January 12th. 2004

6.15pm at the Legion

Present: President: Marc Fournier

Voting members: Janis Halbert, Maggie Sparrow, Bryce Johnston, Maude Snow, Linda Wilkinson, Anne Hawkins, Don Allison, Tom Kinnear, Ruth Jones, Mary Anderson, Bill Todd.

Unable to attend: Jeanie McFadyen.

1. Call to Order. Meeting started at 6.20pm.

2. President’s comments: Marc welcomed the new members to the board, and emphasized that as we have only a short time for our meetings it is important that everyone arrives promptly and that we start on time.

3. Review of minutes of December 8th meeting. Motion to accept the minutes, Maude, seconded by Anne, passed.

4. Business arising.

Should our non-ACBL 49ers be exempted from the extra charge for special games. (This extra charge may be $1 for some games but more for others.) Maggie suggested that many of the 49ers, being new players to the club, do not yet belong to ACBL. If they stay away because of the extra charge the 49er special games are going to have a very small attendance. Marc suggested that Maude take a poll, asking 49ers whether they will pay the extra or stay away. Maude to report back at next meeting.

5. Reports.

Club Manager: Nothing to report at this time.

Treasurer: End of December figures presented (see attached ). Also the 2003 year end totals (see attached). Current state of finances: Chequing account 1427.98, GIC 5000.00, Cash 150.00. Total $6577.98.

Chief Director: Directing schedule for 2004 updated and available. Directors’ meeting to be held Monday Jan. 19th. at 6.45pm.

Membership Secretary: New memberships for BBA for 2004 now being sold ($10) and membership data being updated. Bryce is also keeping track of ACBL membership and working on data details for Unit and club masterpoint races. Everyone has until the end of January to renew club membership, at that point the extra $1 charge for non-club members for all games takes effect. The first ‘special’ game that will require extra charge from non-ACBL members is the Junior Fund game the first week of February (+$1).

6. New Business

a. Rent. Marc has received a letter from the Legion stating that our rent will be increased to $90 +GST per session from Jan. 1st. After discussion it was decided that Marc would send a letter back replying that we think the 20% increase to be considerable, and that we need a little time to consider our options. A committee was formed of Don Allison, Tom Kinnear, Linda Wilkinson, to search for other premises to rent.

b. Social. Anne asked if we would like the monthly birthday cakes to continue. After short discussion it was decided we should continue this. Anne asked if we could hold a Pot Luck Goodie day in February, where it is suggested that members bring in something yummy for snacks. Ann was given the go ahead to organize this.

c. Adventures in Duplicate books. Maggie reported that this book has been updated by ACBL and that she had suggested that the Unit look into purchasing these in bulk for clubs to buy. Motion Tom, seconded Linda, that we purchase 30 of these for resale to new members or teachers.

d. Other duties. Linda Wilkinson offered to take on the job of looking after the supply of greetings cards, getting signatures and mailing out to members in hospital, for bereavement, etc.

e. Library. Updated list of books now available. Maggie pointed out that many of our books are new and suggested that with the mentoring program in progress we should try to make all members more aware of this service.

f. Budget. Marc submitted a first draft of the new budget for 2004. (see attached.) Maggie pointed out that the Learning Game donation would increase this year to $1 per person per game, which should bring in about $1000. Arrangements for permission for the 299er silver point tournament for June have stalled. Tom promised to make phone calls to rectify the situation.

7. Any Other Business. Marc asked the treasurer to pay out the fee of $150 to the Membership secretary, and $75 to the Secretary, for computer expenses. Maggie (secretary) donated hers to the bridge club library.

Meeting adjourned at 7.25pm.

Next meeting Monday February 9th at 6.15pm. END



February 9th. 2004 at the Legion

Present: President: Marc Fournier

Voting members: Janis Halbert, Bryce Johnston, Maude Snow, Linda

Wilkinson, Maggie Sparrow, Bill Todd, Ruth Jones, Jeanie McFadyen,

Mary Anderson, Tom Kinnear.

Unable to attend: Anne Hawkins, Don Allison.

1. Call to Order. Meeting started promptly at 6.15 pm.

2. President’s comments. Marc thanked everyone for arriving promptly and kept his comments brief to allow maximum time for agenda.

3. Review of minutes of January 12th. meeting. Motion to accept the minutes, Maude, seconded by Bill, carried.

4. Business arising.

49ers extra charge….see under new business.

Budget for 2004, Marc reported this is not yet refined, pending rent/increase/move.

5. Reports.

Club Manager: Janis reported that she has the hand records for tomorrow (10th.) for ICC game, and for next week’s STAC games. Monday (16th.) will also be a 99er game as well as the open game. (Members need to be reminded.) Supplies are also ordered.

Treasurer: Mary gave out financial statement. (See attached.) As of Jan.31st. 2004 our total assets stand at $8085.18.

Chief Director: With the directors reading the set of directions each time, the games have been moving along better. (This set of directions, given out and discussed at the directors’ meeting on Monday Jan. 19th, is in point form and designed to speed up the game.) However, there is still some chatting continuing during director’s announcements, this needs to be worked on.

Membership: 159 paid up BBA members for 2004, of which 101 (64%) are ACBL members. Bryce has started working on an ‘Ace of Barrie Clubs’ race, ie. tabulating the most points won each month at the Barrie Clubs (not just ours).

