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[Pages:10]METROPOLITANSCHOOLDISTRICTOFMARTINSVILLE SubstituteTeacherManual EffectiveAugust20,2021


Guidelineslistedinthishandbookmaybesubjecttochangedepending oncommunicationfromtheIndianagovernor'soffice,theIndiana Departmento fEducationorourlocalhealthdepartment.

TheM SDo fM artinsvilled oesn otd iscriminateo nt heb asiso ft heP rotectedC lasseso fr ace, color,n ationalo rigin,s ex(includingt ransgenders tatus,s exualo rientationa ndg enderidentity),

disability,a ge,r eligion,m ilitarys tatus,a ncestry,o rg eneticinformationw hicha rec lasses protectedb yF ederala nd/orS tatelaw(collectively," ProtectedC lasses")o ccurringint he Corporation'se mploymento pportunities,p rogramsa nd/ora ctivities,o r,ifinitiallyo ccurringo ff Corporationg roundso ro utsidet heC orporation'se mploymento pportunities,p rogramsa nd

activities,a ffectingt heC orporatione nvironment.


TheMSDofMartinsvilleappreciatesthecontributionssubstituteteachersmaketo ourchildrenandschoolsystem.

Forallchildreninourdistrict,everydayofeachschoolyearmustbefilledwith successfullearningexperiencesconductedinapositivelearningenvironment. Schoolsneedeffectivesubstituteswhowilltaketheresponsibilitytoensurethat theeducationalprocessisnotinterruptedwhentheregularteacherisabsent. As asubstituteteacher,weareaskingyoutoworkwithusinaccomplishingour mission. Substitutesplayanimportantroleinourschools. AttheMSDof Martinsville,weneedprofessionalsubstitutestoworkwithourstudentsatevery gradelevel.

Thishandbookwillserveasaguide,listingyourresponsibilitiesinpreparationfor carryingontheworkintheschool,aswellastheresponsibilitiesoftheschool towardthesubstituteteacher. Donothesitatetoaskquestionsofteachers, administrators,andschoolofficepersonnel.


rich experiences, empowering them to achievesuccesswhilemaking



Thefollowingr equirementsm ustb ec ompleteda ndo nfilew ithM rs.N ancyB rosmana tt he CentralE ducationC enter,3 89E .JacksonS treet,M artinsville,IN4 6151. A llm aterialsm ustb e successfullyc ompletedp riortob einga bletos ubstitute.

1. Thefollowingitemsa refoundo nt heM SDo fM artinsvillew ebsiteu nderR esourcesb y clickingo nt heE mploymenttab: Completea s ubstituteteachera pplication Passa c riminalb ackgroundc heck EEOCS elf-Identificationform DirectD epositform(voidedc heckw illb en eeded) I-9form W4form WH-4Indianaform Druga ndA lcoholP olicys ignoff

2. Alls ubstituteteachersw illn eedtov iewa nds igno ffo nw atchinga no rientationv ideo producedb yC entralIndianaE ducationalS erviceC enter. T hes tepsfort hev ideoa re: a. Visit h ttp://video.ciesc.k12.in.us b. S elect" MSDo fM artinsville" fromt hed ropd ownfor" Organization." c. Entert hed istrict" AccessC ode"o f" 46151." d. Findt hev ideotitled" SubstituteT rainingD o'sa ndD on'ts." e. Watcht hee ntirev ideo. f. Att hee ndo ft hev ideo,s howp roofo fw atchingb yh ittingt he" ClickH erefor Proofo fT raining"int hem iddleo ft hes creen. g. Fillo utt heform. i. Yourfirsta ndlastn ame. ii. Usey ourp ersonale mailfort heS chool/CompanyE mail. iii. Organizationis" MSDo fM artinsville." iv. Nameo fs choolis" Martinsville." v. Hitt he" Next"b utton. vi. Fillo utfeedbackforma ndh itt heb lue" Submit"b uttontoc ompletet he process. B yh ittingt hes ubmitb utton,t heM SDo fM artinsvillew illb e notifiede lectronicallyo fy ourc ompletiono ft hev ideo.

