PRIME - University of Southern California

University of Southern California

Marshall School of Business

The Global Context of Business

GSBA 580c


PRIME Country Session Course Outline

Spring, 2015


Professor Dennis Rook

Office: ACC 234-C Phone: 213-740-5030


Office Hours: TU/TH: 9:30-10:45 am or by appointment

Professor Therese Wilbur

Office: ACC 306-P Phone: 213-740-4790


Office Hours: TBD


Please Note: This document is a country-specific syllabus that supplements the GSBA 580 master syllabus.

PRIME Country TH 3/26 11:00 am-12:20 pm JKP 212

Session #1

PRIME Vietnam/Thailand Orientation


1. Faculty, Staff & Student Introductions

2. PRIME Overview: Class Sessions, Deadlines, Deliverables, Grading

3. PRIME Overview: Company Site Visits, Student Expectations, Faculty Roles

4. Hanoi & Bangkok Photo Essay

5. Trip Preparation I


Due: Project Proposal Memo

Country TU 4/2 11:00 am-12:20 pm JKP 212

Session #2

Basic Contrasts: Vietnam vs. Thailand


1. Country Comparative Facts & Figures (demographics, economics)

2. Analytic Frameworks for Evaluating Country Investment Attractiveness

3. Marketing Stages in Developing Nations

4. Briefing Book & Project Proposal Preparation; Faculty advisement scheduling


Packet Readings #1-6

Discussion Questions

1. What, to your thinking, are the most striking differences between Vietnam and Thailand?

2. With respect to their rankings on the Economic Freedom Index, what factors are bringing each country up/down? Which are hardest to fix?

3. What other criteria would be useful for evaluation of a foreign country or city’s attractiveness as a place for conducting business?

4. Using Levy’s “Marketing Stages in Developing Nations”, where would you place Vietnam and Thailand? Which economic sectors should each country further develop in order to move to the higher marketing stages?

5. How attractive are Vietnam and Thailand as (a) markets for selling foreign products and services; (b) locations for manufacturing and/or sourcing; and (c) sources of investment opportunities?

Country TU 4/7 11:00 am-12:20 pm JKP 212

Session #3

Thailand’s History, Politics, Economy


1. Thai History, Politics & Economic Development

2. The Thai Currency Crisis & Beyond

3. The Thaksin Coup, Political Unrest & Royal Succession

4. Socio-Economic Scenarios…What’s Next?


Packet Readings #7-22

Discussion Questions

1. How is Thailand’s history and development trajectory different from Vietnam’s?

2. What factors have contributed to Thailand’s economic development and growth?

3. What were the underlying causes of the 1997 currency crisis and subsequent economic decline? What problems persist today?

4. What are the sources of the political divisiveness and occasional civil unrest that has plagued Thailand for the past 10 years

5.What should you nor talk about when you are in Thailand?

6. What factors support/threaten Thailand’s economic future?

Project F 4/10 11:00 am – 1:50 pm JKP 212


Due: Preliminary Project Presentation

Please Note: Students are welcome to attend the presentations of all 6 PRIME project teams but are only required to attend their own team’s presentation

PRIME Country TU 4/14 11:00 am-12:20 pm JKP 212

Session #4

Thai Business Culture & Practices


1. Chinese Influences & Asian-Style Conglomerates

2. Cultural Influences on Business Practices

3. Managing Thai Partners & Employees

4. Project “Dress Rehearsal” Presentation Preparation & Scheduling


Packet Readings #23-32

Discussion Questions

1. What are the pros and cons, strengths and weaknesses of the prototypic Asian-style conglomerate?

2. What is the role of the “Overseas Chinese” in SE Asian economies, and specifically in Thailand?

3. On which basic cultural dimensions (see the Hofstede Study article) is Thailand different from the USA…from Singapore?

4. How do these cultural characteristics affect the ways Thais develop business relationships, deal with problems, and communicate with other employees?

5. Expatriates working in Thailand often become frustrated with their Thai employees when they don’t behave according to Euro-American norms and expectations. What types of problems occur, and what are the common sources of misunderstanding? What does it take to bridge the gap?

PRIME Country TH 4/16 11:00 am-12:20 pm JKP 212

Session #5

Thai People, Language & Culture


1. The Place of Buddhism in Thai Culture

2. Social Etiquette: Dos and Don’ts in Thailand

3. Thai Language Training


Material posted in Blackboard.

Discussion Questions

1. How does Buddhism affect Thai people’s everyday lives?

2. What are some of the challenges involved in learning to speak and write in Thai?

3. How does the monkhood affect Thai men’s career and human development trajectories?

4. What are some of the cultural dos and don’ts in Thailand?

PRIME Country TU 4/21 11:00 am-12:20 pm JKP 212

Session #6

Vietnam History, Economy, Politics, Challenges & Growth Strategies


1. The 7 Main Chapters in Vietnam’s History

2. The “American” War and Country Reunification

3. Economic Development and Transition: Southeast Asia’s New Powerhouse

4. Current Socio-economic challenges and opportunities


Packet Readings #33-51

Discussion Questions

1. What are the main “chapters” in the history of Vietnam?

2. What were the causes and consequences of the US-Vietnam War?

3. What led to the Doi Moi reforms of the 1980s, what did they seek to accomplish, and how successful have they been?

4. What are Vietnam’s economic strengths and weaknesses, and what opportunities and challenges do they represent?

5. What are the most attractive/risky prospects for foreign business investments in Vietnam?

PRIME Country TH 4/23 11:00 am-12:20 pm JKP 212

Session #7

Doing Business With & In Vietnam

Guest Speakers: Mr. Tam Nguyen, MD, MBA, Board of Directors, Vietnam American Chamber of Commerce; Nguyen Nguyen, PhD, Cosemi Technologies


1. Vietnam Investment Opportunities

2. Doing Business in Vietnam

3. Cultural Issues in Business Relationship

4. Vietnamese Language Helpful Phrases


Packet Readings #52-57

PROJECT WORK F 4/24 Project Team Progress Report

Meet with Country-Specific Faculty by this date to discuss the Progress on the Company Research Project

PRIME Country TU 4/28 11:00-12:20 pm JKP 212

Session #8


1. Perspectives from 2013 Vietnam Thailand PRIME Veterans

2. Trip Preparation & Schedule Revisions

3. Presentation Format/Guidelines

4. Exam Preview

PRIME TH 4/30 11:00 am-12:20 pm JKP 212


PROJECT TU 5/5 10:00 am-1:50 p.m. JKP 212


(Please note that today is a longer class session)

PROJECT TBD Project Revisions Meeting with Faculty

(TBD as needed)

PRIME TH 5/14 Depart from LAX at 1:00 am. CX881

(Please note: departure is 1:00 am on 5/15)

PRIME M 5/18 PRIME Meetings & Company Visits in Country

& PROJECT through Due: In-Country Project Presentation

SU 5/24 Due: Project Peer Evaluation

PRIME SU 5/24 Return from PRIME to LAX

PROJECT W 5/27 Company Research Project Final Report

Due: Company Research Project Final Report by 5:00PM Pacific Daylight Savings Time


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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