6. New Business.

a. Kempenfelt Friendship Day. (Feb. 29th.) Organization is underway. Ann is helping with coffee, food etc, Bryce is getting trophies for winners. Volunteers will be needed at 9.30am on the day to set up tables, etc.

b. Special Games, extra fees. Maude and Jeanie reported results of their telephone survey of the 49ers. Non acbl members do not object to paying the extra fee for special games.

c. Zero tolerance. Members need continual reminding of this, and directors need to be consistent in dealing with it. A zero tolerance form is also available, to be used for incidences away from the table, or for unsatisfactorily resolved disputes. Maggie agreed to write one item in newsletter each month to educate members about what zero tolerance means.

d. Coffee. Suggestion that we purchase a jar of instant coffee, for use on the occasion that our coffee urn runs out before the end of a game.

e. Relocation Committee report. (see attached) Tom, Linda and Don had viewed several places that might be suitable for holding our bridge club and gave us the pros and cons with each one. Discussion followed. Marc suggested that he go back to the Legion to see if any negotiation is possible in the rent increase, and we meet again in two weeks time (Feb. 23rd.) to make decisions. Maude thanked the committee for all their hard work.

Meeting adjourned at 7.20 pm.

Next meeting Monday February 23rd. at 6.15pm. (extra meeting)

Next month’s meeting Monday March 8th. at 6.15pm. (regular meeting)




February 23rd. 2004

6.15 pm at the Legion

Present: President: Marc Fournier

Voting members: Janis Halbert, Bryce Johnston, Linda Wilkinson, Maude Snow, Ruth Jones, Jeanie McFadyen, Ann Hawkins, Kim Lacey-Young, Mary Anderson, Maggie Sparrow, Tom Kinnear.

This was an extra meeting called to discuss the Relocation Committee’s report on three possible new venues. The Events Centre, North West Barrie United Church, and 80 Bradford Street.

To help the decision making, Marc gave out a Venue Selection Matrix with factors listed down the side such as play space, parking space, storage, accessibility, cost, etc.

Each of the three venues was discussed and considered, with regard to the various factors.

Marc also informed us of his negotiations with the Legion, who have agreed to reduce the rent increase, setting it at $80 per session (up from $75) instead of $90, GST extra.

The Events Centre was considered not suitable because of the stairs and lack of elevator. 80 Bradford Street would require a considerable amount of money spent on refurbishing, even though it would give us a facility to use 24/7.

The Church was considered by some to be a smaller playing area than we need and the parking to be somewhat restricted.

Kim made a motion that we stay at the Legion, at least until the end of the year, seconded by Jeanie. Voting, 9 for, 2 against, carried.

A complaint was received from director Larry Stefnik about the behaviour of a player on February 4th. Motion by Tom, seconded by Maude, that Don Allison be suspended from playing at the club pending a letter of apology to the director. Carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7.15pm.




Monday March 8th. 2004

6.15pm. at the Legion

Present: President: Marc Fournier

Voting members: Janis Halbert, Ann Hawkins, Linda Wilkinson, Ruth Jones, Mary Anderson, Jeanie McFadyen, Kim Lacey-Young, Maggie Sparrow, Bill Todd, Bryce Johnston.

Unable to attend: Tom Kinnear, Maude Snow.

1. Call to order. Meeting started at 6.15pm.

2. President’s comments. Marc thanked Jane and Bryce and all the volunteers who helped make Friendship Day run smoothly; it went extremely well.

3. Review of minutes of Feb. 9th and Feb. 23rd. meetings. Omission of Kim to replace Don Allison, who resigned as a member at large. Motion to amend the minutes, Janis, seconded Anne. Passed.

4. Business arising. Lease and budget to be discussed under new business. Janis questioned the letter to Don informing him of suspension. It seems that under our Bylaws the suspension must have a given time frame. Some discussion followed about how rudeness incidents should be reported and dealt with, as many of us heard about this incident second hand. In general, incidents during a game should be reported to the Chief Director who then forms an ad hoc grievance committee to examine the issue and question witnesses, then report to the executive. Motion Bill, seconded Jeanie, that Don Allison be suspended for two months from the date of the incident (Feb.4th). Voting, 9 for, 1 against. Carried. Marc to write explanatory letter to Don.

5. Reports.

Club Manager: Garrison Trophy matches between clubs, dates still to be arranged, although our club trials are scheduled for last two Wednesdays in April. CBF Junior Fund Games held first week of February raised $152.

Hand records have been received for the ACBL wide charity game to be held March 24th.

Treasurer: (see attached financial statements) From Nov.1st to Feb.29th the club showed a profit, due to Friendship day income and membership dues collected, of $326, up from the minus 500 shown last month. Increase in directors’ fees means we need to project $7500 for that item for this year.

Chief Director: no report as Tom away on holiday.

Membership: Currently 181, of which 70% are now ACBL members.

Some discussion on who is signing up new members and where.

