it |Your next top tip: go naked, to your local night club, every |

|takes to be a Reality TV star! So here is our guide to becoming a |Saturday, and make sure your mates all line up outside to take |

|reality TV star! |photos! |

| | |

|Firstly – what qualifications will you need? Well, none ideally! |Now for the big question: where do you apply? |

|Yes, that’s right. Absolutely none! That’s because anyone with | |

|qualifications is out doing a proper job that actually requires hard|Well that’s simple. Get on the internet and download as many |

|work and an element of skill. However, being a Reality TV Star |application forms as you can for Big Brother, X Factor and any of |

|requires no skill. These are not, after all, actors or singers, |the other pile of reality shows that you can find. |

|people with genuine talent, or else they’d be known as Reality TV | |

|Singers. No these are people who are effectively skilled in |Fill them in with the most outrageous and shameful confessions that |

|nothing. |you can – or just make them up! Then you’ll no doubt have to send |

|So your first step on the road is: be good at nothing. |some appalling DVD of yourself telling us all how ‘if anyone wants |

| |to cross me I will power-drill their head to a drain pipe and laugh |

|Okay, so that’s the qualifications sorted. What about appearance? |in their face!’ It really is as simple as that! |

|Well you’d be forgiven for thinking that you should turn up to your | |

|Reality TV Star audition in your finest shirt and tie. Well, yes, |So the final step is: apply, apply, apply! |

|that would be fine if you were going for a | |

Lesson 4 – Plenary: ‘What have I learnt? Postcards

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Lesson 5 – Starter ‘Why I Hate my Parents by Crystal Smith, Aged 15’

Lesson 5 – Development: Topic Sentence Cards

Lesson 5 – Development: ‘Topic Sentence’ Sheet

In the following paragraphs, underline the topic sentence.

1. There is a growing problem in Britain with young people being engaged in criminal activity. The latest statistics from the government show a four fold increase. The rise in anti-social behaviour has been explained in some communities by a lack of entertainment for young people.

2. Manchester United are the most successful football club in British history. Led by Sir Alex Ferguson, they have shown that they are ruthlessly determined to continually achieve the highest standards. This has culminated in nineteen league titles and three European cups.

3. School exams are getting increasingly easy. According to some researchers there is evidence that the exams are demanding less of candidates than they did thirty years ago. This has alarmed teachers and the government alike.

Now that you can identify a topic sentence, write one for each of the topics below.

1. Extreme sports

2. Your last holiday

3. Summer

Lesson 5 – Plenary: ‘Key Points’ Sheet

Lesson 5 – Plenary: ‘What have I learnt? Postcards

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Lesson 6 – Starter: Fact and Opinion Card Sort

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|Many people believe that the existence of God is comforting. |The sea is blue. |

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|I hate Manchester United because they are so arrogant! |Lewis Hamilton is the finest driver of his generation. |

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|London is the capital on England. |England play at Wembley. |

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Lesson 6 – Starter: ‘Fact and Opinion’ Task Sheet

|Which are facts and which are |How do we know? |How are the two different linguistically? |

|opinions? | | |

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Lesson 6 – Development: Fact and Opinion Mini-Texts

|The Assault |

|The assault took place on Saturday 9th June 2008. At the scene the police found a variety of weapons that may have been used in the attack.|

|The victim was a man called John Brown, a 29 year old from the Kearsley area of the city. One police officer speculated that the crime may |

|have been financially motivated and said ‘I would imagine that this crime occurred when the victim failed to hand over his money.’ |

|Investigations are continuing while Mr Brown recovers in hospital. |

|Facts |Opinions |

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|The Premier |

|Jennifer Lopez arrived at the premier looking simply amazing in a Versaci gold dress. She was once again alone, having just announced her |

|divorce from husband Marc Anthony, however what is very clear from the evidence tonight is that she has no shortage of admirers. Lopez |

|stars in the film along with George Clooney and Orlando Bloom and many are anticipating the film will win a slew of awards come Oscar time. |

|However, there are others who feel the film is too frothy and a little wooden in places. |

|Facts |Opinions |

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Lesson 6 – Development: Fact and Opinion Task Sheet

Lesson 6 – Plenary: Topic Cards




Lesson 6 – Plenary: ‘What have I learnt? Postcards

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Lesson 7 – Development: Which Question? Which Skill?

