Lesson Plan Summary Sheet

Lesson Plan Summary Sheet

Teacher: Howerton

Subject: Forensic Science

Topic: Death Investigation

|Date |Essential Question(s) |Activities |Vocabulary |Summarizing Strategies |

|10/15 |How are autopsies used to investigate a |Students will visit the following links to learn about autopsies. |Autopsy |A. Write a job description for a medical |

|thru |death? | |Rigor mortis |examiner. Use what you have learned to |

|10/21 | | |Algor mortis |explain the what, how, and why they do |

| | | mortis |what they do. |

| | |man-body/real-csi-sci.html | |(see third activity) |

| | | (graphic) | | |

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| | |Students should read pp58-59 of textbook | | |

| | |Students will work in groups to complete a pig dissection. | | |

| | |Students will write a 1-2 page paper describing the job of a medical examiner. | | |

| | |(summarizing strategy) | | |

|10/22 |How is forensic anthropology used to | Students will visit the following links to learn about |Anthropology |B. Write a job description for a forensic |

|thru |investigate a death? |forensic anthropology. |Osteology |anthropologist. Use what you have learned|

|10/28 | | | |to explain the what, how, and why they do |

| | | | |what they do. |

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| | |Students will complete Exercise 17 in lab book | | |

| | |Student will complete a paper activity using anthropology tables. | | |

| | |Students will use their anthropology skills to identify the skeletal remains of a| | |

| | |human body. | | |

| | |Students will write a 1-2 page paper describing the job of a forensic | | |

| | |anthropologist. (summarizing strategy) | | |

|11/1 |How is forensic archeology used to |Students will visit the following links to learn about forensic archeology. |Archeology |C. Write a job description for a forensic |

|thru |investigate a death? | |Excavation |archeologist. Use what you have learned |

|11/5 | | |Clandestine |to explain the what, how, and why they do |

| | | |graves |what they do. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |

| | |chaeology-video.htm | | |

| | |Students will use their archeologists skills to locate and excavate a | | |

| | |“clandestine grave” | | |

| | |Students will write a 1-2 page paper describing the job of a forensic | | |

| | |archeologist. (summarizing strategy) | | |

|11/8 |How is forensic entomology used to |Students will visit the following links to learn about forensic entomology. |Entomology |D. Write a job description for a forensic |

|thru |investigate a death? | |Maggot |entomologist. Use what you have learned |

|11/17 | | |Instar |to explain the what, how, and why they do |

| | | |Pupa |what they do. |

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| | | | |

| | |ket/5210/ | | |

| | |Students should read p61-62 of textbook | | |

| | |Students will complete the Entomology in Action lesson | | |

| | |Students will complete Exercise 16 in lab book | | |

| | |Students will complete the Deductive Reason Exercise | | |

| | |Students will use their entomology skills to determine the time of exposure of a | | |

| | |“real body” | | |

| | |Students will write a 1-2 page paper describing the job of a forensic | | |

| | |entomologist. (summarizing strategy) | | |

|11/18 |What tools are used in forensics for the |Students will receive a case study in which they must determine the mode of |none |Same as assignment |

| |investigation of a death? |death, cause of death, and the time of death. Students will have to use all the | | |

|thru | |skills learned in this unit to complete the assignment. | | |

|11/23 | |Students will take a multiple choice test on the unit | | |


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