6. New Business.

a. Kempenfelt Friendship Day report. (see attached). Profit of $1296.97. Date for next year will be Sunday February 13th. 2005. Thanks to all who helped to make it a great day.

b. Standby Program. Ruth expressed some concern that some members are not signing up to be a standby out of fear that they may have to play with a certain member who frequently turns up without a partner and who’s behaviour towards his partner sometimes leaves much to be desired. After some discussion on the best way to handle this situation, Marc agreed to send a letter of warning to the member concerned.

c. Coffee pots. One is not working adequately, Marc to purchase another to replace.

d. Lease Renewal/Extension. Renegotiations have resulted in our rent now set at $80 +GST per session. The lease has been signed to the end of December. A suggestion was made that we ask the Legion to consider allowing us to extend the lease to the end of December 2005. Motion, Janis, seconded Bill, voting 9 for 1 against. Carried.

e. Relocation fund. Deferred to next meeting.

f. Bridge in Barrie web site. This is to be found at , a commercial site that can be used by clubs to post results and boards for a small fee each month. Currently both Big Bay club and Sunday Special results are posted there. After discussion, motion Ruth, seconded Bill, that Bryce be given the go-ahead and the necessary fees to add BBA results to the web site. Passed.

Meeting adjourned at 7.25pm.

Meeting continued Wednesday March 10th at 7pm. Maude also present.

g. Budget 2004. (see attached) Marc presented a budget for 2004, taking into account our new rent and increased directors’ fees. Motion Maude, seconded by Bill, that the proposed budget be approved. Passed.

7. Other Business.

Anne suggested that we have a potluck for our Tuesday Summer Luncheon (July 6th.) as the goody day was so well supported. Agreed. Also a suggestion was made that we hold another potluck goody day in May, Anne to arrange.

Meeting adjourned at 7.25pm. Next meeting Monday April 12th at 6.15 pm. END



Wednesday April 14th, 2004

6.15 pm at the Legion

Present: President: Marc Fournier

Voting members: Kim Lacey-Young, Mary Anderson, Jeanie McFadyen,

Bill Todd, Ruth Jones, Tom Kinnear, Linda Wilkinson, Maude Snow,

Anne Hawkins, Maggie Sparrow, Janis Halbert.

Unable to attend: Bryce Johnston.

1. Call to Order: Meeting started at 6.15pm.

2. President’s comments: Marc said that there is not a lot on the agenda right now but more coming up in the near future.

3. Review of minutes of March 8th meeting: Motion to accept the minutes, Bill, seconded Janis, passed.

4. Business arising: Coffee pot seems to be working fine now, so we don’t need a new one at present. The lease renewal is signed. The letter asking for lease extension about to be sent, pending discussion between Marc and Legion officials.

5. Reports.

Club Manager: Janis has received our 1 Star Club certificate from ACBL and will get a frame for it. Garrison Trophy event to be discussed under new business. Information received about the 2004 North American Open Pairs: table fees for this event have been reduced to $4 US per person, down from $7, and we can now have two qualifying games per month per sanctioned game. Motion by Tom, that we hold one NAOP qualifying game per session per month for the months of June, July and August, during the last week of each month. Seconded by Maude, passed. Janis to write up short article for the June newsletter to make members aware of these events.

Treasurer: Net worth March 31st. $7987.94. Mary’s computer gave us some interesting tables. (see attached). Some discussion about whether we will soon need to increase fees, as costs have risen (higher directors’ fees, more free game tickets, increase in rent.)

Chief Director: Tom congratulated the directors in doing a great job implementing his recommendations for fairer games (eg. roving pair for some movements) and speeding up the games by advising players at the beginning of each game about making opening lead promptly etc. Maggie asked if we could have a directors’ meeting in the near future to address Zero Tolerance and how this policy affects what we do as directors and how we penalize the offender by ¼ board.

Membership: no report as Bryce not present.

6. New Business

a. 299er Sectional June 27th. Paper supplies needed will come from club supplies, but be costed separately. Marc said the club will help in any way. Some discussion of holding a side game during the tournament, turned down as we have no idea how many tables of tournament players we will have.

b. Complaint on Special Games Fee. Received from Walter Metcalf, who objects to paying an extra fee as a non-ACBL member. Marc to send a reply stating our reasons for implementing this fee.

c. Section Splitting. Once recently we had enough tables (17, Mentoring party night) that the director was able to split the game into two sections. This makes extra work, and is not easy for a playing director. Guidelines are needed as to when to split, whether an extra fee is needed, or another director, etc. Tom to come up with recommendations and bring to next meeting.

d. Relocation Fund. If we are to start such a fund, we need to raise the fees. For example, we could raise the fees from the present $4 to $5, put .50 in the relocation fund and .50 towards our extra expenses. We would also need to change the Constitution to allow the build up of savings. It was agreed to form a Relocation Fund committee to look into what needs to be done. Bill Todd, Janis Halbert to form the committee and co-opt one more member from the general membership and report to next meeting

e. 2004 Regional September. Marc again offered any help from the club as needed.

f. Garrison Trophy Event. There are now six clubs involved in this event. Barrie, Big Bay, Collingwood, Midland, Orillia. The final will be held Sunday June 13 at the Masonic Hall, 24 James St. E, Orillia, starting at 11am. Our club will send two teams from each section, based on results of our team games held April 21st and 28th. C section is 0-100 so we will send the winning 49er team, and a winner in the 0-100 on the open side, and two winning teams from B section 100-750, and two winning teams from A section 750+. The cost for the day will be $15 per player, with two sessions of bridge and a meal of lasagne, salad, dessert and coffee. We need to confirm the number of teams participating by June 6th.

