Rubric For PowerPoint Project - Winston-Salem/Forsyth ...

Rubric For PowerPoint Project

(Project B List #2)

Directions: You are to create a PowerPoint presentation that provides detailed information about the planets in our Solar System. This project should include the following:

*Title Page- -10 Pts.

*Creativity- Your presentation should show the creativity that can be used in creating a PowerPoint presentation. That would include various bells and whistles such as sounds, page movements, page actions, pictures, etc. -20 Pts.

*Planet Pages (14 slide minimum for project) - Each planet (including the Sun and Earth should have their own page or pages. Each page should contain the following information about the planet:

-Distance from Sun

-Distance from Earth

-How long does it take to rotate on axis

-How long does it take to revolve around the Sun


-Gravity compared to the Earth

-Atmosphere (Does it have one and what is it made of?)


-Rings? Moons? (Name them)

-Travel time from Earth

-Any fun facts you can find -50 Pts.

*Pictures- Each planet should have pictures including surface pictures and pictures of moons, rings, etc.. -20 Pts.

TOTAL= 100Pts.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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