Behavioral Objectives

|Behavioral Objectives |Content Outline |Clinical Objectives |Learning opportunities |

|Apply the terms listed in the content column |Application of terms |Analyze client data to compare expected |READ: |

|appropriate to the client’s situations. |Bronchiolectasis |and achieved outcomes for client. |Lewis (2011) |

| |Carbon dioxide narcosis | | |

| |Emphysema |Implement cost effective care. |Lehne (2010) |

| |Muscular dystrophy | | |

| |Sleep Apnea |Use current technology and evidence-based|McKinney (2009) |

| |Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) |information to formulate and modify the | |

|Compare and contrast the normal | |nursing plan of care. |VIDEOS: |

|anatomy and physiology to the |II. Anatomy & Physiology of the Respiratory System | |#M017 – Physical Assessment: The Lungs |

|pathophysiology of the disease |A. Developmental considerations |Collaborate with other health care | |

|processes in the respiratory system |1. Infant |providers with treatments and procedures.|#1158 – Asthma, Emphysema and |

|across the lifespan. |2. Child | |Chronic Bronchitis |

| |3. Adolescent |Select and carry out safe and appropriate| |

| |4. Adult |activities to assist client to meet basic|#M067 – Normal and Abnormal Breath Sounds |

| |5. Older adult |physiologic needs, including: | |

| |B. Pathophysiology of respiratory system: |circulation, nutrition, oxygenation, |#226 – Respiratory Alkalosis & Acidosis |

| |Alteration in Ventilation/Perfusion |activity, elimination, comfort, rest and | |

| |Acidosis |sleep. |#227 – Metabolic Alkalosis & |

| |Alkalosis | |Acidosis |

|Analyze factors including the | |Collaborate with others to develop and | |

|assessment of the client experiencing |Respiratory Assessment |modify individualized teaching plans |#M124 – Tuberculosis: Prevention and Practices for |

|complex problems of the respiratory |Interview |based on developmental and health care |Healthcare Workers |

|system, including the developmental |Chief complaint |learning needs. | |

|and cultural considerations. |Present illness | |COMPUTER SIMULATIONS: |

| |Prior medical history |Individualize and implement established | |

| |Family/social/occupational history |teaching plans. |Laser 5033 – Physical Examination of the Respiratory |

| |Medication history | |System |

| |Prescription/non-prescription |Evaluate learning outcomes of the client | |

| |Knowledge of health maintenance |receiving instruction. |Laser 5017 – Promoting Oxygenation |

| |Identify risk factors | | |

| |Physical Exam |Modify teaching methods to accommodate |Laser 5045 – Critical Care Nursing – Critical |

| |Vital signs |client differences. |Thinking: Pulmonary Care |

| |Level of consciousness |Adjust priorities for nursing | |

| |Breathing pattern (rate, depth, rhythm, effort, symmetry) |interventions in emergency situations. | |

| |Chest pain | | |

| |Breath sounds |Evaluate and communicate quality and |MEDCOM ONLINE FILMS: |

| |Breath odor |effectiveness of therapeutic |VIDM238-T The Basics of Oxygen Administration |

| |Tracheal position |interventions. | |

| |Color (central & peripheral) | |VIDM240-T Assessment of Respiratory Distress in the |

| |Cough | |Pediatric Patient |

| |Sputum | | |

| |Activity level | |VIDM199S-T Tuberculosis: New Strategies for the |

| |Capillary refill | |Healthcare Worker |

| |Diagnostic Tests | | |

| |Laboratory | | |

| |Complete blood count (CBC) | | |

| |Pulmonary function tests | | |

| |Acid-fast bacillus | | |

| |Sweat test | | |

| |Coagulation study (PT/PTT/INR) | | |

| |Culture & sensitivity | | |

| |Radiology | | |

| |Chest x-ray | | |

| |Lung Scan | | |

| |Bronchoscopy | | |

| |Other | | |

| |Arterial blood gases (ABG) | | |

| |Pulse oximeter | | |

| |Skin test | | |

| |D. Cultural Influences | | |

| |Hereditary | | |

| |Environmental | | |

| |Health beliefs/practices Developmental | | |

| |Age specific assessment data | | |

| |Vital signs | | |

| |Breathing pattern | | |

| |Capillary refill | | |

| |Fluid/electrolyte nutritional needs | | |

| |Behavioral/emotional response to health | | |

| |care providers | | |

| | | | |

|Differentiate between the etiology, |Complex Respiratory Problems | | |

|pathophysiology, and clinical |Arterial blood gases | | |

|manifestations of selected complex |Croup syndrome/Respiratory syncytial virus | | |

