New York University




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Professor of Finance and Economics, Leonard N. Stern

School of Business, New York University


September, 1975


Economic Development Administration

(FOMENTO), and Minimum Wage Board,

Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (1960-1964).

Associate Professor of Economics, University of Puerto Rico

(1969 -1970).

Assistant Professor of Economics, Manhattan College (1970-1972).

Associate Professor of Economics, Brooklyn College of the City University of New York (1972-1975). On leave, 1974 Winter and Spring Terms.

Visiting Associate Professor of Finance, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University (1974).

Associate Professor of Finance and Economics, Graduate School of Business Administration, New York University (1975-1980).


Teaching courses in the area of Domestic and Multinational Corporation Finance with major emphasis on Capital Budgeting and in-depth financial analysis; and in the area of International Financial Markets. In connection with all courses given, the approach is one of balance between both theory and practice.

Teaching a course on Ethical Issues in Financial Markets as an option in the New Issues in Corporate Finance course series. This course is centered on an interdisciplinary (economics/finance/law/political sciences) approach to structure and function of financial markets.


B.B.A. Auburn University 1960

Ph.D. New York University 1969


Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Economic Development Administration. Fellowship for Graduate Study in Economics (1964-1965).

Marcus Nadler Fellowship, Graduate School of Business Administration, New York University (1966-1967).

Philip C. Lods Dissertation Fellowship, granted by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Washington, D.C. (1967-1968).

Teaching Fellow in Economics, Graduate School of Business Administration, New York University (1968-1969).

Lawrence R. Klein Award. Best article published in the Monthly Labor Review in 1976.

Helen Porter Award. Best Article published in the Review of Social Economy, 1976.

Appointed as Trustee to Securities Industry Association, New York District Economic Education Foundation, December, 1993 to present.

Liaison between the top executive women of the Committee of 200 and the women faculty at graduate schools of business, 1992 to present.

Trustee of the Association for Social Economics, 1993 to 1997.

Appointed to advisory Board on Equity and Diversity in Educational Environment, Middle States Commission on Higher Education, 1990 to present.

Who's Who in America, Marquis, 50th ed. 1996 to 55th ed. 2001.

Who's Who of American Women, Marquis, all editions from 1987-88 to current edition, 1999-2000.

Who's Who Among Spanish Americans, Gale Research Inc. 1st edition 1991-92 and 2nd 1992-93.


Master Enterprises of Puerto Rico: In the areas of corporate planning and development; financial management systems; capital budgeting analysis for expansion and replacement decisions; forecasting financial needs (cash flow) for the purpose of corporate borrowing; general financial and economic forecasting and performance evaluation. Master Enterprises gross annual sales of approximately $28 million (1980 - 1991).

Trustees of the Banking Research Fund of the Association of Reserve City Bankers (1977-1987).

Swedish Institute of Management, Stockholm (including the teaching of Seminars, in their Applied International Management Program. 1982-1989).

Morgan Guaranty Trust Company (1972 -77); Bank of America (1982-84). (Planning and Conduct of training courses).

National Science Foundation, Advisory Board Member for the Curriculum Development Project using Networked Financial Simulation Technology, 1995 to present.

Senator Daniel P. Moynihan's subcommittee on Public Assistance, United States Senate Committee on Finance. Testimony before Subcommittee,

Washington, D. C., February 7, 1980, "How to Think About Welfare Reform for the 1980's", printed in Hearings before Subcommittee on Finance, United States Senate, Ninety Six Congress, Second Session, February 6 and 7, 1980, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, 1980 pp. 322-340.

Pfizer Corporation (on matters pertaining to Pension Fund Portfolio Management - Sabbatical year 1981 - 82).

Continental Insurance Corporation Inc. 1993- 1995.

Athens Laboratory For Business Administration (ALBA): Co-Developed a detailed 14 hour course in the “Social, Ethical and Legal Context of Business” with some emphasis on International Finance. Greece, 1996


Member of the Board of Directors, Medallion Funding Corporation (New York -1986-89).

Appointed as Trustee to the Securities Industry Association, New York District Economic Education Foundation, December, 1993 to present.

Trustee of the Executive Council, Association for Social Economics, 1994 to 1997.


Founding Member: Puerto Rico Migration Consortium (1975 - 1983).

Fellow: Institute for Contemporary Studies (Publications Review) 1985 - 1995.

Board of Education member in the Township of Mahwah, NJ, 1991.

Member of the Advisory Group on Equity and Diversity in Learning Environments for Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools and the Commission of Higher Education, 1992 to present.


Conducted Seminars at Pontificia Universidade Catolica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Objective: To teach business and government executive and finance professors from Brazilian Universities the latest finance theories and techniques and their practical application. (Summer 1977).

Teaching Finance in the Careers in Business program. Course for some 40-60: Liberal Arts Ph.D's from selected American Universities. A basic business program tailored by Graduate School of Business Administration, New York University. Originally sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities and New York State Board of Education. The final program objective was to place the participants in corporate jobs. It was enormously successful. (Summer 1977 to 1987.)

Conducted seminar in "Minority Representation in U.S. Graduate and Undergraduate Business Schools at the annual meeting of the American Association of Collegiate Schools of Business in Denver, Colorado, Spring 1978.

Conducted Seminar in "Career Opportunities for Women in Finance", the seminar sponsored by the College of Business and Public Administration of NYU and Mobil Oil on business opportunities for women, December 1 & 2, 1978 and again in Spring 1979.

Taught Finance Seminars for International Teachers Development Program in the Manchester Business School, U.K. Helped teachers from business schools throughout the world to become familiar with current techniques in the various disciplines of business and to develop teaching skills. (Summer 1980 and 1981).