3. Thefinalr equirementisa v alidteacherslicenseo rv alids ubstitutet eacherslicense issuedb yt heIndianaD epartmento fE ducation. Informationfort hes ubstituteteaching licensem ayb efoundo nt heIDOEw ebsiteu nderlicensinga t .

Thea pplicantisr esponsiblefora llc ostsa ssociatedw itho btainingt hec riminalb ackground checka nds ubstitute/teacherlicensure.


Thes ubstituteteacher'sp ayr ateise stablishedb yt heM SDo fM artinsvilleS choolB oard. Substituteteachersw illb ep aide veryt wow eekso nt hep ayrolls chedulee stablishedb yt he district. T hec urrentp ayr atesa re:

ClassI ClassII ClassIII

$100.00p erd ay $85.00p erd ay $70.00p erd ay


Alls ubstitutesw hoa rer etiredteacherso ft heM SDo fM artinsville. A s ubstitute licenseo rr enewalo ft heteachinglicensefromt heIndianaD epartmento f Educationisr equired.


Alls ubstitutesh oldinga v alidp rofessional,p rovisional,s tandard,r eciprocal,

limitedlicenseissuedb yt heS tateo fIndiana.


Alls ubstitutesw hoh avea tleasta B achelor'sd egreefroma na ccredited institution,a nda pprovedb yt heM SDo fM artinsville. A s ubstitutelicensefrom theIndianaD epartmento fE ducationisr equired;o r

Alls ubstitutesw hoh avea sa m inimum,a h ighs choold iploma,a ndw hoh ave documenteds uccessfule xperiencew orkingw iths choola gedc hildren. A substitutelicensefromt heIndianaD epartmento fE ducationisr equired.

Accordingtot heIndianaU nemploymentC ompensationA ct,s ubstituteteachersa ren ote ligible foru nemploymentc ompensationd urings choolb reaksa ndt hes ummerm onths.

Substituteteachingisa na t-willp ositiona nda ss tatedinIndianalawm ayb er emovedfromo ur sublistfora nyr eason. S omeo ft her easonsa re:

1. Unsatisfactoryp erformancea se videncedb yo urs taff. 2. Neglecto fd uty. 3. Failuretos upervise. 4. Failuretoa ccepta ssignments. 5. Anyo therr easonableg roundsa ndforjustc ause.


Duringt hes chooly ear,long-terms ubstituteteachersa reo ccasionallyn eededtofillv acancies forv ariousr easons. W hena long-terms ubstituteish ired,t hes ubstitutew illb es ubjecttoa full backgroundc heck,c ompletiono fa llr equireds ubstitutea ndH Rforms,a ndB oarda pproval. P ay fora long-terms ubstitutew illfollowIC2 0-28-9-7. A c ertifiedteacherm ustw ork1 5c onsecutive daysa tt heC lassIp ayr ate. U pont he1 6thc onsecutived ay,t heteacherw illr eceivet hed aily rateo fa firsty earteachero nt heb achelors alarys cale.


Thes ubstituteteacherh asa p rofessionalo bligationtot her egularteacher,t hec hildren,a ndt he school.E xtremec autions houldb eu sedine xpressingp ersonalr eactionsa ndo pinionsa bout whatt hes ubstituteteachers eesa ndh earsint hec lassrooma ndt hes choolinw hichh e/she substitutes. A llinformationa bouta nys tudentm ustb et reateda sc onfidential. A s ubstitute teachers houlda voidu nfavorablec riticismo ft heteachero rs tudents. C oncernso rp roblems shouldb ep resentedtot hep rincipal.


Thes ubstituteteachers houlda rrivea tt hea ssigneds choolfifteen(15)m inutesb eforet hefirst classa ndp erformt hefollowing:

Reportd irectlytot hep rincipal'so fficefort hec lassrooma ssignmentsa ndt helengtho f thea ssignment.

