Week 1 vocabulary - Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools

Week 1 vocabulary

1. Civilian (n): a person who is not a member of the military or police


2. Concur (v): agree; be of the same opinion


3. Confirmation (n): proof; evidence; verification


4. Digress (v): get off the main topic; deviate


5. Fragile (adj): easily broken; weak


6. Galore (adj): aplenty; in abundance


7. Genuine (adj): true; real; authentic


8. Inter (v): put into the earth; bury


9. Mitigate (v): make less severe; soften; relieve


10. Novice (n): one who is new to an activity; beginner


11. Rarity (n): something uncommon or rare


12. Resume (v): begin again


13. Sober (adj): serious; free from exaggeration


14. Suffice (v): be enough; sufficient


15. Vacant (adj): empty; not being used


16. Adjourn (v): close a meeting; disband


17. Astute (adj): wise; crafty


18. Censure (n): act of blaming; expression of disapproval


19. Demolish (v); tear down; destroy


20. Discharge (v): dismiss; fire


Unit 2 Vocabulary

1. Dissent (v): differ in opinion; disagree

Sentence: Bob dissented from the group’s decision.

2. Equitable (adj): fair; objective; unbiased

Sentence: Drawing straws is an equitable way to pick a group member.

3. Exonerate (v): free from blame: acquit

Sentence: The other driver exonerated Amy of any responsibility for the accident.

4. Forfeit (v): lose as a penalty for some error or fault; sacrifice

Sentence: He had to forfeit his prize after it was revealed he cheated.

5. Illegible (adj): not able to read

Sentence: ________________________________________________________.

6. Legible (adj): easy to read; readable

Sentence: ________________________________________________________.

7. Inadvertently (adv): not done on purpose; accidentally

Sentence: ________________________________________________________.

8. Lucrative (adj): moneymaking; profitable

Sentence: ________________________________________________________.

9. Prohibit (v): forbid; ban

Sentence: ________________________________________________________.

10. Punctual (adj): on time; prompt

Sentence: ________________________________________________________.

11. Rebuke (v): criticize sharply

Sentence: ________________________________________________________.

12. Transient (adj): not lasting; momentary

Sentence: ________________________________________________________.

13. Commend (v): praise; compliment

Sentence: _________________________________________________________.

14. Dispute (v): argue about; debate

Sentence: _________________________________________________________.

15. Edifice (n): large or impressive building

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16. Initiate (v): begin; introduce

Sentence: _________________________________________________________.

17. Perceive (v): become aware of; observe

Sentence: _________________________________________________________.

18. Restrain (v): hold back; keep under control

Sentence: _________________________________________________________.

19. Retract (v): withdraw; take back

Sentence: _________________________________________________________.

20. Spineless (adj): weak; cowardly

Sentence: _________________________________________________________.

Week 3 Vocabulary

1. Stroll (n): leisurely walk

Sentence: _________________________________________________________.

2. Timorous (adj): full of fear; afraid

Sentence: _________________________________________________________.

3. Calamity (n): catastrophe; disaster

Sentence: _________________________________________________________.

4. Congregate (v): come together in a crowd; gather

Sentence: ________________________________________________________.

5. Cordial (adj): warm and friendly

Sentence: ________________________________________________________.

6. Crony (n): close friend

Sentence: ________________________________________________________.

7. Dispense (v): deal out; distribute


8. Dubious (adj): doubtful; uncertain


9. Indifferent (Adj): not caring one way or the other: lacking a preference


10. Apathy (N): lack of emotion or interest

Sentence: ___________________________________________________.

11. Obscure (Adj): unclear; clouded; hard to understand

Sentence: ___________________________________________________.

12. Ambiguous (Adj): unclear in meaning

Sentence: ____________________________________________________.

13. Impartial (Adj): unbiased; neutral

Sentence: ______________________________________________.

14. Objective (Adj): without bias

Sentence: ______________________________________________.

15. Revere (V): to worship; to honor

Sentence: _______________________________________________.

16. Discriminate (V): to differentiate; to make a clear distinction

Sentence: She discriminated between the two dresses.

17. Denounce (V): to speak out against; to condemn

Sentence: Hale denounced the proceedings at the end of Act III.

