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Brazil Executive Seminar

April 2014 Recommended Readings

Scott Wright

• Predictably Irrational – Daniel Ariely

• Nudge – Richard H. Thaler

• Switch – Chip & Dan Heath

• Made to Stick - Chip & Dan Heath

• Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us – Daniel Pink

• Buy*in – John Kotter

• Financial Incentives – Cons

• Financial Incentives – Cons

• Financial Incentives – Cons

• Financial Incentives – Pros

• Unexpected - Texting While Driving Video (Graphic)

• The Optimism Bias – Tali Sharot -

• Checklist Manifesto -

• Checklist for checklists -

Ed Yost

• The Respect Effect: Using the Science of Neuroleadership to Inspire a More Loyal and Productive Workplace, Paul Meshanko; 2013.

• Talent Transformation and the Triple Bottom Line: How Companies can Leverage Human Resources to Achieve Sustainable Growth, Savitz, Andrew; John Wiley and Sons, 2013.

• Transformative HR: How Great Companies Use Evidence-Based Change for Sustainable Advantage, Boudreau, John and Jesuthasan, Ravin; Josey Bass, 2011

• Retooling HR: Using Proven Business Tools to Make Better Decisions About Talent, Boudreau, John; Harvard Business School Press, 2010.

• Closing the Engagement Gap: How Great Companies Unlock Employee Potential for Superior Results, Gebauer, Julie and Lowman, Don; Towers Perrin, Foster & Crosby, 2008.

• Beyond HR: The New Science of Human Capital, Boudreau, John and Ramstad, Peter; Harvard Business School Press, 2007.

Kevin Smith

• Showing Your True Colors - Mary Miscisin

Mike Geringer

Some key academic readings on strategy and the implementation/change of strategy

Porter, What is Strategy?, Harvard Business Review, November-December 1996

Markides, “What is strategy and how do you know if you have one?,” Business Strategy Review, Summer 2004

Campbell & Alexander, What’s Wrong with Strategy?, Harvard Business Review, November-December 1997

Eisenhardt & Sull, Strategy as Simple Rules, Harvard Business Review, January 2001

Porter, “The Five Competitive Forces that Shape Strategy,” Harvard Business Review, January 2008

Collis & Montgomery, “Competing on Resources,” Harvard Business Review, July-August 1995

Kim & Mauborgne, “Value Innovation: The strategic logic of high growth,” Harvard Business Review, July-August 2004

Mankins & Steele, “Turning great strategy into great performance,” Harvard Business Review, July-August 2005

Raffoni, “Three keys to effective execution,”

“Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model,”

Some examples of strategic change efforts

“Can Philips Learn to Walk the Talk?” (The value of strategic conversations in facilitating organizational change),

“Survival is Not Enough” (embracing change and organizational evolution),

“How Will Your Company Adapt?” (examples of organizational adaptability),

Some Recommended Books on Strategy and Managing Strategic Change & Implementation

lists over 48,000 books when you search the topic of strategy! It would take weeks (!) to read all of the listings of the books, much less the books themselves. So here are a few of my favorites on the topic (all of which can be found at in their books area; check your local book distributor for access):

Porter: Competitive Strategy (a seminal book, lots of lists)

Porter: Competitive Advantage (follow-up to Competitive Strategy, it summarizes the former in a couple of chapters and adds further content)

Mintzberg: Strategy Safari (Mintzberg helped popularize the incremental approach to strategy and he’s an idiosyncratic writer that some find hard to fathom, but there is some good material in this)

Grant: Contemporary Strategy Analysis (very scholarly, but very good)

Robert: Strategy Pure & Simple (very practical)

Hamel & Prahalad: Competing for the Future (a fine book looking at various aspects of strategy)

Kim and Mauborgne: Blue Ocean Strategy (strategy when competing in newly defined market segments)

Christensen: The Innovator’s Dilemma and The Innovator’s Solution (2 sequenced books looking at the strategic challenges facing companies that are trying to determine whether/how to compete in changing markets, especially those driven by technological innovation)

Brown & Eisenhardt: Competing on the Edge (dealing with chaos and rapid change environments)

Hrebeniak: Making Strategy Work (implementing strategy)

John Day

• The Visionaries Handbook: Nine Paradoxes That Will Shape the Future of Your Business – Wacker, Taylor & Means

• The Extreme Future: The top trends that will reshape the world in the next 20 years - Canton

Gabe Giordano

Current Trends

Cloud Computing


Social Networking in Business


Mobile Computing


Big Data


IT Security

Faizul Huq

1. Big Data Analytics



Competing on Analytics

by Thomas H. Davenport



Strategic Analytics:



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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