Rationale and objectives e.com

Expression of InterestTerms of Reference (TORs)Tabeer - Consolidating Democracy in Pakistan (CDIP) Programme(I) Development of thematic messages for ECP Communications Campaigns (II) Facilitate ECP collaboration with corporate sector for cost effective outreach (III) ECP social media campaigns for trust building and civic/voter education (iv) Development of ECP Urdu website and appRationale and objectivesTabeer - Consolidating Democracy in Pakistan (CDIP) Programme is a 30-months initiative that aims to provide support to consolidating democratic practices in Pakistan, wherein:Election management and election oversight processes are more credible, transparent and inclusive;Parliamentary processes are more inclusive, and parliamentarians are more effective in holding government to account; Political parties across the mainstream political spectrum better represent, respond to and deliver for their constituents; and,The democratic space allows improved policy dialogue, political debate and public discourse.Tabeer works closely with the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP), national and provincial assemblies, political parties, media, and civil society organisations (CSOs). It pays particular attention to increasing the participation of women, young people, minorities, and people with disabilities in electoral and political processes.Under Output 1 – Elections, Tabeer is working with the ECP to enhance and institutionalize its stakeholder outreach through technical assistance in designing and implementing a communications strategy. This work will be complemented by and linked with supplementary communications activities including the design and development of its Urdu website and app, development of themes and messages for its stakeholder outreach/campaigns, the design and execution of outreach campaigns through collaboration with the corporate sector, and direct or proxy social media campaigns. Tabeer is seeking an experienced digital media and marketing agency to lead and execute these supplementary activities:Development of ECP Urdu website: The ECP website is currently entirely in English – it has a main page in Urdu but every click on it leads to the same English page. This is problematic since it severely limits public access to ECP information. TABEER will assist the ECP in developing an Urdu version of its website. This version may limit itself to the sections that are relevant to the common voting public only. It may also include additional sections and information for this audience. The website will be designed in an improved format and interface, and options for interactive features such as a voter registration portal will be explored. The Urdu web version will also be adapted as a smart phone app. This app may include election day guides and an interface linked to the ECP’s GIS mapping of polling stations and the 8300 voter verification system to enhance voter participation and turnout.Development of themes and messages for ECP: It is critical that ECP messages communicated to its various stakeholders are impactful and effectively articulated. Tabeer will assist the ECP and corporate partners in developing themes and messages around its key activities with a particular focus on voter education. The ECP will be able use these messages in its various communications channels during pre and post elections phase. Well-crafted messages customized to resonate with each stakeholder can contribute to free and fair elections by making them more inclusive with higher voter registration and turnout. This can enhance the ECP’s amongst its stakeholders. Tapping CSR for outreach: The ECP can significantly benefit from using the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) pool of different companies for disseminating elections and voting messages to target different demographics. There is significant precedent in other countries on CSR in elections, and these can be adapted to Pakistan’s context. For instance, Facebook recently partnered with the Indian election commission to launch a voter registration campaign. Successful execution of these types of initiatives will however require careful planning as in Pakistan there are heightened sensitivities around democratic processes. Social media campaigns: Social media usage has grown exponentially in the past decade in Pakistan. Citizens increasingly expect official bodies and institutions to have an active online presence, and electoral management bodies are no exception. In order to remain relevant and effective, the ECP may respond to the changing context to raise its profile and disseminate informative messaging about its work, and conduct voter education. Tabeer will explore the possibility of using intermediaries to maintain a social media presence, especially leading up to the 2018 elections. The intermediaries can be companies or CSOs or even individual experts managing social media platforms under an agreement or an understanding with the ECP through which the Commission will regularly share information with them. The intermediaries may also generate content following formats agreed to with the ECP to populate these platforms. Alternatively, content can be shared primarily through Tabeer’s social media pages. With this assignment, Tabeer aims to achieve:Content generation, design and development of ECP Urdu website and appThemes and messages for ECP outreach campaigns (direct and proxy) with a focus on voter educationIdentification and management of corporate sector entities for collaboration in ECP voter education campaigns and partnershipsDesign and execution of social media