The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a story of a marvelous boy. Written in authentic colloquial style, it contains adventure, comedy, myth, and unforgettable characters.

Because literature can be interpreted differently depending on who and when one is reading it, oftentimes statements made by an individual can be either accepted and defended or rejected and opposed. In a multi-paragraph essay, you will explore and analyze one of the following topics by either supporting it or countering it.

• Huck’s trip down the river is actually a passage into manhood.

• “Humor is scornful of pretense and affection. The novel is irreverent towards things not worth our reverence.” (Lionel Trilling)

• Twain uses dramatic irony to define freedom.

• Huck is faced with various crises in his moral quandary about whether or not to turn Jim in. It is more admirable to act from the heart than from principle.

• Twain uses the Mississippi River as a symbolic geographical focal point for his work. Against the money god stands the river god.

• Huck comes to condemn slavery as a whole.

• Far from promoting a stereotype, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn exposes the falseness of stereotypes.

Make sure that you narrow down and focus the topic to fit paper length.

Develop your ideas into a 5 or 6 paragraph essay, making sure to use exact, specific details and/or quotations for each point/sub-point as well as thorough analysis, explanation, and evaluation. Avoid using quotations longer than 2 or 3 lines from the novel. Also, keep in mind that the conclusion can be seen as the reverse of the introduction, in that it starts with a restatement of the thesis and summary of the main ideas, and end the paper with a powerful clincher, or perhaps an effective quotation from the novel.


• Expository essay (written in 3rd person)

• Minimum of three FULL pages (typed)

• MLA format

• Do not fail to carefully proofread and correct the final draft

Turn In:

• Final draft

• Rough draft with visible corrections

• Self-Evaluation (on back)

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay Self-Evaluation

Amount of time spent planning: _________

Amount of time spent writing: __________

Amount of time spent revising: __________

Respond to the following questions using 1-3 sentences:

What have you done well?

What do you wish you had done differently?

What quote/support is your strongest?

How well organized is this essay?

Analyze the strength of your argument.

What was most difficult about writing this paper?


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