Meeting adjourned at 7.25pm. Next meeting: Monday May 10th at 6.15pm.



Monday May 10th 2004

6.15pm. at the Legion

Present: President: Marc Fournier

Voting members: Janis Halbert, Kim Lacey-Young, Maude Snow, Ruth Jones, Maggie Sparrow, Bill Todd, Linda Wilkinson, Bryce Johnston, Mary Anderson, Tom Kinnear.

Unable to attend: Jeanie McFadyen, Anne Hawkins

1. Call to order: Meeting started at 6.15pm.

2. President’s comments: reserved for end of meeting.

3. Review of minutes of April 14th meeting: Motion to accept the minutes as read, Kim, seconded by Bill, passed.

4. Business arising: Marc will buy two new coffee pots the next time he goes to Toronto, and in time for the June tournament.

5. Reports.

Club manager: North American Open Pairs (NAOP) qualifying games. At the last meeting it was decided to hold one game in the last week of each month for June, July, and August. Janis found that a better solution to fit our schedule would be to hold them on the following dates:

June 28, 29, 30

July 19, 20, 21

August 9, 10, 11

Motion, Maggie, seconded by Bryce, that we adopt the dates proposed by Janis, passed.

Treasurer: Net worth April 30th. $8596.34. Budget on target. But income from our major fundraisers for the year (memberships, Friendship Day) is already included. So at some point this year we may still need to think about finding extra funding.

Chief Director: Directors’ meeting is now scheduled for Monday May 31st. at 6.30 pm. No report yet on section splitting etc, as per last meeting.

Membership: BBA paid up members 197, 68% ACBL. A new phone list will be produced in June or July.

6. New Business.

a. Summer Luncheon Tuesday July 6th. It has already been decided to hold this as a Pot Luck instead of catered. After some discussion it was also decided that members will pay for their game.

b. Standby Program. After some discussion it was decided that starting immediately, directors will be instructed to place a sheet of paper on the "sign-in" table with the heading "LOOKING".  Anyone arriving without a partner will be asked to sign his/her name on this sheet so that directors can pair players up before game time. 

c. Garrison Swiss Team Qualifying game, Wednesday April 28th. A complaint has been received from Team 12 (see attached) who somehow did not get credited with a win after round 6. A committee consisting of Kim, Marc and Jane will meet to look into this and report back to next meeting.

d. Relocation Fund Committee report. (see attached) Motion by Maude, seconded by Tom that the executive board accept the report. Passed.

7. Any Other Business

Marc expressed surprise and regret about the tone in some recent emails between executive board members, and urged everyone to keep the correspondence civil.

Meeting adjourned at 7.25pm.

Next meeting Monday June 14th at 6.15 pm.

Addition to Minutes of May 10th 2004.

Report of the Relocation Fund Committee.

The Ad Hoc Relocation Fund Committee (AHRFC), consisting of Bill Todd

(Chair), Joe Gray, and Janis Halbert, sat to determine how the BBA could

create such a fund without breaking the current constitution. The AHRFC

determined that the best way to do this is by amending the Constitution. To

amend the Constitution, a petition needs to be signed by a minimum of

fifteen members (Article 11.1). Subsequently, Articles 11.2 - 11.4 would

then follow.

The AHRFC took this opportunity to draft an amendment to the Constitution.

We are suggesting that a new Article (see below) be included under "Article

6 - Basic Operational Policies".


Article 6.13

The Association shall put aside all funds in excess of $8 000.00 and

required working capital in to a relocation fund to defray expenses in the

event that we have or want to change locations. This fund shall not exceed

$20 000.00 and shall be reviewed by the General Membership every five years

at the Annual General Meeting. Should the membership decide this fund is no

longer necessary, the funds will go back into general revenue and this

Article (6.13) will be cancelled.



Monday June 14th 2004

6.15pm. at the Legion

Present: President: Marc Fournier

Voting members: Janis Halbert, Linda Wilkinson, Bryce Johnston, Anne

Hawkins, Mary Anderson, Ruth Jones, Tom Kinnear, Jeanie McFadyen,

Bill Todd, Kim Lacey-Young, Maggie Sparrow.

Unable to attend: Maude Snow

1. Call to Order: Meeting started at 6.15pm.

2. President’s comments: Marc congratulated the winners of the Garrison Trophy, the team of Janis Halbert, Craig Barkhouse, Paul Crossland, Rob Avery, brought the trophy back to Barrie.

Point of Order: Maggie (secretary) pointed out that all Committee findings and results need to be brought to Board, and the reports made in writing so that they can be included in the Minutes.

3. Review of minutes of May 10th . Motion to accept the minutes, Anne, seconded

by Mary, passed.

4. Business arising: Coffee pots, Marc not yet had a chance to purchase new ones.

Relocation fund, the committee recommendations now need to be implemented. Marc to draft a petition sheet to be circulated among members, also a brief explanation could be published in the newsletter to inform.

5. Reports.

Club Manager: Letter received from CBF thanking us for our Charity Game (March 24th.) contribution, $122.50 was sent to assist with child poverty. Letter received from ACBL that we have earned one upgraded club championship game having recruited 10 new ACBL members. Janis to decide before our next meeting when this will be held. Our local Charity Game (May 26th.) raised $68 for the Royal Victoria Hospital.

