SOLEE I. SHINCurriculum VitaeGies College of BusinessUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign4021 BIF, 515 East Gregory Drive Champaign, IL 61820 E-mail: sishin@illinois.eduEMPLOYMENT________________________________________________________________Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, University of Illinois, 2019- present. Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, National University of Singapore, 2015-2019. Research Associate, Global Production Networks Centre (GPN@NUS), 2015-2019.Postdoctoral Fellow, Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies, Lund University, 2014-2015.EDUCATION__________________________________________________________________Ph.D. in Sociology, University of Washington, 2014. M.A. in Sociology, University of Washington, 2009. B.A. in Sociology & Women’s Studies, Ewha Women’s University, 2006. RESEARCH INTERESTS________________________________________________________Global value chains, East Asian Business networks, Economic sociology, Cultural industriesPUBLICATION________________________________________________________________Refereed Journal Articles Solee Shin and Lake Lui. Forthcoming. “Guanxi and Moral Articulation: Strategies of Corruption during China’s Anti-Corruption Drive,” Journal of Development Studies. Solee Shin. 2020. “East Asia’s Retail Revolution: Diffusion of Organized Retailing and Varieties of Market Development in Korea and Taiwan,” Competition and Change. 24 (3-4): 358-387. Solee Shin and Lanu Kim. 2020. “Chaebol’s Turn to Service: Rise of a Korean Service Economy and Shifting Dynamics of Self-Employment and Wage Work,” Journal of Contemporary Asia. 50(3):433-456.Solee Shin. 2019. “Transforming into Fashion Firms or Multi-Country Suppliers? Accounting for Varied Firm Trajectories in the Deindustrializing Korean Apparel Industry,” Journal of Development Studies 55(1):1-18. Solee Shin. 2017. “Niche, Ethnic, and Global Operations: Models of Production and Circulation of East Asian Popular Music,” European Journal of East Asian Studies 16 (1): 5-35. Gary Hamilton and Solee Shin. 2015 “Demand-Responsive Industrialization in East Asia: A New Critique of Political Economy,” European Journal of Social Theory 18(4): 390-412.Solee Shin and Lanu Kim. 2013. “Organizing K-pop: Emergence and Market Making of Large Korean Entertainment Houses. 1980-2010.” East Asia: An International Quarterly 30(4): 255-272.Book chapters Solee Shin. 2021. “Implementing Agility in a Big-firm Driven Economy: Digital disruption and Korea’s retail chaebol” in Fu-Lai Tony Yu and Ho-don Yan (eds). The Routledge Handbook of Asian Family Business: Governance, Succession, and Challenges in the Age of Digital Disruption.?London: Routledge.Solee Shin. 2019. “How K-pop Went Global: Digitization and Market Making of Korean Entertainment Houses,” in S. Heijin Lee, Monika Mehta, and Robert Ji-Song Ku (eds.), pp, 268-281, Other Pop Empires: Transnational and Diasporic Flows of India and Korea. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.Gary Hamilton and Solee Shin. 2016. “Change with Continuity: Asian Capitalism in Transition,” in Richard Whitley and Xiaoke Zhang (eds.), pp. 161-186, Changing Asian Business Systems: Globalization, Socio-Political Change, and Economic Organization. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Solee Shin. 2014. “Entrepreneurship and East Asian Business Systems,” in Fu-Lai Tony Yu and Ho-don Yan (eds). pp. 58-67, Handbook of East Asian Entrepreneurship, London: Routledge. Solee Shin and Gary Hamilton. 2014. “Beyond Production: Changing Dynamics of Asian Business Groups” in Michael Witt and Gordon Redding (eds). pp. 604-625, The Oxford Handbook of Asian Business Systems. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Other writingsSolee Shin. 2010. Dong’ahsiain iju jojikhwa’?i y?ksaj?k by?nch?n’e kwanhan bi’gyosa’hwehakj?k y?ngu (A Comparative Study on the Changing Organization of East Asian Migration). Hanguk Sahoehak y?ngu 2: 111-148. (in Korean)FELLOWSHIPS AND GRANTS___________________________________________________2020 Korean studies grant, Academy of Korean Studies (US $17,000)2018, 2016FASS Conference Travel Grant (S$2890; S$3038.34)2018 FASS Writing Fellowship AY2018-192017Inbound Faculty Exchange Grant, Education University of Hong Kong (HK$13,800) 2015 FASS Startup Research Grant, National University of Singapore (S$40,000) 2013 Finalist, SSRC Postdoctoral Fellowship for Transregional Research 2013 Graduate School Fund for Excellence and Innovation, Univ. of Washington 2012 Korea Foundation Graduate Studies Fellowship (declined) 2012 Chester A. Fritz Graduate Fellowship, Univ. of Washington Graduate School2012 FLAS academic year fellowship, UW East Asia Center (Chinese) 2011FLAS summer fellowship, UW East Asia Center (Chinese) 2011 Sociology Department Research Grant, University of WashingtonAWARDS AND RECOGNITION_________________________________________________UIUC Teachers ranked as excellent 2020; 2021INVITED TALKS AND WORKSHOPS_____________________________________________2018“Rise of Demand-monitoring Technology and Global Fashion Work,” SSRC InterAsian Connections VI: Hanoi:?The Netware of the New Asian Economy under the Industrial Revolution 4.0, December 2018“Disorderly Fashion: Organized Strategizing in the Production and Consumption of Global Fashion in Asia” Hong Kong University of Education, Department of Asian and Policy Studies, April 2014 “Market Making and Manufacturing: The Developmental Organization of Asian Economies” (with Gary Hamilton), Changing Asian Business System Workshop, Manchester Business School, June2014“Market Making and K-Pop: An Organizational Perspective,” Plenary panel. Conference on the Spread and Reception of the Korean Wave in the Czech Republic, Charles University, November CONFERENCE PRESENTATION________________________________________________2021. AAS