Getting Started with Facebook - WebJunction

Getting Started with Facebook

Michael Henry Starks March 17, 2011


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? Source: Michael Henry Starks (in/starkscommunications).

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Michael Henry Starks



Three Rules

1. Ask stupid questions 2. Cheat 3. Make Mistakes

Michael Henry Starks



Source: . This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Why are we here?

? Create a Facebook account ? Make the initial settings for privacy and

communicating on Facebook ? Be ready to go home and:

? Create lists of Friends. ? Start posting. ? Adjust your Facebook settings over time.

Michael Henry Starks



What's so great about Facebook?

? Brings communities of people together ? Free. ? Popular with all ages. ? Keep up with people you care about. ? Allow others to keep up with you via your

posts of text, photos and links. ? Link to articles, chat with other FB members,

invite people to events.

Michael Henry Starks



Before we begin...

? You need to be prepared to tell Facebook your name, birth date, sex and email address.

? You need access to your email account, because Facebook might send you an email to verify who you are.

Michael Henry Starks



Let's get started! Open a browser and go to

Internet Explorer

Mozilla Firefox

Michael Henry Starks



Help and Privacy are at the bottom of every page

Michael Henry Starks




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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