Reviewt her egularteacher'slessonp lans,teachingm aterials,g eneralb uildingr outines andp rocedures,a ndd isasterd rillr egulations.

Consultt hep rincipal,o ffices ecretary,o ra na ssignedteacher,ift herea rea nyq uestions aboutt hed ay'sa ctivities.

Fulfillt her egularteacher'se ntired ailya ssignment,s ucha sh alld uty,b usd uty,o ther assigneds upervisiond uties,e tc.


1. Alwaysc heckina tt heo fficetos tartt hed ay. a. Whenr eportingtoa s choolfort hefirsttime,introducey ourselftot heo ffice staff. b. Askifa nys chedulec hangesa retakingp lace(sucha sc onvocation,s hortened classes). c. Verifyc heck-outp rocessfort hee ndo ft hed ay.

d. Learna boutb uildingp rocedures. i. Howtotakea ttendancea ndtardyinformation. ii. Studentp asses. iii. Procedurefors endinga s tudenttot hen urseo ro ffice. iv. Aska bouts tudentsina ssignedc lassest hatm ayh avea h ealthissuea nd procedurestofollowint hec aseo fa ne mergency.

2. Locatet hec lassroom,n earestr estrooms,lunchr oom,a nda reasw heret heteacherh as assignedd uties.

3. Introducey ourselftot heteachersint her oomsn earbyy oura ssignedc lassroom. 4. Findt hee mergencye xitm apint hec lassrooma ndo rientatey ourselftot hee vacuation

routesa ndd oors. 5. Priortos tudentsa rriving:

a. Readt hrought helessonp lansleftb yt her egularteacher. b. Bep reparedtofollowt helessonp lansa sc loselya sp ossible. c. Reviewt hes eatingc harts. d. Refertoy ourselfa sM r.,M rs.,o rM s.a ndw ritey ourn ameo nt heb oardfor

studentstos ee. e. Determinet hec lasss chedulefort hed ays ucha slunchtime,s pecials

(elementary),a ndlengtho ft hec lassp eriods(secondary). f. Greets tudentsa tt hed oora st heye ntert her ooma tt hes tarto ft hed ay/class. 6. Duringt hes choold ay: a. Usey ourn ormalv oice,b ep ositive,a ndg ivep raisew hena ppropriate. b. Trytog ets tudentsinvolveda ndp articipateint helearningtakingp lace. c. Bea g oodr olem odel. d. Remainp rofessionala ta lltimes. e. Followe stablisheds choolr ulesa ndg uidelinesa ta lltimes. f. Itist her esponsibilityo ft hes ubstituteteachertor eada ndfollowt hep olicyo n

behaviora ndd iscipline,a sa doptedb yt heM SDo fM artinsvillefoundint he studenth andbook. H andbooksa relocatedo nlineu ndert he" Student"tabo n eachs chool'sw ebsite. 7. Refrainfromt hefollowing: a. Leavings tudentsu nsupervised. b. Insultinga s tudent. c. Usingp rofanity. d. Talkinga boutp ersonalm atterso ry ourp ersonallife. e. Touchinga s tudentina nyw ay. f. Administeringa nyt ypeo fp hysical/corporalp unishment. g. Usingy ourc ellp honed uringc lasstime.

h. Readingb ooks,p apers,o rm agazinesint hec lassroomu nlessa sa p arto ft he instructionalp rogram.

i. Comparings tudents,teachers,o rs choolsw ithe acho ther. j. Sharingc onfidentialinformationa bouts tudents,teachers,y ourself,o rt hes chool

witha nyone. 8. Endo ft hec lass/dayp rocedures:

a. Returnt her ooma nda llm aterialstot heirp roperlocation. H aves tudentsa ssist ifn ecessaryb yc leaningt hea reaa roundt heird esk.

b. Standb yt hed oora td ismissal(secondary)o rw alks tudentstot heb us. B es ure tok noww heres tudentsn eedtog oford ismissals ucha sw alkers,b usr iders,a nd parentp ickuplocations.