|Which |WHICH |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|

|question? |SKILL IS |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|

|Which |BEING |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|

|skill? |ASSESSED? |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|

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Lesson 7 – Plenary: ‘What have I learnt? Postcards

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Lesson 8 – Starter: Text Types Chart


|A match of the day programme | |

|A recipe | |

|A school report | |

|A copy of Harry Potter | |

|An anti-smoking leaflet | |

|A Facebook profile | |

|An IPod instruction manual | |

Lesson 8 – Development: Topic Cards




Lesson 8 – Development: Planning Cards

Lesson 8 – Plenary: ‘What have I learnt? Postcards

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Lesson 9 – Development: ‘Please Don’t Kill my Pitbull’

Mark Smith

55 Bridge Street



Dear Mr Cameron,

I am writing to you to ask you to save the life of my pit-bull, Charlie. The local police want to put Charlie to sleep because he escaped from our garden, when the gate was left open by a door-to-door salesman, and attacked two other dogs before biting a policeman.

I know that what Charlie did was wrong. Normally, he is a very calm and relaxed but he got excited when he saw the gate open and decided to go and have fun along the street. I have apologised to the other dog owners and written a letter to the policeman to say sorry about what Charlie did. I don’t know what else I can do to say how sorry I am. I also spent today with my dad making our garden secure so that Charlie can’t escape in future.

Charlie was my eighth birthday present and I have looked after him ever since he was a puppy. I have a learning difficulty and I find it very hard to make friends at my school. Charlie is my best friend. I haven’t been able to see him for a week now and I’ve never found anything as difficult as this.

I am writing to you to beg for his life. If they put Charlie to sleep I don’t know what I will do. He is my only friend and I have looked after him since he was little. I also know what he did was wrong. I hope that I have shown you that I can be a responsible dog owner by apologising for Charlie’s actions, and apologising to all those concerned.

I hope you can forgive Charlie and give him another chance.

Yours sincerely,

Mark Smith

Aged 12

Lesson 9 – Plenary: ‘What have I learnt? Postcards

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Lesson 10 – Starter: ‘Students should do PE everyday!’

Lesson 10 – Development: Persuasive Techniques Chart

|Feature of language: |Example: |Explanation: |Per: |Arg: |Adv: |Your own example: |

|Triple Adjectives |This was one of the |This helps to add | | | | |

| |most brutal, cold and |emphasis to a point that| | | | |

| |barbaric acts I’ve ever|is being made. |( |( | | |

| |seen. | | | | | |

|Emotive Adjectives |outrageous, horrific, |These are adjectives | | | | |

| |unblievable, fantastic,|that appeal to he |( |( | | |

| |breathtaking |readers’ feelings and | | | | |

| | |emotions | | | | |

|Personalisation |you, we, us, they |If you use words like | | | | |

| | |this it helps to make | | | | |

| | |the reader feel like |( |( |( | |

| | |they are being included | | | | |

| | |and valued. | | | | |

|Powerful verbs |must, stop, act, |These are verbs that | | | | |

| |believe, think, do |demand action from the |( |( |( | |

| | |reader. | | | | |

|Rhetorical questions |How would you react if |Rheotorical questions | | | | |

| |this was your only |help the audience think | | | | |

| |chance? |about what has been | | | | |

| | |written. | | | | |

|Alliteration |Britain’s best bargains|This is effective | | | | |

| | |because it is memorable.| | | | |

| | |The repetition of the | | | | |

| | |same sound makes the |( |( |( | |

| | |words stick in the mind.| | | | |

|Connectives |Therefore, Moreover, As|Connectives help to make| | | | |

| |a result, Firstly / |the text seem logical, | | | | |

| |Secondly / Thirdly |this helps to the reader| | | | |

| | |to follow the argument |( |( |( | |

| | |you are making. | | | | |

|Facts and Statistics |A recent survey found |Using facts and | | | | |

| |that 75% of people |statistics like this | | | | |

| |thought this was a |helps to persuade the | | | | |

| |terrible idea. |reader because it makes |( |( |( | |

| | |the writing seem | | | | |

| | |factually true. | | | | |

Lesson 10 – Plenary: ‘What have I learnt? Postcards

|What have I learnt this lesson? |

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|In the spaces below, write down three things that you have learnt during this lesson. |

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|What have I learnt this lesson? |

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|In the spaces below, write down three things that you have learnt during this lesson. |

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|1 |

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|2 |

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The Effects of Smoking

• You smell terrible

• Your teeth and fingers turn yellow

• Your general level of fitness reduces

• You have increased chances of developing heart disease and cancer.