18. Innovate (V): to be creative; to introduce something new

Sentence: Steve Jobs innovated the iphone.

19. Subtle (Adj): not obvious


20. Relevant (Adj): important; pertinent


Unit 4 Vocabulary

1. Candid (Adj): honest; frank

Sentence: _______________________________________________.

2. Discern (V): to distinguish one thing from another

Sentence: ______________________________________________.

3. Hypocritical (Adj): Insincere

Sentence: _______________________________________________.

4. Disdain (N): contempt; intense dislike

Sentence: _______________________________________________.

5. Abstract (Adj): theoretical; lacking substance (opposite of concrete)

Sentence: _______________________________________________.

6. Temper (V): to moderate; to soften

Sentence: ________________________________________________.

7. Enigma (N): mystery

Sentence: ________________________________________________.

8. Inevitable (Adj): unavoidable; bound to happen

Sentence: _________________________________________________.

9. Eccentric (Adj): odd; unusual; quirky

Sentence: _________________________________________________.

10. Provincial (Adj): narrow-minded; unsophisticated

Sentence: _________________________________________________.

11. Futile (Adj): hopeless; without effect

Sentence: _________________________________________________.

12. Diverse (Adj): varied

Sentence: _________________________________________________.

13. Benevolent (Adj): kind; good-hearted; generous

Sentence: _________________________________________________.

14. Pious (Adj): deeply religious

Sentence: __________________________________________________.

15. Conciliate (V): to soothe; to end a dispute

Sentence: __________________________________________________.

16. Resignation (N): acceptance of a situation

Sentence: __________________________________________________.

17. Resolution (N): the solution of a problem

Sentence: __________________________________________________.

18. Servile (Adj): overly submissive; like a servant

Sentence: __________________________________________________.

19. Acute (Adj): sharp; intelligent

Sentence: __________________________________________________.

20. Reticent (Adj): restrained; uncommunicative

Sentence: __________________________________________________.

Unit 5 Vocabulary

1. . Anarchy (N): lack of government; chaos

Sentence: __________________________________________________.

2. . Virulent (Adj): very harmful

Sentence: ___________________________________________________.

3. . Scrutinize (V): to examine closely

Sentence: ___________________________________________________.

4. . Discord (N): disagreement (the opposite of concord)

Sentence: ___________________________________________________.

5. . Repudiate (V): to reject; to deny

Sentence: ___________________________________________________.

6. . Diligent (Adj): hard-working

Sentence: ___________________________________________________.

7. . Superficial (Adj): on the surface; shallow

Sentence: ___________________________________________________.

8. Contempt (Adj): reproachful; disdain

Sentence: ___________________________________________________.

9. Lucid (Adj) (elucidate): clear; easy to understand

Sentence: ___________________________________________________.

10. Aesthetic (N): having to do with art or beauty (not to be confused with ascetic, also on this vocabulary list)

Sentence: ___________________________________________________.

11. Prodigal (Adj): extravagant; wasteful

Sentence: ____________________________________________________.

12. Augment (V): to add to; to increase; to make bigger

Sentence: ____________________________________________________.

13. Assess (V): to estimate the value of; to measure

Sentence: ____________________________________________________.

14. Complacent (Adj): smug; self-satisfied

Sentence: ____________________________________________________.

15. Eloquent (Adj): fluent and graceful in speech.

Sentence: ____________________________________________________.

16. Guile (N): cunning; deceitfulness.

Sentence: ____________________________________________________.

17. Trivial (Adj): unimportant

Sentence: ____________________________________________________.

18. Squander (V): to waste

Sentence: ____________________________________________________.

19. Incessant (Adj): unceasing; never-ending

Sentence: ____________________________________________________.

20. Laud (V): to praise

Sentence: ____________________________________________________.

Unit 6

1. Deter (V): to prevent; to stop; to keep from doing something

Sentence: ____________________________________________________.

2. Redundant (Adj): repetitive; extra; unnecessary

Sentence: __________________________________________________.

3. Infamous (Adj): famous in a bad way; famous for being bad

Sentence: __________________________________________________.

