WICHITA HIGH SCHOOL SOUTH Enrollment Booklet 2018 - 2019

[Pages:14]WICHITA HIGH SCHOOL SOUTH Enrollment Booklet 2018 - 2019


Visit the USD 259 web site at and search for "program of studies" to find course descriptions and other important information regarding the enrollment process.


Students interested in participating in NCAA Division 1 or NCAA Division 2 athletics should register with the NCAA eligibility center at . Students interested in participating in NAIA athletics should register with the NAIA eligibility center at . See your counselor for additional information.


Students applying to any of the six (6) Kansas Regents Universities (Emporia State University, Fort Hays State University, Kansas State University, Pittsburg State University, University of Kansas and Wichita State University) must meet specific requirements for admission. See details on the Board of Regents website:

Honors students are encouraged to take the Kansas Honors Scholar Curriculum as well, see details on the Board of Regents website:


Mid-Term Graduate: A student graduating at the conclusion of seven (7) semesters.

Requirements Must declare during enrollment of junior year

Each school will determine process Principal's discretion in August Must have sufficient credits Must submit a written plan to be approved by the Principal

Plan must include: Coursework for seventh semester Post-secondary plan Statement of intent; reason for the request

Must take government in summer school or in seventh semester Must take Financial Literacy and SCTE approved course prior to or during the 7th semester Must take both English 4 courses in seventh semester

Must be Qualified Admission courses and cannot be taken in a Learning Center Must take the ACT Must pass all State Assessments with proficiency Exception: Students receiving special education services ? per IEP


The minimum requirement for a Wichita High School diploma is 23 units of credit. This includes credits earned in approved high school programs.

DEFINITION: One-unit of credit may be earned by passing two semesters of any given course. One-half unit of credit may be earned by passing one semester of any course.


Four units of credit in English Language Arts Three units of credit in Mathematics ? Algebra 1 level or above Three units of credit in Social Studies Three units of credit in Science One unit of credit in Physical Education Foundations One unit of credit in Fine Arts One-Half unit of Financial Literacy One-Half unit in Career Tech Education (CTE) Seven units of elective credits


Each year, several classes are offered for college credit through Newman University, Friends University, Wichita State University, Wichita Area Technical College and Hutchinson Community College. The classes that were offered during 2017-2018 will be notated in the Program of Studies with a (++). These college credit classes change each year depending on the college and the instructor.


Students are urged to determine their pre-enrollment course requests with careful thought and consideration. The classes that students pre-enroll in will be the classes that they take next year. Schedule change requests will not be honored unless there has been an office/computer scheduling error, or the student is deficient required credit or requires remediation in order to be successful.

Enrollment decisions and course placement recommendations are based on student needs.


All students who wish to accept the challenge of an AP course are welcome to participate in the AP program. However, students and parents should be aware of the rigor in these courses so that they can make informed decisions regarding course selection. Additionally, counselors use the AP Potential Report to recruit prospective students.

Students must remain in AP classes for the full year.

^Classes cannot be dropped (++) Possible College Credit

Course # 1211-1212 1213-1214 1221-1222 1223-1224 1231-1232 1233-1234 1161-1162 1561-1562 1153-1154 1201-1202

*1540 *1541 *1731


Course Name English 1 Honors English 1 English 2 Honors English 2 English 3 Honors English 3 AP Language & Composition ^ English 4 Honors English 4 AP English Literature ^


Creative Writing 1 Creative Writing 2 Speech 1 (++)

Prior Enrollment/Prerequisite None None English 1 English 1 English 1, 2 English 1, 2 English 1, 2 English 1, 2, 3 English 1, 2, 3 English 1, 2, 3

None Creative Writing 1 None

Grade Level 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12

10-11-12 10-11-12


Course # 2111-2112 9145-9146 2421-2422 9257-9258 2143-2144 2121-2122 2135-2136 2154-2155 2021-2022 2151-2152 2248-2249 2238-2239


