

Fill in all of the following information. Email to the appropriate internship faculty for approval at least one week PRIOR TO giving the presentation.

Your Name: Catherine Olsen Title of Presentation: Reading Nutrition Labels

Target Audience: (describe the group, including age, setting of the class, and any other pertinent information):

Audience will be 8 different health classes at Oswego High School, freshman health class through advanced health class

Date, Location and Time:

Presenting on Tuesday, November 22nd at Oswego High School from 7:00 a.m. till 3:00 p.m.

1. Learning Objectives (These should be from the learners’ standpoint, be measurable and active DO NOT use words similar to know, learn or understand):

1. Students will be able to count how many teaspoons of sugar are in a beverage.

2. Students will be able to differentiate between nutrition facts labels of empty calorie foods and nutrient dense foods.

3. Students will be able to calculate how many calories in an item are coming from carbohydrate, lipids, and protein.

2. Ice Breaker:

For the ice breaker, I will ask questions to gauge what nutritional knowledge they have. I will ask them things like “who can give me an example of a food with high protein?” and give prizes for participating.

|3. Presentation Outline | | |

|Content outline |Learning Activities |Materials Needed |

|List your major points related to each objective here—that |List any activities or learning experiences related|List any materials you will need for your |

|is, this is the content outline of the class. Include |to each objective and content here—describe, don’t |presentation or learning activities |

|details, not just your major topic—this can be a resource for|just name | |

|future classes | | |

|Objective 1: |Objective 1: |Objective 1: |

|-Sugar |-After teaching students how to count how many |-Cups in various sizes |

|-Sugar sweetened beverages |teaspoons of sugar are in a beverage, I will show |-Sugar measured out to represent how much sugar|

|-Teach teaspoon to grams conversion |my visual aids which are different size cups and |is in each cup when filled with soda |

|-Portion sizes |the amount of sugar in each cup in a bag in front |-Students will need to bring their calculators |

| |of the cup. |to class |

|Objective 2: |-Express that having sugar sweetened beverages is | |

|-What are “empty calories”? |not a bad thing, that everything is okay in |Objective 2: |

|-What are “nutrient dense” foods? |moderation. Talk about portion sizes and portion |-Pictures of nutrition labels of empty calorie |

|-Nutrition labels of nutrient dense food compared to label of|control. Example: Super sizes, free refills at |foods vs nutrient dense foods |

|an empty calorie snack |restaurants, etc. |-Example: nutrition label of Kashi cereal |

|-Hunger cues |-Discuss how sugar is in other beverages such a |compared to nutrition label of Reese’s Puffs |

| |juice and milk and that those beverages also have | |

|Objective 3: |many good nutrients |Objective 3: |

|-Items of nutrition label | |-Empty food packages with nutrition labels on |

|-Teach how many calories per gram come from CHO, proteins, |Objective 2: |them |

|and lipids |-After teaching students about empty calories and |-Students will need to bring their calculators |

|-Discuss energy from CHO, proteins, and lipids |nutrient dense foods, I will show various nutrition|to class |

| |labels on PowerPoint and have students pick which | |

| |food label is of a nutrient dense food vs an empty | |

| |calorie food | |

| | | |

| |Objective 3: | |

| |-I will pass out nutrition labels from foods and | |

| |have students get in groups and figure out how many| |

| |calories are in one box rather than one serving. | |

| |-I will have students calculate how many calories | |

| |are coming from CHO, protein, and lipids | |

4. Evaluation Method/ Activity:

To wrap up presentation, I will have ask questions and when students answer correctly they will get a prize from the prize bucket. In the bucket I will have granola bars, stickers, pens, and other cools prizes. I will also be able to measure if students learned by how they do with the various activities I have planned.

Activity 1: Have students count how many teaspoons of sugar are in a standard bottled sugar sweetened beverage (Coke). Then, we will calculate and figure out how many teaspoons of sugar are in the bigger size cups.

Activity 2: Have students pick out which nutrition facts label is that of a nutrient dense food vs that of an empty calorie food. Allow students to pick a prize out of the prize bucket for correct answers.

Activity 3: Pass out empty food packages and have students get in small groups and calculate how many calories are coming from CHO, protein, and lipids.

5. Call to Action (Ask your audience what they will do/change as a result of the presentation. Can be oral or written, shared or not. The point is to get them to commit to some behavior change as a result of your class):

I will verbally ask what students will change or do as a result of the presentation and allow students to pick from the prize bucket for sharing. Things I am wanting them to say are things like “pay attention to nutrition labels and serving sizes” or “eat more nutrient dense foods”.

6. Ending/Conclusion:

I will end by doing the “Call to Action” and then thanking students for listening and participating. I will also tell them about how if they are interested in nutrition that there are career opportunities out there such as dietetics. I will thank students for listening and participating and wish everyone a happy thanksgiving.

7. References Used:

Also used old class notes


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