Chapter 1 – Content Outline and Objectives

Ecce 2 – Content Outline

1. Translation

She/They – endings on verbs

2. Singular/Plural for nouns & verbs Vocabulary

← Draw pictures of selected words

← Complete sentences with correct word choices

← Recall meanings quickly for translation

3. Grammar

a. Subject, Verb, Linking Verb, Complement

← Identify the parts of the sentence

← Distinguish sentence patterns that include linking verbs from those that do not

b. Singular & Plural Verbs

← Identify singular & plural endings on verbs

4. Culture Topic: Roman Families

5. Myth Topic: The Olympians

Ecce 2 - Pre-Reading

Part I – The Picture

1. Who do you see in the picture? What are they doing?

2. What is the setting of the picture?

3. What action words do you think you will learn in this chapter, based on the activities in the picture?

4. What new adjective do you think you might learn, based on the picture?

Part II – Becoming Familiar With New Vocabulary – Forging Links

Use your Vocabulary List from your packet to find the Latin originals.

Latin Word What I Think The Latin Means

1. current _______________ ____________________________

2. ambulatory _______________ ____________________________

3. agriculture _______________ ____________________________

4. amicable _______________ ____________________________

5. strenuous _______________ ____________________________

Ecce 2 – A Summer Afternoon

Text for Translating

Cornelia est puella Romana. Flavia quoque est puella Romana. Cornelia et Flavia sunt puellae Romanae quae in Italia habitant. Cornelia et Flavia sunt amicae. Hodie puellae non sedent sed in agris ambulant. Brevi tempore Cornelia defessa est. Non iam ambulat sed sub arbore sedet. Flavia, quae est puella strenua, in agris currit. Brevi tempore Flavia quoque est defessa. Iam Flavia et Cornelia sub arbore sedent quod defessae sunt. Dum puellae sub arbore sedent, Cornelia legit et Flavia scribit. Tandem puellae ex agris ad villam rusticam lente ambulant.

Ecce 2 – Drill Sentences

1. Flavia sub arbore sedet.

2. Cornelia in agris currit.

3. Puellae strenuae sunt.

4. Puellae amicae sunt.

5. Iam puellae ad villam currunt.

6. Tandem amicae in villa sedent.

7. Flavia ad villam rusticam lente ambulat.

8. Amica eius quoque ambulat.

9. Brevi tempore puellae defessae sunt.

10. In pictura sunt puellae nomine Cornelia et Flavia.

11. Hodie puellae in agris sunt.

12. Flavia strenua est, sed Cornelia defessa est.

13. Cornelia et Flavia non iam defessae sunt.

14. In agris amicae saepe currunt.

15. Ex agris ad arborem Flavia currit.

16. Cornelia quoque ex agris currit.

17. Flavia est amica quae in villa vicina habitat.

18. Cornelia in agris est, sed Flavia ex agris ambulat.

19. Flavia lente ambulat quod defessa est.

20. In agris amicae saepe ambulant.

Ecce 2 - Translation Review

Answer These True/False Questions about the Story

1. Cornelia et Flavia sunt puellae Romanae.

2. Cornelia et Flavia in agris habitant.

3. Hodie Flavia in agris non est.

4. Cornelia ex agris currit quod defessa est.

5. Flavia saepe in villa currit.

6. Amicae in agris currunt, sed brevi tempore Cornelia defessa est.

7. Flavia non defessa est.

8. Tandem Flavia sub arbore sedet et scribit.

9. Brevi tempore amicae non currunt, sed sub arbore sedent.

10. Tandem puellae ex agris ad villam rusticam lente ambulant.

Ecce 2 – Vocabulary Practice


I. Draw a picture to illustrate the following Latin words:

|amicae |in agris |ex agris |defessa |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|ambulant |strenua |lente |ad villam rusticam |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

II. Fill in the Blanks…..

1. Hodie Cornelia et Flavia, quod __________ puellae sunt, in agris currunt. (defessae/amicae/strenuae)

2. Puellae sub arbore non iam __________; per agros (through the fields) ambulant.. (currunt/sedent/legunt)

3. Cornelia et Flavia sunt __________ quae in Italia habitant. (amicae/laetae/strenuae)

4. Tandem defessae puellae sedent; non iam __________. (legunt/sunt/currunt)

5. Puellae sub arbore sedent; quoque in agris __________ ambulant. (non iam/saepe/tandem)

III. Fill in the Blanks – Choose the correct Latin word to complete each sentence.

Hodie Cornelia et Flavia in agris ____________________. Quod puellae ____________________ sunt, sub arbore non sedent, sed currunt. Brevi tempore, Cornelia est ____________________ et sedet. Flavia quoque ____________________ quod defessa est. Tandem puellae ex agris lente ____________________ et brevi in villa rustica sunt.