Course Name Algebra 1 Algebra 1 Lab Geometry Geometry Lab Intermediate Algebra Algebra 2 Honors Algebra 2 Math Applications Algebra 3 ^ (++) Pre-Calc/Trigonometry ^ (++) AP Calculus ^ (++) AP Statistics ^ (++)

Prior Enrollment/Prerequisite None Teacher Recommendation Algebra 1 Teacher Recommendation Algebra 1 & Geometry Algebra 1 & Geometry Alg 1, Geo & Teacher Recommendation Algebra 1 & Geometry Algebra 2

Hon Alg 2 or Alg 3 or Alg 2 w/ Teacher Approval

Pre-Calc/Trigonometry Algebra 2

Grade Level 9 9

9-10-11 10

10-11-12 9-10-11-12 9-10-11-12

12 10-11-12

11-12 11-12 11-12


Course # 3451-3452 3453-3454 3361-3362 3363-3364 3641-3642 3643-3644 3647-3648 *3350 *3359 3353-3354

*3700 3712-3713 3403-3404 *3800 *3985

Course Name World History Honors World History United States History 1 Honors United States History 1 United States History 2 Honors United States History 2 AP United States History 2 ^ (++) United States Government Honors United States Government AP United States Government ^


Psychology AP Psychology ^ AP Modern European History ^ Sociology Exploring Social Justice

Prior Enrollment/Prerequisite None None World History World History United States History 1 United States History 1 United States History 1 United States History 2 United States History 2 United States History 2

None None None ? Hon US1 or Hon US 2 recommended None None

Grade Level 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12

11-12 11-12 11-12 11-12 11-12


Course # 4251-4252 4253-4254 4248-4249 4827-4828 4951-4952 4271-4272 4321-4322 4323-4324 4811-4812 4331-4332 4401-4402 4821-4822 4801-4802 4803-4804 4847-4848

Course Name Biology Honors Biology AP Biology ^ Double Blocked w/ Sr. Proj 9083-9084 Global/Environmental Science Zoology Botany Chemistry 1 Honors Chemistry 1 ^ Physical Science AP Chemistry ^ Double Blocked w/ Sr. Proj 9083-9084 Forensic Science Anatomy & Physiology (++) Physics ^ AP Physics ^ AP Environmental Science ^

Prior Enrollment/Prerequisite None None Biology & Chemistry 1 None Biology Biology Algebra 1 Algebra 1 None Chemistry 1 & Algebra 2 Biology & Chemistry 1 Biology Algebra 2 Algebra 2 Algebra 1 & Biology

Grade Level 9-10-11 9-10-11 11-12 10-11-12 10-11-12 10-11-12 10-11-12 10-11-12 11-12 11-12 11-12 11-12 11-12 11-12 11-12


Course # 9147-9148 9021-9022 9031-9032 9035-9036 9045-9046 *9183*9184 *9181*9182 *9024*9025

9075-9076 *9128

Course Name Seminar AVID 1 ^ AVID 2 ^ AVID 3 ^ AVID Senior Seminar ^

Office Assistant (repeatable)

Teacher Assistant (repeatable)

Student Coaching (repeatable) JAG-K ^ (Jobs for America's Graduates ? KS) ACT Prep

Prior Enrollment/Prerequisite Required District criteria used for placement District criteria used for placement District criteria used for placement District criteria used for placement

Application & Approval

Application & Approval Application & Approval; Training Required

Referral & Teacher Approval Referral & Teacher Approval

Grade Level 9-10-11-12

9 10 11 12




11-12 11-12


Course # 9211-9212 *9203*9204 *9205 *9206 *9207*9208 *9213*9214 *9229

Course Name Physical Education Foundations

Aerobics & Fitness Aquatics Aquatics (Lifeguarding)

