Health Standards - Idaho State Board of Education



|Cognitive level codes: |Calculator codes: |

|B: Memorize |NO: student MUST NOT have a calculator while completing this item in order to assess this objective. |

|C: Perform procedures | |

|D: Demonstrate understanding | |

|E: Conjecture, generalize, prove | |

|F: Solve non-routine problems, make connections | |

Shaded objectives should be assessed in the classroom, but not included on the ISAT assessment.

Standard 1: Number and Operation

|Goals: |Objective 1 |Objective 2 |Objective 3 |Objective 4 |Objective 5 |Objective 6 |Objective 7 |

|Goal 1.1: Understand|3.M.1.1.1 Read, write, |3.M.1.1.2 Identify place |3.M.1.1.3 Count the value of|3.M.1.1.4 Recognize, name, |3.M.1.1.5 Recognize |3.M.1.1.6 Use appropriate | |

|and use numbers. |compare, and order whole |value through 9,999. |a collection of bills and |and represent commonly used |mathematical information and|vocabulary. (287.01.f) | |

| |numbers to 10,000. |(287.01.b) |coins up to $10.00. |fractions using concrete |select strategies | | |

| |(287.01.a) | |(287.01.c) |materials. (287.01.a) |appropriate for solving a |CL: | |

| | |CL: B | | |multi-step problem. |Calc: | |

| |CL: B |Calc: NO |CL: C |CL: B |(288.01.a) |Content Limit: Assessed in | |

| |Calc: NO |Content Limit: Whole numbers|Calc: NO |Calc: NO | |the classroom, not on the | |

| |Content Limit: When |to 9,999. |Content Limit: Pictures of |Content Limit: Fraction |CL: |ISAT. | |

| |comparing numbers between | |bills and coins should be |denominators limited to 2, |Calc: | | |

| |1,000 and 9,999, numbers | |used. Coins should be close |3, 4, 5, 6, 8. Fractions not|Content Limit: Assessed in | | |

| |will differ in only hundreds| |to actual size. Number of |simplified. No mixed |the classroom, not on the | | |

| |and thousands places. When | |coins should be less than |numbers. No improper |ISAT. | | |

| |comparing, the symbols for | |the next value coin (i.e., |fractions as correct answer.| | | |

| |greater than and less than | |no more than four pennies, |Pictures of concrete | | | |

| |will not be used. When | |one nickel, four dimes, |materials should be used. | | | |

| |ordering, no more than four | |and/or three quarters per | | | | |

| |values are used. Numbers may| |item). | | | | |

| |be ordered least to greatest| | | | | | |

| |or greatest to least. | | | | | | |

|Goal 2.1: Understand|3.M.2.1.1 Select and use |3.M.2.1.2 Estimate length, |3.M.2.1.3 Tell time using |3.M.2.1.4 Solve real-world |3.M.2.1.5 Identify |3.M.2.1.6 State that there |3.M.2.1.7 Use appropriate |

|and use U.S. |appropriate units and tools |time, and weight in |digital and analog clocks |problems related to time. |relationships of length and |are 24 hours in a day, 7 |vocabulary. (289.01.g) |

|customary and metric|to make formal measurements |real-world problems using |using quarter hour and five | |time within the U.S. |days in a week, and 12 | |

|measurements. |of length and temperature in|standard units. (289.01.b) |minute intervals. (289.01.e)|CL: F |customary system and within |months in a year. |CL: |

| |both systems. (289.01.a) | | |Calc: NO |the metric system. | |Calc: |

| | |CL: C | |Content Limit: |(289.01.c, 289.01.d) |CL: B |Content Limit: Assessed in |

| |CL: C |Calc: NO |CL: B |Times given in hours and | |Calc: CN |the classroom, not on the |

| |Calc: NO |Content Limit: |Calc: NO |minutes. No elapsed time |CL: C |Content Limit: No |ISAT. |

| |Content Limit: Select |Lengths are measured in |Content Limit: Second hand |problems. May add or |Calc: NO |conversions. | |

| |appropriate units and tools |inches, feet, and yards. |not shown on clock face. |subtract hours and minutes. |Content Limit: Relationships| | |

| |only. Units should be |Time is measured in minutes,|Picture of analog clock is | |may include: | | |