Conference Participant and Panel Moderator Women in Business Sponsored by Columbia University Women in Business and C200 women executives. February, 1994.

Stern Women in Business Conference , Participant and Moderator for “Women in Finance” Panel for the years 1994, ’95, ’96, 97 and 98, 99, 2001.

Conference Participant and Panel Moderator, Women in Business/C200 Conference, Columbia University, March 29, 1996. Sponsored by Columbia/Wharton/Stern and C200 women executives. My panel: “Women in Finance.”


American Economic Association, American Finance Association, Association for Social Economics, Metropolitan Economic Association, Several Other Professional Associations.


The Role of the Financial Sector in the Economic Development of Puerto Rico, a book (revision of doctoral dissertation) published by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (Washington, D.C., 1970).

Free Markets, Finance, Ethics and Law, (with Larry Alan Bear) Prentice Hall, Contemporary Issues in Finance Series, formerly Foundations in Finance Series, 1994.


"Optimal Municipal Cash Management", co-author with L.S. Ritter, Review of Economics and Statistics (November, 1971).

"Foreign Investment in Puerto Rico: A Case Study" in H. Peter Gray, The Economics of Business Investment Abroad (Macmillan, 1972).

"La Distribution del Ingreso y el Desarrollo Economico en Puerto Rico", Revista de Ciencias Sociales (March - June, 1974).

"The Economic Costs and Benefits of Puerto Rico's Political Alternatives", Southern Economic Journal (October, 1974).

"Financing Business Investments Spending", co-author with L.S. Ritter, Garvin Bantel, Money Desk Memo (November, 1975).

"The Redundancy of Earnings Leverage in a Cost of Capital Decision Framework", co-author with Michael Keenan, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting (Summer, 1976).

"Education, Income Distribution and Economic Growth in Puerto Rico", Review of Social Economy (April, 1976). Winner of the award for best article published in the Review of Social Economy in 1976.

"Why Puerto Rican Migrated to the United States in 1947-73", Monthly Labor Review (September, 1976). Winner of the award for best article published in the Monthly Labor Review in 1976. (Reprinted in Hearings before the Subcommittee on Public Assistance of the Committee on Finance, United States Senate, Ninety Six Congress, Second Session, February 6 and 7, 1980, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington 1980).

"Analyzing Puerto Rican Migration: Reply", Monthly Labor Review (August, 1977).

"Recording and Classifying Transactions in the Balance of Payments",

The International Journal of Accounting (Fall, 1979).

"International Portfolio Diversification and Intertemporal Stability of International Stock Market Relationships, 1957-78", with A. Saunders, Financial Management (Fall, 1981).

"Price Behavior of International Cross Listed Multinational Firm's Stocks", with A. Saunders, Financial Management (October, 1984).

"Liberal Arts and Graduate Business Education", Teaching and Beyond:

Bibliography of Recent Research and Research in Progress in Commercial Banking and Related Areas, Association of Reserve City Bankers, (January, 1987).

Nonacademic Career Programs for Ph.D.'s, Regents of the University of the State of New York, (October 1984).

“Fraud, Legal and Financial Ethics, and Fiduciary Readings,” in Chapter Four, Cases and Readings in Markets, Ethics and Law, Buchanan, Lamb, and Smith, eds., Simon and Schuster, 4th edition, 1997 and 1998 and in Professional Responsibility, Markets Ethics and Law, 6th ed. 1999-2000.

“Insider Trading Law: Legal History and Case Summary,” (with Larry A. Bear) in Buchanan, Lamb and Smith. Eds. Professional Responsibility: Markets, Ethics and Law (7th edition Pearson Custom Publishing, 2000-2001)

“Managing Ethical Risk: The Securities Industry and the Law” With Larry A. Bear) Accepted for publication in The Journal of Banking and Finance Forthcoming (2001).


Review of the "Report of the Advisory Committee on the Presentation of Balance of Payments Statistics", in Review of Economic Literature (June, 1977).

Kobrin, Stephen Jay, Foreign Investment, Industrialization, and Social Change (Connecticut: JAI Press, 1977), reviewed for the Journal of Finance, September, 1978.

Sorensen, Elaine, Comparable Worth: Is It a Worthy Policy? (Princeton N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1994), reviewed for The Forum for Social Economics, Forthcoming.


"The Invisible Hand and Health Care: Diagnosing and Treating Market Inadequacies with Larry Alan Bear, March, 1992.

"Legal and Financial Agency, Ethics and the Fiduciary Relationship" with Larry Alan Bear, March, 1992.

“The Rate of Return of Investing in an Undergraduate Degree at the stern school of Business of New York University,” February 16, 1997. Co-authored with Ashley Swartz, Stern BBA, 1997.

“The Impact of Government Regulation and Law on the Ethical behavior of Corporations: The Securities Industry and the Law,” (with L A Bear). Presented formally at the University of Notre Dame, September 24, 1999 Conference on “Measuring and Managing Ethical Risk.” To be published in book form as part of Chapter 5 together with papers by professors Kane and Rose-Ackerman, of Boston College and Yale University respectively.


A sequel to Free Markets, Finance, Ethics and Law (Prentice Hall Contemporary Issues in Finance, 1994) co-authored with Larry A. Bear. The current work will go further in its interdisciplinary focus to encompass some less obvious, clearly important ramifications of finance/economics interface with the law, political institutions, and the democratic process.

A joint research project, with Larry Alan Bear, aimed at an examination of the burgeoning field of biotechnology, and its relationship to markets, ethics, and law. This is an overarching concern for venture capitalists and commercial and investment bankers and brokers. In particular we are interested in the financial sector’s role in the establishment and growth of potentially enormous biotechnology markets and the effects the process will have on such issues as privacy and individual autonomy.





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