4. Provocative (Adj): Exciting; attracting attention.

Sentence: __________________________________________________.

5. Depravity (N): moral corruption

Sentence: __________________________________________________.

6. Gravity (N)/Grave (Adj): seriousness

Sentence: __________________________________________________.

7. Banal (Adj): common; dull; ordinary

Sentence: __________________________________________________.

8. Extol (V): to praise

Sentence: __________________________________________________.

9. Euphony (N): pleasant sound

Sentence: __________________________________________________.

10. Deride (V): to ridicule; to make fun of

Sentence: __________________________________________________.

11. Insipid (Adj): bland; boring; stupid

Sentence: __________________________________________________.

12. . Austere (Adj): severe

Sentence: __________________________________________________.

13. Expedite (V): to make faster or easier

Sentence: _________________________________________________.

14. Heresy (N): an opinion violently opposed to established beliefs

Sentence: _________________________________________________.

15. Novel (Adj): new; unusual

Sentence: _________________________________________________.

16. Philanthropy (N): love of humankind; donation to charity

Sentence: _________________________________________________.

17. Tentative (Adj): not final

Sentence: _________________________________________________.

18. Deference (N): a show of respect

Sentence: _________________________________________________.

19. Vacillate (V): to waver between choices

Sentence: _________________________________________________.

20. Fervor (N): passion

Sentence: _________________________________________________.

Unit 7 Vocabulary

1. Dispassionate (Adj): without passion; objective; neutral

Sentence: _________________________________________________.

2. Pragmatic (Adj): practical

Sentence: _________________________________________________.

3. Rigor (N): strength; diligence; thoroughness

Sentence: ____________________________________.

4. Solemn (Adj): serious; grave

Sentence: ____________________________________.

5. Alleviate (V): to lessen something bad

Sentence: ____________________________________.

6. Negligence (N): carelessness

Sentence: ____________________________________.

7. Conspicuous (Adj): easily seen; out in the open

Sentence: ____________________________________.

8. Advocate (V): to speak in favor of; to support

Sentence: ____________________________________.

9. Ascetic (Adj): without luxuries; austere

Sentence: ____________________________________.

10. Profound (Adj): deep; insightful

Sentence: ____________________________________.

11. Ironic (Adj): satiric; unexpected

Sentence: ____________________________________.

12. Dogmatic (Adj): stubbornly opinionated.

Sentence: ____________________________________.

13. Condone (V): to forgive; to overlook

Sentence: ____________________________________.

14. Dissent (N): disagreement

Sentence: ______________________________________.

15. Voluntary (Adj): willing; unforced

Sentence: ______________________________________.

16. Didactic (Adj): instructive; intended to instruct

Sentence: ______________________________________.

17. Disparity (N): inequality

Sentence: ______________________________________.

18. Disparage (V): to speak badly of

Sentence: ______________________________________.

19. Ephemeral (Adj): short-lived; fleeting; not lasting

Sentence: ______________________________________.

20. Comply (V): to go along with; not lasting

Sentence: ______________________________________.

Unit 8 Vocabulary

1. Prosaic (Adj): uninspired; dull

Sentence: ______________________________________.

2. Profuse (Adj): flowing

Sentence: _____________________________________.

3. Expedient (Adj): practical; quick

Sentence: ______________________________________.

4. Fastidious (Adj): finicky; overly critical

Sentence: ______________________________________.

5. Belligerent (Adj): argumentative; combative

Sentence: ______________________________________.

6. Astute (Adj): perceptive; intelligent

Sentence: ______________________________________.

7. Languid (Adj): slow: tired

Sentence: ______________________________________.

8. Censure (V): to blame; to criticize

Sentence: ______________________________________.

9. Stagnant (Adj): not moving

Sentence: ____________________________________.

10. Mitigate (V): to lessen the severity of something

Sentence: ____________________________________.

11. Reprehensible (Adj): shameful; bad

Sentence: ____________________________________.

12. Engender (V): to create; to produce

Sentence: ____________________________________.

13. Exemplary (Adj): outstanding; setting a great example

Sentence: ____________________________________.

14. Neutral (Adj): unbiased; not taking sides; objective

Sentence: _____________________________________.