Treasurer: (see attached) Net worth May 31st $8671.40. Prorated budget, most things on target, table fees up (which is good).

Chief Director: Tom reported that the directors met on June 7th. and discussed Zero Tolerance, learning how adjusted scoring penalties work on the computer. Directors are also asked to continue to plan and make announcements prior to the game. Other directors can play their part by insisting on ‘shush’ at their table. The meeting also recommended that if the field becomes large, movement splitting, with an additional fee for the director, should be used. Motion by Bill, if the field is 16 or more tables it may be split into two sections and the director will be paid an additional $15 for the extra work involved. Seconded by Tom, voting, all in favour, passed.

Membership: We now have 205 paid up club members, of which 140 are ACBL, which is 68%. A new phone list is being prepared; it will also include email addresses.

6. New Business.

a. Summer Luncheon. Tuesday July 6th. Pot Luck. Anne has started sign-up sheets for people to indicate what they will bring. We will move birthday cake week to the week of July 22nd. Luncheon will start at 11.30 am. with punch.

b. Summer Party. Wednesday July 14th. Pot Luck. Again, Anne is organizing the sign-up sheets for food. Anne will also buy roses for the tables for prizes.

c. Fall schedule. Some changes in the game schedule needed, Janis to organize and give to Bryce for inclusion on the last page of the phone list.

d. Standby program. Marc suggested we have a standardized ‘looking for a partner’ sheet, to photocopy and use each game. Ruth agreed to make one.

e. Garrison Swiss qualifying team games, complaint resolution. The committee met and a resolution was reached. Marc to write up the report.

f. Swiss Team computer instruction. Marc feels we need to give our directors some instruction on using the ACBL score program for Swiss teams. Marc to ask Jane for a suitable date when she could give us a one hour lesson, he will then notify the directors.

g. 299er Sectional. June 27th. Planning going well. Club member Margaret Davey offered to run a ‘penny auction’ to raise extra money to go towards new bid box cards for the open game. After discussion it was decided not to do it at this tournament.

h. 2004 Regional. Sept. 14th – 19th Planning going well. Marc and Bryce to discuss a possible 2005 Sectional.

7. Other Business. None at this time.

Meeting adjourned at 7.25pm.

Next meeting Monday August 9th. at 6.15pm at the Legion. NO MEETING IN JULY.



Monday August 9th, 2004

6.15 pm. at the Legion

Present: President: Marc Fournier

Voting members: Janis Halbert, Bill Todd, Maude Snow, Maggie Sparrow, Ruth Jones, Linda Wilkinson, Kim Lacey-Young, Bryce Johnston.

Unable to attend: Mary Anderson, Tom Kinnear, Ann Hawkins, Jeanie McFadyen.

1. Call to order: Meeting started at 6.15 pm.

2. President’s comments: none at this time.

3. Review of minutes of last meeting, June 14th. Motion to accept the minutes, Maude, seconded by Bryce, passed.

4. Business arising:

New coffee pots not yet purchased.

Relocation Fund, Marc still working on the petition for the club.

Training on Swiss Team directing – Jane has agreed to do it and will set a date.

5. Reports.

Club Manager: Janis reported that there has been some game schedule changes in November, due to a change in the ACBL STAC date change.

Nov.24th will be our AGM and updated club championship game.

Nov. 29, 30 and Dec.1 will be the STAC games.

Treasurer: Mary was not able to attend but submitted the financial report (see attached). Net worth July 31st $10,460.36. Increase due in part to income from the 299er tournament.

Chief Director: not present, no report.

Membership: BBA paid up members 212, of which 144 are ACBL, which is 68%. The new phone list with email addresses and fall game schedule is now available at the club.

6. New Business.

a. Summer Luncheon and Dinner. Potluck for both very successful, but attendance numbers were down. Some discussion of a possible change in schedule for next year, maybe the summer luncheon in May and the dinner in July, to avoid having the two events too close together.

b. Standby Program. Still some problems with matching up one particular member, and the standby sometimes refusing to play with him. After discussion on best way to solve this, motion Janis, seconded by Kim, that if the Standby person refuses to play with any particular player and goes home, then he will forfeit his two free game cards. Voting, 5 for, 3 against, carried.

c. Fall Schedule. There have been some changes, members should refer to the new fall schedule on the back of the new (green) phone list, or consult the web site. bib

d. Garrison Swiss Qualifying – Complaint Resolution. (see attached). Marc submitted a written report on the outcome of the ad hoc committee (Kim, Marc, and Larry Stefnik) who dealt with this complaint. Motion Janis, seconded Bill, that the executive accept this report, passed. The executive thanked the committee for their work.

e. Zero Tolerance Complaint. Kim submitted a complaint (see attached) about an incident concerning the behaviour of Tom Kinnear at the club on Wed. July 7, when she took a director call at his table. Tom has since apologized in writing to Kim.

f. Director Swiss Qualification Lesson. See under Business Arising.

g. 299er Sectional June 27th. Financial report from Mary (see attached) shows that the club made a profit of $1216.14. This was a successful day, our thanks go to all who helped and participated.

