Financing Election Campaigns and Reform of Ethics

LWVNM Legislative Priorities for the 2020 Legislative session

Updated 01/12/20

Action Committee will make final recommendation to the Board on 12/18

This is a 30-day session: It goes from January 21 to February 20. They can only consider legislation that is directly related to the budget. In addition, they can consider issues that are included in a message by Governor to the Legislature.

Tax Reform & Funding – Making our tax system fairer and generating revenue

We don’t foresee any major movement for major funding or tax reform bills. So hare are

some to consider.

HB83 – Appropriation to start a Early Childhood Permanent Fund

HJR1 - Increasing the Distribution for the Permanent Fund for Early Childhood Education

SB87 – Increase the Working Families Tax Credit

Natural Resources

SB29 – Solar DevelopmentTax Credit

HB99 – Renewable Energy Investment Policy Funding

Redistricting: Reform New Mexico’s redistricting process

HM8 – Create a Redistricting Task Force

The Fair Districts for New Mexico project, being led by the League, will support House memorial that requests that the Legislative Council create a Redistricting Task Force that would include legislators, representatives from the Governor’s office, the Secretary of State and public members. They would start to meet in the Spring of 2020 and would advise the legislature on the redistricting process following the 2020 census.

Key Dates for the League;

February 5 – LWVNM evening reception at the Rio Chama

February 6 – celebration of the LWV and Women’s Suffrage Centennial (there will be legislative memorials recognizing these milestones and an event in the Rotunda from

12:30 to 2:30 pm


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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