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Contaminants and the Water Cycle

Key Words: Condensation/Condense, Evaporation/Evaporate, Freezing/Freeze, Melting/Melt, Precipitation/Precipitate, Water Cycle

Getting Started:

1. Look at Student Sheet 39.1, “Talking Drawing: Contaminants and the Water Cycle,” which is attached to this packet. Label all of the places that you think contain water. Draw arrows showing the water’s possible movements. Next label places where you think water could get contaminated and, if so, with what type of contamination.

2. What are the different forms of water found on earth?




3. Read the introduction and Challenge to Activity 39, “Contaminants and the Water Cycle,” in your Student Book. In this activity, you will take an imaginary journey with water molecules that are traveling on the water cycle.


1. To complete this activity, you will need two number cubes like the one shown. You will use these throughout the activity to roll different numbers. Mark one of the number cubes with a blue dot and leave the other one white. These number cubes will be referred to as the “white” number cube and the “blue” number cube.


2. Review the six Water Cycle cards attached to this packet.

3. Your water travels will begin with the Precipitation Card.

4. Record the title “Precipitation” on Student Sheet 39.2, “My Water Cycle Story,” attached to this packet.

5. Look at the Precipitation card to see where your water molecules can be. Make a choice and record it on Student Sheet 39.2. In the third column, identify the state of your water (solid, liquid, or water vapor). Since the water is pure at this point, write “none” in the fourth column, which is about contaminants. An example is shown below.

My Water Cycle Story

|Card Title |My water molecules |State of water |Contaminants picked up or left behind |How the water molecules could have |

| |are part of: |molecules (solid, |by the water molecules, and how it |changed and/or moved from the previous |

| | |liquid, or gas) |happened. |state to this one. |

|1. Precipitation |rain |liquid |none | |

6. Roll the white number cube. Look for the number you rolled on the Water Cycle card to find out where your water will go next. For instance, if you roll a 4, then the Precipitation card says to go to the Atmosphere next. So you will write “Atmosphere” in the next row of Student Sheet 39.2 and then repeat the same process that you did above.

Note: Water can cycle back to the same place, so you may not use all six cards. When you get to one you have had before, choose a different form for your water.

7. Roll the blue number cube. Look for the number you rolled on the Water Cycle card to determine what type of contaminant the water picks up. Record the contaminant in the fourth column of Student Sheet 39.2, “My Water Cycle Story.” If no contaminant was picked up, write “none” in the fourth column.

8. Repeat Steps 4-7 until you have completely filled in Student Sheet 39.2, “My Water Cycle Story.”

9. Each row of Student Sheet 39.2 is one part of the story of your water molecules. Think about the following:

• Where in the world are your water molecules in each part of your story? Remember, your water first started as precipitation with almost no contaminants. Hint: If you are still having trouble, you may want to consult Student Sheet 39.3, “Story Ideas,” which is attached to this packet.

• Describe what happened to your water molecules from one part of the story to the next. Be sure to explain what contaminants the water picked up and exactly how your molecules changed. Hint: Did it move? If so, how? Or did something else happen, like a temperature change? Did it pick up contaminants? If so, which ones? From where?

10. Based on your thoughts, complete the “how it happened” part of the fourth column and the last column of Student Sheet 39.2., “My Water Cycle Story.”

Analysis Questions:

1. On Student Sheet 39.1, “Talking Drawing: Contaminants and the Water Cycle,” you recorded your initial ideas about the water cycle. Use a different colored pencil to complete that student sheet based on what you learned during the activity.

a. Use the following words to identify where water can be found in the picture:

|atmosphere |organisms |ocean |

|land |groundwater |precipitation |

b. Draw at least six arrows showing the likely movement of water from one place to another.

c. On each of the six arrows you drew, write in one contaminant that could possibly be picked up but the water at that point. Label all of the places where contaminants are left behind and where the water is naturally purest.

d. Label places where each of the following is occurring:

|condensation |evaporation |

|freezing |melting |

e. What changes did you have to make to Student Sheet 39.1, “Talking Drawing: Contaminants and the Water Cycle,” so that you have a complete and correct drawing?




2. Explain why the water lost contaminants when it moved into the atmosphere?







3. At what points in the water cycle did the water molecules not pick up any contamination?




4. The term “water cycle” is used to describe the movement of water on the earth and in the earth’s atmosphere. Do you think that your diagram on Student Sheet 39.1, “Talking Drawing: Contaminants and the Water Cycle,” is a good summary of the water cycle? Why or why not?







5. In this activity you used cards and number cubes to model the water cycle and contaminants that water picks up. In what ways did this activity model the water cycle well? What parts of the water cycle did it not include?





6. Suppose you are a scientist trying to decrease water pollution or to clean up some polluted water. What information from the water cycle model might help you?






7. Expand your notes from Student Sheet 39.2, “My Water Cycle Story,” into a story that describes the journey of your water molecules. Your story should follow your water through at least five places. Be as creative and scientifically accurate as you can. Be sure to:

• Describe or draw how your water molecules moved from one place to another.

• Identify any changes in state (solid, liquid, gas) that occur.

• Describe any contaminants the water picks up as it travels and how the contaminants got there.





















































© 2014 The Regents of the University of California


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