Subject Verb Agreement

Subject Verb Agreement

Directions: In the blank, use the correct present tense form of the infinitive given at the beginning of each sentence.

1. to have: The cracked windshield, in addition to the torn upholstery and rusted body, __________ made Ruth’s old car difficult to sell.

2. to be: This week's National Inquisitor claims that there __________ photographs of the Loch Ness Monster eating Elvis.

3. to work: At Tito’s Taco Palace __________ friends who will stuff double meat into our

burritos for free.

4. to crawl: On the tables in the library __________ the many germs that have escaped in the hot breath of hardworking students.

5. to be: None of this breakfast that Lilly Mae cooked __________ fit to eat.

6. to taste: None of these chocolate-broccoli muffins __________ good, either.

7. to have: The whole red ant colony, including the queen and all of her drones, __________ swarmed over Tommy's feet, stinging his ankles.

8. to make: Fifteen gallons of chocolate milk __________ Herbert the elephant a happy pachyderm.

9. to hope: Everyone on the roller coaster, including Martha and Angie, __________ that the hot dogs, onion rings, funnel cake, and cotton candy will stay down during the twisting ride to come.

10. to bother: Neither Fred's ratty clothes nor his sullen attitude __________ Esmeralda, who lets Fred pick up the check every time they dine out.

11. to hug: That pair of jeans __________ the curves of Hannah’s body as nicely as tinfoil on a baked potato.

12. to annoy: Neither the coughing muffler nor the squeaky brakes __________ Ruth as much as the broken radio in her old car.

13. to get: Florida alligators usually __________ severe indigestion after eating poodles.

14. to cling: Every cat hair, candy wrapper, and loose thread __________ to the super-charged polyester pants that Theodora loves to wear.

15. to know: Any one of Ms. Orsini's students __________ the rules that govern subject-verb agreement.

16. to take: The shine on my hardwood floors __________ abuse from the ragged toenails of Floyd, my dog.

17. to have: Neither of those students __________ a clue about the rules governing subject-verb agreement. Pity them both during the quiz.

18. to make: Patience and compassion, in addition to a wallet bulging with money, __________ everyone want Jordan as a friend.

19. to require: Statistics __________ so much homework that Michelle's poor fingers have permanent indentations from the calculator pads.

20. to come: The committee ___________ from all parts of the city, so we usually have to start late because so many members get stuck in traffic.

Pronoun Antecedent Agreement

Directions: In the space provided, write a pronoun that agrees with it’s antecedent.

_______1. Everyone knows that ____will suffer indigestion after eating a chocolate-broccoli muffin.

_______2. After accidentally decapitating the old woman's poodle, the knife jugglers jumped into ____van and sped away.

_______3. Neither the crew members nor the manager will open ____ register to refund your money for that half-eaten hamburger.

_______4. Fingerprints and dog snot dull both the computer monitor and refrigerator door, so we better clean ____ before Grandma comes for dinner.

_______5. That runner on the track team always wins races because ____no fear of leaving some skin on the pavement.

_______6. The catering committee did not care that ____ squid eyeball stew made everyone at the Halloween dance violently ill.

_______7. The new and improved laundry detergent uses ____ special powers to clean the chocolate sauce from Cheryl’s new skirt.

_______8. A person who eats too many jawbreakers risks loosening ____ fillings and chipping his teeth.

_______9. Mr. Smith, like Beverly and Jeremiah, has decided to spend ____ lunch break eating pepperoni pizza at the campus cafeteria.

_______10. With the right training, every puppy and kitten eventually learns not to urinate on ____ owner's floor.

_______11. My grandmother, as well as many other older women, believes that ____ should wait until a man calls her, rather than calling the man first.

_______12. If anyone needs Pepto Bismol after eating a fudge-stuffed mushroom, ____ should rush to the bathroom before the entire bottle is gone.

_______ 13. The boss rambled for forty-five long minutes before he finally sat down and shut up. Everyone in the room wished that ____ had bought a cup of coffee before coming to the meeting.

_______ 14. So boring was the lecture that Cindy focused solely on her professor's moving hands; ____ jumped and twitched like electrified spiders on the surface of the podium.

_______ 15. Every piece of Debra’s jewelry glittered in the light; ____ gave the impression that Debra had been dipped in gold.

_______ 16. Each of Mike's ties has such a colorful psychedelic pattern that ____ the people who see it.

_______ 17. The committee made a unanimous decision to use ____ bake sale funds to buy plane tickets to Hawaii instead of new uniforms for the band members.

_______ 18. Eli needed scissors to cut through the thick mailing tape that wrapped the box of chocolate-covered ants sent from Mom, but he couldn't find ____anywhere.

_______ 19. Neither Oreo, my dog, nor Blaze and Chance, my cousins, will give up ____, even if I ask politely.

_______ 20. The faculty believes that ____ mission is to prepare students to be good citizens as well as good employees.



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