1:35 | |

Got some leftover chips from your Labor Day festivities? Well, they can be the start of some melt-in-your-mouth new treats tomorrow. You’ll see!

Today, all over the country, Labor Day picnics and cookouts are in full swing and, chances are, there are going to be some leftovers that can be made real good use of, which gave me an idea because, here at the station today, our team is busy at work, and I’d like to thank them with a special treat. It starts with something you very often have left over: potato chips! Yes, potato chips. Watch: In a bowl, we beat together some butter and sugar, and then slowly blend in flour and vanilla extract. Now we fold in some coarsely crushed potato chips – that’s the secret ingredient! Okay, we drop our batter, by the teaspoonful, onto a cookie sheet, flattening each one with a fork. And after just 20 minutes in a 300-degree oven, when they’re golden around the edges, done! Remove them to a wire rack to cool, and they’re great just that way, but maybe drizzle them with some melted chocolate or a sprinkling of confectioners’ sugar. Believe me, when we put a platter of these out to nibble on, with the “can’t get enough of it” combo of salty and sweet, they’re going to disappear in no time! Look, the recipe for my Potato Chip Cookies is online now for making good use of those leftover chips. Maybe you’ll want to go out and pick up some chips on purpose – they’re that super! Now, I’m off to the newsroom to say thanks for all they do throughout the year – and share all the "OOH IT'S SO GOOD!!®"


|1:33 |

We’re in back-to-school mode and it’s time for some fresh ideas for family mealtime – and I’ve got one with a tasty summery twist! You’ll see!

We’ll soon be saying good-bye to summer and ushering in autumn as our kids are back in school and we get even busier. How do we avoid the pitfalls of the fast food lane and get a good-tasting meal on the table fast? Maybe by tempting them with a quick, fresh-tasting stir-fry that has a surprising twist – because there’s a summertime favorite in every bite. In a skillet, we stir-fried 1-1/2 pounds of large shrimp along with some garlic. And now, in the same pan that we cooked the shrimp in, we warm together a mixture of teriyaki glaze and honey (for just a minute or so). Put the shrimp back into the pan and, for a kid-pleasing tasty surprise, we’re going to add a spark of excitement by stirring in, get this – some chopped watermelon! Yes, watermelon! It adds the right hint of sweetness, plus it’s packed with lycopene, which makes our dish even more heart-healthy! Okay, we finish it off with some sliced scallions and peanuts for more texture and color, serve that over some rice (here I’m using a combo of white and brown rice), and now just pass out the chopsticks! Look, the recipe for Kung Pao Watermelon Shrimp is online now for some good-for-them food fast that ISN’T fast food! Wait ’til you see! With watermelon adding a summery fresh taste, this one gets both our and our kids’ seal of approval. You’ll know by their "OOH IT'S SO GOOD!!®"


|1:33 |

Cornish hens are the ultimate in personal portions – even a rooster might crow about these pint-sized babies, just like we will.

Personal-sized versions of our favorites are all the rage today, like single-serving pizzas we can make with pitas, or muffin-tin mini meat loaves. Of course, the standard is the cupcake. All of these end the fuss about who got the bigger serving, as does the Cornish hen, because it’s simply a pint-sized breed of a chicken that contains proportionately more white meat, and makes mealtime special – so easily! We cut a medium-sized orange into quarters and place 1 chunk into the cavity of 4 Cornish hens. Place them in a sprayed roasting pan, season them with salt and pepper, then pour a mixture of 1 package orange-flavored gelatin, 1/2 cup light brown sugar, and 1/4 cup orange juice over them (that's to give them a splash of summer sunshine), and roast them uncovered in a preheated 350°F. oven for about 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 hours, basting them with the sauce occasionally, just until no pink remains. And when they’re done, served along with some more of the sauce spooned over them, no matter what go-along we pair them with, are we ever the heroes, because this tender, inviting-looking bird is gonna fly off their plates! For the recipe? It’s online now, or send a self-addressed, stamped envelope, marked “Glazed Cornish Hens,” to me, Mr. Food, here at the station, for a “singular sensation” that’s so small on work but big on taste, and that’s what counts – the reaction, you know the…"OOH IT'S SO GOOD!!®"



Want to be a trendsetter in the kitchen? We’ll tell you what’s “in” this year when it comes to housewares!