Lifetime Sports

Weight Training & Conditioning Personal & Public Health

Prior Enrollment/Prerequisite None

PE Foundations (2 semesters) PE Foundations (2 semesters) Must pass test & Teacher Approval

PE Foundations (2 semesters)

PE Foundations (2 semesters) None

Grade Level 9

10-11-12 10-11-12 10-11-12


10-11-12 9-10-11-12


Course # 8119-8120 8251-8252 8261-8262 8169-8270 8311-8312 8321-8322 8323-8324 8055-8056

Course Name Sculpture 1 Drawing & Painting 1 Drawing & Painting 2 Drawing & Painting 3 Ceramics & Pottery 1 Ceramics & Pottery 2 Ceramics & Pottery 3 AP Studio Art - 2-Dimensional & Drawing ^

Prior Enrollment/Prerequisite None None Drawing & Painting 1 Drawing & Painting 2 None Ceramics & Pottery 1 Ceramics & Pottery 2 Teacher Approval

Grade Level 9-10-11-12 9-10-11-12

10-11-12 11-12

9-10-11-12 10-11-12 11-12 11-12

Course # 1111-1112 1121-1122 1131-1132 1141-1142 1145-1146 1751-1752 1753-1754 1756-1757

Course Name Dramatics 1 Dramatics 2 Dramatics 3 Dramatics 4 ^ Repertory Theatre ^ Stagecraft 1 Stagecraft 2 Stagecraft 3


Prior Enrollment/Prerequisite None Dramatics 1 Dramatics 2 Dramatics 3 Dramatics 1 & Audition Dramatics 1 & Teacher Approval Stagecraft 1 Stagecraft 2

Grade Level 9-10-11-12

10-11-12 11-12 12 11-12

10-11-12 11-12 12

Course # 8511-8512 8606-8607 8731-8732 8721-8722 *8623 8556-8557 8561-8562 8584-8585 8549-8550 8594-8595

Course Name Band 2 (Symphonic Band) ^ Stage Band/Jazz Band ^ Orchestra 2 (Symphonic) ^ Orchestra 3 (Chamber) ^ Piano Keyboard Men's Chorus Women's Chorus Women's Ensemble (Bel Canto) ^ Concert Choir Madrigal Singers ^


Prior Enrollment/Prerequisite Successful completion in MS Audition OR Teacher Approval Successful completion in MS Audition OR Teacher Approval None None None Audition Audition Audition

Grade Level 9-10-11-12

10-11-12 9-10-11-12

10-11-12 10-11-12 9-10-11-12 9-10-11-12 10-11-12

11-12 11-12


All Freshmen are STONGLY RECCOMNEDED to enroll in Spanish 1!

Course # 5663-5664 5665-5666 5651-5652 5653-5654 5411-5412 5421-5422 5431-5432 5441-5442 5451-5452 5485-5486 5487-5488 5489-5490

Course Name Chinese 1 Chinese 2 Chinese 3 Chinese 4 ^ Spanish 1 Spanish 2 Spanish 3 Spanish 4 ^ Spanish 5 ^ Spanish for Native Speakers 1 Spanish for Native Speakers 2 Spanish for Native Speakers 3

Prior Enrollment/Prerequisite None Chinese 1 Chinese 2 Chinese 3 None Spanish 1 Spanish 2 Spanish 3 Spanish 4 Fluent oral language speaker Spanish for Native Speakers 1 Spanish for Native Speakers 2

Grade Level 9-10-11-12

10-11-12 11-12 12

9-10-11-12 9-10-11-12

10-11-12 11-12 12

9-10-11-12 10-11-12 11-12


Course # 9221-9222 9223-9224 9225-9226 9227-9228

Course Name JROTC 1 JROTC 2 JROTC 3 JROTC 4 ^

Prior Enrollment/Prerequisite None JROTC 1 JROTC 2 JROTC 3

Grade Level 9-10-11-12

10-11-12 11-12 12


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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