1271905-40005AP Lit. & CompositionActivities & AssignmentsJan. 28 - Feb 2, 2021 00AP Lit. & CompositionActivities & AssignmentsJan. 28 - Feb 2, 2021 Day #2: Th. & Fri. Jan. 28 & 29 Attendance – say your name and either a career field you are thinking about or where you would go on a dream vacation … and why. Four Need to Know and Announcements New Google Classroom (purple) District Tech Help # for Students "Remote Distance Learning Tech Support" For Families/Students will solve for issues like: Support for standard software like Microsoft Office, Adobe, G Suite Support for some hardware like printers, Internet and Wi-Fi Connectivity. Families/students will be able to receive remote distance learning support Monday - Friday from 7 AM - 7 PM, by calling 1-800-789-0051. "Asynchronous Wednesday Schedule" We're afforded the opportunity for students to drop in of your own volition via our class gMeet link) and scheduled conferences or small group sessions (i.e. writing cohorts, project groups). 8:25-8:55 Hours 1 & 5 Drop-in office hours 9:00-9:35 Hours 1 & 5 Scheduled conferencing or sessions 10:15-10:45 Hour 2 & 6 Drop-in Office hours 10:50-11:23 Hour 2 & 6 Scheduled conferencing or sessions 12:15-12:45 Hour 3 & 7 Drop-in office hours 12:50-1:25 Hour 3 & 7 Scheduled conferencing or sessions 2:05-2:35 Hour 4 & 8 Drop-in office hours 2:40-3:15 Hour 4 & 8 Scheduled conferencing or sessionsSpeech Team: new coach: Corey M. Olson cmolson@cord.eduTwo new things in gClassroom under “Resources” “Trouble Getting into gMeets” “Tips and Suggestions for Successful and Engaging Distance Learning,” from your PeersMaterials Distribution = any school day, 7:00 – 3:30 at Door 6 Hamlet book (Folger’s edition) and 2 packets of poetry Two poetry packets – start Feb 1st / 2nd Hamlet book – start Feb. 15th / 16th If plan to purchase own copy of Hamlet (Folger’s Edition), please give the one in the bag to whomever checks you out at the building. Video: “Underclassmen: How to be a Better Reader and Writer – Part I,” The Garden of English (16:26, watch until 14:21) Write down the steps he suggests (and anything else you think is important or enlightening). We won’t be reading the story he references, but pay attention to his example from “The Boy Who Cried Wolf.” Summary Revise Summary with specific language that reveals advanced understanding. Practice summarizing a story, applying diction skills from the Garden of English lesson during class.Mr. Freitas on Summaries Doc. [We will not do this at this time: “Thank you, M’am” by Langston Hughes Or the text: ]3 minute Dance Break, Yoga Break, 3 minute meditation Break, 3 minute bathroom break Independent Novel/Play selection for a work “of literary merit.” You will?1. Read and take notes2. Apply comprehension and analysis skills and techniques to your study of your chosen text3. Complete a MWDS for that book?4. Engage in panel discussions about books5. Present a Project to the class in May (details in Q4). Definition of Literary Merit from AP: Titles used from AP Open Response Questions: Indep Novel/Play Sign Up: on our gClassroom by hour MWDS Template: Poetry AnalysisMon. & Tues. Feb. 1 & 2 Target: Become familiar with and utilize poetry analysis skills from instruction and practice.Last Class Recap Poetry AnalysisLet’s start where you stand. What poems do you know & remember? What makes these poems (any poem) memorable? 3-5 min. [Online Whiteboard] What is AP Poetry Prompt going to look like? What will I need to do? Where can I find samples? “Poetry Essay Prompt Questions from Previous Exams” - in gClassroom, AP Exam Materials “Answer the Question” Poetry and Prose Free Response Go to CollegeBoard, look aroundGoogle what you want to see with “AP Literature and Composition” as part of the verbiage Things you may know: TPCASST – in AP Handbook and gClassroom Spectrum of Emotions – in AP Handbook or auxiliary handout and in gClassroom – to help with identifying TONE Poetry as Contemporary: Amanda Gorman. PBS article and video (6:10) “Poetry is an art form, but, to me, it’s also a weapon, it’s also an instrument. It’s the ability to make ideas that have been known, felt and said.” In this?PBS NewsHour?interview, Amanda Gorman speaks with Jeffrey Brown about her love of poetry and the writing process for her poem for this year’s presidential inauguration. Gorman is the nation’s first youth poet laureate and won a Barnes & Noble Writers for Writers Award from Poets & Writers in 2020.Video Discussion of the ideas for poetry is or does. Break – 3 min. Dance Break “Monson’s Shorthand for Analyzing Poetry” – apply strategies in practicePractice: Independently read “2” by Mary Oliver (last page of one of packets, or see gClassroom) Notice/Mark anything pertinent … ‘shorthand ideas’ Determine lit devices Apply Literary Theory What does the poem have to say to you/us? Break Out Groups Whole Class Discussion Beloved Mary Oliver died 2019. [NPR story.] I have often said in the last few years that one day she will be studied like Emily Dickinson. I would not be surprised if her poetry is on the AP Test this spring or next. : Read, annotate, be ready to discuss: “Some Things to Remember When Reading Poetry” Poetry Analysis from Jerry Brown How to Explicate a Poem – including “I, Too, Sing America” by Langston Hughes, “War is Kind” by Stephen Crane, “The Flea” by John Donne, “South” by Jack Gilbert W.H. Auden: “Funeral Blues” Mary Oliver: “The Journey” ................

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