Ecce 2 – Etymology Worksheet

I. Fill in the blanks in the English sentences with Latin derivatives. A word bank of Latin roots is provided.

1. With a ____________________ effort, the men pushed the car up the driveway.

2. Although the speech was ____________________, the orator’s impact was powerful.

3. This problem is ____________________, but I think we can find a permanent solution.

II. Here are some other derivatives from your vocabulary list. Find the Latin word that helps form the derivative and explain the connection between the Latin root and the English word given. You may need to consult an English dictionary.

a. ambulance

b. currency

c. abbreviation

d. temporal

Lectio II



|Nominative |Genitive |Gender |Definition |

| | | | |

|amica |amicae |f. |friend |


|Masculine |Feminine |Neuter |Definition |

| | | | |

|defessus |defessa |defessum |tired |

| | | | |

|strenuus |strenua |strenuum |energetic, active |


|First Part |Second Part |Third Part |Fourth Part |Definition |

| | | | | |

|ambulo |ambulare (1) |ambulavi |ambulaturus |to walk |

| | | | | |

|curro |currere |cucurri |cursurus |to run |


ad, prep. to, toward

brevi tempore in a short time, soon

ex agris, out of the fields

hodie, adv. today

lente, adv. slowly

non iam adv. no longer

quoque, adv. also

sed, conj. but

tandem, adv. at last, finally

eius her

saepe often

Ecce 2 – grammar practice


I. In your own words, define subject, verb, linking verb & complement.

II. What is the difference between a subject & a complement?

III. How is a linking verb different from other verbs (in its function in the sentence)? You know 2 linking verbs in Latin – what are they?

IV. What ending shows that a noun is singular? Plural? And a singular verb? Plural verb?

V. Put the correct singular or plural ending on the verb (t/nt) to match the English translation.

1. she runs curri___

2. they run curru___

3. she lives habita___

4. they live habita___

5. they read legu___

6. she writes scribi___

7. they walk ambula___

8. she sits sede___

9. they are su___

10. they write scribu___

11. she is es___

12. they sit sede___

VI. Label the subjects (S), verbs (V), linking verbs (LV) & complements (C):

i. Cornelia et Flavia in Italia habitant.

ii. Cornelia et Flavia sunt amicae.

iii. Hodie puellae non sedent sed in agris ambulant.

iv. Brevi tempore Cornelia defessa est.

v. Flavia est puella strenua et in agris currit.

vi. Brevi tempore Flavia etiam defessa est.

vii. Puellae sub arbore sedent.

viii. Cornelia legit et Flavia scribit.

ix. Tandem puellae ex agris ad villam lente ambulant.

VII. Practice translating sentences with UNEXPRESSED subjects:

1. Sub arbore sedet. ______________________________________

1. In agris currunt. ______________________________________

2. Brevi tempore defessa est. ______________________________________

3. Tandem ad villam lente ambulant. ______________________________________

4. Sub arbore quoque legunt. ______________________________________

5. Ex agris ambulat. ______________________________________

6. Quod strenua est, currit. ______________________________________

7. In Italia habitant. ______________________________________

8. Hodie sub arbore sunt. ______________________________________

9. In villa sedent. ______________________________________

VIII. Write 3 sentences IN ENGLISH in each category below:

a. Subject and verb.

b. Linking verb and complement.

XI. For these subjects, write S if the verb ending should be singular and P if it should be plural, then write the ending you should see on the verb.


1. puella ______ _____________________

2. amicae ______ _____________________

3. Aurelia et ______ _____________________


4. pictura ______ _____________________

5. villa ______ _____________________

XII. Write S for singular and P for plural, then translate.

S/PL Translation

1. scribit _______ __________________

2. habitant _______ __________________

3. sunt _______ __________________

4. ambulat _______ __________________

5. legit _______ __________________

6. currunt _______ __________________

7. est _______ __________________

8. sedent _______ __________________

9. scribunt _______ __________________

10. sedet _______ __________________

Ecce 2 Culture Topic

The Roman Family (25 points)


1. Family

2. Patriarch

3. Father

4. Paterfamilias

5. Patria Potestas

6. Manus

7. Domus

8. Mother

9. Children

10. Slaves

11. Marriage

12. Guardianship

13. Ancestor Worship

14. Imagines

15. Lares & Penates

Study Questions – Answer these questions using terms from the list above – try to keep your answers in context with Roman, not American, families. You must use at 12 terms correctly.

1. Using the attached graphic organizer, compare and contrast the ancient Roman family with a modern American family.

2. Think of at least 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages in the Roman family for:

a. the father

b. the mother

c. the children

3. Why do you think it was so important for the Romans to have such strict control over women?

4. How might life in Rome have been different if the roles of men and women were reversed and Rome was a matriarchal society?

5. Imagine that you are a young Roman woman about to be married tomorrow. It is an arranged marriage to an old friend of your father’s who is very wealthy and very well connected politically. Write a journal entry of at least 1 paragraph describing your feelings about the wedding.










defessa strenua agris

tempore ambulant brevi


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