Police Science & Criminal Justice Year 1 Projects

Mr. Golod

Project # 1

Digital Story “Who Am I”

Who are you? You are going to answer this question via pictures, storyboard, and essay.

Requirements: your autobiographical script must be five paragraphs long, typed in Microsoft Word. Your digital story will be done Microsoft Power Point in class. Once you have completed the typed portion, add most of the information to your Digital Story:

1. Introduction: introduce yourself to the class

1. Name

2. School district

3. Grade level

4. Interests (paintball, sports)

5. Career goal

2. Body: Why you selected Police Science and Criminal Justice at Barry Tech

1. Do you have family in the field of CJ, how are they related to you

2. How did you hear about Barry tech

3. Body: Your experience at Barry Tech

1. How is Barry Tech different for you then your home school

2. What are you looking to learn at Barry Tech

4. Body: Goals

1. What short term goals do you have? (honor roll, job, car)

2. What long term goals do you have? (graduation, National Honor Society, College)

3. What do you see yourself doing in your career? (Investigations, research, enforcement)

5. Conclusion: Sum up all that you have written above

Project Grading

1. Essay (100 points)

2. Digital Story: Voice/demonstration, 10 pictures (100 points)


1. Headings: Proper school title, date, from, to, and subject (5 points)

2. Body: 4 numbered “paragraphs” which contain an introduction, 2 body, and a conclusion. (60 points)

• Clear, standard usage of the English language

• All questions were answered (above)

3. Font: Times New Roman (5 points)

4. Font Size: 12 (5 points)

5. Margins: 1” all around (5 points)

6. Length: 1 page (15 points)

7. Double spaced (5 points)

Digital Story Rubric

Student Name:     ________________________________________

 Police Science and Criminal Justice


Project # 2

“Career Research Paper” (marking period 2)

This paper deals with a specific career path within the Criminal Justice System. Choose a career that you find interesting. This career must be approved by your instructor.

Research all aspects of this field including but not limited to:

Qualifications to obtain entry position, training, job duties and responsibilities, how and when this career field started, pay, pros and cons of the job, chances of obtaining a job in this field, etc…

Interview at least 1 person in this field. Include name, job title, department, and telephone number. Try and find out what the job is really like.

Include a personal summary of why you chose this particular career and if you still feel the same about it after your research.

Project Grading Rubric

1. Cover page (5 points)

2. Research on Career (50 points)

3. Body: proper introduction or thesis statement (10 points)

• Clear, standard usage of the English language

• A conclusion or summarizing ending

4. Proper in line citations of sources using parenthetical notation (20 points)

5. Interview (50 points)

6. Font: Times New Roman (5 points)

7. Font Size: 12 (5 points)

8. Margins: 1” all around (5 points)

9. Length: 3 pages, not including cover page and works cited page (30 points)

10. Double spaced (5 points)

11. Works cited page (15 points)

• Research should include three (3) sources

Project # 3 “You’re The Boss”

You will start a new Police Department in the village of Westbury. The Mayor of Westbury appoints you to the position of Police Commissioner of the Westbury Police Department. The population of Westbury is 150,000 with 4 elementary schools, 1 middle school, and 3 high schools.

1- You must prepare a typed, detailed report (Excel Spreadsheet) for Mayor Golod. You must account for every possible contingency and cost associated with the starting & functioning of a Police Department for a year. You must state the company/product name on the Excell sheet

2- You must prepare a typed business Letter to the Mayor. You must be able to justify each and every item you require. You must state your officer tours, and location of the Pct. or building ( or ) As Police Commissioner, you will have to project the cost to the village so the proper amount of taxes can be raised. Your annual budget given by the town is $10,000.000 for the first year to start the department.

You may have to contact or research products to get the answers you need; costs for the items that you wish to purchase (internet).

• Start off by the staff (officers) how many? How much?

• Equipment for the officers (uniforms, gun belt, radios, cuffs, flashlights, badges, body armor)

• Lethal and Non-lethal weapons

• Vehicles: cars, helicopters, tanks

• Building: rent or purchase for the year

• Computers in building

• Holding cells in building

Project Grading Rubric

1. A proper, 1 full page, Business Letter summarizing all of your intentions. You must justify each and every item you put on the spreadsheet, tours, and any concerns. Must not go over $10,000.000. (100 points)

• Clear, standard usage of the English language (10 points)

• Font: Times New Roman(10 points)

• Font Size: 12(10 points)

• Margins: 1” all around (10 points)

2. Excel spreadsheet showing all costs to the taxpayers (60 points) Computers, radios, vehicles, rent of building or purchase cost, uniforms, gun belt, weapons, personnel salary.

