Project Title: - Planning Engineer Est.


|Project Title: |

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|Date Prepared: |

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|Project Manager: |

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|Project Description: |

|Provide a summary-level description of the project. This information can be copied from the Project Charter. |

|Project Objectives |Success Criteria |How Met |Variance |

|Scope: | | | |

|A statement that describes the scope needed to |The specific and measurable criteria that will |Provide evidence that the success criteria were met. |Explain any scope variances. |

|achieve the planned benefits of the project |determine project success | | |

|Time: | | | |

|A statement that describes the goals for the |The specific dates that must be met to determine |Identify the date of final delivery. Use the |Explain any schedule or duration variances. |

|timely completion of the project. |schedule success. |information from the Product Acceptance form. | |

|Cost: | | | |

|A statement that describes the goals for the |The specific currency or range of currency that |Enter final project costs. |Explain any cost variances. |

|project expenditures. |defines budgetary success. | | |

|Quality: | | | |

|A statement that describes the quality criteria |The specific measurements that must be met for the|Enter the verification and validation information from |Explain any quality variances. |

|for the project. |project and product to be considered a success. |the Product Acceptance form. | |

|Other: | | | |

|Any other types of objectives appropriate to the |Relevant specific measurable results that define |Enter the evidence that other objectives have been met.|Explain any other variances. |

|projects. |success. | | |

Contract Information:

|Provide information on contracts. Enter information from the Contract Close-out report. |

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|Project Manager Signature | |Sponsor or Originator Signature |

| | | |

|Project Manager Name | |Sponsor or Originator Name |

| | | |

|Date | |Date |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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