Staff Guidelines.docx.docx

 Summer Staff Guidelines45472359525Mission StatementThe Durley Youth Camp Summer staff is a team of Christians who are committed to serving God and each other for one purpose:To assist the local church in making disciples through camping initiatives where youth can experience the life transforming message of Jesus Christ and are challenged to grow deeper in faith.Goals and ObjectivesIn order to accomplish this high calling, there must be a unity in purpose and agreement in method. We want you to be a part of this mission as together we can change the lives of over 400 children and teens this summer. With your help, we can accomplish the following goals and objectives for each camper:Each camper will be exposed and introduced to Jesus Christ and will be given opportunity to invite Jesus to be their Personal Savior.Each camper will have opportunity to:respond to the call of Christ’s Lordship in his or her life.become more faithful in his or her local church.enjoy and appreciate God's creation.experience healthy physical growth.become a well-adjusted group member and learn the social skills necessary for living in a "family" situation.grow in their knowledge and understanding of God's world and how it works.Each camper, as far as it depends on US, will have fun.Staff Practices and PoliciesWe want you to be a part of an exciting staff that is committed to God, each other, and the ministry of reaching children and teens with the love of Christ. We want your camp experience to be a milepost in your spiritual growth and your ability to lead and work with others for God's Kingdom.As you read through Durley Youth Camp’s Summer Staff Guidelines, you will find a commitment to developing Godly men and women. As a staff member, our desire is to not only equip you for the summer, but for your life and future ministry as well.1. General AppearanceDurley youth camp wishes to create an environment that parents feel is safe for their children. In order to promote this, radical hairstyles and/or jewelry are discouraged. All swimsuits and clothing are to be modest in nature and not too revealing. We do not see these policies primarily as a spiritual issue, but as a philosophical one. Durley Youth Camp desires that its staff model a professional appearance to campers and their families. 2. CurfewCurfew is designed to keep staff healthy and energetic in order to insure that campers have the best possible stay at Durley Camp Ground. At curfew everyone needs to be in his or her sleeping quarters with the lights out. Curfew for full time staff is 12:00 PM Sunday-Friday and 1:00 AM on Saturday. Curfew for counselors coincides with the lights out policy for that week of camp. 3. Unacceptable Behavior as a Staff MemberPre-marital sex, homosexual activity and/or the use of drugs -- either on or off duty -- will not be tolerated. Jesus Christ is to be glorified in all that we do. The use of alcohol and/or tobacco is also not allowed. We desire our staff to be exemplary role models to the children - can you represent (by your words and lifestyle) this to the kids?Summer Staff Guidelines cont.4. Guidelines for using my own carAll drivers must adhere to all state, local, and camp driving rules, especially while transporting campers or fellow staff members. Only Full time staff may use their own vehicle while on camp property. To transport other staff or campers, the driver of the vehicle must be 18 years of age. Anyone using poor driving judgment will have their driving privileges revoked.5. Leaving camp propertyAll staff must receive permission from the Director and complete the sign out sheet before they leave. As a general rule, only full time staff over the age of 18 will be given permission to leave the premises during a camp. Weekly Counselors are requested not to leave the premises during a camp.6. DatingRomantic relationships between campers and staff members are not permitted while on staff at Durley Youth Camps. Relationships between staff members are not encouraged in order to maintain our focus on the campers and the camp's mission.7. Outside VisitorsVisitors and non-paying youth will only be allowed on the grounds with the permission of the Camp Director, and then only during designated times.8. General Rulesa. We expect consistent modeling of right relationship with Jesus, you and others at all times and in all situations.b. All staff will be Christian examples in speech, action, attitude, and dress.c. Staff members will avoid being alone with a single camper in the cabin or other private settings. We trust our staff, but the scripture urges us to avoid the "appearance of evil" and we want to prevent any potential sexual misconduct accusations.d. All staff will observe and lead campers in the program schedule.e. All staff will model camp rules for the campers.f. Each counselor will sit with their campers during worship sessions (and possibly meals at the Director's discretion).g. Each counselor will be present in his/her cabin with campers from evening devotions until morning rising.h. Any staff wishing to plan activities above and beyond the camp schedule must clear plans with the Director.i. All staff will be on the grounds at all times.j. Camp responsibilities will be at all times primary to personal interests.Jesus Christ is to be glorified in everything we do! Therefore we stand firm on His word and His life's example. Legalism is not the object, but kids need to see there are living examples of an alternate way of life. We ask for and expect complete commitment in these areas.Integrity, Loyalty, and HonestyIt all starts with the signing of your contract. Your signature is your word that you promise to fulfill the contract in its entirety. It also signifies you agree to abide by the practices and policies set forth in this document. Each staff member agrees to report any deviation of the camp's policies and practices, by a camper or fellow staff member to the resident and/or leadership staff for prayerful and loving consideration on their behalf. When dealt with openly and considerately, these situations can be used to produce personal and spiritual growth in the life of each person concerned.Adapted from Spring HillUpdated 11/18/2013 ................

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