h. Welcome Folders. Maggie reported that she had made up some welcome folders, to be given out to any new person attending the club for the first time. They contain our weekly game times, info about acbl, the latest newsletter and phone list, and a bidding sheet. The new player can also be offered an Adventures in Duplicate book, for $3.

i. September 49er games. These will be held both Mondays and Wednesdays during September (ACBL 49er month), except no game on the 15th, during the Regional. Directors are needed. Novice co-ordinators will phone the 49er list at the end of August. After discussion, it was agreed that we would have at trophy for the player winning the most points during the month, including attendance, Maggie and Janis to come up with the criteria for the competition.

j. 2004 Regional. Planning is going well, we can help with volunteers if necessary.

k. Nominating Committee. We need to start thinking about next year’s executive. A committee of three from the general membership needs to be appointed by the executive as a Nominating Committee.

7. No other business.

Meeting adjourned at 7.15pm. Next meeting: Monday September 13th at 6.15pm.



Monday September 13th 2004

6.15pm. at the Legion

Present: President: Marc Fournier

Voting members: Janis Halbert, Linda Wilkinson, Ruth Jones, Mary Anderson, Maude Snow, Anne Hawkins, Maggie Sparrow

1. Call to order: Meeting started at 6.15pm.

2. President’s comments: Marc thanked everyone who helped today with setting up the tournament, starting tomorrow.

3. Review of minutes of last meeting, August 9th, 2004. Motion to accept the minutes, Maude, seconded by Anne, passed.

4. Business arising:

New coffee pots not yet purchased.

Relocation Fund, Marc is still working on this and asked Mary for a ‘cost per person per game’. Mary to consult computer and come up with a figure.

5. Reports:

Club Manager: Janis reported that she has registered the Club for STAC week, November 29 – December 5.

Treasurer: Mary presented the financial report (see attached). Net worth Aug. 31st $10,966.66. Prorated items all on target.

Chief Director: not present, no report.

Membership: Bryce not present, no report.

6. New Business

a. Winter Luncheon and Dinner. Luncheon November 30th, Dinner December 8th. Anne to bring suggested menus to next meeting for decision.

b. Chief Director: Tom sent an email giving his resignation from this post, but may be reconsidering.

c. Zero Tolerance Complaint: Following an incident at the club on August 25th after the game, Joy Smith filed a complaint about Shirley McCrone. Marc formed a committee of Marc (chair) Wes Jones and Jim Bailey to investigate the incident. (see attached report) In summary, the committee called witnesses and did find evidence that Shirley pushed/hit Joy, and gave Shirley a 2 month suspension from the club. Marc wrote up the report.

Motion to accept the report and the suspension, Maggie, seconded by Janis, passed.

N.B. For future committees: the correct parliamentary procedure is for the Committee to bring the findings back to the Executive (calling an emergency meeting if necessary) and have the Executive board discuss and vote to accept or reject the findings and the solution offered by the committee.

d. Directors’ lesson for Swiss Team games: Jane has agreed to teach any of

of our directors who want to learn. Marc to liaise with Jane to fix a date to

to suit everyone.

e. 2004 Regional: BBA is loaning tables for this event (Unit to pay agreed

rental fee). Marc will also take bidding boxes and boxes of cards and keep

these in his truck in case they are needed. Tom also asked if he could

have some free game cards to reward those players who are acting as

‘spare’. It was suggested that Tom could give Janis a list of players being

rewarded, the Unit to pay the cost of the free games, and Janis could give

out. Motion Janis, seconded by Mary, that BBA charge $1 per session per

bidding box if used, and $10 per session per box of cards if used, and $4 per free game. Passed.

f. Nominating Committee: Marc suggested the following individuals from

the membership for this committee: Doug Young (chair), Len Dale, RoseMarie Bullis. Motion, Maude, seconded by Linda, that this committee be formed for the purpose of drawing up a slate of officers to be voted in at the Annual General Meeting on November 24th.

g. 2005 Schedule: Janis produced a proposed schedule, some discussion followed. President cup will still be first week of each month, but for nine months not ten. The social events (luncheons and dinners) will be separated by several months. No 99er games will be scheduled, due to poor attendance this year. The two rookie/master games will be the Helen Shields on Monday April 25, and the Al Harrison on Wednesday October 5th.

7. No other business.

Meeting adjourned at 7.15pm.

Next meeting: Monday October 4th at 6.15pm. at the Legion.



Monday October 4th, 2004

6.15pm. at the Legion

Present: President: Marc Fournier

Voting members: Janis Halbert, Bryce Johnston, Kim Lacey-Young, Ruth

Jones, Maude Snow, Maggie Sparrow, Anne Hawkins.

Unable to attend: Tom Kinnear, Jeanie McFadyen.

1. Call to order: Meeting started at 6.15pm.

2. President’s comments. Marc is looking for items to mention in his speech at the A.G.M. in November. Please remind him of anything that needs to be included.

3. Review of minutes of last meeting, September 13th, 2004. Motion to accept the minutes, Anne, seconded Ruth, passed.

4. Business arising:

Two new coffee pots have been purchased.

Relocation Fund: Marc handed out a prepared statement and asked for comments from Executive members, to be handed in to him so that he can prepare this for presentation to club members before the A.G.M.