Today I’m out of the kitchen and on location at a housewares store to check out all the new items that are just starting to line our shelves in stores like this one. What I’m finding are even more ways to get us in and out of the kitchen with less stress and more fun. And if you’ve ever wondered how buyers choose what’s “in,” it all started months ago at the International Housewares Show in Chicago. Each year, store buyers from around the world come to check out the up-to-the-minute trends. And one of the biggest trends they found is that we consumers sure love color. That’s why manufacturers are making many of our old stand-bys in a rainbow of colors: mixing bowls, utensils, cookware all color-coordinated to accent our kitchens! And since so many of us are cooking and entertaining at home more due to the economy, manufacturers addressed that with lots of items for entertaining: platters in all sizes and shapes, trendy fondue pots ready for dipping, and handy fun helpers like popcorn makers to make movie night at home taste like you’re right in the theater! So when you’re out and about shopping like I am today, maybe even starting to think about gifts for the upcoming holidays, here’s my recipe for Pizza Fondue that’s online now, so check it out then go browse to see what’s new so you can be one of the first to enjoy the…"OOH IT'S SO GOOD!!®"


|1:38 |

Our home-cooked fast food beats anything we can buy, and don’t our kids deserve the best? We’ll show you!

This time of year, the biggest obstacle to family mealtime is the trap of buying high-in-calorie, low-in-nutrition fast food. I mean, childhood obesity is at an all-time high with about 1/3 of children in the U.S. being overweight and 15% considered obese! Both can lead to a lifetime of health issues! So don’t shortchange your kids to save time. Check out this idea instead. Watch: We place a couple cups of chopped cooked chicken in a resealable bag along with 1 package of taco seasoning mix. Leftover chicken, a rotisserie chicken or the cooked pre-cut packages will all work. Now shake it to coat the chicken. Then spread equal portions of 1 can of refried beans down the middle of 6 flour tortillas. Top each with some of the chicken, some low-fat shredded Cheddar or Mexican cheese blend, and some fresh diced plum tomatoes and onions. Roll them up and wrap them in foil, throw them right on the rack for 15 minutes in a 350-degree oven, and done, with no bowls or pans to wash! It’s simply unwrap and serve! When they taste these yummy, cheesy chicken bundles they can enjoy with their favorite salsa – red or green, mild or hot – we’re their hero! The recipe is online now, or send a self-addressed, stamped envelope, marked “Chicken Burrito Bundles,” to me, Mr. Food, here at the station, for a shortcut to mealtime that we can feel good about serving, because these bundles will save us a bundle of time and money, all the while serving up a better…



|1:40 |

Nothing gets them to the dinner table faster than a favorite comfort food – and we’ve got one you can cook up fast! Join me!

No matter the size of our family – whether we’ve got kids or not – at the end of a busy day, comfort food is always welcome, and nothing is more comforting than good old mac and cheese. And this is one super supper that we can fix quickly. Watch: In a soup pot, we brought a few cups of water to a boil along with a package of frozen mixed vegetables and the macaroni from a packaged macaroni and cheese kit (setting the cheese mix aside). Once it comes to a boil, loosely cover it and, after just 5 minutes, we add in some milk (regular or low-fat), some reduced-fat shredded Cheddar cheese, black pepper and that reserved cheese packet. Turn the heat to medium, give it a good stir and let it simmer for about 10 minutes, until it’s nice and creamy. Done! And, oh, if you want, use a different veggie – maybe go trendy and use edamame. You can even hearty it up a bit more by throwing in some leftover cooked chicken or ham; you know what they like! Make it your own way and you’re always right. It makes the ideal lunch take-along in our thermos, too! But my favorite way to serve it is to ladle this one up for dinner along with some crusty bread to soak up every last drop of goodness. Mmm mmm, they’re going to love it! Look, the recipe for my Macaroni and Cheese Soup is online now, along with a few of my other favorite soup recipes, because nothing is more welcoming or comforting than sitting down to a “feel good” meal that ends with an "OOH IT'S SO GOOD!!®"


|1:33 |

How can we double the fun of baking cookies? Invite our kids to join in and help! And you’re invited, too!

Come September, our routine sure does change from the joys of lighting a campfire to lighting our ovens to enjoy the aromas and tastes of home-baked goodies. Nothing can lift our spirits more than a batch of mouthwatering cookies, especially if we let our kids help! And these babies come from an old family recipe that’s so good we won’t be able to keep their hands out of the cookie jar! Watch: Using any brands, in a bowl, we beat together 1-1/2 sticks of softened butter and 1-1/2 cups sugar, until it’s creamy. Add in 2 large eggs, 1 cup flour, 3/4 cup cocoa and 1 teaspoon baking powder. When that’s well blended, stir in 1 package of chocolate chips and 1 cup coarsely chopped toasted pecans. We – or the kids – can drop the mixture, by heaping tablespoons, onto ungreased baking sheets. After just 8 or 9 minutes in a 350-degree oven, they’re ready to cool on wire racks. Enjoy! And we don’t want to over-bake these, unless we want a crisp cookie. This way, they will be soft and chewy, just the way we all like them! Now, along with a glass of cold milk, nothing's better! Mmm mmm! For the recipe, it’s online now, or send a self-addressed, stamped envelope, marked “Double Chocolate Chewies,” to me, Mr. Food, here at the station, for baking up an ooey gooey batch of cookies that are as fun to make as they are to eat. That makes them double the…"OOH IT'S SO GOOD!!®"


|1:42 |

It looks like spaghetti, it tastes like spaghetti, but it isn’t spaghetti. It’s a healthy option you’re going to want to try soon.