• You will, statistically, lead a shorter life.

• Your children are more likely to be smokers.


How does the Government try to stop Smokers?

• By banning smoking in public places.

• By taxing cigarettes heavily; up to half of the price of a packet is tax.

• By making it harder for smokers to receive some types of medical treatments.


If you don’t want this, then call the NHS Smoking Cessation line on 0845 800 789.

Quit today for a longer, happier, safer life.

Audience & Purpose

Name: _____________________________

English Teacher’s Initials: __________

Write down one thing you have learnt today about the following:



How language/layout is used to meet audience and purpose:

Audience & Purpose

Name: _____________________________

English Teacher’s Initials: __________

Write down one thing you have learnt today about the following:



How language/layout is used to meet audience and purpose:

Audience & Purpose

Name: _____________________________

English Teacher’s Initials: __________

Write down one thing you have learnt today about the following:



How language/layout is used to meet audience and purpose:

Audience & Purpose

Name: _____________________________

English Teacher’s Initials: __________

Write down one thing you have learnt today about the following:



How language/layout is used to meet audience and purpose:

✓ Read the sample school report below.





James has clearly worked hard to grasp some difficult concepts and ideas on the GCSE English course. At times, James has struggled to fully comprehend and develop key skills. I think it is important that James maintains a positive attitude to the subject to ensure that he begins to fulfil the requirements of the assessment criteria to achieve his target grade.

James’s Shakespeare coursework essay on Richard III was characterised by an over-dependence on narrating the events of the play’s plot. However, in order to meet his target grade James needs to concentrate on analysis in his written responses to text. The higher grade criteria require James to focus on exploring the construction of the play in terms of Shakespeare’s manipulation of language, form and structure. Equally, it is important that James absorbs the input he has received on structuring and sustaining a written argument using textual detail to support his ideas. In order to fulfil the criteria for his target grade, James will need to absorb and apply the material that I have provided, to guide him in structuring a written analysis of Shakespeare’s text.

If James is to meet his target he will need to ensure that he is consistently engaged and focussed on the work that we undertake. I want to encourage James to focus on developing and improving his skills in English over the coming months; this will determine his future success at GCSE.

The Perfect Steak

The perfect steak is something to aspire to for many people. But actually, with a little practice, and some good timing, it isn’t that difficult to achieve.

Firstly, know what you prefer: it is rib-eye, rump of T-Bone. Once you know which cut you want you can then begin to think about how you prefer it cooked.

When it comes to cooking your steak think one word: texture. Do you like to tender or tough? Many chefs would have a heart attack at the thought of crucifying a steak until it’s like rubber but for many this is what they prefer.

The Fastest Man on Earth

Usain Bolt’s nickname, ‘Lightening Bolt’, effectively explains why this is the fastest man on earth. He is quick. So quick in fact you’d miss him if you didn’t know you were supposed to be looking for him!

Bolt is the reigning World Champion in the 100m, 200m and 4x100 relay. Bolt began his rise to prominence in 2002 when he participated in the World Junior Championships when he won the 200m in 20.06 seconds.

Bolt’s rise to prominence continued from there to the present day where he has the distinction of being the fastest man alive.

Amy Winehouse

Amy Winehouse was one of the most important singers of the 21st Century. While she may only have had two albums – 2003’s Frank and 2006’s Back to Black – their importance cannot be underestimated.

Back to Black was the album that propelled Winehouse to international stardom. The album was a combination of iconic soul music and heartbreaking lyrics.

Her death at 27 was a tragic waste of talent. Her legacy will be the haunting lyrics that she left.

✓ For each of the texts that you have just read, complete the table below

✓ Complete the poster below giving advice on how to make a text suit its audience

The Most Boring Writing Ever – Version 1

Today I am going to write the most boring writing ever. It will be boring because it is boring. There won’t be any similes or metaphors because they are boring. And there won’t be any descriptive words either because they are boring too.

I am bored of this piece of writing because it is so boring. I can’t imagine being this bored about anything other than this boring piece of writing.

I remember lots of boring lessons about how not to make your writing boring. But they were boring so now I am writing this really boring piece of boring writing.

No doubt if my boring English teacher was here he would tell me to make my writing more ‘interesting’ when what he means is make it ‘less boring!’

