Using Connectives - Primary Resources

Using Connectives

Use these connectives to complete the sentences.

Example: Cinderella wanted to go to the ball because she wanted to marry Prince Charming.

1. The Three Little Pigs were very scared___________ the Big Bad Wolf blew their house down.

2. Goldilocks liked to eat porridge__________ it was too hot for her.

3. Cinderella felt sad_________ the Fairy Godmother helped her go to the ball.

4. Snow White had lost her 7 dwarves_________ she went to look for them.

5. Red Riding Hood skipped through the forest__________ she went to see her Grandma.

6. Peter Pan ran away from Captain Hook_________ he saw him coming to get him.

7. The Gingerbread Man cried_______ someone was mean to him.

8. Sleeping Beauty felt happy_________ she danced with Prince Charming.

9. Jack climbed up his beanstalk______ he reached the top.

Using Connectives

Use these connectives to complete your own sentences about Traditional Tales.

Example: Cinderella wanted to go the ball because she wanted to marry Prince Charming.

8. The Three Little Pigs were very scared______________

9. Goldilocks liked to eat porridge____________________

10. Cinderella was upset__________________________

11. Snow White had lost her 7 dwarves_______________

12. Red Riding Hood skipped through the forest________

13. Peter Pan ran away from Captain Hook_____________

14. The Gingerbread Man looked upset_______________

8. Sleeping Beauty felt happy_______________________

9. Jack climbed up his beanstalk_____________________


because when so if

but then also

next later until after

because when so if

since but then also

next later until after


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