Succession Planning Toolkit - Readiness Checklist

DRAFT Succession Planning Readiness ChecklistPrior to undertaking succession planning, the following are areas that will support the ability of your institution to proceed with a successful succession planning process. It is highly recommended that you note aspects that are in place and have discussion and resolve aspects that are not. Readiness QuestionReadiness Check Yes Somewhat No1Succession planning has the support of our president and the executive leadership team 2Our institution has a skilled internal/external facilitator and project leader that knows and can guide the succession planning process 3There is adequate time and ability to engage in succession planning in the context of other work plan priorities 4The executive leadership team has a collective commitment to succession planning and understands that the process is iterative and evolutionary 5Our institution has access to data to support informed succession planning (see step 1 of the toolkit for recommended data elements) 6Our institution has access to recent and relevant performance evaluation data 7Leadership is prepared to have open and strategic discussions about talent within our institution DRAFT Initial Communication/Messaging for Succession Planning at Institution(Please adapt to your institution needs)Dear Campus Colleagues:As we have seen in recent years and will to a greater extent in the near future, there is significant knowledge and abilities that we are losing to retirements and general turnover. It is for this reason that we are prompting a succession planning process to guide us as we strategically hire, develop, and manage our employees. There exist a number of terms and approaches for succession planning, some of which are very new to the culture and traditions within higher education. The approach we intend to take for succession planning is focused on strategically developing our internal faculty and staff to compete for positions that will come open in key positions. The position(s) will be identified based on careful analysis of data and areas that may put us at risk as we advance our mission. With the competition for top talent, the capacity to develop a thoughtful and effective game plan for finding and retaining talented people will be at a premium. Our institution will be in a better to position to flourish if we anticipate and respond to the impending retirements and corresponding opportunities that many of our talented faculty and staff will encounter.The executive leadership team will be advancing succession planning framework, elements of which include:Identifying key (or linchpin) positions and associated objectivesDefining competencies for those positionsAssessing performance and potential of existing employees to step into the identified positionsDeveloping employees to address potential competenciesShifting necessary elements of our campus culture and processes to support ongoing succession planningThe focus of each of these strategies will be to provide a framework for the development of the knowledge, skills, and abilities of our faculty and staff and guide our efforts to acquire the talent needed to meet the future aspirations of our institution. Succession planning requires a commitment on the part of the entire campus community. The framework provides a starting point for engaging and guiding our strategic investments in our most important resource, our people. Sincerely, ................

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