5. Reports:

Club Manager: Janis provided printout of the September 49er trophy month results. 31 people participated, the winners were (tied) Elizabeth Leclair and Dee Wismer.

Chief Director: not present, no report.

Treasurer: Net worth September 30th 2004 was $10,103.80.

Membership: Current paid up members 215, of which 150 are ACBL, which is 70%. New members coming in now will get next year’s membership at $10. Fees for next year for existing members not yet set.

6. New Business

a. Winter Luncheon and Dinner. Luncheon, Tues. Nov. 30th. Anne presented two menus from Catering by Colin. It was agreed to go with chili, mashed potatoes, crusty rolls, salad and squares. Tickets will be $12, including the game.

Dinner, Wed. Dec. 8th. It was agreed to try the Legion Ladies Auxiliary, buffet. Menu: Chicken and beef, mashed potatoes, tomato juice, peas and carrots, assorted pies. Tickets will be $20, including the game.

b. Director Swiss Qualification Lesson: to be held Wed. Oct. 13th at

6.15pm with Jane.

c. 2004 Regional: payment for table rental. Postponed to next meeting.

d. Nomination Committee: Doug Young, Rose-Marie Bullis, Len Dale,

are working on finding people for the new slate of officers.

d. Charity: one of our members, B.J. Kubetz, has recently been raising

money for charity by taking part in the Breast Cancer Run. Motion, Janis, seconded, Byce, that we donate $100 to B.J. for the Breast Cancer Run charity, passed.

7. Other Business.

Marc mentioned that there will likely be a rent increase next year of 10%.

Meeting adjourned at 7.20pm.

Next meeting Monday November 8th, 2004 at 6.15pm. at the Legion.



Monday November 8th, 2004

6.15 pm. at the Legion

Present: President: Marc Fournier

Voting members: Kim Lacey-Young, Mary Anderson, Jean McFadyen, Linda Wilkinson, Bryce Johnston, Maggie Sparrow, Ruth Jones, Janis Halbert, Tom Kinnear, Anne Hawkins.

Unable to attend: Maud Snow, Bill Todd.

1. Call to order. Meeting started at 6.20 pm.

2. President’s comments. None at this time.

3. Review of minutes of last meeting, October 4th, 2004. Marc said that at the last meeting he said that the likely increase in rent would be 5% not the incorrectly recorded 10%. Motion to amend the minutes, then accept as corrected, Kim, seconded by Mary. Passed.

4. Business arising.

Marc’s Relocation Fund statement will be read and dealt with at the Annual General Meeting on November 24th.

5. Reports:

Club Manager: Janis has worked out the President’s Cup winners. She is also filling up the forms to apply for an ACBL Star Rating. (This year we had a one star rating.) If we have recruited 10 new ACBL members we are eligible for a two star rating. Bryce to check membership list. Next year’s game schedule is ready and will be distributed at the A.G.M.

Treasurer: Mary presented the B.B.A. year-end statement. (Nov.1/03 – Oct. 31/04) Total assests: $9489.42. The year overall was up $872.50.

Chief Director: There was an unofficial (ie. not in writing) zero tolerance complaint against Doug Brown after the Tues. Nov.2nd game. It is alleged by his partner Ed Donnelly that Doug was rude, belligerent and berating to Walter Metcalfe. Tom says he will ask Doug to write a letter of apology to all at the table. Discussion followed. It was decided by the executive board that as a solution to this ongoing problem, Doug would no longer be part of the standby program. Marc to explain to Doug that he will no longer be guaranteed a partner nor will he be allowed to sign in as a standby.

Membership: Currently 217 members, 153 are ACBL, that’s 71%.

6. New Business

a. Winter luncheon. Anne suggested that in order to be able to include the Learning Game folks in the luncheon, as the cost is $12 including game, that Maggie be reimbursed $2 per person for those who come to the lunch and play in the Learning Game. Suggestion accepted.

b. Director, Swiss Qualification lesson. Jane is willing to run this course again, on a Wednesday before the game, possibly Dec.15th. for those unable to attend the last one.

c. 2004 September Regional. $200 has been received from the Unit for table rental for this event.

d. Table Fees. Marc spoke of the need to increase table fees to cover our costs. Discussion followed. Motion Janis, seconded Linda, that table fee per game be increased to $5, with an extra $1 to be paid by non BBA members, and a corresponding increase in special ACBL and CBF games to $7 for BBA/non ACBL and $8 for non BBA/non ACBL. New fee structure to start Jan. 3rd. 2005. Motion passed. After discussion it was decided that the annual membership fee of $10 would remain the same.

e. Nominating Committee. Doug Young and committee still working on slate of officers. Once it is available the executive will approve by email.

f. Annual General Meeting. Wednesday Nov.24th at 7pm. Discussion of format and reports needed. Relocation Fund proposal will be discussed, 15 members’ signatures needed, and voted on. Table fee increase will be announced.

7. Any Other Business.

Tom informed the executive that although John Carruthers (Kibitzer editor) had informed the 299er June Sectional organizers that the ad in the Kibitzer was free, that John was not correct and we were misinformed. We should be aware that any tournament/event that is run by the BBA (not the Unit) would in future be charged for an ad.

Tom also said that the Unit is buying extra bidding boxes, and that if the club needs to purchase more we should look into getting them with this order, as in bulk they will be cheaper. Janis to look into this.