|respiratory problems. | | | |

| |Mechanical ventilator | | |

| |Tracheostomy Care | | |

| |Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) | | |

| |Chronic bronchitis | | |

| |2) Emphysema | | |

| |Pneumo/hemothorax | | |

| |Pleural effusion | | |

| |Cystic fibrosis | | |

| |Scoliosis | | |

| |Myasthenia gravis | | |

| |Pulmonary embolus/Deep vein thrombosis | | |

| |Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) | | |

| |Tuberculosis | | |

| |Guillain-Barre’ | | |

| | | | |

| |Selected nursing diagnoses/nursing implementation/evaluation. | | |

|Discuss analysis, planning, |Impaired gas exchange: Ventilation/perfusion inequality. | | |

|implementation and evaluation for |Independent interventions | | |

|the nursing management of clients |Respiratory status | | |

|with complex respiratory problems |Pulmonary toilet | | |

|and associated technology. |Positioning for maximum ventilation | | |

| |Energy conservation | | |

| |Fluid volume balance | | |

| |Nutritional support | | |

| |Breathing techniques | | |

| |Monitoring pertinent diagnostic tests | | |

| |Maintain asepsis | | |

| |Collaborative interventions | | |

| |Oxygen support | | |

| |Mechanical ventilation | | |

| |Collaborate with Respiratory Therapy | | |

| |Administer medications and monitor for desired effects/adverse | | |

| |effects/side effects | | |

| |Steroids | | |

| |Antibiotics | | |

| |Analgesics | | |

| |Mucolytics | | |

| |Expectorants | | |

| |Anticoagulant | | |

| |Antituberculosis | | |

| |Antipyretics | | |

| |Cough suppressants | | |

| |Nebulized epinephrine | | |

| |(Racemic epi) | | |

| |Bronchodilators | | |

| |Pancreatic enzymes | | |

| |Leukotriene Modifiers | | |

| |Surgical modalities | | |

| |Chest tubes | | |

| |Thoracentesis | | |

| |Bronchoscopy | | |

| |Lung biopsy | | |

| |Vena-cava ligation umbrella | | |

| |Rod instrumentation | | |

| |Pleurodesis | | |

| |Tracheostomy | | |

| |Nutritional support | | |

| |High carbohydrate, high salt | | |

| |Recognition of complications | | |

| |Mediastinal shift | | |

| |Airway obstruction | | |

| |Respiratory failure | | |

| |Infection | | |

| |Hemorrhaging | | |

| |Crepitus(subcutaneous emphysema) | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |Flail chest | | |

| |Spontaneous pneumothorax | | |

| |Ventilatory dependence | | |

| |Tracheal erosion | | |

| |Vocal cord trauma | | |

| |Nutritional problems (anorexia) | | |

| |Reproductive problems | | |

| |Febrile seizures | | |

| |Rectal prolapse | | |

| |The client will exhibit improved gas | | |

| |exchange as evidenced by: | | |

| |Breathing pattern | | |

| |Level of consciousness | | |

| |Vital signs | | |

| |Color | | |

| |Cough/sputum | | |

| |Decreased pain | | |

| |Activity level | | |

| |Arterial blood gases & pulse oximeter | | |

| |Altered health maintenance: Knowledge deficit. | | |

| |Client teaching | | |

| |Assess readiness to learn, ability, knowledge/educational level | | |

| |Avoid aggravating factors/alleviating factors | | |

| |Breathing techniques | | |

| |Reportable signs/symptoms | | |

| |Medication teaching | | |

| |Rest/activity | | |

| |Relaxation technique | | |

| |Nutritional | | |

| |Milwaukee brace | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |Community resources | | |

| |Cystic Fibrosis foundation | | |

| |American Lung Association | | |

| |Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Association | | |

| |Empty Cradle | | |

| |Home Health | | |

| |Department of Public Health | | |

| |Long term care facility for ventilator dependent client | | |

| |Pulmonary rehabilitation program | | |

| |Genetic counseling | | |

| |The client will have improved health maintenance as evidenced by: | | |

| |Identifying aggravating and alleviating factors | | |

| |Identifying reportable signs and symptoms | | |

| |Describing the purpose, correct administration and side effects of | | |

| |meds | | |

| |Ability to discuss diagnosis | | |

| |surgical procedure, and post care | | |

| |Demonstrates osmotic care | | |

| |Increasing activity as tolerated | | |

| |Achieves optimum level of nutrition through prescribed diet | | |

| |Utilizing community resources | | |

| |Ineffective coping: Anxiety, fear, powerlessness, dependence | | |

| |Establish trust and rapport | | |

| |Therapeutic communication techniques | | |

| |Diversional activity | | |

| |Parenting skills | | |

| |Involve in decision making | | |

| |Counseling (vocational, spiritual, psychosocial, grief) | | |

| |Age specific coping strategies | | |

| |The client will have effective coping as evidenced by: | | |

| |Verbalization of different methods/techniques to cope effectively | | |

| |Seeking appropriate counseling when necessary | | |

| |Engaging in activities appropriate for age, interest, condition, and | | |

| |cognitive level | | |

| |Demonstrating a willingness and ability to resume self care/role | | |

| |responsibility | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

n:soph\fall\Unit III Respiratory Revised 04/10

Reviewed 07/11


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