Cosmic Overview - Elemental Grace Alliance

Cosmic Overview

June Full Moon and Summer Solstice

`As the seed holds within itself the pattern of the flower, so does the Sacred Heart of every man,

woman and child hold within themselves the Pattern of their Divinity.'

Pallas Athena ? Part 3 Reality Check

`I AM' the Light of interplay & relationship

As mentioned in the previous New Moon review, if Aries links to the Essential Spark of Life and Taurus to the Magnetization of that Spark into Form, then Gemini speaks of the ability for that Form to develop Individuality ? which is where the `Fall' from the Garden of Eden began over eons of years ago, but to which we are now returning as we unite with our I AM Presence/Double/Etheric Light Body, bringing Heaven to Earth.

For when the physical form, the Soul and Spirit are aligned then we have the ability to communicate with the whole of Creation ? this reality is underpinning the symbol for planet Mercury which `rules' the Gemini Constellation - the Cross of Matter being shown as the foundation stone for the Circle of Spirit to be held and anchored through the magnetization of the half circle of the Soul.

This Truth has been passed down through the Ages - the Ancient Greeks depicted Mercury as the Winged Messenger holding the Caduceus ? the wings on the feet and head showing the chakra points which are activated by Divine Will, when the Life Force is harmonized through the Ida and Pingala channels, flowing directly through the Alta Major points, via the Carotid Arteries opening us up to levels of Consciousness previously dormant.

So how does the Full Moon and the Solstice, which is taking place a few days later, continue to unfold this theme of physical integration with Divine Spiritual resonance and awareness. We are passing through a time of great change and great opportunity ? a time that is being over lighted and orchestrated by the planetary bodies as they flow through the Constellations, Light, Rays and Consciousness permeating that `space' which then interpenetrates and irradiates every atom of our being, nanosecond by nanosecond.

At the time of the Full Moon the Sun is at 250 Gemini 53 with the Moon and Earth, in opposition, on 250 Sagittarius 53 stimulating GK 12 and GK 11 known as A Pure Heart and the Light of Eden.

`The human yearning for true Love is, in reality, a

lower frequency of a permanent state existing at a

higher level of Consciousness. This state is essentially

your pure Nature. Only the Higher Mind, which is

another expression for your Heart, can begin to

understand true Purity.... You might say that Purity is

when the Divine falls in Love with You. Your

behaviour, your thoughts your feelings, the very air

you breathe must resonate to one purpose ? falling in

Love with the Beloved. The Beloved is the Essence of

your true Nature. The Being who has passed through

the Abyss and entered the sphere of the 12th Siddhi

becomes once again like a child.' `For the Being that attains the 11th Siddhi, Light is

Full Moon 17th June 2019 09:30 BST London UK

everything. The pure Light of the 11th Siddhi has

nothing to do with good and evil. It represents the transcendence of duality. The 11th Gene Key

geometrically relates to the Galactic Centre. It is through this Gene Key that the Galactic Light emerges

that will trigger our DNA to release its Inner Light and catalyse the Siddhic states in many people ?

exponentionally increasing the frequency field of the whole of Humanity.'

Chart for the solstice

This influx of Galactic Light leads up to the Solstice which is on the 21st of June when the Sun moves into 00 Cancer 00 at 16.55 BST London UK, which is the official start of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere, when the Sun reaches its maximum height in the sky. The Sun is on GK 15 known as The Eternally Flowering Spring moving from Dullness to Magnestism to Floresence. `The Gift of Magnetism makes a person physically glow with Life Force - it is a Gift filled with enthusiasm and openness and Love. Trusting the natural ebb and flow of life's currents, these people live closely with the Earth's natural rhythm and experience the wisdom and clarity of slowing down. There is a subtle shift in attitude that unlocks the hidden magnetic force in your DNA. Harnessing the power of the natural world and magnetizing resource you begin to unlock the power in your aura to transmit and receive information between different Life Forms

Florescence is the ultimate flowering of your Higher Self. It is a state that occurs to humans sporadically, no one can predict if or when it will occur to a particular person.

However, when it does arise that person is surrounded by Light, magic and a tangibly magnetic aura. As the zenith of human magnetism, Florescence manifests like a Supernova through the human aura and once begun it keeps expanding and expanding into deeper and deeper dimensions. Florescence is Grace. This experience of Grace ends all seeking.

When you come into perfect alignment with Gaia, then, in the words of Christ, you mystically "Inherit the Earth".

The Earth is in opposition to the Sun at 00 Capricorn 00' on GK 10 known as Being at Ease, moving from Self-Obsession to Naturalness to Being.