So, that is the boring end of this boring piece of boring writing.

It was so boring writing this writing.


The Most Boring Writing Ever – Version 2


Boring, boring writing.

I can’t imagine being more bored doing anything else. In fact, since the day I was born, this is the most boring thing I have ever done in my whole entire boring life.

My teachers were always telling me to ‘exaggerate less’ or to ‘be more controlled’, well here we are: boring.

I’m sorry if you are finding this piece of writing as boring to read as I am to write. Sometimes, though, it is good to be bored: it makes us appreciate it when we aren’t bored.

So rather than boring you anymore, I am going to close this boring piece of writing.

For good.

✓ Complete the poster below giving advice on how to make a text suit its audience

Another reason I have my parents is because they are an embarrassment! They wear the most stupid clothes, do their hair in the most old-fashioned styles, and then expect me to go with them to parents’ evening! Why would I be seen dead with them? Why would I possible want to be walking round school with two models from a 1970s catalogue?

I hate my parents. ‘Why?’ I hear you ask. Well it’s very simple: because they are my parents and I cannot imagine a worse set of parents in the world. For a start they have the weirdest names: Keith and Kath! It sounds like a comedy duo from the 1970s! If only they were funny! No, don’t ask them to tell jokes!

But, even though they embarrass me no end, and I hate them to bits because of it, they are still my mum and dad. Keith and Kath one day decided to make a little person and I was what they came up with. And as I’ve got to 15 without dropping down dead from malnutrition or any other horrendous disease, I suppose I’ve got something to be thankful for!

But, even though they embarrass me no end, and I hate them to bits because of it, they are still my mum and dad. Keith and Kath one day decided to make a little person and I was what they came up with. And as I’ve got to 15 without dropping down dead from malnutrition or any other horrendous disease, I suppose I’ve got something to be thankful for!

Secondly, my parents called me Crystal! Why would I want to be called Crystal? Yes, it’s absolutely fine if you are a statue of a ballerina sitting in a cabinet in some old ladies lounge. The problem is that I am a 15 year old girl born into the Facebook generation! And why would you call your daughter Crystal if her surname was Smith? Could you be more pretentious? Only if you are my mum and dad!

And then there are the holidays! The horror of rocking up on the Costa Del Sol with Keith and Kath is just unspeakable. Never in the history of 15 year olds can there have been a more horrific experience than walking down the main street in whichever Spanish resort you’ve gone to, with Keith in his knee-high white socks and Kath in her over-sized sun hat! It’s beyond embarrassing.



✓ Read the information below about topic sentences.

✓ Complete the activities that follow.

What is a Topic Sentence?

A topic sentence is a sentence that indicates the topic of a paragraph

✓ Using the topic sentences in ‘Why I hate my parents’, complete the activity below.

What are the key points of the text?


✓ Using the facts that you looked at during the card sort activity, complete the table below.

✓ Read each of the mini-texts below.

✓ In the appropriate spaces on the table, make a list of the facts and opinions in each text.

✓ Complete the chart below to show the effects of facts and opinions on an audience.



✓ In the table below, write down which question on the Functional Skills paper tests which of your reading skills.

✓ Look at the different texts in the list below.

✓ For each one write down the PURPOSE of the text.

Planning Cards

Key Features of Language:

Key Features of Presentation

Planning Cards

Key Features of Language:

Key Features of Presentation

Students should do PE everyday!

A new government report has suggested that students should do at physical education once a day until the age of 16.

The findings are likely to cause controversy as many students do not like doing PE. Indeed, the latest figures from Ofsted, the school’s inspector, seem to suggest that over 40% of pupils elect not to take part in PE at least three times in a school year.

Alternatively, the British Medical Association is very pleased with the findings. John Brown, the Chief Children’s Health Advisor said ‘children need more exercise. We currently have a generation who will not outlive their parents because of obesity. This can only be a good thing.’

However, students at a school in South West London were far from please. One girl said ‘I can’t believe it. Surely more Maths and English would be of more use?’

Feelings on both sides of the argument are running high. The government said it will consider the findings of the report.

Understanding the Text Activities

1. Who do you think is the audience of the text?

2. What is the purpose of the text?

3. Make a list of the key points the text makes.

4. Identify the facts and opinions in the article.

5. What are the key linguistic features the writer has used?

6. What are the key presentational features the writer has used?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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