Bryce reminded us of the Directors/Executive meeting at his house Sunday Nov. 28th at 12.30 pm. One hour meeting followed by a game and pizza. Bryce needs to know who is attending.

Meeting adjourned at 7.25 pm. Next meeting: Monday December 13th, 2004 at 6.15 pm. at the Legion.

Board Meeting Minutes – Barrie Bridge Association – December 13, 2004

Present - Marc, Janis, Linda, Anne, Kim, Bill , Mary, Bryce, Tom and Ruth

Missed with regrets – Maggie, Maude and Jeannie. Guesting – Ken, Wes and Elizabeth (2005 Executive)

1. Call to Order at 6:15 pm

2. President’s Comments – Marc thanked the 2004 Executive for his and her hard work throughout the year. The outgoing Executive members will be missed namely: Mary, Anne, Tom, Bill , Jeannie, and Maude. Welcome incoming Executive members – Wes, Kim, Elizabeth, Ken, Nora and Joan Rose who was not present.

3. Review of November 8th Minutes - Correction to #4 Business Arising, under Reports, Club Manager – “we are eligible for a three star rating” not “two”.

Move to Accept Minutes as corrected – Kim. Seconded – Janis. All in favour and carried.

4. Business Arising –

Relocation Fund Committee – 32 member signatures were received (15 signatures needed) in order to form a committee to put in place an amendment to the Constitution re the formation of a Relocation Fund Committee. Two board and two non board members will be appointed – namely, Marc, Ken, Bill and Janis. Janis will draft the Constitutional Amendment for the next meeting.

Director Swiss Qualification Lesson – Jane was approached to conduct a lesson for those interested in taking this lesson in the New Year.

5. Reports -

Club Manager – Janis has sent for ACBL Star Rating - forms are in the mail.

- ICC Games - Tom asked about ICC games – if Janis is not present. Janis would email the forms, or bring them to the club as necessary.

- Players on the 49er side are not eligible for ICC games. Elizabeth will determine if 49ers would rather participate in the open side during an ICC game. This will be discussed again at the next meeting in January. Note – there are no ICC games scheduled on a Wednesday night in 2005.

Treasurer – Mary presented a handout. A final financial statement for the fiscal year will be presented at the meeting in January so that Marc can prepare the 2005 budget. Bill, Joanne and Kim will do the audit.

Turkeys – envelopes for the turkey draw will be left in the cash box for the directors to hand out to turkey winners.

Chief Director – Tom – A committee of Wes, Kim, Marc and Tom met just previous to tonight’s meeting to deal with the on-going situation re the zero tolerance complaint filed by Doug Brown. * Note that following tonight’s meeting, Doug accepted Larry’s apology, therefore, settling the situation. It was decided that Larry should not direct during the month of December – but would be expected to direct in 2005, assuming he advises Tom or Bryce before December 17th that he would like to continue.

Janis expressed concern that Committees are being formed and situations being dealt with without Executive Board approval that does not meet with Constitutional guidelines. As some situations have to be dealt with immediately, an Amendment to the Constitution will be looked at by Janis for the next meeting. It’s becoming clear that a Zero Tolerance committee should be able to make decisions on it’s own.

Membership – Bryce reported the year finished with 220 members, of which 155 are ACBL members. Marc was interested in knowing how many people left the bridge club over the year.

6. New Business

a) Winter Luncheon/Dinner – Marc thanked Anne (and Bruce) for her hard work in overseeing the Social Committee and her flare for putting a festive touch to the four events this year. Coffee cans and fridge supplies have been missing. Elizabeth will make stickers to identify Bridge Club supplies.

b) Pilferage from fridge – stickers on BBI milk, etc. will keep “borrowers” from borrowing! (hopefully)

c) Formation of Relocation Fund Committee – above

d) Audit – as above

e) Zero Tolerance Complaint – see above

f) Annual Awards Presentation – Elizabeth will canvass the 49er winners of events to determine if they would rather have a trophy instead of the 2 free game tickets they were presented with. Halina and Shirley were not recognized for the Ladies’ Pairs May 18th win.

- 2 -

g) Consideration for annual Charity Game for Women – an appeal letter by Sylvia was received in which she asked if the bridge club could hold a charity game to support the shelter for women on an annual basis. The club is limited as to the number of charity games held each year. One suggestion was to ask members to support a member’s charity by adding a loonie or toonie to the game fee. Deferred to next meeting.

h) Honorarium – A Motion by Tom and Seconded by Linda that Bryce be given an honorarium of $125.00 quarterly plus $250.00 annually for actual expenses in maintaining the BBI web site. All in favour. Passed.

Club Manager – A Motion by Kim and Seconded by Mary that Janis receive a $1,000 for her work as Club Manager. All in favour. Passed.

Treasurer – It was suggested and Mary declined $400 for her work as Treasurer.

Caretaker – Marc will present a $50 cheque to Rob, the Legion caretaker.

7. Other Business – Director’s schedule for 2005 is ready and can be accessed from the web site.

8. Next meeting – Note our January meeting will be held one week later than usual - 17th at 6:15 pm. Janis may not be available.

9. Adjournment – 7:30 pm

PS – Maggie – hope you are feeling better – you were missed – especially by “you know who”!!!


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