| |inches, feet, yards, |hours, and days. Weight is |given and answer options | |12 inches = 1 ft, | | |

| |centimeters, meters, and |measured in ounces, pounds, |show time on digital clock | |3 ft = 1 yard, | | |

| |degrees. Tools are rulers, |and tons. Capacity is |OR digital clock is shown | |100 cm = 1 meter, | | |

| |yardsticks, meter sticks, |measured in cups, quarts, |and answer options are | |60 seconds = 1 min, | | |

| |thermometers, clocks, and |and gallons. May select |analog clocks. | |60 min = 1 hr. | | |

| |scales. ‘use … tools to make|estimate of size from among | | |No conversions. | | |

| |formal measurements of |list of different numbers | | | | | |

| |length and temperature’ to |within same units (e.g., 1 | | | | | |

| |be assessed in the |inch, 1 foot, 10 inches, | | | | | |

| |classroom, not on the ISAT. |10 feet). | | | | | |

|Goal 2.3: Apply |No objectives at this grade | | | | | | |

|dimensional |level. | | | | | | |

|analysis. | | | | | | | |

Standard 3: Concepts and Language of Algebra and Functions

|Goals: |Objective 1 |Objective 2 |Objective 3 |Objective 4 |

|Goal 3.1: Use |3.M.3.1.1 Write a multiplication problem |3.M.3.1.2 Write a number sentence using simple |3.M.3.1.3 Write a fact family when given two |3.M.3.1.4 Read and use symbols (, =) to |

|algebraic symbolism |vertically and horizontally. (290.01.a) |geometric shapes as symbols to represent an |addends. |express relationships with numbers through 9,999. |

|as a tool to | |unknown number. (290.01.b) | |(290.01.c) |

|represent |CL: C | |CL: D | |

|mathematical |Calc: NO |CL: C |Calc: NO |CL: C |

|relationships. |Content Limit: Whole number factors that are one- |Calc: NO |Content Limit: Whole number addends between 1 and |Calc: NO |

| |or two-digit numbers. Student is not required to |Content Limit: Information given in words to be |9, inclusive. |Content Limit: May compare results of expressions.|

| |find the product. |rewritten as a number sentence that includes a | |Use whole numbers and expressions with no more |

| | |symbol. Number sentence includes no more than one | |than one operation. For addition and subtraction |

| | |operation. Geometric symbols used limited to | |expressions, result may be up to 999. For |

| | |squares, rectangles, or triangles. | |multiplication, factors must be less than 10. |

|Goal 3.2: Evaluate |3.M.3.2.1 Use the commutative property of |3.M.3.2.2 Solve multiplication problems using the | | |

|algebraic |multiplication. (290.02.a) |commutative property (e.g., If 24 x 38 = 912, then| | |

|expressions. | |what is 38 x 24?). | | |

| |CL: C | | | |

| |Calc: NO |CL: C | | |

| |Content Limit: Factors may be one- or two-digit |Calc: NO | | |

| |numbers. Student is not required to find the |Content Limit: Factors may be one- or two-digit | | |

| |product. |numbers. Student is not required to find the | | |

| | |product. | | |

|Goal 3.3: Solve |3.M.3.3.1 Solve missing addend equations. | | | |

|algebraic equations |(290.03.a) | | | |

|and inequalities. | | | | |

| |CL: C | | | |

| |Calc: NO | | | |

| |Content Limit: Whole number addends with sums less| | | |

| |than 100. Geometric symbols used to represent | | | |

| |missing addend limited to squares, rectangles, or | | | |

| |triangles. | | | |

|Goal 3.4: Understand|3.M.3.4.1 Extend a growing arithmetic, numerical |3.M.3.4.2 Use appropriate vocabulary. (293.01.c) | | |

|the concept of |pattern when given a rule with a single operation | | | |

|functions. |of one digit addition (e.g., add 3). (293.01.a) |CL: | | |

| | |Calc: | | |

| |CL: C |Content Limit: Assessed in the classroom, not on | | |

| |Calc: NO |the ISAT. | | |

| |Content Limit: Pattern includes numbers less than | | | |

| |100. Minimum of four terms of pattern must be | | | |

| |given. | | | |

|Goal 3.5: Represent |No objectives at this grade level. | | | |

|equations, | | | | |

|inequalities and | | | | |

|functions in a | | | | |

|variety of formats. | | | | |

|Goal 3.6: Apply |No objectives at this grade level. | | | |

|functions to a | | | | |

|variety of problems.| | | | |

Standard 4: Concepts and Principles of Geometry

|Goals: |Objective 1 |Objective 2 |Objective 3 |Objective 4 |

|Goal 4.1: Apply |3.M.4.1.1 Identify, compare, and analyze |3.M.4.1.2 Discuss sliding and flipping of |3.M.4.1.3 Identify vertical and horizontal lines |3.M.4.1.4 Use appropriate vocabulary. |