campaigns for ECP through intermediaries, including identification of platforms for maximum dissemination and creation/management of content in the form of videos, infographics, etcScope of Work and MethodologyTabeer seeks the services of a digital media and marketing firm to lead the development of an ECP Urdu website/app, design themes and messages for ECP outreach campaigns, manage corporate sector partnerships for ECP voter education campaigns, and run social media campaigns for the ECP through intermediaries. The selected expert/firm will work in close collaboration with Tabeer’s Elections and Communications team to understand the scope, requirements and target audiences, and will provide the following: Development of ECP Urdu website:Conduct mapping and gap analysis of the ECP English website Translate existing content of the ECP English website into Urdu Conceptualize innovative ways to make the ECP website more interactive and user-friendly; generate website content accordingly in coordination with Tabeer team Design and develop the Urdu website Complete any other tasks required for successful launch of website and for internal reportingDevelopment of themes and messages for ECP:Conduct Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with identified political parties, CSOs, media and citizens with a focus on women, youth, and socially excluded groups to gauge the perception of ECP and elections with these stakeholders and/or to test campaign messagesIdentify thematic areas and develop key messages, campaigns in English & Urdu with translation in regional languages on: themes around voter education such as importance of obtaining CNICs, voter registration, importance of voting, inclusive elections, women electoral participation and increased voter turnout. Tapping CSR for outreach:Identify and engage corporate sector entities for partnership with the ECP in voter education campaigns and initiativesManage the corporate sector partners and coordination with Tabeer and the ECPSet up CSR roundtables with corporations to generate collaboration and innovative thinking for voter education campaignsDesign content for campaignsSocial media campaigns:Identify and partner with intermediary social media platforms (for instance, Facebook pages with existing high volume of followers), or Tabeer social media platforms, to disseminate content for ECP voter educationDesign and manage campaign content including images, articles, videos, infographics, memes, GIFs, and live sessionsKey DeliverablesThe following deliverables will be expected from the firm/consultant:Mapping and gap analysis of the ECP English websiteTranslation of existing content of ECP English website into UrduRecommendations for making the ECP Urdu website more interactive and user-friendly Design and development of ECP Urdu websiteLaunch of ECP Urdu website including troubleshooting if anise, execute and evaluate findings from FGDs with key stakeholders from CSOs, media, political parties and the public to understand perceptions and test messagingDevelop messages and campaigns in multiple languages (English, Urdu and regional) on identified thematic areas around voter education and other themes as specified for articulation and use in various ECP communications during pre and post elections phase. Compile all messages in a uniform format for each theme, typed in English, Urdu and other regional languages, and in an easy-to-access, presentable format (preferably MS WORD].Successful campaigns through at least 3 corporate sector entities for voter education campaigns/initiatives for the ECPOrganization and execution of 1-2 CSR thematic roundtables (for example, “Digital Days”) held in partnership with ECP to generate campaign ideas and buy-inAnalytics/lessons learned report on CSR campaigns4 to 5 social media campaign run through intermediaries and/or the Tabeer social media platformsEligibility CriteriaThe expert/firm should have at least 10 years of experience in digital/social media, web design and development, content production, public relations/advertising Demonstrated ability to work on topics including democracy, governance and political discourses, and partner management and incorporate risk mitigation strategies into programmingUnderstanding of commercial media, marketing mix, digital and public campaigns. Must demonstrate ability to manage big projects requiring varied areas of expertise TimelineDifferent components of this assignment will be completed following the timeline given below: S. NoDescription StartEnd1Development and launch of ECP Urdu website Will mutually agree2Develop messages in multiple languages (English, Urdu and regional) on different themes based on FDGs with key stakeholders and compile the messages in uniform format3Identification, engagement and management of corporate sector entities for collaboration in voter education campaigns and improved ECP outreach4Social media campaigns through intermediaries and/or Tabeer social media platformsInstructions for Submitting Profiles:At this stage we are not asking technical and financial proposals. Please only share following: Your company profileSuitability of your company for this assignment/cover letter.Visual/documentary evidence of websites completedExamples of themes and messages on your campaignsEvidence of CSR engagementExamples of successful social media campaignsMamoon ur RasheedAdministration ManagerDAI Tabeer (CDIP),1st Floor, Din Pavilion (old Citibank Plaza), Jinnah Avenue,Blue Area, IslamabadThe deadline for submission is 11th March 2018 COB (Pakistan Standard Time). ................

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