Visoko & Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina

Eight days, seven nights, June 15-22, 2017

Sam Osmanagich, Ph.D. (Bosnia) Pyramid researcher

Valery Uvarov (Russia) Seda Bagzan (Turkey)

Pyramid builder

Sufi soul singer

Sue Jones Archaeologist, energy healer

Patrice Marty

Ammar Sahuric

Ancient Mystery researcher Yoga master


Thursday, June 15, 2017

- Arrival to Sarajevo, transfer to 4-star hotel "Park" in Sarajevo - 19:00 Welcome dinner with the host and co-hosts

Friday, June 16, 2017

- 8:00 - 9:00 Yoga session, the basics of Hatha Yoga - 9:00 ? 10:00 Breakfast - 10:15 ? Trip to Visoko - 11:00 ? Belvedere, view of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, introduction to the

discovery, photo opt. - 12:00 Visit to the archaeological dig and blocks of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun,

experience "healing section" and oldest concrete on the Planet, four aspects of discovery: scientific, energy, spiritual and healing - 15:00 Lunch by local women organization, home-made food, organic, choice of vegetarian food as well - 16:00 Trip back to hotel - 16:30 ? 19:00 Free time or healing sessions - 19:00 ? 21:00 Conference: Dr. Sam Osmanagich: "Pyramids around the World: Pyramid Energy Change Global Consciousness"

Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun

Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun ? archaeological dig

Saturday, June 17, 2017

- 8:00 ? 9:00 Yoga session, Breathing technique, three basic ways, full Yogic breath - 9:00 ? 10:00 Breakfast - 10:15 Trip to Visoko - 11:00 Visit to Prehistorical Underground Labyrinth Ravne, meditation block K-2, "healing

chamber" - 14:00 Lunch - 15:00 Trip back to Sarajevo - 16:00 ? 19:00 Free time or healing sessions - 19:00 ? 21:00 Conference: Valery Uvarov: "Russian Pyramids"

Underground labyrinth Ravne

Mega-Ceramic ("synthetic") block K-2, eight tons

Sunday, June 18, 2017

- 8:00 ? 9:00 Yoga session, yogic postures - asanas - 9:00 ? 10:00 Breakfast - 10:15 Trip to Visoko - 11:00 ? 14:00 Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon - 14:00 Trip back to Sarajevo - 14:30 Lunch in the Old Town - 15:30-18:00 Sarajevo City Tour and free time - 18:00 Trip back to hotel - 18:30 ? 20:00 Free time or healing sessions - 20:00-21:30 Conference: Seda Bagcan (Turkey): "Power of Sound and Breath, Principles

of Sound Healing, Mantra chanting"

Paved terrace on Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon

Aerial view of Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon

Monday, June 19, 2017

- 8:00 ? 9:00 Yoga session, Meditation process, concentration, self-revelation - 9:00 ? 10:00 Breakfast - 10:15 Trip to Visoko - 11:00 ? 13:00 Tumulus (artificial conical hill) in Vratnica ? Meditation on top of the

tumulus - 13:00-14:00 Lunch - 14:00-15:00 Visit to Dervish House - 15:00-17:00 Underground Labyrinth Ravne - 17:00-19:00 "Archaeological-Tourist Park Ravne 2" ? Meditation session, Aura Field

Amplifier, Megaliths, Stone Labyrinth - 19:00-21:00 Concert in Park "Ravne 2" - 21:00 Trip back to hotel

Conical artificial hill - tumulus in Vratnica

Ceramic, meditation block K-2

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

- 9:00 ? 10:00 Breakfast - 10:15 Trip to Zavidovici - 13:00 ? 14:00 ? Visit to Archaeological park: Bosnian Stone Balls" - 14:00 ? Lunch prepared by local community, fresh home-made food from gardens,

organic, all-natural - 15:00 Trip back to Sarajevo - 17:00 Arrival to hotel - 17:00 -19:00: Free time or healing sessions - 19:00-21:00 Conference Patrice Marty: The Elongated Skulls, evidence of an

extraterrestrial civilization?

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Bosnian Stone Sphere Park in Zavidovici

- 9:00 ? 10:00 Breakfast - 10:15 Trip to Visoko - 11:00 ? 13:00 Underground Labyrinth Ravne, Healing session - 13:30 - Lunch

Summer Solstice event

- 17:00 ? 18:00 Tour of the "Archaeological-Touristic Park Ravne 2" - 18:00 ? 23:00 ? Summer Solstice Event in the "Archaeological-Touristic Park Ravne 2"

(weather permitted), messages of Love and Harmony sent to the World - 23:00 Trip back to Sarajevo

Thursday, June 22, 2017


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