Substitute Teacher Handbook - Center Grove Elementary School

Center Grove Community School Corporation Substitute Teacher Handbook

2013 ? 2014

The Center Grove Community School Corporation practices equal opportunity in education and employment.


CENTER GROVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2455 South Morgantown Road Greenwood, Indiana 46143 Telephone: 881-1720 Fax: 885-4535 Mr. Bruce Haddix, Principal Mr. Dwayne Marshall, Assistant Principal Mrs. Lisa Sullivan, Secretary

MAPLE GROVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 3623 West Whiteland Road Bargersville, IN 46106 Telephone: 881-0561 Fax: 889-2553 Mrs. Brooke Phillips, Principal Mrs. Andrea Lee, Assistant Principal Mrs. Diane Hein, Secretary

NORTH GROVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 3280 West Fairview Road Greenwood, Indiana 46142 Telephone: 881-5653 Mr. Brian Proctor, Principal Mr. Ron Siner, Assistant Principal Mrs. Anita Russell, Secretary

PLEASANT GROVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 5199 West Fairview Road Greenwood, Indiana 46142 Telephone: 887-8525 Fax: 885-4605 Mr. Trael Kelly, Principal Mrs. Jessica Hyde, Assistant Principal Mrs. Kathy Springman, Secretary

SUGAR GROVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 4135 West Smith Valley Road Greenwood, Indiana 46142 Telephone: 887-4707 Fax: 885-5249 Mr. Davin Harpe, Principal Miss Marianne Dooms, Assistant Principal Joyce Hartman, Secretary

CENTER GROVE MIDDLE SCHOOL CENTRAL 4900 West Stones Crossing Road Greenwood, Indiana 46143 Telephone: 882-9391 Fax: 885-4534 Mrs. Nora Hoover, Principal Mrs. Julie Lawson, Assistant Principal Mr. Eric Long, Dean of Students Mrs. Janet Schreiner, Secretary

CENTER GROVE MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH 202 North Morgantown Road Greenwood, Indiana 46142 Telephone: 885-8800 Fax: 885-3388 Mr. Scott Johnson, Principal Mr. Matt Taylor, Assistant Principal Mrs. Ruth Hurrle, Dean of Students Mrs. Karen Gardner, Secretary

CENTER GROVE HIGH SCHOOL 2717 South Morgantown Road Greenwood, Indiana 46143 Telephone: 881-0581 Fax: 885-4509 Mr. Doug Bird, Principal Mr. William Betts, Assistant Principal Mrs. Sandy Hillman, Assistant Principal Mrs. Tricia Ferguson, Assistant Principal Mr. Jacob Short, Dean of Students Mrs. Leah Solea, Secretary

OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT 4800 W Stones Crossing Road Greenwood, Indiana 46143 Richard Arkanoff, Superintendent Telephone: 881-9326 Fax: 881-0241 Mrs. Sally Hacker, Director of Human Resources Mrs. Lynae Froman, HR Secretary Mrs. Glennda Watson, Benefits Specialist Mrs. Barb Tillman, Certified Payroll Specialist Mrs. Joyce Genneken, Support Payroll Specialist


Thank you for your interest in substitute teaching in the Center Grove Community School Corporation. Substitute teaching is an excellent way to learn about our schools while serving our

students in a positive way.

We hope you have a positive and successful experience!

SUBFINDER After you have completed the required paperwork and have attended the required Substitute Teacher Orientation, you need to register with SUBFINDER by following these steps:

1. Call SUBFINDER at 1-866-625-0641. 2. Follow the automated prompts to register (you will need your pin number) 3. Log in to the the following website. Your User Name is your last name, and your Password is your

pin number: a.

4. Complete steps using your SubFinder for Substitutes User Guide also located on our website: a.

5. Phone calls from SubFinder begin with a 570 area code.

Any former Center Grove High School students must be 22 years old in order to substitute at Center Grove High School.

VALID TEACHER OR SUBSTITUTE LICENSE As an approved substitute teacher, it is your responsibility to be sure your Indiana Teacher license or Indiana Substitute Teacher permit remains active and valid. If it expires, you are responsible to renew your license or permit to remain on our Approved Substitute Teacher List.