c. Makes uret her oomisino rdera ndlightsa ret urnedo ffw heny ouleave. 9. Aftere achc lasso rw hent hed ayisc omplete,r ecordn oteso ra c lasss ummaryincluding:

a. Attendancea ndtardyinformation. b. Questionsfroms tudents. c. Howt hed ayw entw itha nyc oncernst hatm ayh avec omeu p. d. Detaily oura bilitytoc ompletelessonp lanst hatw ereleftfory ou. 10. Checko utw itht heo fficew heny ourd ayisc omplete. a. Communicatea nyc oncernso rp roblemw hicho ccurredd uringt hed ay. b. Returna nys ubstitute/visitorp asseso rk eystot heo ffice.


Itisimportanttob efairtoa lls tudents. S omes tudentsw illc hallengey our egardlesso fw hat youd o. T hefollowingm ayh elpy ouw heny oua refacedw itha d ifficults ituation:

1. Tells tudentsw haty oue xpectint hec lassroomintermso fr ules,g uidelines,e tc. F ollow ther egularteacher'sr ules.

2. Ifs tudentsw on'tp aya ttentiono rd on otd ow hatt heya reinstructedtod o,t ryto determinew hatisc ausingt heinappropriateb ehavior.

3. Gaininga ttentionisa p owerfultool. D on otfocusc ontinuallyo nb adb ehavior. Recognizeg oodb ehavior,too.

4. Itisa lwaysb ettertob ep ositive. P ositivev erbalp raise,a s mile,a n od,a ndo ther appropriateg esturesw illh elpr educep roblemb ehaviors.

5. Calls tudentsb yt heirn ames. 6. Studentslearna ndb ehaveb etterift heya rea ctivelye ngagedinlearning. S mallg roups

arew aystog ets tudentstointeractp ositively. 7. Begint hec lassimmediately.

a.T hefirstfewm inutesa rec rucial. b.B einc ontrola ndb eginteachingimmediatelyu pont heb ell. c. H aves omethingfort hes tudentstod o. d.T askss hould:

Bes imple? s horte xplanations Bea q uieta ctivity? r eadingo rw ritingina journala reb est

Ber eadyb eforec lassb egins e.N everw astetimeb yg ettingt hingsr eadyw hilet hes tudentsa rew aiting f.F ollowt hes ameg eneralformatt hats tudentsa reu sedto 8. Manageb yw alkinga round. 9. Suppresst heu rgetolosey ourtempero rr eactina n egativew ay. T od e-escalate situations,y oum ustb einc ontrola ndn everlett hems eey ous weat! 10. Don ott hreatenc onsequencest haty ouc annote nforce. L ett heb uildinga dministration issuec onsequences. 11. Offerc hoicesins ituationsw herey oura uthorityisb eingc hallenged. (e.g. Y oum ay movetot hise mptys eato rt hetablea tt hefronto ft her oom.)


Substituteteacherss houldu seg oodtasteint hes electiono fc lothes,m akeup,a ndh airstyle wornw henw orkingint hes chools. N oa pparel,d ress,o rg roomingt hatiso rm ayb ecome potentiallyd isruptivetot hec lassrooma tmosphereo rh aso rm ayh avea na dverseimpacto n thee ducationp rocesss hallb ep ermitted.

Womenw illb ee xpectedtow eara ppropriatec lothingt hatr eflectsg oodp rofessionaljudgment andm aturity.

Menw illb ee xpectedtow eara s hirta nds lackso ro thera ppropriatea ttirea nde xhibitg ood professionaljudgmenta ndm aturity.

Substituteteacherse ngagedinp hysicale ducation,v ocational/agriculturals hopc ourses,e tc. shouldc hoosetow eara ttirea ppropriatefort hosea ssignments.


Cellp honesa ren ottob eu sedw hilep erformingjobd utiesa nd/ora ssignments. Ifn eeded,t he uses houldb ec onfinedtoy ourlunchp eriod,a ndint hea reaw herec hildrena ren otp resent.


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