Unit: Earth, Sun and Moon

Unit: Earth, Sun and Moon (Vocabulary Ch 15 &16) Name: KEY

S6E2. Phases of moon, alignment of Earth, Sun & Moon, lunar & solar eclipses

Directions: Use your technology and/or textbook (Chapters 15, 16, the index & glossary) to complete the worksheet.

|Term: |Definition: |Research to find the answer to the following questions: |

|Sphere |Round 3-dimensional object |Give an example of a sphere: answers will vary |

| | |Baseball, Earth, any of the planets, basketball, globe, orange |

|Axis |The imaginary vertical line that goes|What is the degree of Earth’s tilt? 23.5 degrees |

| |through the center of the Earth, the | |

| |poles are at each end |What is the result or effect of Earth being tilted on its axis? |

| | |We experience the 4 different seasons. |

|Rotation |The spinning of Earth on its axis, |Which planet has a retrograde rotation? Venus spins backwards (opposite direction of Earth) |

| |causes day and night to occur, one |on its axis. |

| |rotation takes about 1 day (or 24 | |

| |hours) | |

|Revolution |Earth’s yearly orbit around the sun, |Which planet has the shortest revolution? Mercury (88 days or .24 Earth year or ¼ Earth year)|

| |takes about 365 days | |

| | | |

| | |Which has the longest? Neptune (60,191.56 day or 164.8 Earth years) |

|Ellipse |An elongated, closed curve (smashed |What object in space, other than Earth, orbits in the shape of an ellipse? Comets, asteroids,|

| |circle) |the planets |

|Solstice |The day when the sun reaches its |This marks the 1st day of which two seasons |

| |greatest distance, North (Summer) or | |

| |South (Winter) of the equator. |Season: Summer |

| | |Date of next occurrence: June 24 at 12:24am |

| | | |

| | |Season: Winter |

| | |Date of next occurrence: December 21 at 11:28am |

|Equinox |Occurs when the sun is directly above|This marks the 1st day of which two seasons |

| |the equator. | |

| | |Season: Spring (Vernal) |

| | |Date of next occurrence: March 20 at 12:20am |

| | | |

| | |Season: Fall (Autumnal) |

| | |Date of next occurrence: September 22 at 5:44am |

| | | |

|Moon Phase |Different forms that the moon takes |How long is a lunar month? |

| |in its appearance from earth |Takes 29.53 days (approximately 1 month) for the moon to revolve around the Earth once |

| | | |

| | |Where does the moon’s light come from? |

| | |The moon’s light is a reflection of the sun’s light. |

|New Moon |The moon is between the Earth & the |When will the next new moon occur? |

| |sun, lighted ½ faces the sun, dark | |

| |side faces Earth, see the moon as a |April 7, 2016 at4:25am |

| |dark circle | |

|Term: |Definition: | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Research to find the answer to the following questions: |

|Waxing |More of the illuminated (lighted by |Create a “hint” that would help you remember the meaning of waxing. |

| |the sun) ½ of the moon can be seen |When you put wax on a car it appears white & you see it the more it dries. |

| |each night, it seems to grow bigger | |

| | | |

|Full Moon |When all of the moon’s surface facing|When will the next full moon occur? |

| |Earth reflects light from the sun |April 21, 2016 at 10:25pm |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Waning |Less of the illuminated side of the |Create a “hint” that would help you remember the meaning of waning. |

| |moon can be seen each night, seems to|Little kids whine when they get less of what they want. |

| |be shrinking | |

| | | |

|Solar Eclipse |Occurs when the moon moves directly |Draw the alignment of the Earth, Moon & Sun: |

| |between the Sun & Earth and casts its| |

| |shadow over part of Earth. | |

| | | |

| |Umbra is the darkest portion of the | |

| |moon’s shadow = total solar eclipse |Sun----Moon--Earth OR Earth---Moon---Sun |

| |Penumbra is the lighter shadow on | |

| |Earth’s surface = partial solar |When will the next solar eclipse occur? |

| |eclipse |The next total solar eclipse visible from the mainland U.S. will be on August 21, 2017, then |

| | |on April 8, 2024. [pic] |

|Lunar Eclipse |When Earth’s shadow falls on the |Draw the alignment of the Earth, Moon & Sun: |

| |moon. | |

| | | |

| |Lunar eclipses begin when the moon | |

| |moves into Earth’s penumbra. | |

| |When only a portion of moon moves | |

| |into Earth’s umbra = partial eclipse |Sun----Earth----Moon OR Moon---Earth---Sun |

| |When the Earth completely blocks the | |

| |light from the sun = total lunar |When will the next lunar eclipse occur? |

| |eclipse |The next partial lunar eclipse visible from the mainland U.S. will be on August 7, 2017 |

| | |[pic] |

| | | |

| | |The next total lunar eclipse visible in much of U.S. on January 31, 2018. |

| | |[pic] |

|In 1961, John F. Kennedy announced that the United States would attempt to land a man on the moon and return him safely to Earth. In order to accomplish |

|this, NASA created three space programs: Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo. Each program was a small stepping stone toward accomplishing the final goal of landing |

|on the moon. |

| |

|Research one of the three space programs. You should include its goals and accomplishments. |

| |

|Name (Be specific): _______________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Year program was in effect:_________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Goals: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ |

|_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ |


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|______________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Accomplishments: ________________________________________________________________________________________ |


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