


Faculty/Staff Meal Plans – Summer 2015

____ 10-meal –a-semester Plan: Any 10 meals during the semester

Cost: $70.00.

____ 25 –meal –a semester Plan: Any 25 meals during the semester

Cost: $171.00.

____ 25-meal + 100 dining dollars: (per academic year: fall, spring, and summer)

Cost: $290.00

____ 50-meal: (per academic year: fall, spring, and summer)

Cost: $340.00

____ 100-meal: (per academic year: fall, spring, and summer)

Cost: $665.00

➢ Faculty/staff meal plans are good in the dining hall for a full meal. They may also be used at the Student Union and Tiger Express Diner as a meal equivalency (up to $4.10 per breakfast, $5.75 for lunch, and $6.00 for dinner, with the customer paying the difference in cash or dining dollars if a meal plan with dining dollars is purchased).

➢ Please pay for your meal plan at the Cashiers Office and bring the receipt to the Auxiliary Services Office. You may use cash, credit, or payroll deduction.

➢ Your meal plan will be put on your ID card.

➢ You may purchase up to 5 meals during each meal period, so the card can be used for guests.

➢ These meal plans are non-refundable and expire after every academic year.

o Summer Semester: May 19th, 2015 through July 24h, 2015

I am currently an employee at Savannah State University. I have read the above and agree to the terms as stated:

Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________________

Name (Printed): ________________________________ ID: ___________________________

Casual Rates: Breakfast: $6.65 Lunch: $7.75 Dinner: $8.25 Theme Meals: TBA

Meal Equivalency Rates: Breakfast: $4.10 Lunch: $5.75 Dinner: $6.00

(Use the above to calculate your savings!)

For SSU use only:

Detail Code: M645

Processed by ________________________________________ Date: ____________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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