15. Relegate (V): to dismiss to a lower position

Sentence: _____________________________________.

16. Anecdote (N): a brief, entertaining story

Sentence: _____________________________________.

17. Scanty (Adj): inadequate; minimal

Sentence: _____________________________________.

18. Fallacious (Adj): false

Sentence: _____________________________________.

19. Acclaim (N): praise; applause; admiration

Sentence: _____________________________________.

20. Uniform (Adj): constant; without variety

Sentence: _____________________________________.

Unit 9 Vocabulary

1. Incoherent (Adj): jumbled; chaotic; impossible to understand

Sentence: _____________________________________.

2. Repress (V): to hold down

Sentence: _____________________________________.

3. Articulate (V): speaking clearly and well

Sentence: _____________________________________.

4. Solicit (V): to ask for; to seek

Sentence: _____________________________________.

5. Reproach (V): to scold

Sentence: _____________________________________.

6. Condescend (V): to talk down to

Sentence: _____________________________________.

7. Orthodox (Adj): standard; commonly accepted; conventional

Sentence: ___________________________________.

8. Indolence (N): laziness

Sentence: ___________________________________.

9. Covert (Adj): Hidden; undercover

10. Hamper (V): to obstruct; block; hinder

11. Abrasive (Adj): rough; harsh

12. Credible (Adj): believable

13. Tedium (N): boredom

14. Lackluster (Adj): dull; bland

15. Pliable (Adj): flexible; not stubborn

16. Plummet (V): fall suddenly and steeply

17. Heed (V): to listen to

18. Poised (Adj): calm; collected

19. Thwart (V): to prevent

20. Err (V): to make a mistake

Unit 10 Vocabulary

1. Erratic (Adj): irregular

2. Defunct (Adj): no longer in existence

3. Affable (Adj): friendly; social

4. Allotment (N): A portion

5. Dwindle (V): to diminish or become less

6. Intrepid (Adj): fearless; bold

7. Dejection (N): Sadness

8. Laborious (Adj): Tiresome

9. Festive (Adj): happy; merry

10. Ingrate (N): An ungrateful person

11. Artifice (N): deception; trickery

12. Verbose (Adj): talkative; long-winded

13. Gratuitous (Adj): Voluntarily

14. Brusque (Adj): rude; short

15. Jubilation (N): Extreme joy

16. Pristine (Adj): Unspoiled

17. Pallid (Adj): Pale

18. Uproarious (Adj): hilarious; very funny

19. Drivel (N): Nonsense

The politician was talking drivel; he made no sense.

20. Vital (Adj): Essential; important

Water and food are vital to life.