|concepts of size, |attributes of two- and three- dimensional shapes, |two-dimensional shapes. |of symmetry. | |

|shape, and spatial |including right angles, squares, and | | |CL: |

|relationships. |three-dimensional shapes in environment, and |CL: |CL: B |Calc: |

| |develop vocabulary to describe the attributes. |Calc: |Calc: NO |Content Limit: Assessed in the classroom, not on |

| | |Content Limit: Assessed in the classroom, not on |Content Limit: Limited to two-dimensional shapes |the ISAT. |

| |CL: B, C, D |the ISAT. |or pictures. May identify no lines of symmetry, | |

| |Calc: NO | |one vertical line of symmetry, one horizontal line| |

| |Content Limit: Identify and compare only. | |of symmetry, or both vertical and horizontal lines| |

| |Two-dimensional shapes limited to triangles, | |of symmetry. | |

| |quadrilaterals (square and rectangle), and | | | |

| |circles. Three-dimensional shapes limited to | | | |

| |cubes, cones, spheres, cylinders, and pyramids. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |‘Analyze attributes … and develop vocabulary to | | | |

| |describe the attributes’ to be assessed in the | | | |

| |classroom, not on the ISAT. | | | |

|Goal 4.2: Apply the |No objectives at this grade level. | | | |

|geometry of right | | | | |

|triangles. | | | | |

|Goal 4.3: Apply |3.M.4.3.1 Identify the point of final destination | | | |

|graphing in two |given directions for movement on a positive number| | | |

|dimensions. |line. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |CL: C | | | |

| |Calc: NO | | | |

| |Content Limit: Movement described may include | | | |

| |sequence of no more than two directions as | | | |

| |addition or subtraction. Each successive move must| | | |

| |remain in positive portion of number line. Dot | | | |

| |must be used to indicate the starting point on | | | |

| |given graphic of number line. | | | |

Standard 5: Data Analysis, Probability, and Statistics

|Goals: |Objective 1 |Objective 2 |

|Goal 5.1: Understand|3.M.5.1.1 Interpret information found in tables, bar graphs, and charts. (292.01.a) |3.M.5.1.2 Use appropriate vocabulary. (292.01.c) |

|data analysis. | | |

| |CL: D |CL: |

| |Calc: NO |Calc: |

| |Content Limit: Total number on tables and bar graphs will not exceed 100. Scales are in increments of|Content Limit: Assessed in the classroom, not on the ISAT. |

| |1, 2, or 5. Graphics may have at most four data categories. Bar graphs may be vertical or horizontal.| |

| |Pictograph may be used as type of bar graph. | |

|Goal 5.2: Collect, |3.M.5.2.1 Collect, organize, and display data in tables, charts, or bar graphs in order to answer a | |

|organize, and |question. (292.02.a) | |

|display data. | | |

| |CL: C | |

| |Calc: NO | |

| |Content Limit: Given data, choose a display. Total number on tables and bar graphs will not exceed | |

| |100. Scales are in increments of 1, 2, or 5. Graphics may have at most four data categories. Bar | |

| |graphs may be vertical or horizontal. Pictograph and tally tables may be used as types of bar graphs.| |

| |‘Collect’ to be assessed in the classroom, not on the ISAT. | |

|Goal 5.3: Apply |No objectives at this grade level. | |

|simple statistical | | |

|measurements. | | |

|Goal 5.4: Understand|No objectives at this grade level. | |

|basic concepts of | | |

|probability. | | |

|Goal 5.5: Make |3.M.5.5.1 Make predictions based on data. | |

|predictions or | | |

|decisions based on |CL: | |

|data. |Calc: | |

| |Content Limit: Assessed in the classroom, not on the ISAT. | |


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