If you do not sub at least 5 times during a school year, we may remove you from our substitute list.

RESIGNATION If you are unable to continue employment as a substitute teacher, a written resignation including a reason is required to be removed.

SCHOOL HOURS Substitutes should plan to arrive 15-30 minutes before the student day begins.


Teacher Hours

Student Hours

High School

7:25 a.m.-2:55 p.m. 7:35 a.m.- 2:50 p.m.

Middle Schools

All Elementary Schools

7:15 a.m.-2:45 p.m. 8:45 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

7:30 a.m.- 2:40 p.m. 9:00 a.m.- 3:45 p.m.

Wednesday Early Release Times

2:05 p.m.

1:55 p.m.

3:00 p.m.

Half Day

These times could vary per building by 10-15 minutes

7:20 ? 11:00 a.m. 11:00 ? 2:50 p.m.

7:15 ? 11:00 a.m. 11:00 ? 2:45 p.m.

8:30 a.m. ? 12:15 p.m. 12:15 p.m.? 4:00 p.m.

LENGTH OF ASSIGNMENTS As a substitute, most assignments are for one (1) full day. However, from time to time, you may be called to serve a morning, an afternoon, or several days in a row. When called, be sure you write down the name of the school, the grade assignment, the name of the absent teacher, the expected arrival time, and the length of assignment. Please be sure to ask for a specific time frame when working a half day, as this may vary by school.

As a substitute teacher, you are subject to the same rules and regulations as Center Grove Teachers. Be sure you should become familiar with the policies applicable to a given school or assignment.

PROFESSIONAL DRESS Dress in a professional, appropriate manner for every assignment. Observe all building expectations for appropriate dress. All of the buildings are air conditioned and heated, so dress accordingly.

CELL PHONES Personal cell phones are allowed as long as they are silenced and not used during class time. As a substitute teacher, personal or prep time is the only time cell phones can be accessed.

Student cell phones should not be accessed during the school day. If a student uses his/her cell phone during class time, please ask the student to shut the phone off. If the cell phone becomes a distraction in class, make a note of it for the teacher, and contact the office for assistance.

COMPUTERS If computers are part of the assignment for the day, as a substitute you can utilize the computer in the classroom. Computers are not for personal use during the work day. Students are not allowed to use the teacher computers or work stations.

If the students are assigned to work on classroom computers, be sure to monitor their work. Walk around the classroom to determine that each student is working on appropriate sites at all times.

LUNCH As a substitute, you will receive 25-30 minutes of lunch time. Many Center Grove Teachers and substitutes bring their lunch. Additionally, you may purchase a lunch in the school cafeteria. Do not leave the building during lunch time.

Soda, water, and candy machines are available as well as refrigerators and microwave ovens for your use during prep time or lunch period. Please feel free to eat in the faculty cafeterias and get to know the building staff.

COMPENSATION As a substitute teacher, you will be compensated as follows:

Valid Indiana Substitute Teaching Permit o $65 per full day o $33 per half day

Valid Indiana Teaching License o $75 per full day o $38 per half day

Retired CGCSC Teachers with a valid Indiana Teaching License o $85 per full day o $43 per half day

Extended Assignments: If you are contacted to work as a substitute teacher in the same teaching assignment beyond fifteen (15) consecutive school days, you must hold a valid Indiana Teaching License. For an extended substitute position, you will be compensated at a daily rate as determined by the corporation's teachers' salary schedule in the Master Teacher Contract. The daily rate will be paid for the sixteenth day and for additional continuous days during the duration of that specific assignment. Upon the completion of such continuous assignment, you will revert to a regular substitute status and will again be paid at the regular pay schedule for substitute teachers as listed above.

Support Staff Substitutes: If you are contacted to substitute for a Support Staff position, the rate of pay is $8.77 per hour with two exceptions: nurse substitutes - $11.00/hour and bus drivers - $20.40/hour.

PAY SCHEDULE Pay dates are the 5th and the 20th of each month. Substitutes are paid for the number of days indicated on the reports turned in by the principals to the Center Grove Business Department. Payroll information is sent directly to the bank/credit union by wire transfer based on the required Direct Deposit Authorization.

