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Executive Director Succession PlanRationaleNonprofit Network is committed to sustaining a healthy, functioning organization. The Executive Director position in a nonprofit organization is a central element in the organization's success. The purpose of a succession plan is to insure that the organization's leadership has adequate information and a strategy to effectively manage Nonprofit Network in the event the Executive Director is unable to fulfill duties of the executive director.The succession plan outlines a leadership development and emergency succession plan for Nonprofit Network. This kind of risk management is equally helpful in facilitating a smooth leadership transition when it is predictable and planned.This succession plan shall be approved initially by the Board Members. Thereafter, annually the Executive Committee shall review the plan and recommend changes to the full Board as needed.Plan ImplementationNotificationIt is the responsibility of the Executive Director to inform the Board Chair of a temporary, extended, or permanent absence. Board Members will plan accordingly and authorize the Board Chair to implement terms of the succession plan in the event of a planned or unplanned temporary, short-term, or permanent absence.As soon as feasible, the Board Chair shall convene an Executive Committee meeting to affirm the procedures prescribed in this plan, or to modify them if needed.The Board Chair will inform the Board of succession plan implementation at the next Board meeting, or the Board Chair may call a special meeting. Status of the succession plan implementation will be a standing Board agenda item until it has been implemented.SignatoriesAt all times the Board Chair and Treasurer shall have signature authorization for organization checks and contracts. The Acting or Interim Executive Director will not have signatory authority.Maintenance of RecordCopies of this plan shall be maintained in accordance with document retention requirements.Financial ConsiderationsIt shall be the responsibility of the Finance Committee to monitor the organization's finances during an unplanned absence of the Executive Director, and report to Board Members.Nonprofit Network maintains an operating reserve that the Board Chair and Treasurer are authorized to access with Executive Committee approval.Priority Functions of the Executive DirectorAmong the duties listed in the Executive Director position description, the following are considered to be the key functions and have a corresponding temporary staffing strategy. (See Temporary Executive Director Absence Staffing Strategy.)Executive Director job duties assigned in the temporary staffing strategy (see Temporary Executive Director Staffing Strategy) and are based on Nonprofit Network's organization structure as of January 2016. Executive Director functions will be assigned by the Board Executive Committee in consultation with staff, keeping in mind balancing current staff scheduled workload at the time of the Executive Director’s absence.Short Term Absence DefinitionsA temporary absence is one in which it is expected that the Executive Director will return once the events precipitating the absence are resolved.An unplanned absence is one that arises unexpectedly, in contrast to a planned leave such as vacation or a sabbatical.A temporary absence is 30 days or less.A temporary short-term absence is between 31 and 90 days.Temporary Executive Director Absence Staffing StrategyFor temporary planned or unplanned absences of 30 or fewer days, a staffing strategy could include internal and/or external staffing options. Current staff temporarily assigned Executive Director responsibilities will be compensated accordingly. In the event of a temporary short-term planned or unplanned absence of more than 30 days, the Executive Committee will determine if a temporary staffing strategy is sufficient for the anticipated Executive Director absence.Appointing an Acting Executive DirectorBased on the anticipated duration of the absence, the anticipated return date, and accessibility of the current Executive Director, the Executive Committee may appoint an Acting Executive Director, as well as continue to implement a temporary staffing strategy.Appointees as Acting Executive DirectorWhen appointing an Acting Executive Director, the Executive Committee may consider 1) appointing a staff person, or 2) appointing a Board Member. If a Board Member accepts the position, he/she will be on a temporary leave from the Board.The Executive Committee may consider the option of splitting executive duties among designated appointees.Training PlanThe Executive Director will train other Nonprofit Network staff in key functions of the Executive Director listed in Priority Functions of the Executive Director. An up-to-date list of staff trained in key Executive Director functions will be attached to this document, and reviewed by the Executive Director at least annually.The Executive Director will maintain a description of major responsibilities and key functions for each staff position.Authority and Restrictions of the Acting Executive DirectorThe Acting Executive Director shall have authority for day-to-day decision making and independent action as the regular Executive Director.Decisions that shall be made in consultation with the Board Chair and/or Executive Committee include financial issues, staff hiring and terminations, and any change in current or new pensationA current staff person temporarily assigned as the Acting Executive Director may receive a wage adjustment as determined by the Executive Committee, as based on duration of the assignment and available resources. Non-current staff chosen as Acting Executive Director will enter into an independent contract agreement, whether the time is paid or the Acting Executive Director volunteers their time.Board Oversight and Support to the Acting Executive DirectorThe Acting Executive Director reports to the Board Chair. In the event the Board Chair becomes the Acting Executive Director, the Vice Chair shall be appointed Board Chair.The Executive Committee shall be alert to the special support needs of the Acting Executive Director in this temporary role. The Executive Committee shall convene at least monthly when an Acting Executive Director is appointed. It is important that all Board committees meet at least monthly during implementation of the succession munication PlanWithin 48 hours after an Acting Executive Director is appointed, the Board Chair and the Acting Executive Director shall meet to develop a communication plan including the kind of information that will be shared and with whom.As soon as possible, the Board Chair and Acting Executive Director shall implement the communication plan to announce the organization's temporary leadership structure to staff, the Board of Directors, Nonprofit Network members, and key supporters. Updated contact information shall be maintained in Nonprofit Network’s database.Within 5 business days, Board Members may distribute a press release with general information appropriate to the situation.Long Term Temporary AbsenceDefinition A long term absence is 90 days or more.ProceduresThe short-term plan (see Section 4) will be immediately implemented by the Executive Committee who will then appoint a Board Ad Hoc committee to develop a plan for a long-term absence. The Board Ad Hoc committee will present the plan to the full Board for approval. The Board may consider hiring an Interim Executive Director.The Board Chair and Executive Committee are responsible for gathering input from staff and reviewing the performance of the Acting or Interim Executive Director.Permanent AbsenceDefinitionA permanent absence is one in which it is firmly determined that the Executive Director will not be returning to the position.ProceduresProcedures and conditions to be followed shall be the same as for a temporary short term absence with the following additions:The Board shall consider the need to hire an Interim Executive Director from outside the organization instead of appointing an Acting Executive Director. This decision shall be guided, in part, by internal candidates for the Executive Director position, the expected time frame for hiring a permanent Executive, and the management needs of the organization at the time of the transition.The Board shall appoint a Transition and Search Committee within 10 business days to implement the organization's Executive succession plan to transition to a permanent Executive Director. See Executive Director Search Committee Guidelines.Hiring an Interim Executive DirectorIf an Interim Executive Director is hired, the Board Chair and Executive Committee shall negotiate an independent contract agreement with a defined scope of work.The scope of the agreement with an Interim Executive Director shall be determined based on an assessment of the organization's needs at the time of the leadership transition.The rate of compensation shall be based on Michigan Nonprofit Association guidelines.Responsibilities of the Interim Executive DirectorAn Interim Executive Director shall have authority for day-to-day decision making and independent action as the regular Executive Director.Decisions shall be made in consultation with the Board Chair and/or Executive Committee, including staff hiring and terminations, financial issues, and taking on a new project.Board Oversight and Support to the Interim Executive DirectorThe Interim Executive Director reports to the Board Chair.The Executive Committee shall convene at least monthly when an Interim Executive Director is hired, and shall be available to give additional guidance as needed. The Board Chair and Executive Committee are responsible for gathering input from staff and monitoring Interim Executive Director performance according to the organization’s Performance Review Policy. An initial review shall be completed between 30 and 45 days and 90 days thereafter.Nonprofit Network’s Board approved this policy on 07/25/2019. JMC ................

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