At the Gift level there is a huge releasing of energy through your being out into your life ? an intense creativity and playfulness. The Gift of Naturalness cannot be practiced and copied it can only emerge through a rising sense of inner freedom and spaciousness.

Naturalness unfolds through stages and the final flowering of your inner Being manifests as a challenge to the current norm, since your true nature is always found at the cutting edge of evolution. The idea whatever it may be, represents the true beauty within the individual finding expression in the world.

Through the 10th Siddhi a great lightness is born and a great humour concerning Life itself. Along with its programming partner, the 15th Siddhi of Floresence it inspires one of the great metaphysical paradoxes of all time. These Siddhis correspond to the Buddhic states of Being and Becoming ? the Arhat and the Bodhisativa Consciousness.


For the person who has entered the mystery of the 10 Siddhi the two poles of Being and Becoming are One. They rest in the true Nature of Being, whilst also witnessing the flow of form becoming more and more complex through evolution.

Both the Sun and Earth, at the time of the Solstice, are making a 900 angle to Chiron. The transits of Chiron, as shared before, link the physical and the metaphysical ? Chiron allows more Light to penetrate into the atomic cellular structure ? this occurs as we face, release and heal ancestral wounds. Chiron is known as The Wounded Healer, but a more apt and truer title would be The Initiator. Chiron links to Christ Consciousness to an elevated state of awareness which is Selfless.

Chiron is at 50 Aries 48 on GK 17 known as The Eye moving from Opinion to Far-sightedness to Omniscience. Looking at the above picture you will see how the Ida and Pingala, the two poles, meet at the Ajna Centre, at the pineal gland, the physical organ of the Third Eye, where a unification of these two channels is brought into a harmonious synthesis via the integration of the higher levels of this 17th Gene Key, which underpins the foundation of Initiation and Higher Consciousness.

`Freed from the Shadow frequencies of mass consciousness the 17th Gift has the ability to see higher dimensions and realities - looking ahead to the future and linking one phase of evolution to another.

It is working with the Gift frequency that the process known as the opening of the Third Eye begins. This Gift brings access to a whole new inner language that circumvents the need for one sided, dualistic expression.

Thus, Far-Sightedness can be said to arise directly out of the Heart rather than from the mind.

The 17th Siddhi of Omniscience, corresponds to the open Third Eye - seeing and the seen are one. A Single Eye through which consciousness pours and where past present and future are a single eternal screen of consciousness. These are the true seers and oracles.

Looking at the Chart you will see that this planetary aspect of the Sun Earth and Chiron (red lines) is further highlighted by a Kite formation (blue lines) which has Pallas Athena making a 1200 aspect to both Venus and to the Moon, all flowing down to Chiron on Gene Key 17 ? so there is a heightened focus upon this potential at this Solstice.

Pallas Athene oversees the 12th Ray of the Golden Opalescent Light of the Great Central Sun ? a combination of all the Rays of White Light ? a Golden Luminosity anchoring the resonance of Christ Consciousness. The 12th Ray of Light is an extension of the Office of the Christ and anchors the Pure Love Essence of the Creator into all Rays of Light throughout the Creator's Universe

Pallas Athena, at this time, is on GK 48 `The Wonder of Uncertainty' lifting humanity from out of the Shadow of Inadequacy to Resourcefulness to ultimate Wisdom

`Instead of hiding from the darkness inside you it is as though you finally lower a bucket down the well and then pull it up to see what it contains. What you discover is a wonderful surprise ? the well has all manner of solutions to all manner of challenges ? you will be amazed that so much Light can emerge from such a dark place. This is the essence of the Gift of Resourcefulness.

As you begin to trust life and your place within the greater whole, your natural gifts spontaneously emerge. All of your inner talents and resources are ultimately designed with a built-in programming agenda ? to offer service to the whole. You begin to realise that you are capable of far more than you ever dreamed possible.

Wisdom has been revered and sought by all cultures since the beginning of time. Most see Wisdom as some inner knowledge that allows the individual to see beyond the confines of normal awareness. However, the 48th Siddhi opens up the void inside you and you enter into a primal state of not knowing ? for Wisdom is feminine in essence deep and unfathomable.

Everything about Wisdom is about being unsafe and unsecure. There is a great difference between being insecure and unsecure ? in insecurity we are looking for safety, for answers - to be unsecured means to be released from fear altogether. It means to have stepped through the Group Consciousness of fear and to be more secure than can possibly be imagined. No fear of death, no fear of life'


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