Your Rubric: Making A Poster : Architectural Styles ...

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|Making A Poster : Architectural Styles Timeline Poster |

|[pic] |

|Teacher Name: Ms. Kearney |

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|Student Name:     ________________________________________ |

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|CATEGORY |5 |3-4 |1-2 |0 |

|Required Elements |The poster includes all required |All required elements are included |All but 1 of the required elements |Several required elements were |

| |elements as well as additional |on the poster. |are included on the poster. |missing. |

| |information. | | | |

|Graphics |All graphics are related to the |All graphics are related to the |All graphics relate to the topic. |Graphics do not relate to the topic|

| |topic and make it easier to |topic and most make it easier to |Picture of the housing style is of |OR are not accurate to the housing |

| |understand. There is a clear photo |understand. There is a clear photo |poor quality. None of the specific |style assigned. |

| |of the housing style. All specific |of the housing style. Only some |architectural terms are pictured. | |

| |architectural terms are represented|specific architectural terms are | | |

| |with a picture |pictured. | | |

|Content - Accuracy |Bullet points describe the housing |Bullet points give a good picture |Bullet points do not give adequate |No bullet points describing the |

| |style completely. |of the housing style. |information about the housing |housing style. |

| | | |style. | |

|Knowledge Gained |Student can accurately answer all |Student can accurately answer most |Student can accurately answer about|Student appears to have |

| |questions related to facts in the |questions related to facts in the |75% of questions related to facts |insufficient knowledge about the |

| |poster and processes used to create|poster and processes used to create|in the poster and processes used to|facts or processes used in the |

| |the poster. |the poster. |create the poster. |poster. |

|Mechanics and Grammar |Capitalization and punctuation are |There is 1 error in capitalization |There are 2 errors in |There are more than 2 errors in |

| |correct throughout the poster. |or punctuation. There is 1 |capitalization or punctuation. |capitalization or punctuation. |

| |There are no grammatical mistakes |grammatical mistake on the poster. |There are 2 grammatical mistakes on|There are more than 2 grammatical |

| |on the poster. | |the poster. |mistakes on the poster. |

Date Created: Apr 12, 2009 09:21 pm (CDT)


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