conference. ASA conference2020 “Mitigating Global Value Chain Risks in an Unstable World: Cases of Asian First- Tier Garment Suppliers”, SASE Meeting2018“Embedded Ties and Global Networks Revisited,” SASE Meeting2018“Disorderly Fashion: Organized Strategizing in the Production and Consumption of Global Fashion in Korea,” AAS Meeting; SASE Meeting 2017 “Transforming into Fashion Firms or First-Tier Suppliers? Accounting for Varied Firm Trajectories in the Deindustrializing Korean Apparel Industry,” Conference on Global Production, National university of Singapore 2017 “Chaebol’s Turn to Service: The Rise of a Service Economy and Shifting Dynamics of Self-Employment and Wage Work in Korea,” (with Lanu Kim) AAS Meeting 2016 “Making Fashion Markets: Intermediaries in the Production and Consumption of Global Fashion in Asia,” ASA Meeting2016 “Humble Comrades: Anti-Corruption and the Dual Moralities of Private Consumption and Public Presentation Among the Chinese Rich,” (with Lake Lui) Society for the Advancement for Socio-economics Annual Meeting; Hong Kong Sociological Association (HKSA) Annual Conference2016 “Global Fashion in the Absence of Global Designers: A Study on Korea’s Emergent Fashion System” (with Tommy Tse), AAS Meeting2015 “Asian Retail Revolution and Organization of Taiwanese and Korea Economies,” 23rd Focus Asia Public Lecture Series, Lund University, Sweden; AAS Meeting2014 “Consumption of Foreign Fashion Brands: Japan, Korea, and Taiwan,” ASA Meeting“Chaebol’s Turn to Service: Retail Concentration and Korean Self-Employed After the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis,” (with Lanu Kim) SASE Meeting; SSSP Meeting2014 “Organizing K-Pop: Emergence and Market-Making of Large Korean Entertainment Houses. 1980-2010” (with Lanu Kim), PSA Meeting 2013 “Why Walmart Succeeds in Some Places but not Others. Variations in East Asia 1970 –Present: An Organizational Perspective,” ASA Meeting 2013 “Beyond Production: Changing Dynamics of Asian Business Groups,” SASE Meeting2012 “The Making of East Asian Consumers: Consumer Market Formation in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan,” Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast Meeting2010 “From “Inter-national” to “Trans-national” Migrant: Changes in the Organization of East Asian Migration,” ASA MeetingTEACHING___________________________________________________________________University of Illinois Global Supply Chain Management (2019- Present)National University of SingaporeSociology of Work (2015-2018)From Modernization to Globalization (2015-2018)Sociology of Migration (Spring 2018)Topics in Social Organization (Graduate level, Independent study)Lund University, Sweden Transformation of Asia (Fall 2014)Contemporary Japan and Korea (Spring 2015)University of Washington, Sole InstructorPracticum in Work and Organizations (Winter 2014)Survey of Sociology (Summer 2013)Evolution and Revolution: Comparative Social Change (Summer 2010)University of Washington, Teaching Assistant Introduction to Research Methods, Introduction to Social Psychology, Foundations of Social Inquiry, Sociological Theory, Survey of Sociology, Comparative Social Change, Statistical Concepts and Methods for the Social Sciences, Basic Statistics, Sociology of Sexuality, The Family, Murder Thesis Supervision and Committee WorkExternal dissertation committee member:Yoonjeoung Heo. PhD. 2021. Dept of Strategy, School of Business, National University of SingaporeAimee Meicheng Sun. PhD. 2021. Wee Kim Wee School of Communication, Nanyang Technological University.National University of Singapore: M.A. Committee: Wang Yuan Hao (2018), Lee Zhou Rui Aaron (2016)Honor’s Thesis Chair: Kimberly Ng, Nathan Chiang (2018), Lingzhi Xing (2017), Lee Ser Han Andrew (2016)Lund University: M.A. Thesis advisor: Mia ?berg (2015), ?dám K?hegyi (2015), Tobias Berglund (2015) SERVICE_____________________________________________________________________To ProfessionPeer Review: American Journal of Sociology; Social Problems; Socio-Economic Review; Sociological Perspectives; Journal of Contemporary Asia; International Journal of Technology Management; Asian Journal of Communications; Asian Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development; East Asia: An International Quarterly; ARI Working Paper Series; Norton Publication 2017 Plenary session convener, Conference on Global Production at NUS2017Panel organizer, “Changing Landscapes of Service Work in Taiwan and Korea,” AAS Annual Meeting, Washington D.C.2015 Panel organizer, “Asia and the Changing Circuits of Global Production and Consumption,” AAS Annual Meeting, Seattle2015Symposium organizer, 23rd Focus Asia Public Lecture Series, Lund University2014Presider, Pacific Sociological Association Meeting, Session on Development and Regional Studies 2011-2014Student editorial board member, Social Problems To UniversityNational University of Singapore2017-8 Search committee for Tenure-track Assistant Professor in Global Studies2016-7 Conference organizing committee, Conference on Global Production2016-9 Sociology department ethics review committee (DERC)Lund University2014-5 Board member, Asian Studies Centre2014-5 Examiner, Master’s Thesis Seminar, Asian Studies CentreMEMBERSHIP_________________________________________________________________Academy of International Business (AIB) Academy of Management (AOM)American Sociological Association (ASA) Association for Asian Studies (AAS)Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) OTHER WORK EXPERIENCE___________________________________________________2009 Survey statistician (GS-9 STEP Intern), Population Division, Bureau of the Census2007- 2014 Korean language instructor. ASUW Experimental college; Seattle Language Institute ................

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