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Most Blessed Sacrament

Summer Practice

Dear Families,

Current research indicates that students benefit tremendously when they participate in a summer review of subjects.  A recent study cited that the number of academic activities completed in the summer is directly related to an increase in test scores the following year due to the increase of

concept and skill retention.  

After meeting with the MBS School Improvement Team and with input from the different grade levels, MBS has decided to implement a summer practice program that focuses on academics. After thoughtful discussions and careful review, Carson Dellosa’s Summer Bridge Activities Series has been chosen. This year MBS is requiring all students in Kindergarten – 7th grade to purchase and complete at least 40 of 60 lessons. Students will receive a test grade for completing the 40 lessons. Students completing all 60 lessons will receive two bonus points. Workbooks are due by August 10, 2018 for full credit. Students may turn workbooks in until August 15, 2018 for partial credit. Failure to purchase and complete 40 lessons and turn in the workbook will result in a zero.

Please fill out the attached order form. Forms and payment are due April 20, 2018. MBS will purchase the books in bulk and send them home before the end of the year. When filling out the order form, remember that students should work in the grade level workbook they are being promoted from (i.e. 1st grader going to 2nd grade would work in a 1st grade workbook as the workbooks review the skills they learned the previous year.)

If there are any questions, please call the school office at 751-0273. Have a safe and blessed summer! May your next school year be filled with success!

God Bless,

Cheri Gioe, Principal

Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic School


Summer Bridge Activities Workbook

Order Form

Due April 20, 2018

If filling out one form for multiple students, please return the form to school with the oldest child.

All workbooks will be sent home with the oldest child.

Child’s Name: ____________________________________________________________

Child’s Home Room: _______________________________________________________

Child’s Current Grade: _____________________________________________________

Entering Grade for 2018-2019: _______________________________________________

Please Check the Appropriate Book:

|Quantity |Grade Entering for 2018-2019 |Cost |

| |Kindergarten entering 1st grade |$11.00 |

| |1st grade entering 2nd grade |$11.00 |

| |2nd grade entering 3rd grade |$11.00 |

| |3rd grade entering 4th grade |$11.00 |

| |4th grade entering 5th grade |$11.00 |

| |5th grade entering 6th grade |$11.00 |

| |6th grade entering 7th grade |$11.00 |

| |7th grade entering 8th grade |$11.00 |

|Total Number of Workbooks Ordered | | |

|Total Amount of Payment Enclosed | | |

Make Checks Payable to MBS – Please Note Summer Workbook in the Memo


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