5596080-49530738505-49530Make Your Own Invention!Due Date: Wednesday, October 5There were many famous inventors that surfaced during the turn of the century. Their inventions made a huge impact on the world that we live in now. People like Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, George Washington Carver, and the Wright Brothers helped to shape the America that we know and love today. Have you ever considered the idea that you could be an inventor too? Well, now you will! You will need to invent something that would be useful to us this day and age. Requirements: A page summary about your invention—1) telling what is for, 2) the materials it would need to work properly, and 3) instructions on how to properly use the invention.A visual aid—this can be a poster drawing or a prototype (homemade version) of the invention (+5 bonus points if you make and bring in a prototype)712470260350Use your imagination! Who knows, you could be the next Thomas Edison!! Rubric:Total Points Summary:Writing___/3One page in length.___/10Correct Grammar.___/2Typed or written neatly in cursive._____/15Summary:Information___/5Explanation of invention’s purpose.___/5Materials needed listed.___/5“How to use” instructions written out._____/15Visual Aid___/5Neat and orderly.___/5Colorfully decorated showing thought and consideration of the invention’s purpose.BONUS:+2 (homemade version)_____/10___________TOTAL_____/40 ................

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