As summer winds down, changes are coming to our produce counter by way of all sorts of apples and lots of our root veggies and all types of squash. And if we’re looking to add some novelty to our mealtime routine, spaghetti squash is one of my favorites, not only for its taste but it always causes a double take. Watch: We place a whole spaghetti squash in a soup pot in about an inch of water, and bring it to a boil over a medium-high heat then cover it and let it cook about 25 to 30 minutes, until it’s tender. To see if it’s done, we gently pierce it with a knife…if the knife goes in easily, it’s done. It will be hot so, after carefully removing it to a cutting board, let it cool slightly then cut it in half lengthwise, scoop out the seeds, and watch this: With a fork, we shred the flesh of each half into strands that have the look and texture and taste of spaghetti, ready to season or sauce just like we would our spaghetti. One of my favorite ways is to sauté it with a bit of butter, garlic, salt and pepper and, of course, some fresh basil. Does that ever look good! Look, the recipe for Spaghetti Squash is online now, and when they twirl some on their fork and get a mouthful, are they going to be in for a tasty surprise! Plus, it’s a good-for-them change of pace that may just turn your finicky veggie eaters into members of the “clean plate club” so, certainly…"OOH IT'S SO GOOD!!®"


|1:36 |

What’s in the pot of gold at the end of the food rainbow? A load of healthy benefits! We’ll share some with you!

We eat with our eyes, and that’s why colorful foods always appeal to our senses. In fact, they actually may add years to our life! No guarantees, of course, but the natural pigments that make our fruits and veggies so bright make them powerhouses when it comes to protecting our bodies from many diseases as we age. (It) Turns out that research proves that the so-called “good stuff” in our produce rainbow is a compound called a phytonutrient. Now, we’re not in science class here, but basically that’s just an organic part of a plant that’s thought to promote good health. You know, along the lines of other fancy words we often hear, like “antioxidants” and “lycopene,” we come to associate all of them with healthy choices in our eating. So, technicalities aside, what does this all mean for us? Well, the red in these tomatoes and in these cranberries just might be heart-healthy for us and reduce the risk of some cancers, as antioxidant-rich vegetables like Salad Savoy and dark green leafy greens are also said to do! And heart-healthy purple fruit like Concord grapes and blue blueberries do that, too, as well as boost our brain power! Okay, the yellow in this corn has been linked to fighting one of the causes of blindness in the elderly. And we all know that the beta carotene in orange foods like carrots and sweet potatoes are good for our eyes, but did you know that they also may reduce cholesterol, making them heart-healthy and giving us food for thought? That’s ’cause this rainbow of delicious options gives us double reason to appreciate the "OOH IT'S SO GOOD!!®"


|1:43 |

Ever hear the expression “We are what we eat”? Well, we’ve got a tasty quiz for you today to prove that! You’ll see!

Recently I got an email forwarded to me that contained a really fun personality quiz tied into food…of course, I couldn’t resist that. You see, it compares our personality to what desserts we favor. It’s not a scientific study, but more like a food horoscope. Well, here’s how it works: You choose your favorite dessert from a list of 8 really popular ones. After you select it, you read the personality traits that are associated with that dessert and see if they fit. For example, it says that “Brownie lovers tend to be adventurous and have unique senses of humor.” And if you’re fun-loving and sassy, you probably have a love for vanilla cake with chocolate icing! Maybe you’re drawn to a heavenly angel food cake or can’t say “no” to a savory, sweet carrot cake, or a slice of lemon meringue pie. Each one means something different. Wonder why you’re always hankering for piled-high strawberry shortcake, or the smooth richness of a simple scoop of ice cream? Yes, there are personality traits tied to every one of them. Of course, I took the quiz…and it was me to a “T!” Want to take the Dessert Personality Quiz yourself? I’ve posted it online, along with a recipe for each and every one of the choices! So give it a try and don’t forget to pass it and the recipes along to your friends because, either way, everybody gets a laugh along with 8 to-die-for sweet endings, and every one of them is an…



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