Unit 11 Vocabulary

1. Divergent (Adj): Going in different directions

2. Shard (N): a broken piece

3. Unsullied (Adj): pure; clean

4. Renunciation (N): Turning away from or against

5. Amalgam (N): a mix

6. Contrite (Adj): repentant

7. Surrogate (N): a substitute

8. Odyssey (N): A long, complicated journey

9. Estranged (Adj): not close to; emotionally separated from

10. Plebian (Adj): common; low-level

11. Onerous (Adj): heavy; burdensome

12. Bourgeois (Adj): materialistic

13. Denizen (N): a resident

14. Fatuous (Adj): foolish; ridiculous

15. Ideologue (N): someone who follows a defined set of ideas or way of thinking

16. Porous (Adj): having holes or gaps that allows something to pass through it

17. Sedentary (Adj): inactive; lacking exercise

18. Turgid (Adj): heavy

19. Nexus (N): an intersection

20. Pseudonym (N): fake name or alias

Unit 12 Vocabulary

1. Harangue (N): A rant; going on and on about something

2. Snafu (N): A disaster

3. Celibate (Adj): A deliberate state of sexual inactivity

4. Grubstake (N): Money and/or supplies for a trip

5. Maw (N): A large, intimidating opening

6. Polarization (N): Separation; divisiveness

7. Surfeit (N): An excess

8. Succor (N): Aid; comfort

9. Academia (N): The world of education

10. Cliché (N): An overused expression, example, or type

11. Countercultural (Adj): Against established norms of culture

12. Eremitic (Adj): Reclusive

13. Recondite (Adj): Obscure; difficult to understand

14. Paucity (N): Scarcity

15. Hubris (N): Overblown pride

16. Histrionic (Adj): Overly dramatic

17. Esthete (N): A person who seeks beauty

18. Aperture (N): An opening

19. Arcane (Adj): Specialized; known to only a few

20. Panache (N): Style; flair

Unit 13

1. Chasten (V): To correct; to reform

2. Concoct (V): To put together; to make up

3. Vagaries (N): Uncertainties

4. Entrepreneurial (Adj): characteristic of starting a business

5. Choler (N): Anger

6. Sanctimonious (Adj): Falsely appearing holy or moral

7. Chutzpah (N): nerve; confidence; arrogance

8. Dearth (N): shortage of; lack

9. Melodramatic (Adj): overemotional

10. Inebriated (Adj): drunk

11. Extricate (V): to get out of

12. Leery (Adj): anxious; nervous

13. Voyeur (N): a spy

14. Livid (Adj): wild; angry

15. Condolence (N): sympathy

16. Contingent (Adj): dependent upon

17. Entangle (V): to involve

18. Supplant (V): to replace

19. Volition (N): free-will

20. Taut (Adj): tight

Unit 14

1. Desolate (Adj): wretched; lonely

2. Ominous (Adj): threatening; sinister

3. Ravenous (Adj): extremely eager

4. Morose (Adj): gloomy; sullen; sad

5. Guffaw (V): to laugh in a loud, rude manner

6. Imperceptible (Adj): very slight; subtle; undetectable

7. Malicious (Adj): motivated by wrongful or evil purposes

8. Leer (V): A suggestive look of malicious intent

9. Caustic (Adj): Severely critical or sarcastic

10. Tact (N): A strong sense of what is appropriate or tasteful in a given situation

11. Insinuate (V): To hint or suggest

12. Fret (V): to worry

13. Dogged (Adj): persistent in effort

14. Plead (V): To beg

15. Surmise (V): to guess

16. Staunch (Adj): strong; unyielding

17. Convivial (Adj): sociable

18. Degenerate (Adj): morally corrupt

19. Din (N): a loud noise

20. Entreat (V): to beg; to plead

Unit 15

1. Recuperate (V): get better after an illness

2. Jaundiced (Adj): cynical; pessimistic

3. Nettle (V): to annoy

4. Jaunt (N): a short pleasure trip

5. Wily (Adj): cunning

6. Zenith (N): summit; the highest point

7. Veranda (N): a large porch on one or more sides of a house

8. Vehement (Adj): showing strong feeling; forceful

9. Supercilious (Adj): Snobbish; haughty

10. Reciprocal (Adj): in return; mutual

11. Peremptory (Adj): positive; decisive; final

12. Parcel (V): to distribute

13. Hors d’oeuvre (N): light food served before regular courses of a meal

14. Fortnight (N): two weeks (14 nights)

15. Florid (Adj): showy; fancy

16. Corpulent (Adj): having a large bulky body; obese

17. Ascertain (V): to find out; to determine

18. Eminence (N): greatness; celebrity

19. Conjecture (N): a guess

20. Ornery (Adj): having a mean disposition or character

Unit 16

1. Strut (V): To show off

2. Zany (Adj): crazy; wacky

3. Regale (V): To entertain

4. Voluble (Adj): talkative

5. Phlegmatic (Adj): calm

6. Nondescript (Adj): having no special features; dull; ordinary

7. Bellicose (Adj): Aggressive

8. Superlative (Adj): extremely good; the best

9. Surreptitious (Adj): Secret; sneaky

10. Unequivocal (Adj): clear; obvious

11. Unfetter (V): To set free

12. Unprecedented (Adj): Never happening before

13. Unscathed (Adj): unharmed; without a scratch

14. Sequester (V): Isolate

15. Mundane (Adj): ordinary; boring

16. Irascible (Adj): easily irritated

17. Befuddle (V): to confuse

18. Raze (V): to destroy or tear down

19. Wax (V): to increase; to grow

20. Weighty (Adj): serious


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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