Project # 4

From Processing the Crime Scene to the Arrest (marking period 4)

Student Tasks:

1. Each student observes a crime scene set up by Mr. Golod

2. Student must complete the following activities:

a. Photograph the crime scene

b. Enter the crime scene to measure

c. Prepare a sketch of the crime scene

d. Enter crime scene to inventory evidence

e. Package each item of evidence in correct voucher

f. Demonstrate an understanding of chain of custody by completing all captions on evidence tag

3. Each student must complete the following police paperwork for an arrest:

a. Incident Report

b. Arrest Report

c. 10 Card for Fingerprinting

d. Domestic Incident Report

e. Property Clerks Invoice (Voucher)

f. Police Accident Report (Motor Vehicle 104)

g. “B” Summons

h. Crime Scene Reports (location of evidence on body)

4. Each student must present their marking period long project to the class

Grading Rubric:

1. Sketch (20 Points)

a. Explosion Sketch

i. All evidence

ii. Table for all evidence with description and measurements

2. Packaging (10 Points)

a. Fingerprints

b. Blood

c. Shell casing

3. Chain of Custody (10 Points)

a. Evidence tags

b. Evidence bags

c. Chain of custody form

4. Adherence to Contamination (20 Points)

a. Tyvek suit

b. Gloves

c. Mask

d. Hairnet

e. Boot covers

5. Paperwork(70 Points)

a. Incident Report

b. Arrest Report

c. 10 Card for Fingerprinting

d. Domestic Incident Report

e. Property Clerks Invoice (Voucher)

f. Police Accident Report (Motor Vehicle 104)

g. “B” Summons

h. Crime Scene Reports (location of evidence on body)

6. Presentation(50 Points)

a. 5 min presentation on your findings and hypothesis

b. pictures

c. PowerPoint or notebook software

d. Summary of research and crime scene

Example of “49” format:

Joseph M. Barry

Career & Technical Education Center

From: Your name Date

To: Mr. Golod

Subject: Name of the assignment or class work

1. The information that goes here is like an introduction in an essay.

2. The information that goes here is like the body in an essay.

3. The information that goes here is like the body in an essay.

4. The information that goes here is like the conclusion in an essay.

Title of Paper

Student’s Name

Start typing your paper here! There is no title on this page. That is why there is a cover page on this template. Remember, 5 FULL pages! It is all set up for you, just add the information! If you copy someone’s words they must be cited! An example would be what I am about to do (Golod 2008). If you need a website to help you, go to

The MLA style guidelines provide rules for scholarly writing. This template provides a basic layout for a term paper using these guidelines. Two typical elements of MLA term papers are provided as examples in this template: source citations and quotations.

Per MLA guidelines, all sources must be cited on the Works Cited page, located at the end of the paper. Within the body of the paper, a pointer containing the author’s last name and a page range within parentheses (Erickson 24-67) indicates the cited text. The author’s last name corresponds with the entry on the Works Cited page, allowing readers to look up the source of the citation.

Quotations: Guidelines for quotations are based upon the length of the quote. Quotes with fewer than four lines of prose or three lines of verse are quoted directly in the sentence. According to the MLA, include this type of quote “directly in the sentence and enclose it within quotation marks.”

Quotes longer than four lines of prose or three lines of verse follow different guidelines. Introduce these quotations with a colon:

Start long quotes on a new line. Indent the quote one inch from the left margin. Also, double-space the lines and omit quotation marks. The Long Quote style in this Microsoft Word template is provided for formatting.

If you quote more than one paragraph, indent the first line of each paragraph an additional quarter inch. When quoting verse, maintain line breaks from the original work. Include a pointer after the closing punctuation, such as the one that follows. (Erickson 34)

For additional examples and comprehensive style guidelines, refer to the MLA Web site.

Works Cited


Golod, Mr. Class Lecture. Police Science. Barry Tech- Nassau Boces, Westbury N.Y. April 14, 2011


"Career Future" Telephone interview. 23 Dec. 2010.

Person Interviewed. "Title of Interview." Telephone interview. Dec.-Jan. 2011

[Hardcopy Book or Text]

Author’s Name. Title of Book. City: Publisher, Year.

[Magazine article]

Author’s Name. “Title of Article.” Title of Publication Date Published: Pages.

[From a Website]

Author’s Name. “Title of Online Article.” Title of Online Publication Version (Year

Published): Pages. Date Accessed .

[From a Database]

Roberts, Robin. "Performing Science Fiction: Television, Theater, and

Gender in Star Trek: The Experience." Extrapolation 42.4 (2001):

340-56. Literature Resource Center. Web. 25 Feb. 2010.

Or you can use the websites below to help you

Business Letter Template

March 16, 2010

Ernie English (Who you are writing to)

1234 Writing Lab Lane

Write City, IN 12345

Dear Mr. English:

The first paragraph of a typical business letter is used to state the main point of the letter. Begin

with a friendly opening; then quickly transition into the purpose of your letter. Use a couple of

sentences to explain the purpose, but do not go in to detail until the next paragraph.

Beginning with the second paragraph, state the supporting details to justify your purpose. These

may take the form of background information, statistics or first-hand accounts. A few short

paragraphs within the body of the letter should be enough to support your reasoning. Talk about your excel worksheet which you attach for your project.

Finally, in the closing paragraph, briefly restate your purpose and why it is important. If the purpose

of your letter is employment related, consider ending your letter with your contact information.

However, if the purpose is informational, think about closing with gratitude for the reader's time.


Lucy Letter (Your information)

1196 Prospect Ave

Westbury, New York



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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