July 2018 Minutes - Butte County

BUTTE COUNTY LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD MINUTESOroville Branch, Conference Room 3:00PM - 5:00PM Wednesday, July 18, 2018PRESENT: Ronda Hoffman, Penny Louton, Jennifer Rold, Ron Serrano , Michelle Deese. Staff Present: Melanie Lightbody, Sandy BrodrickGUESTS: Ashley Cane, Oroville Branch Librarian; Alex Chen, Library IS Tech; Ann Elliott, Chico FOL member/PatronABSENT: Joey Brett, Nancy BrowerCall to Order at 3:10 p.m.Public Comment: None.Approval of meeting minutes from April 18, 2018 (Attachment 1):Ronda Hoffman inquired if there are any changes and or clarifications need to be made to the April 2018 LAB minutes. Since there was no quorum present, approval had to be tabled until the October 2018 meeting.Introductions & Welcomes:Ms. Deese as the newest member of the LAB; Sandy Brodrick, substituting for Michele Gile; Alex Chen, Library Information Systems Technician and Ann Elliott, Chico FOL member/Patron.Correspondence: None noted.Branch Manager’s Report – Ashley Cane, Oroville Librarian:Ms. Cane shared with the LAB the following: Came in the last 2 months of the reporting period: *Mental Health Fair had a great turnout, with 40 people (additional information available in LAB packets, in Library Reports)*Summer Reading Program – 200+ children and teens; this year’s program is the same County-wide, and focuses on exploratory learning and how families can participate in the Summer Reading Program together. Books are given as prizes.*Lunch at the Library Program – Oroville Branch is the only branch hosting summer lunch program in cooperation with County Office of Education through the Cal Kids Program, with Poplar Avenue preparing and delivering the lunches. Over 150 children have been served so far. The program will continue through August 9th in an effort to combat food scarcity. Programs and activities are also included with the lunch, exploring countries and cultures through arts and snacks. The Library has formed a partnership with the Oroville Boys & Girls Club. Teens from that program plan and implement the activities that, in turn, facilitates the development of their own planning and leadership skills. *Disaster Books DisplayLibrary Director’s Report (Attachment 2)Ms. Lightbody advises the Statistics report included in the LAB Packet is a more simplified document versus past reports. Library visits have fallen because of cuts to operation hours.New Cards have remained steadyIt was discovered in a survey that 60% of patrons don’t place holds on books if they can’t find them on the shelvesPersonnel. Will be interviewing five people for the Assistant Director position on August 6, 2018.Ron says the best matrix to see = ask staff.Mel revisited the Amnesty Update Memo with Members; it will run the month of September; Mel will work with the current County Public Information Officer for a media blitz as advertisement; September (Library Card Month); Cannot advertise the Library fine amnesty until it is officially approved by the Board of Supervisors.TO DO: Call your respective Supervisors to let them know about this campaign and that it will be presented before the BOS, soliciting their support. BOS should see it coming from LAB, not the Libraries or the Director.Old BusinessRonda Hoffman asks that LAB members be copied when sending emails to FOLs to ensure good communication and shared information/knowledge base.NVCF Grant Review/Funds: Ideation Collaboration has been selected to help develop the Strategic Plan. Since the charge is $3,000.00 less than budgeted, the LAB now has additional money to address other needs.Quarterly Reports handed out to LAB members in packets. The 2% management fees are used to offer trainings and help. The LAB should be aware of what’s available (trainings, etc.).Only the interest is available for use. However, Interest and Profit will be swept into a separate no-interest account so it is then directly available for use.Lightbody will contact NVCF and get an update on the funds in the separate account.FOL / LAB Social Media Training, further fund-raising education, FOL Board Recruitment, other ideasIs there a need for social media training? Opportunities that were offered received mild responses.Are there other collaborations that would be beneficial to LAB? TBD.Strategic Plan – Discussion of LAB priorities for strategic planMs. Lightbody/Ms. Mulford will develop a Google form to poll interests & needs (who do you want involved in that process? When to have the meetings?)Expect a serious discussion on a Strategic Focus on County Services and Sustainable Funding to take place August 28th. The County Board of Supervisors will have a discussion regarding sustainable funding of fire mittee Reports: Marketing & FundraisingFundraising (will be known as Sustainable Funding committee from here on)Jen Rold visited all FOL meetings with the exception of Gridley due to scheduling conflict. FOLs appreciated knowing that the LAB is involved.The committee may begin work on the planned giving effort again. Ron Serrano will investigate training options for outreach to professionals with NVCF.MarketingNorth Valley Foundation will help with outreach to various professionals. There might be an opportunity for training. It would be a great project for a joint FOL “super group.”It was suggested that Ronda Hoffman, Nancy Brower, and Callie Lutz try to come up with a marketing plan.Will hear more about outreach internship(s) at the October meeting, after school has started. It would be ideal to have one Public Relations Intern and one Marketing Intern.New Business:Discussed the value of spending money to send Alex Chen to Portland to meet the developers of Library software at an upcoming conference so as to be able to address things from the root of the program, so that Alex may adapt the program for Butte County Library’s uses. It will also help developers of the software program to understand what problems are being encountered on the users’ end.Unable to vote to give Mr. Chen the money due to the lack of a quorum but given the unexpected $3,000.00 not being spent on the Strategic Plan as well as potential fiscal donations from the various FOLs, Mr. Chen was unofficially encouraged to make travel arrangements.IF Mr. Chen attends the conference and is reimbursed by the LAB, he will be required to meet with the LAB in October and present a report.County will pay for any difference in funding between what is supplied and what is needed by this project.Joint Friends group discussion. Duplication of efforts – group fizzled because members were members of multiple boards; FOLs may be exploring forming this group again.Friends of the Library Liaison Reports:Reported on current and future activities of their organizations, Upcoming LAB openings:There are currently three open positions and others will soon be reaching the end of their official term. New Board members should begin in January 2019, so there is only one meeting between this meeting and January.How best to recruit new LAB appointments? This is the domain of the individual supervisor.Another options would be to contact new BOS members and ask if they would like to begin their term by helping LAB to fill its vacancies.It was requested that Mel Lightbody inquire of CAO and COB and send and a simplified version of the process to current LAB members.It should also be mentioned that Chico FOL is looking for members and officers. Review of Assignments / Actions for the next meeting:Mel is going to contact the two new Supervisors to set up an appointment to talk about the value of FOLs and the LAB. The LAB may consider inviting Supervisors but Ms. Hoffman suggests that the LAB wait until we have a full LAB. Ron will report back on behalf of Nominating Committee with proposed slate of officers.Mel to contact Callie Lutz to set up a meeting with the LAB Marketing committee.Mel Lightbody to discuss proper recruitment and send a simplified version of the LAB recruitment process to current members.Ron (working with CFOL Ann Elliott) will report on possible formation of Butte County Friends of the Library.TO DO: Call your respective Supervisors to let them know about Amnesty campaign and that it will be presented before the BOS.Ron Serrano will report back about NVCF training on outreach to professionals.Jen Rold to reports on meeting with Supervisor-Elect Ritter and Supervisor-Elect Lucero.Meeting Adjourned at 4:21 P.M.Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 – Gridley Library Meeting Room ................

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