Please contact the Center Grove Business Department at 881-9326 if you have questions regarding your pay or days worked.

SOCIAL SECURITY As a substitute teacher, you are covered by social security, and you are required to report your social security number to the Superintendent's Office. Appropriate deductions are made from each check and deposited to you as a substitute teacher.

RETIREMENT BENEFITS Indiana State Teachers Retirement Fund (ISTRF) As a substitute teacher, if you qualify as a member of ISTRF, there is an automatic salary deduction for retirement purposes. Please see the Explanation of Eligibility attached for more details.

If you want additional information or have questions, please contact the Teachers' Retirement Fund at (317) 232-3860.

403 (b) The Center Grove Community School Corporation offers 403(b) salary reduction elections to all employees on a universal basis. If you are interested in making the required minimum contribution of $200.00 per year to a 403(b) plan, please contact the Human Resources department for more information.


1. Plan to arrive at least 15-30 minutes early for parking and planning purposes.

2. Report to the main office upon arriving at the building. Wear the name tag provided so you can be identified throughout the school day.

3. Secure Substitute Teacher Folder for the teacher you are substituting for that day. Review the contents of the folder including the daily schedule, room numbers, and student seating charts.

4. If lesson plans are not available in the folder or at the teacher's work station, contact the front office immediately for assistance. LESSON PLANS ARE A MUST!

5. Check the folder for the correct procedures for the following: a. reporting absences and tardiness b. clearing the building during fire drills or other emergencies c. making arrangements for lunchroom supervision

6. Assume the duties of the regular teacher, which may include the following: a. supervising outside the classroom and in the hallways b. organizing playground activities at recess and during the lunch hour in the elementary building c. conducting emergency or fire drill procedures

7. Familiarize yourself with the seating arrangement and use the student seating chart to call students by name as much as possible. Observe any notations made by the regular teacher as to sight difficulties, hearing losses, or special needs which may be noted by the classroom teacher.

8. Introduce yourself to the class and go over the plans for the day. Write your name and the daily plans on the board for the students.

9. Be sure you follow the teacher's plan for the day. Do not deviate from the written plans. Every day of instruction is very important and cannot be wasted.

10. During class time, move around the classroom, assisting students and maintaining a positive learning environment.

11. Keep students on task at all times.

12. Do not let students leave the classroom without a pass for any reason. If you determine that there is a need for an exception, please send the student with a corridor pass/passport completed filled out and signed by you.

13. If students arrive after the bell, ask for a corridor pass/passport. If the student cannot provide one, be sure to make a note for the classroom teacher upon his/her return. The classroom teacher will handle it the next day.

14. If students are busy and on task, classroom management is easier to maintain.

15. Be pleasant but firm with students. Show confidence as the substitute teacher. Students look to you as their teacher for the day; they don't know otherwise.

16. A sense of humor goes a long way in working with students at every level. Don't lose your temper with your students at any time.

17. Immediately notify the main office should an accident or severe problem occur. Telephones are available in each classroom.

18. Keep the atmosphere of the room as normal as possible by following the regularly scheduled activities and teaching plans.

19. Conversations with students should be appropriate and professional at all times. Do not share personal information with students that is inappropriate.

20. As an approved substitute teacher, it is your professional responsibility to report any inappropriate student behaviors to an administrator before leaving for the day. The administrator will investigate the incident and interview witnesses, but your intervention and reporting is critical. With the new bullying legislation, it is critical that every adult in the building responses quickly and accurately to report incidents to a building administrator. It is your responsibility to report not investigate.

21. Grade papers and leave comments for the classroom teacher concerning the day's progress and assignments given (see Daily Report on the following pages for examples).

22. Complete the day's assignment by the following: a. Leave the teacher's work station and classroom clean and in order b. Return equipment to the proper place, if used during the day c. Turn off lights and close the door

24. Return to the main office and return the Substitute Folder. Check with the secretary to see if your services are needed the following day.



SAMPLE DAILY REPORTS BY SCHOOL Must be completed by the substitute each day

Sample Elementary Report Sample Middle School Report Sample High School Report


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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