A total of 11regiemnts of Su in PLA service, including hte ...

Sukhoi Family Aircraft in PLA Service

Revision 1.0 Feb 27, 2004

Parent Unit Parent Unit Military Probable Probable TO&E Specific

Identification Main Base Region Regiment Machine Count Model

First Air Division Anshan Shenyang First 26 J-11

Second Air Division Suixi Guangzhou Fourth 26 Su-27

Third Air Division Wuhu Nanjing Ninth 26 Su-30

Sixth Air Division Yingchaun Lanzhou 16/18 or 139 26 J-11

Seventh Air Division Beijing?? Beijing 19/20/21?? 26 J-11

18th Air Division Changsha Guangzhou 54th 26 Su-30

19th Air Division Zhengzhou Jinan 55/56/or 58 26 Su-27

29th Air Division Quzhou Nanjing 55/56 or 57 26 Su-27

33rd Air Division Chongqing Chengdu 97th 38 Su-27

Flight Test Center Cangchou Beijing 18 Su-30

6th Naval Air Div. Shanghai Dachang 16 or 17 18 Su-30

Note 1: The naval regiment is based on unconfirmed reports the machines were delivered.

Note 2: There are indications that the Second Air Division operates both Su-27 and Su-30.

This was the lead operational unit and it is also reported that the PLAAF goal is two regiments

of first line aircraft per division. Plane count indicates the 33rd Division has two regiments. It is quite possible the second operational unit, the Third Air Division, is similarly outfitted.

A two regiment division might operate one of Su-27 and one of Su-30.

Model Present Count Orders Total

J-11 100 0 100

J-11A 20+ 80 100

Su-30MK2 20 20 40

Su-30MKK 60+ 20 80

Su-27UBK 40 20 60

Su-27SK 50 0 50

Total 290 140 430

Note 1: Su-27UBK is a 2 seat trainer not assigned as line aircraft. All serve in PLAAF.

Note 2: Su-30MK2 is a “naval strike version” of Su-30MKK.

Note 3: Su-30MKK is a ground attack version of the Su-27.

Note 4: J-11 = Su-27SK = basic air superiority version of family. Note, however,

that while aircraft has no ECM, they are often photographed with ECM pods.

Note 5: It is reported a licence to produce up to 250 Su-30MKK is being negotiated.

Note 6: Not all J-11 have been delivered.

Note 7: PLAAF TO&E may be 24 per regiment. Up to 26 have been counted. It is

not unusual for PLAAF regiments to have extra machines, which probably do not fly.

total of 11 regiments of Su in PLA service, including the lanzhou one.


= A total of 11 regiments of Su in PLA service



= including the Lanzhou one (6th PLAAF Air Division)

拥有苏27/30/歼11的航空兵团数量是:= Su 27/30/J11 Regiments

北空 1= Beijing Military Region Air Force1 Regiment [7th Air Division]

沈空 1 = Shenyang Military Region Air Force 1 Regiment [1st Air Division]

兰空 1 = Lanzhou Military Region Air Force 1 Regiment [6th Air Division]

成空 1 = Chengdu Military Region Air Force 1 Regiment [33rd Air Division]

南空 2 = Nanjing Military Region Air Force 2 Regiments [3rd & 29th Air Divisions]

广空 2 = Guangzhou Military Region Air Force 2 Regiments [2nd & 18th Air Divisions]

济空 1 = Jinan Military Region Air Force 1 Regiment [19th Air Division]

空军试飞中心 1= PLAAF Flight Test and Training Center 1 Regiment [Same name]

海军航空兵 1= PLANAF 1 Regiment [Sixth PLANAF Fighter Division]


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